Phillips vs. City of New York: Vaccination Exemption Rights
By Patricia Finn, The Health Lawyer
In the United States of America we have laws prohibiting experimentation on children which is exactly what is happening with the school immunization program, and California's SB277 mandate signed into law by Gov. Brown on July 2, 2015. SB277 legislation that eliminated California's religious exemption last week violates due process and equal protection, and will eventually be struck down because the vaccine mandates unquestionably conflict with the rights of Americans to refuse unwanted medical treatment. Americans have a guaranteed right to refuse human experimentation of this kind and history has shown that denying these basic fundamental human rights protected by the Bill of Rights, invariably leads to atrocities, illness and social decline.
It's Big Pharma profits behind the trend to pass laws restricting a parent's right to refuse potentially harmful vaccines for their children. Pharmaceutical companies subcontract the production of the billions of doses of vaccines distributed in the United States to the lowest bidders mostly laboratories in China and elsewhere in other secret, non-disclosed locations. These overseas laboratories are regularly fined, filthy and poorly regulated, but can cheaply manufacture an unlimited supply of vaccines that are headed straight for children coast to coast this school year, and the pharmaceutical corporations do so without liability for any mistakes or design defects under current federal law.
Presently on petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of the United States is an important case about a little girl named Mary from Staten Island, New York, that could if reviewed by the Supreme Court very easily settle the vaccine controversy, and put an end to oppressive state vaccination mandates once and for all. Phillips vs. City of New York, raises a direct challenge to the necessity of state immunization programs, and the constitutionality of legislative mandates like California's newly enacted SB277. Petitioners' evidence shows that vaccines have not been effective in controlling the spread childhood illnesses, and manipulating disease without a liability for profit is a medically unsound and dangerous practice. The families represented in the Phillips case hold sincere religious beliefs contrary to the practice of vaccinating based on Christian teachings protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. The Petitioners are asking the Supreme Court for a ruling on their rights to refuse the dozens of unnecessary vaccines their children are forced to drink, inject and inhale in order to attend public school.
Notably, New York City has one of the most bloated vaccination schedules in the world that now includes a requirement for all toddlers to receive a flu vaccine in order to attend pre-school. CDC recommends children in the United States receive an estimated 69 doses of vaccines in an assortment of cocktails, mists and injections before age 15, and the link between vaccines and irreversible brain injury has not been debunked by research a common misperception held by many in support of the mandates. To the contrary, these injuries have been conceded multiple times by the Secretary of Health and Human Services and compensated by the Special Master's in the Court of Federal Claims. Since 1986, the Vaccine Court has awarded nearly $3.2 billion in damage awards for serious vaccine injuries, including autism cases, and some of the other horrible and unintended consequences children suffer as a result of the state's mandated vaccine "program" including death cases.
The most logical cause for the measles rash at Magic Kingdom prompting California's SB277 legislation was a bad batch of the MMR vaccine that made its way to California from China, and not caused by parents who are refusing the mandates for medical and religious reasons and now threatened with losing that right. More important, no one really knows where the vaccines come from and what's in them, making the controversial MMR vaccine the likely vector at Disney, and not the mysterious, unvaccinated foreigner health officials claimed allegedly visited the theme park last fall without first getting his shots.
Patricia Finn, Esq., Vaccine Exemption and Injury Attorney;
Litigation Civil Rights
Wow. Didn't take me long when doing research on this homeschool group to find some pretty interesting background information on the founders of this group.
Here is what I've found thus far:
Info./Background on some of these individuals:
Coleman is a Pediatrician; she resides in Florida. (I've found that a couple of these members also reside/come from, Florida.)
So, when gleaning the above information, it wasn't too difficult put together somewhat of a picture. One of the founding members is a Pediatrician; the others seem to have come from homeschooled families and those families were fairly conservative, right wing Fundamentalist families. SOME of these members seem to have broken off from their Fundamentalist upbringing and are now claiming THEIR way is the CORRECT way to homeschool...
