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Message To Politicians: You Take Away Vaccination Rights We Take Away Your Position

Richard PanIn response to the passage of California SB277, a bill that removes parental vaccination choice except for medical exemptions (which imply previous vaccine injury and are therefore reactive, not proactive in protecting children, unlike a religious or philosophical exemption) a recall effort is underway to remove Senator (Dr.) Richard Pan, pharmatrician/pediatician (not a typo) and sponsor of the bill.   We've had impeachment proceedings against a President for personal behavior that in no way threatened American lives. This recall is a way to send a strong message to politicians - if you take away our rights, we will work to take away your position.  We first told you about the recall on July 4th - Announcing the Recall Campaign of Senator Richard Pan.

SacBee reports Effort to recall Richard Pan over vaccine bill cleared for signatures.

Thwarted in the Legislature, opponents of California’s vaccine mandate law have turned to the ballot box with a recall aimed at Senate Bill 277’s champion.

A campaign to recall Sen. Richard Pan, D-Sacramento, the pediatrician who carried the bill requiring full vaccinations for schoolchildren, has been cleared to advance to the signature-gathering phase. Proponents have until Dec. 31 to collect 35,926 verified signatures from the 436,318 registered voters in his district.

Crafted in response to a measles outbreak that began in Disneyland, SB 277 spurred a furious backlash from parents assailing a loss of child-rearing autonomy and insisting that vaccines are unsafe. As they lined up at hearings to testify against the bill, many vowed to make lawmakers pay at election time.

Their efforts to block the bill failed, with Gov. Jerry Brown signing it into law, but they are making good on the election threat. In addition to seeking to recall Pan, bill opponents are seeking to overturn the law via referendum.

“It is not so much about the vaccinations as it is about the defense of liberty,” said Katherine Duran, an Elk Grove stay-at-home parent who advocated against SB 277 and is helping to lead the Pan recall. “The government, as a creature of the people, doesn’t have the right to tell the people what they can and can’t put into their bodies.”

Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/news/politics-government/capitol-alert/article29161450.html#storylink=cpy

The Facebook page"Recall Pan" quotes Dr. Pan from 2012, "So as a pediatrician I know licensed healthcare practitioners consider themselves partners with parents in these decisions... We want these kids to go to school, and we are not taking away the parental rights to be able to make the decision." - Senator Pan

USA Today's Liz Szabo, a reporter whose articles have been highly tilted toward the anti-vaccine choice/pharma movement nnd who was thanked by Dr. Paul Offit in one of his books wrote about another bill sponsored by Senator Pan in 2012, A bill proposed by Sacramento pediatrician Richard Pan, a member of the California State Assembly, would require that parents meet with a health care provider before getting a waiver based on personal beliefs. The state senate is expected to take up the bill this week.

"You don't have to agree with your doctor, and we're not taking away a parent's right to an exemption," Pan says. "But we do want parents to be informed."

Three years later, he took away those rights. Why? What changed?

Did 100+ cases of non-deadly measles drastically change his point of view that parental rights matter? SB277 was/is part of a push from coast to coast to change vaccination rights laws, ultimately forcing vaccination on the American public. Regardless of your POV on current vaccination for your children, your grandparents, yourself, are you prepared to be told what vaccines (FDA regulated drugs) you must have in order to partake in school, work and elsewhere?



Another presidential candidate makes a strong statement on forced vaccinations...then hedges...


Angus Files

way to go PANDAS mom..RFK JR "a slap on the back, a wink, a tap on the shoulder,thats all it takes," and the sheeple still vote for the ones who have been and still are ,screwing them..wake up sheeple.



I would sign that petition if I were in his district, but in the meantime this lifelong Democrat just registered as a Republican. Whoever protects my rights gets my vote.



Thanks for clearing that up. You folks over there are so far ahead of us it is not even funny.



Re Kroger's involvement - the economics of vaccine sales:


"Earlier this week, Walgreen reported January sales rose more than 6 percent to $6.15 billion thanks in part to a 25 percent increase to 6.9 million the number of flu shots stores have administered since January of 2012. Meanwhile, CVS’ fourth-quarter 2012 earnings released earlier this week also benefited from increased flu vaccinations during the epidemic.

Much of the growth can be attributed to the ability of pharmacists to administer flu shots. That was generally not possible until fall of 2009 when several states issued special waivers to allow pharmacists – rather than just doctors and other health professionals – to administer seasonal and H1N1 vaccines amid fears of a pandemic.

