Dachel Media Update: BMJ Letter Questions Vaccine Mandates
By Anne Dachel
Read Anne's commentary and view the links after the jump. The Dachel Media Update is sponsored by Lee Silsby Compounding Pharmacy and OurKidsASD, an online supplement retailer for patients with special needs.
Aug 26, 2015, British Medical Journal: Vaccine mandates in the US are doing more harm than good, By Allen S. Cunningham, MD
It may seem invidious to suggest that anything but humanitarian motives drive vaccine policy, but it is hard not to notice the professional and financial incentives that encourage strict adherence to the standard immunization schedule, and the tendency for officialdom to report the good news about vaccines but not the bad news. Most vaccine research is sponsored by the manufacturers and consists mainly of studies to establish short term efficacy with little real effort to look for rare but serious adverse effects. Our Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) is passive and records only a tiny percentage of adverse events after vaccination.
Natasha Crowcroft and her public health colleagues in Toronto have been concerned about the safety, effectiveness, and cost of some of the newer vaccines, and they worry that expanding vaccine schedules threatens children’s uptake of truly life saving and cost effective vaccines such as the measles vaccine.6 Furthermore, they perceive serious ethical problems in the vaccine approval process and suggest that public trust has been undermined by allowing manufacturers and professionals with close links to industry to be involved in lobbying and decision making. I share their concern. We have forgotten that children given the DPT vaccine during the 1949 British polio epidemic had a 20-fold risk of developing paralytic polio,7 and there have been other unpleasant vaccine surprises since then, such as intussusception with the first rotavirus vaccine.8
Here is a doctor who is very pro-vaccine, yet he has serious concerns about the safety of our ever-expanding vaccination schedule and the power and influence of the vaccine makers.
"Vaccines are among the greatest medical advances of modern times, but public health officials have become intoxicated by success and have lost their sense of perspective." Cunningham noted that we really don't know how many vaccine side effects and injuries there are. No one monitors this critical area.
Furthermore Cunningham worries about vaccine mandates.
"Herd immunity is an important concept, but it has been used to bully parents into rigid adherence to the immunization schedule."
It was refreshing to read an intelligent, reasonable comm The Dachel Media Update is sponsored by Lee Silsby Compounding Pharmacy and OurKidsASD. Lee Silsby is one of the most respected compounding pharmacies in the country and is committed to serving the needs of the Autism community. OurkidsASD is an online retailer for nutritional supplements for patients with special needs. OurkidsASD carries thousands of products from more than 60 brands and offers free ground shipping on all orders.
Anne Dachel is Media Editor for Age of Autism and author of The Big Autism Cover-Up: How and Why the Media Is Lying to the American Public, which is on sale now from Skyhorse Publishing.entary on vaccination. It's something we never see in the media.
I wonder how this ATF7 in your press release is related to GcMAF that some of the deceased doctors were working on. Obviously there is still a lot to learn about the immune system!
Posted by: Betty Bona | September 03, 2015 at 02:45 PM
My son is now 16. After his birth, in the delivery room, his dad said that he was given 2 shots. one of them was hepatitis B. Of course we said nothing, who knew right? But before that, the pediatrician we were using, threatened us. We had gone to Mexico on vacation to visit my husbands parents. We were gone for 3 months. When we returned, we brought our 2 baby and toddler daughters in to get checked out to make sure they didn't pick up anything abroad.
So the pediatrician walks in with a hateful expression. She says, "Hi, I see you missed their annual physical 2 months ago." We explained how we just went for vacation and plus they had already received lots of "precious" immunizations already. But she wasn't going to have any of it. She went on a rant to us saying what horrible parents we were for missing their "on time shots for 18 month olds". She then said, I remember clearly "THIS IS BORDERING ON CHILD ABUSE!" Literally yelling, no joke! "You should consider yourselves lucky I don't call CPS on you.
Needless to say, that was the last we saw of her. We changed pediatricians. Scottie was diagnosed not until 5 years of age. I didn't even know anything about autism until my uncle suggested it to me the possibility. So we went to get him an official diagnosis. Sure enough our fears were confirmed.
So we went back to the hospital where he was born and was a patient until age 5. We went to get his records from birth until 5. The desk clerk told us that they only keep records for 5 years and theres nothing they can do about it!
Sorry for the lengthy post,
but I just had to let everyone know that there are doctors that menace parents and can intentionally erase records? We then found a wonderful DAN doctor who helped him tremendously. I thank God for him every day. Has anyone else been menaced by their pediatrician?
Posted by: Patricia | September 02, 2015 at 03:25 PM
Unbelievable. But it does fit. Thanks for sharing.