...and I'm assuming this also means they are PRO vaccination and are now pushing for this as well.
Political/Big Pharma front? Perhaps not directly, but clearly when skimming through the bios of some of these individuals, it is apparent that at least one of them is connected to big pharma by profession and the others most likely are wholeheartedly pro-vaccine and thus, are pushing their beliefs regarding homeschooling and vaccination, via this coalition.
Posted by: Bayareamom | August 06, 2015 at 04:50 PM
Wow. Didn't take me long when doing research on this homeschool group to find some pretty interesting background information on the founders of this group.
Here is what I've found thus far:
Info./Background on some of these individuals:
Coleman is a Pediatrician; she resides in Florida. (I've found that a couple of these members also reside/come from, Florida.)
So, when gleaning the above information, it wasn't too difficult put together somewhat of a picture. One of the founding members is a Pediatrician; the others seem to have come from homeschooled families and those families were fairly conservative, right wing Fundamentalist families. SOME of these members seem to have broken off from their Fundamentalist upbringing and are now claiming THEIR way is the CORRECT way to homeschool...
...and I'm assuming this also means they are PRO vaccination and are now pushing for this as well.
Political/Big Pharma front? Perhaps not directly, but clearly when skimming through the bios of some of these individuals, it is apparent that at least one of them is connected to big pharma by profession and the others most likely are wholeheartedly pro-vaccine and thus, are pushing their beliefs regarding homeschooling and vaccination, via this coalition.
Posted by: Bayareamom | August 06, 2015 at 04:50 PM
I've looked at the Coalition for Responsible Homeschool Education in the past. They appear to be an antagonistic watchdog group fixated on control and regulation. They are not your typical homeschool org.
Posted by: Linda1 | August 06, 2015 at 01:31 PM
When parent "coalitions" claim that they want all children to be forcefully vaccinated, that most likely means that the coalition is a phony pharma front group posing as a legitimate group of parents. It's like Voices for Vaccines, and Every Child By Two, etc. Someone should check into that group - The Coalition for Responsible Home Education- and find out some details about that group- when founded, how many members, website information, fun facts about the founding members, etc. It would be interesting to know more about that group. If they are indeed just another phony pharma front group, they should be exposed-- fully.
Posted by: The Coalition Police | August 06, 2015 at 12:45 PM
ASD father,
This was on the Referendum Facebook page yesterday:
"At least one homeschooling organization—The Coalition for Responsible Home Education—believes in adding homeschooled children to the law."
"It is irresponsible to exempt homeschooled children from medical requirements designed to protect children's health," said Executive Director Rachel Coleman in the organization's statement. "Creating a system where parents can homeschool to evade medical requirements, rather than because they believe homeschooling promotes their children's educational or social well-being, does children a disservice. Homeschooling is a serious commitment."
Posted by: cia parker | August 06, 2015 at 12:21 PM
David Taylor "I saw today that a California home schooling group says it wants to force all homeschoolers to be vaxed as well."
David, which group is that, specifically?
Posted by: ASDfatherPA | August 06, 2015 at 10:56 AM
I loved Patricia Finn's talk from Autism One that I watched online. She is optimistic despite facing years of struggle with the legal system. Still, what choice do we have but to keep struggling, keep pressuring the system. I do think that incrementally more people are becoming aware of vaccine dangers and eventually this is bound to influence the attitudes of the judges. Maybe a break will come from farther down the judicial food chain like in the cases of shaken baby syndrome. My son is unfortunately completely bamboozled by the medical creed of vaccinate, vaccinate, but recently he was talking about parents who have gone to prison unjustly for shaken baby syndrome. If it starts getting around legal circles that vaccines are producing these "shaken baby" symptoms, then the concept that vaccines might cause sudden infant death, and autism won't seem so outrageous.
