Who is Calling the Shots? - A Town Hall Meeting to discuss Oklahoma Senate Bill 830
Thanks to the many readers who shared this video with us and to Becky Estepp for this brief summary:
The Tulsa County Men’s Republican Club hosted State Senator Ervin Yen and Dr. Stephanie Christner last week to debate Oklahoma’s Senate Bill 830. Senator Yen sponsored this controversial bill which would take away a parent’s ability to exempt their children from school vaccination requirements if passed. Both Senator Yen and Stephanie Christner are medical doctors, which should have made for a very even debate.
However, it seemed that Senator Yen was unprepared to debate his bill. Dr. Christner came prepared with a powerpoint presentation that included scientific studies, statistics, court cases and government policies to back her stance that SB 830 would be bad for Oklahoma. Senator Yen provided the audience with a lot of political double talk to back his position.
The audience consisted of parents who showed great knowledge of problems within current vaccine schedule. The Senator had a hard time answering many of their questions. At one point he falls back on the reason for this bill is to keep his five children safe which seems like a tough position to take when debating a doctor whose infant daughter died of a vaccine reaction.
This segment is one-and-a-half hours long but worth it.
Honoring Her Daughter & Advocating for Vaccine Education
Senator Ervin Yen represents Senate District 40, which includes parts of Bethany, Nichols Hills, northwest Oklahoma City, The Village and Warr Acres.
Dr. Ervin Yen: Senator Yen was born in Taipei, Taiwan in 1954. After the Communists took over China and several relatives on the China mainland were imprisoned, Yen’s parents, fearing an invasion of Taiwan, made the difficult decision to leave their families behind and come to America in pursuit of a better life. When he was four years old, Senator Yen immigrated to America. In 1960 his family moved into what is now Senate District 40, and he has lived there ever since. Along with his parents and two siblings, he became a naturalized U.S. citizen at the age of 9.
Yen graduated from Putnam City High School in 1973. He next earned a degree in zoology from the University of Oklahoma, and then put himself through OU Medical School. After completing his residency in 1984, he began practicing as an anesthesiologist. Dr. Yen has worked as a cardiac anesthesiologist at Saint Anthony Hospital and Integris Baptist Medical Center for more than 20 years.
Senator Yen and his wife, Pam, have been happily married for over 28 years. They have five children and are active members of Christ the King Catholic Church. He is a past president of the Oklahoma Society of
Anesthesiologists and past Chief of the Anesthesiology section at St. Anthony Hospital. Senator Yen has served as a member of the University of Oklahoma President’s Associates for 31 years.
Senator Yen: "You're saving about 45 lives, and you're risking 1-2..."
Posted by: Jeannette Bishop | October 05, 2017 at 06:31 PM
I wrote a letter to a Kaiser doctor explaining why I thought vaccines were related to my children's many and severe allergies and also my son's autism. I live in California where they recently took away exemption rights. The doctor would not give me a medical exemption. Her nurse stated that all doctors at Kaiser must abide by Kaiser policy regarding vaccine medical exemptions, and Kaiser policy goes by CDC guidelines regarding prior vaccine reactions. Unbelievably, CDC current guidelines are that the only prior vaccine contraindication to future vaccines is an IMMEDIATE anaphylactic reaction! Incredibly corrupt! So, for example, if you or your child gets seizures two hours later, that is not a contraindication to future vaccines!
Posted by: lori | November 23, 2015 at 12:10 AM
Thanks for reminding about Captain Rovet's chapter in _Vaccine Epidemic_. That should be required reading for anyone voting on Senate Bill 1203. Maybe the book's authors could distribute copies of the chapter to all those in Congress. On second thought, Congress doesn't read the bills they pass, why would they read anything related to them. Never mind.
Posted by: Linda1 | November 19, 2015 at 11:20 AM
Has everyone here read the chapter in Vaccine Epidemic, "Who will Defend the Defenders?", by Captain Richard Rovet? It describes many servicemen and women that he personally knew who reacted to vaccines with disability or death. One woman was held down kicking and screaming when they forced the anthrax vaccine on her. His friend Clarence Glover reacted to the anthrax vaccine and died. It closes with: "A nation and an organization should never forego its core values and standards. The US stands for freedom, human rights, and the fair and humane treatment of all. When we set aside our values, even temporarily, for what might appear to be a justifiable reason, we lose our way as a nation and as a superpower."
Posted by: cia parker | November 17, 2015 at 12:22 PM
Yen is the epitome of all that is wrong.
Ignorant, arrogant, rude, obstructive, selfish, close-minded, condescending, dictatorial...
I could go on and on.
Posted by: Linda1 | November 17, 2015 at 11:48 AM
I found Senator Yen's body language very telling. He was rolling this eyes, turning completely away from the person he was sharing the stage with when she was talking and generally acting like he had a lot of better places to be. Very rude but also emblematic of the whole medical establishment's reaction to any discussion on vaccine safety. I do think that if society is attempting to mandate a huge unproven drug (vaccine) program for children, then a senator should be willing to have an open mind at least and listen carefully to concerns.