Walgreen and CVS took advantage of the crisis to convince a growing number of state regulators that pharmacists should be allowed to have the expanded role as a way to save lives and potentially money by getting more Americans flu shots from an army of pharmacists.

“Immunizations are one of the key pillars of our strategy to transform and advance community pharmacy,” said Kermit Crawford, Walgreen’s president of pharmacy, health and wellness said in a statement to Forbes. “Our goal is to continue to shape and re-engineer the future of health care delivery in the U.S....”

"CVS, too, has seen major growth in its flu shot business. Through Feb. 5, CVS had given 4.8 million flu shots, more than double the 2.3 million flu shots given all last season, the company said..."

"Now, pharmacies are pushing in states to allow their pharmacists to administer even more vaccines. At Walgreen, the pharmacy chain now administers up to 17 vaccines recommended by the Centers for Disease Control in more than three dozen states that “enable the full scope for pharmacist-administered immunizations,” a Walgreen spokesman said.

“We hope to eventually have the ability to administer all CDC-recommended immunizations in all 50 states, and for pharmacists to be recognized as providers in order to be reimbursed for immunizations and other primary preventive healthcare services,” Crawford said."

Notice how the author attributes the push to have pharmacies give vaccines to the pharmacies and the media does not mention that this is the implementation of a government program - that it is part of a grand plan - The U.S. National Vaccine Plan. Did Walgreens and CVS take advantage of a crisis to convince state legislators to let them give vaccines as the Forbes article states, or did the feds plan to have pharmacists give these vaccines years earlier? The media, Forbes, doesn't report about Healthy People 2020. They implement the plan without revealing that there is a plan. Very deceptive and manipulative reporting.


So the use of propaganda, money, bribery, tracking(stalking)& force are behind this vaccine push?

Hospitals, clinics, physicians, nurses, pharmacy workers, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, social workers, psychologists, media shills, paid-for celebrities, school boards, teachers, PTA, politicians, members of professional societies, TV "doctors", Disney, sportscasters, many churches, grocery/department stores, etc. are all bought & paid for.

How many of these people will step aside when asked to forcibly promote toxic vaccines against their own beliefs, when there are so many incentives to sell out? Any? Very, very sad state of affairs in this Country.


I apologize for the insensitivity of my last comment - about the Frankenstein sequel. I was thinking about what these madmen and women are driving us to in the future, with their 200-300 vaccines that they intend to mandate fetus to grave. I hope I didn't hurt anyone's feelings - wasn't my intention. Bad analogy.

John Stone


It is a pun but bear in mind that British spelling of "feces" is indeed "faeces". We also have "paediatricians" and "paedophiles".


Yes. Krogers is BIG.

White Rose,
Did you mean faces or feces are you playing with combining the two to come up with a word fit to describe Walter Frankenstein, I mean...Orenstein?

Hey, all you creative writers out there, that would be a great sequel to the original, except instead of electricity, the modern Frankenstein(s) use...

Did you see on that site on page 15 under "Expand Quality Measures for Adult Immunization" - "Integrate vaccine-related quality measures into existing standards for site accreditation, star ratings, and report cards."

So adding to the FDA raids and subsequent murders, they will be removing the accreditation and downgrade practitioners and facilities (in effect closing them down) that do not give all the required vaccines - as directed - by the tyrants imposing their will on the health care system and on every citizen in this country, extending to the world.

Open your mouth and roll up your sleeve. Forget what your parents and grandparents and religious leaders taught you. Turn off your instincts. We and only we know what's good for you and you WILL obey.


Linda: Looks like Krogers has a much larger retail footprint that I ever knew about, right up there with walmart, and being the 5th largest retailer. They operate over 1900 instore pharmacies. I can see why big pharma would want to consider them a stakeholder in increasing adult vaccination uptake.

White Rose

interesting to see the same old faeces on page 2
Walter Frankenstein



I am praying hard - that you all make that number = and he is recalled.

Ronald Donaldson

All parents have a right to informed consent before any risky and controversial vaccine or drug is given. Corporate interests have lead to controversial and dangerous vaccines and drugs. The drug Vioxx caused tens of thousands of deaths. The highly deadly mandatory clot-buster TPA drug given in the ER for a non-life threatening moderate ischemic stroke. TPA has a history of deadly failed test trials and only a controversial possibility of a modest benefit. This stealth euthanasia drug is now starting to be delievered to home's after the 911 call. Search: AAEM TPA position, The NNT TPA stroke, or in emergency medicine blogs or http://www.stroketreatmentrisktpa.co.nf for the stroke TPA drug controversy.