Posted by: kapoore | August 06, 2015 at 10:17 AM
I agree with Kathy Sincere, when she says: "An opportunity to have a RFID (id chip) in a vaccine that is immediately mandated for everyone in the U.S." exactly as the medical industrial complex wants. This is highly likely their ultimate plan.
Posted by: William Leader | August 06, 2015 at 03:10 AM
In her Autism One presentation, Patti Finn appeared to emphasize that the petition to the Supreme Court in Philips vs. City of New York rests on the issue of due process. It would seem to be a slam-dunk, since the Fifth Amendment clearly states that "No person shall be . . . deprived of life . . .without due process of law . . . ." And little Mary's doctor is certain that another vaccination would be fatal. I'm pretty cynical about the courts. Reading the Constitution is somehow comforting, but do we still follow it?
Posted by: Gary Ogden | August 05, 2015 at 08:07 PM
I agree with you. I don't see how the Million Man March would change anything. Everyone who believes that vaccines are safe and necessary would say Wow, look at all those nut jobs in Washington protesting the central symbol of our faith in Science, Vaccines! And then what? If they didn't believe the thousands of stories, studies, and books on vaccine damage before the march, why would they believe them afterwards? Because Farrakhan says so?
I agree that it will and should come down to civil disobedience. Will they eventually get court orders and actually drag people away to forcibly vaccinate them? That would be violence which would then justify a violent reaction. It would be good if we could organize and make plans: if they do ---, then we'll do---. And plan to have each others' backs. Not permit anyone to be dragged off to Auschwitz. I saw today that a California home schooling group says it wants to force all homeschoolers to be vaxed as well. Take them out one by one. No safety anywhere for anyone.
It really is looking like Germany in the early '30s.
Posted by: cia parker | August 05, 2015 at 07:45 PM
I agree with you, but it all comes down to whether you believe or don't believe in vaccine damage. If you believe vaccines are safe, as I regret to say that most of my erstwhile friends do, then it makes sense to force all children, even all people, to be vaccinated to prevent even five people a year from dying of a vaccine-preventable disease. IF vaccines were as safe as water, and if the big picture did not require people to train their immune systems by practice on real diseases, then I don't think it would be a matter of parental choice, but more what kept people from suffering and dying of preventable diseases.
But vaccines are not safe and could never be safe. You could screen children for specific genes and family history of this or that, give weight adjusted doses, and so on, but the bottom line is that vaccines are dangerous, many, including me, believe that every vaccine given to anyone does some degree of damage to the brain and the immune system (etc.). Holistic veterinarian Dr. Marty Goldstein says that vaccines are the ultimate zero sum game: what you give to one area (specific immunity limited in duration) you take away from another. Vaccines in the big picture weaken the immune system, leaving it vulnerable to other diseases, or even the same one: many children got Hib meningitis shortly after getting the vaccine. Hib meningitis incidence quadrupled in twenty-eight years, probably because the pertussis vaccine was weakening all babies' systems. The DPT was suspended during polio outbreaks because it so obviously increased the risk of severe and paralytic polio in those who had gotten the DPT in the preceding month.
It really is a religious war. Our opponents seem to be blind and deaf to reality, and it's hard for me to understand. Most appear to have been cognitively damaged by their own vaccines, and think that Me Tarzan, you Jane, is sophisticated discourse. Disease BAD, stop disease GOOD. I understand the lure of $$$ for everyone benefiting from pharma dollars, but there are a lot of people who went on auto-pilot after the polio era, and just don't think that anything has tarnished the luster of that fool's gold, vaccines. HARD for me to understand how they could attribute SO many people's first-hand accounts of vaccine damage to stupidity or ignorance.
Did you guys see that Dorit put up an article at Voices for Vaccines about all the vaccines she got in her recent pregnancy? Flu shot last September before she knew she was pregnant, then the hep-A AND hep-B series, and the Tdap in March. Baby boy born in June. I would LOVE to know if she really did that, criminal negligence for sure, and I'd love to know if she really believes what she said about how necessary they were, she just doesn't know how her first son squeaked by unaffected by her not having gotten any vaccines in her first pregnancy. And will we ever know if her second son turns out to have been damaged by her prenatal vaccines?