Posted by: Leah | November 17, 2015 at 11:23 AM
Great video, thanks.
Senator Yen is the California template- Asian doc senator tapped to introduce school vaccine bill. His presentation consisted of fear mongering over pertussis, measles, and immuno compromised kids being able to to go to school.
Dr. Christner provided an evidence based report on the problems with excessive vaccination, backed up by citations of peer reviewed studies.
The audience had three good points. One audience member doc runs an ER in Tulsa- she brought with her the data from her hospital that showed the pertussis is occurring in 99.5% vaxxed populations. Another doc in the audience called out Dr. Yen as uninformed. A military veteran called out Dr. Yen over the irony that the bill represents medical tyranny- that the vet fought in two wars to make sure Americans have freedom- yet here is a bill that seeks to take away the right to choose what to inject into their own or their kids' bodies.
Another great point was when Dr.Yen brought up the vaccine injury is less than 1/1,000,000- and an audience member said there are 950,000 citizens in OK, and asked everyone present with a vaccine injury in their family to stand up. About 20 people stood up.
Dr. Yen is a cynical attempt to re-create the CA deal- Asian doc, scare tactics, rely on the apathy and ignorance of the voters. This is a great video because every doc in the room called out Yen in specific terms, as did the articulate and educated audience. As we know,this meant squat in CA- but invigorating to see Yen get schooled.
Posted by: Ottoschnaut | November 17, 2015 at 09:15 AM
Article about the hideous 1203 . . I just can't believe they are going to do this to the veterans, to force them to get medically violated in order to get benefits they earned. I just can't believe it.
Posted by: Its' really really hard to believe they give a flying blank about the veterans. | November 17, 2015 at 12:37 AM
I had a really hard time understanding this recording of it.
Posted by: Maurine Meleck | November 16, 2015 at 10:58 PM
Where is the person that demands the "show me statements". Whenever there is a debate, there is some sort of imaginary line that people don't want to cross. It should be asked over and over again for him to show the studies he refers to. Provide them for him, there an then. Debate the studies there and then. Ask him where he got his bill. Did he write it himself? Was it provided to him by ALEC? Did pharma write it? So much to ask that was avoided... Sad, ... He was already showing his ignorance.... Take him to the mat next time. Make him prove himself. He can't. He has no case.
Posted by: Billie Joe | November 16, 2015 at 10:52 PM
re: Danchi's notice.
Are they trying to knock out another control group? Older combat-surviving vets who didn't have as many vaccines and didn't have the suicide/psych rate that the new generation of vets who may or may not have seen combat dropping dead like flies. Horrendous!
Will they defend themselves against tyranny as well as they tried to defend others against tyranny?
Posted by: Jenny | November 16, 2015 at 02:47 PM
Thank you for highlighting this event. Also, thank Danchi for the heads up.
I got 43 seconds into the video and knew I needed to time my viewing a little better, but aim to watch all soon...probably right before trying to sleep so I can wake up inspired by something totally ironic, like I did this morning after hearing Dr. Pan brush off a question in a recent Berkeley event about vaccine components safety by pointing out (as a joke I eventually gathered) that the most dangerous ingredient in vaccines is water (because drowning is the biggest killer of children age 2-5), and I got to wake up thinking of how we've got to remember to count ALL causes of mortality (particularly some not so easily linked with vaccination in the minds of those working in "public health" for sure) whenever that vaccinated vs. unvaccinated study is ever done...(which will probably have to be done by "us").
And I'm really starting to think we might benefit from more of these vaccine mandating senators getting out in bigger public venues promoting their bills.
Posted by: Jeannette Bishop | November 16, 2015 at 12:08 PM
They are going to force veterans to get vaccines to get benefits? I think there was a veteran recently disabled by dtap on video. I am at the point of numb with disgust.
Posted by: Reader | November 16, 2015 at 11:06 AM
This guy is trying hard to be another Pan! Same rhetoric.
Posted by: AnneS | November 16, 2015 at 09:56 AM
A little off topic but important to know this is going on:
US Senate Passes Bill Approving Mandatory Vaccinations for Veterans: http://www.activistpost.com/2015/11/us-senate-passes-bill-approving-mandatory-vaccinations-for-veterans.html
Our veterans are not the healthiest people in the world. As part of their military experience they have been subject to countless experimental vaccines that they cannot refuse. Now that they are from under that mandatory health risk Senator Dean Heller, Republican from Nevada introduced Senate Bill 1203:
"Sec. 101 of Senate Bill 1203, named the 21st Century Veterans Benefits Delivery Act, states that the Department of Veterans Affairs will be tasked with the mandate to “ensure that veterans receiving medical services under chapter 17 of title 38, United States Code, receive each immunization on the recommended adult immunization schedule at the time such immunization is indicated on that schedule.”
The schedule referred to above is frankly staggering. Over ninety vaccines are listed."
We must save our vets! We owe them that much.
Those in the US please write your congress person and tell them to defeat Senate Bill 1203.
Posted by: Danchi | November 16, 2015 at 08:37 AM