Barry Stern

Of the 74 million children 17 and under in the U.S., some 1.7% or 1.2 million are on the autism spectrum. Many will never become independent adults and will cost their state taxpayers $2-3 million each for lifetime care. Meantime, scientists can barely find any on the ASD spectrum who've never been vaccinated. And now the CA government has mandated an unproven vaccination protocol that will likely result in even higher incidence of autism. And they passed SB 277 because of a measly 150 cases of measles per year nationally, where most had already been vaccinated and hardly any died. Somebody must have performed lobotomies on the dummies who voted for this monstrosity. Hopefully, the people will rise up to vote them out of office.

Angus Files

Its a tall order but you would think the numbers are achievable..

" collect 35,926 verified signatures from the 436,318 registered voters in his district."

= 8.23%



The rates of under-immunized children in those clusters ranged from nearly 23 percent in the Vallejo region to 17.5 percent in the Sonoma and Napa clusters as well as in eastern Sacramento, compared to 11 percent outside the clusters.

The study broke down the demographics of those areas and found predictors of under-immunization included both being below the federal poverty level and having a graduate degree. Neighborhoods with a greater percentage of Asian and Latino residents tended to have higher immunization rates on average.




Check out the cute little chart on page 4:


Jeannette Bishop


Nearly 600 cases were reported here in 2014 prior to the Disneyland outbreak, so in a sense the year preceding the "Disneyland" outbreak did have many more cases:



Linda: Interesting about Kroger's, eh? What a good target for a boycott. It would be easy to boycott any grocery store that seems to be confused as to whether they want to supply healthy food, or pharmaceuticals, esepcially one like Krogers that has a specialty health food section. Organics and health food draw a higher profit margin, from what I've heard. High enough to expand that area and drop the pharmacy supply if they had to? I don't know, but just like schools and pharmaceutical research/promotion should be separate, so should food suppliers separate themselves from pharmaceutical promotion. Target & Walmart might be confused about retail vs medical services, too. Then again, to the savvy consumer, what better place for vaccines since they are simply another product to be marketed and sold at a profit, so why not a retail outlet . . .


The bigger, more widespread and more serious the lie, the harder it is to control. As with the one death from measles reported recently, we never did get any details and the story quickly died. The Disney outbreak did the trick in frightening the uninformed and set the stage for the coming acts of this long play.


I think outbreak of measles in Cali was man made and vaccine induced on purpose to institute this fascist antihuman law.

John Stone

BTW Has any tangible evidence been produced that in any cases the disease was transmitted at Disneyland? I know it has been said, but that's different.

cia parker

I was incorrect when I said there had been more measles cases in 2013 than in 2014. There were 175 cases reported by Dec. 1, 2013, and 184 cases reported in five locations last year by July, months before the Disneyland outbreak. However, since none of the cases was serious (or fatal), it continues to be true that measles is not a serious disease in the vast majority of cases, while it is actively beneficial.

cia parker

I think the outbreak of measles at Disneyland was a coincidence: it wasn't very big and it didn't hurt anyone. I think if they had done it on purpose, it would have broken out in many cities in the US at the same time (like the proposed mandates), and would have been more virulent, causing at least some harm. The measles outbreak the year before, in 2013, was a lot bigger. Some measles happens all the time: it was only new that they concertedly make a big deal of it.


Here's what changed. They've been meeting for years, plotting and planning ways to get the public and medical community to swallow their medicine so they can reach their ($$$) goals. Here is the report of their meeting in November 2013. I'm sure there were other meetings, aimed at children, but this one was re adult vaccination. The report is entitled, "NATIONAL ADULT VACCINATION PROGRAM - CHARTING NEW FRONTIERS ACROSS THE AGING CONTINUUM - COMPREHENSIVE REPORT OF THE 2013 NATIONAL ADULT VACCINATION PROGRAM SUMMIT - DEVELOPING CHAMPIONS AND BUILDING A ROADMAP FOR ACTION TO REACH THE HEALTHY PEOPLE 2020 GOALS FOR ADULT VACCINATION"

Remember a couple of months ago when the gov't was asking for public input about mandatory adult vaccination? They already knew exactly what they wanted to do. They were just gauging how much resistance they were going to get. They have goals. They have a plan. The plan, written in 2013, includes "champions" of their cause, including the Surgeon General, the media, sportscasters, and TV personalities (literally planning to use an army of anti-Jennys). They even specifically mention DISNEY and Jim Henson (Sesame Street). In November 2013. By their own admission, unless it's another one of those crazy coincidences, the Disney outbreak was part of the implementation of the plan. At the end of the paper is a list of participants - all your Pharma favorites were there (Novartis, GSK, Merck, Pfizer, Sanofi Pasteur, etc. and grocery store giant Kroger) brainstorming ideas and forming US public health policy - policy aimed at manipulating the American public to buy, ingest and inject their many products.