Totally weird this belief that vaccines are pristine elixirs of life, the more the better. It's so fantastical that I really do think it's looking increasingly like the bubble that Michael Belkin wrote about. He thought that like the dot com financial bubble in 2000, and the housing bubble in 2008, that the vaccine bubble is so silly, so foolish, so destructive, and yet with millions putting all their trust in it, billions riding on their promotion, that it is sure to burst soon. Boy, I hope so!
Posted by: cia parker | August 05, 2015 at 07:26 PM
The tactics are to now show the citizens what awful illnesses look like. Show them the illness of Chicken Pox, the itchiness that lasts 5 or 10 days that disappears. Imagine the mothers or fathers that must take off from work to read to the child, give them ice-cream or play Parchisi? Then watch as they go back to school healthy?
When did a couple of days with Chicken Pox get renamed as a Disease? Cancer, Lupus, Leprosy might be a Disease- but short illnesses like Chicken Pox-that's not a chronic Disease!
Posted by: Shelley Tzorfas | August 05, 2015 at 06:01 PM
Yes, it's become clear only civil disobedience and outright refusal of the vaccines' poisons can carry the day. The mildest form of "civil disobedience" will be millions more parents will homeschool their kids. Possibly, as David Taylor noted in earlier post, riotous resistance 100+ years ago may be not only inevitable, but necessary - there is no way American parents will board the trains going to Vaccine-Auschwitz.
Otherwise, Henry David Thoreau is a timeless non-violent example: Thoreau went to jail for refusing to pay newly imposed taxes. When Emerson came to bail him out, and asked 'What the Hell are you doing here in jail?" Thoreau answered: "Why aren't you in here with me.?"
Nobody should pin their hopes on Court Decisions.
Posted by: david m burd | August 05, 2015 at 05:25 PM
This is such an obvious terrorism target. Why wouldn't terrorists jump at the chance to somehow contaminate vast batches of vaccines.
They could easily kill or maim thousands and thousands before anyone would notice or react because doctors and the health system are trained to look the other way. This SHOULD BE the issue about vaccination that concerns homeland security, not the child who doesn't vaccinate (thereby leaving some human bodies untouched by these toxins) but the entire mechanism by which vaccines are distributed. And since they used vaccination to get Osama bin Laden (by identifying the DNA of his children) then wouldn't that be an obvious terrorism target?
Thus, one of the biggest dangers of pretending that vaccines are perfectly safe is that it would take far, far longer than it should to realize that this was happening. Enemies could get away with weeks of irreversible damage before anyone would respond. For that matter, can someone with a science background tell us if a batch got accidentally or deliberately contaminated could it actually introduce an epidemic of some other unknown disease.
I want a Forensic Files Youtube show for Vaccine Injuries and I want people to WAKE THE BLANK UP about this problem. The idea of forcefully doing ANYTHING to the bodily integrity of an entire generation with no exception is unbelievably stupid for the herd, for the genetic integrity of humankind, and for common sense. There is no control group, there is no untouched body, and there is no way to find our way back to normal if these mandates harm everyone. Just an example: What if a contaminant caused infertility to EVERYONE who was given the shot. We would not know until 15 years in the future. All Americans in this 15 year swatch would be the same as wiped out, as surely and as tragically as native peoples were wiped out by disease when we were founded. That was tragic and caused by hubris and sociopaths who refused to react to the early signs it could happen, or didn't care, and this would be tragic caused by the same sociopathic mentality. Wake up idiot CDC. You are so fixated on disease as a vector of "epidemic" harm that you don't see the incredible danger here. TO mandate the SAME thing for ALL as a blanket is beyond idiocy. Beyond idiocy. Beyond idiocy. Already one in 6 boys is not the same boy he was destined to be. What is it going to take to wake you up ? Or are you already using the treatment Bradstreet came up with to cure YOUR families of cancer and autism and you're fine with leaving us harmed or worse.
Yes, I am exaggerating to make a point. So sue me! :-)
Posted by: Cecil The Lion's Revenge? | August 05, 2015 at 05:02 PM
The well-orchestrated “measles outbreak” at Disneyland was planned for December, right before the beginning of the Legislative sessions in all States, including California. It was obvious to any thinking person (or perhaps those who have watched House of Cards) what the government was readying for the American people. It worked so well. The political Right and Left agreed that the “science was settled”. The media, owned and controlled by Pharma, was able to whip the public into a Frankenstein-type frenzy, pitch forks and torches ready for the unvaccinated. Bills were already in the desk drawers of State Senators, waiting to be introduced.
Since the passage of SB277 in California and the stripping of parental rights, the next blow to freedom is imminent. The medical/pharmaceutical/government triumvirate will drive the final nails into the coffin of American liberties.
The ultimate control over the argument of informed consent regarding vaccination, for children AND ADULTS, is yet to come. It will happen in August or September, before the Million Man March in Washington, D.C. on October 10 or the planned March on the CDC, scheduled for October 24, 2015. The Supreme Powers do not want either of these events to occur because it will shed light on CDC Whistleblower William Thompson and inform the populace, especially the black community, about the corrupt CDC and its lies regarding vaccine toxicity.
America will endure another staged “outbreak”, a more terrifying one, such as ebola, anthrax, or smallpox. It will be linked to “terrorist” attacks. Surprisingly, vaccines for this outbreak will be available for many people. The unvaccinated will be clamoring for them. Soon there will be enough vaccines for every man, woman, child, baby in the U.S. This is the opportunity the medical/industrial complex has been waiting for. An opportunity to have a RFID (id chip) in a vaccine that is immediately mandated for everyone in the U.S.
Our country will be under martial law. All travel, national and international, will be suspended. Anyone who refuses to be vaccinated will be quarantined at home. Proof of Vaccination cards will be issued. FEMA camps will be waiting for those who openly protest and are uncompliant. Those who question vaccines will be considered ignorant and also UNPATRIOTIC! That is the real operative word here, Katnis – Unpatriotic. Brave New World.
Stay tuned for future sequels. They will surely dazzle you.
“A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.” – Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Posted by: Kathy Sincere | August 05, 2015 at 04:57 PM
@ Cia
"It really would be analogous to mandating seat belt use, car insurance, or keeping your dog on a leash"
The "analogy" defies common sense .. because .. no one could manufacture .. or .. sell .. a "one size fits all" .. seat belt, car insurance or a leash for a dog. Whether batting helmets or bike helmets .. everything MUST be ADJUSTABLE .. for obvious reasons ..
In fact .. the ONLY product that is marketed as a "one size fits all" is a vaccine .. which .. as Charles Richet's Nobel Prize winning theory of "anaphylaxis" .. over 100 year ago proved .. is scientifically impossible .. being that every child has inherited an immune system that is as unique to THAT INDIVIDUAL CHILD as are their FINGERPRINTS AND DNA.
Posted by: Bob Moffitt | August 05, 2015 at 03:12 PM
"Anyone who places faith in America's judicial system, especially today's Supreme Court, to make a fair and impartial decision on this issue is living in Disneyland.
Overturning the smallpox vaccine mandate in 19th Century England required more than evidence of a massive number of cases of vaccine injury and death from those filthy injections of cow pus. Change required rioting in the streets and battles with police.
With today's corporate-controlled media and for-sale politicians, I doubt that even large-scale civil disobedience in America will make much difference.
Patricia Finn is a true warrior. I will be at the CDC in October. But I will be there for my conscience, not in hopes of making any change."
David, you made my day. THANK you for speaking the plain truth with all of this. I've been called a negative Nancy on more than one occasion by well meaning, although slightly misdirected, warrior moms.