Please see the whole paper.

Some excerpts:
From around page 8:

"Key stakeholders with an interest in advancing adult immunizations convened for the NAVP Summit on August 22, 2013, in Washington, DC. The interprofessional colleagues assembling for this meeting included representatives from health care (i.e., nursing, medicine, pharmacy, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, social work, psychology), professional organizations, government agencies, state immunization registries, state and local public health departments,
along with leaders in education, quality, policy, payers, and consumer advocacy as well as GSA staff and professional facilitators for the full-day meeting. Appendix 1 lists the 2013 NAVP Summit attendee"

From page 17:

"Undoubtedly, the creation of a national registry would be met with political and operational challenges and resistance—similar to the experience of the Childhood Immunization Initiative in 1993. However, the creation and implementation of a national registry, with elements accessible to providers, stakeholders, and patients
emerged as a driver in propelling progress in adult immunizations. Notwithstanding political challenges, a national registry for adult immunizations is likely to produce the best possible outcome over alternatives including state-based registries. Creation of a national immunization registry for adults begins with evaluating
existing systems and resources, enacting policy change, and developing tools for implementation and utility. Current mandatory reporting and tracking systems, such as reportable diseases and quality measures, would need to be integrated into adult
vaccination reporting. Collaborative efforts with individuals and organizations with experience using these existing systems would need to be established. The American Immunization Registry Association anticipates releasing a white paper in early 2014 detailing the results of their pharmacy-related survey of immunization registries and describing the barriers and best practices reported by pharmacies."

From page 18 (caps, my emphasis):

"Health care providers agree that vaccinations are an effective preventive measure against life-threatening diseases and cost saving for both patients and the health care system. However, CHAMPIONS ARE NEEDED TO MOBILIZE THE PUBLIC AND PROVIDERS TO CONNECT KNOWLEDGE OF THE BENEFITS OF VACCINES TO ACTION AND PRACTIVE. Currently, federal agencies, NAIIS, and individual leaders are driving interest in and awareness of adult vaccinations; however, to effectively mobilize providers and the public, leadership must be bolstered and coordinated. Targets. Champion development among providers and the lay population begins by identifying appropriate targets. Targets may include specific populations or individuals such as policy makers, health care providers, employers, older adults, and parents of young children. Data should be used and communicated to align targets to specific needs; disease burden, vaccine coverage, age, geodemographics, economics, sex, race, ethnicity, and family work roles are examples of areas in which to collect data. Influential Champions and Spokespersons. IDENTIFY INFLUENTIAL SPOKESPERSONS FROM MULTIPLE SECTORS (e.g., BUSINESS, SPORTS, MUSIC) TO REACH EACH IDENTIFIED TARGET POPULATION. NATIONAL CHAMPIONS MIGHTS INCLUDE ESPN ANNOUNCERS, INDIVIDUALS FROM THE JIM HENSON FOUNDATION OR DISNEY, OPRAH WINFREY, SANJAY GUPTA, DR. OZ, AND THE SURGEON GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES. Identification should be guided by data assessing the potential reach, capabilities, resources, history of effective influence, reputation, and representativeness of potential champions. Incentives. INCENTIVES AND MOTIVATORS SHOULD BE IDENTIFIED AND EMPLOYED TO OPTIMIZE REACH AND EFFECTIVENESS in communicating key messages to target audiences. PATIENTS PERSPECTIVES WILL BE AUGMENTED BY THEIR PERSONAL PROVIDERS, MEDIA, AND CHAMPIONS. PROVIDER CHAMPIONS CAN INCENTIVIZE AND MOBILIZE OTHER PROVIDERS other providers through conveying mutual benefits of partnership and action, and helping them to align strategies and raise internal excitement for immunization awareness. PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATION TRADE SHOWS MAY BE USED TO MOBILIZE PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES, engage their members, and encourage continued involvement through outreach and educational activities. LOCAL, NATIONAL, OR ORGANIZATIONAL RECOGNITION can be a strong motivator for some providers. FINANCIAL INCENTIVES also can be effective to mobilize providers (e.g., increase in compensation or quality scores in response to increases in vaccination rates or data reporting). Lay champions and patients who engage the public through effective messaging may drive demand and, in turn, increase motivation and supply at a provider level."


How smart they are to have ordained a minority (Asian)to push this.

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