I have also alluded via various posts here, as to my familial connections to government. I know how these guys operate and it isn't for the public good.
The more WE push back, the more THEY do. And they WILL continue to push and push, until all hell breaks loose. I have been stating for quite some time now, for at least a decade, if not longer, that what we NEED to have happen to effect a shift in this paradigm is a million man march.
So, on the one hand, I am thrilled to see this rally IS going to happen come October. On the other hand, I'm not holding my breath as to any perceived outcome.
I don't believe in false all, but maybe with this one instance re the rally in October, I'll give it a try.
Posted by: Bayareamom | August 05, 2015 at 02:41 PM
Anyone who places faith in America's judicial system, especially today's Supreme Court, to make a fair and impartial decision on this issue is living in Disneyland.
Overturning the smallpox vaccine mandate in 19th Century England required more than evidence of a massive number of cases of vaccine injury and death from those filthy injections of cow pus. Change required rioting in the streets and battles with police.
With today's corporate-controlled media and for-sale politicians, I doubt that even large-scale civil disobedience in America will make much difference.
Patricia Finn is a true warrior. I will be at the CDC in October. But I will be there for my conscience, not in hopes of making any change.
Posted by: David Taylor | August 05, 2015 at 12:55 PM
Excellent article, Patricia. Thank you for bringing this legal case to our attention. I am unfamiliar with the Supreme Court process. Does what you wrote mean this case is in consideration to be heard? And if yes, how does that get decided, by whom, and what is the timeline?
In my second rally speech opposing California's SB277, I covered the fact that vaccines are experimental medicine. I am posting the link for anyone who might be interested to watch it:
Posted by: Laura Hayes | August 05, 2015 at 11:59 AM
ASD father,
I thought the same thing. If the humans manning the decks in courts across the land believe that vaccines are safe and life-saving for millions, as most appear to do, then there's no reason to believe that they would ever see it our way. It really would be analogous to mandating seat belt use, car insurance, or keeping your dog on a leash. Of course it's not really analogous, but until the majority believes that vaccines cause encephalitic brain damage and autoimmune disease, then it's going to act as though vaccines were safe except in the apocryphal one in a million case.
Posted by: cia parker | August 05, 2015 at 11:43 AM
I recently watched Patti Finn present to Autism One on youtube. Excellent talk is from this past June.
Posted by: Linda1 | August 05, 2015 at 11:21 AM
Won't the other side say that vaccines are not experimental since they have studiies that "prove" vaccines are safe. Would not the judges they argue before agree to their view point............. ignoring that these "studies" are chock full of serious problems?
I'm just concerned thta the judges will be brainwashed, like the rest, or even worst, investors in big pharma and its profits.
Posted by: ASDfatherPA | August 05, 2015 at 11:06 AM
The best we can hope for is the corrupt vaccine cartel has finally "over-reached" .. using a manufactured "crisis" .. the 160 measles incidents this year .. as their "opportunity" .. to push all state legislatures into following California's unconstitutional assault on a parents "right to make informed consent decisions regarding the medical treatments the State will require their child receive."
Consider .. it is no accident that 35 States had legislation bills ready to introduce the moment the "measles outbreak" became headline news on all major television news outlets at the same time.
Got to hand it to them .. their marketing people know how to create a "national crisis" when it serves their best interest to do .. and .. their effort is as well-coordinated and planned to take full advantage of that "crisis" .. as was Ike's invasion of Normandy.
As I said .. our only hope is they finally have "over reached" .. raising the only question that should be asked of all those politicians seeking our votes in tonight's debate:
Posted by: Bob Moffitt | August 05, 2015 at 06:34 AM
That the term "hot lots" exists says it all.
And vaccination should be considered experimental since they are not tested for carcinogenic or mutagenic properties, and not tested against a true placebo.
Posted by: Greyone | August 05, 2015 at 06:09 AM