Posted by: Linda1 | September 02, 2015 at 07:27 AM
Linda 1
I discovered this a few years back reading Dr. Rebecca Carly's website:
As stated in Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine , 6th edition, 1970 p. 943:
"RARELY IS PREVENTION OF INFECTION PER SE CONSIDERED TO BE AN IMPORTANT GOAL OF VACCINATION. In fact, asymptomatic infection after vaccination can serve to enhance and prolong the immune response." Of course, if the immune response has been overwhelmed or corrupted, the "asymptomatic infection" will become a CHRONIC DISEASE. In fact, on the same page of Harrison's, in the following paragraph, it states the following:
"PERSISTENCE AND LATENCY. Many viruses persist in host tissues for months or years without causing overt disease. A FLARE-UP OF THESE LATENT INFECTIONS MAY BE INDUCED BY TRAUMA, INTERCURRENT DISEASE, DECLINE IN ANTIBODY TITERS, OR UNKNOWN STIMULI. Experiments with tissue cultures and laboratory animals reveal that persistence of virus in tissue results from an interplay of various factors peculiar to each virus and its host. LATENCY IS PROMOTED BY THE PRESENCE OF ANTIBODY OR OTHER VIRAL INHIBITORS THAT PREVENT EXTENSIVE CELL-TO-CELL SPREAD OF VIRUS. IF ANTIBODY IS WITHDRAWN, VIRAL MULTIPLICATION OFTEN RESUMES, WITH CONCOMITANT CELLULAR NECROSIS."
In the same (6th) Edition of Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine , it is stated on page 975 in regards to the poliomyelitis vaccine: "Vaccine virus multiplies in the intestinal tract and remains at this site. LIVE VACCINE VIRUS SPREADS AND INFECTS CONTACTS OF VACCINATED INDIVIDUALS. This type of immunization in the presence of epidemic poliomyelitis may lead to REPLACEMENT OF THE "WILD" PARALYTOGENIC STRAIN BY THE ONE IN THE VACCINE....." In direct contradiction to this statement, the 1/1/2000 Vaccine Information statement put out by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Immunization Program states that the "OPV (Oral Polio Vaccine) is better at keeping the disease from spreading to other people. However, it does state in this document that "OPV actually causes polio".
Wild polio has been almost eliminated by the vaccine strain. This was predicted back in 1970 or actually earlier because the book was published in 1970 so it was predicted in the 1960's.
Now this is an eye opener.
Posted by: Danchi | September 01, 2015 at 09:00 PM
I don't mean to offend you, but please understand the following:
In fact you get vaccinated every time you touch someone who has touched someone who has touched someone. The exposure to germs has been around forever, and at least as long a humankind has been around. We just did not know it was called vaccination. We did not know it was vaccination when we mothers fed our babies hot food and tested it first in our own mouths and then put it into our babies' mouths. You are giving you child your germs that way. That's a natural way to strengthen your baby's immune system.
Of course I am a bit facetious, and I know exactly where you are coming from.
I am against the notion that the way to do it can only come through a poorly supervised manufacturing processes and adding unwanted toxins to make the vaccine "safer'.
In the process of dispensing vaccines the human body has to be considered as sacrosanct. The nature of "immunizing" needs to give people a chance to respond and to say enough is enough. It's important to allow a mother some slack.
The way California does it right now is by far too rigid.
Posted by: Birgit Calhoun | September 01, 2015 at 01:18 PM
Yesterday I read in a 2003 copy of The Merck Manual Home Edition p. 990:
"Because polio is now so rare in the United States, unvaccinated people older than 18 do not receive the polio vaccine unless they are traveling to an area where polio is common."
So, if two young unvaccinated parents bring a child into the world, the child will be required to have multiple doses of a vaccine that they themselves are not required (or even recommended) to have, because the disease is no longer in their (and their child's) environment. Does that make sense? For how many decades have babies and children, including now the tiniest of fragile preemies, been given a vaccine that is all risk, no benefit, with absolutely no medical justification?
How is everyone not SCREAMING about this?
And now, California's children will be denied a public or private education, and if Pan has his way, will be denied access to all public places, because they didn't get a vaccine that they do not need?
Posted by: Linda1 | September 01, 2015 at 12:17 PM
Sounds like the doctor knows that science is still in the early stages of understanding how the immune system works. Funny thing is, even as science progresses in its warped path to show that human scientific concepts are some kind of necessary missing link in some kind of naturally broken system, human solutions seem to always point back to human fallacy as the original cause of the problem. Here, we learn that vaccines can be more effective if they take advantage of the NEW discovery of an underlying mechanism of innate immunity and how epigenetic changes are working in the here and now on a cellular level of the immune system when it comes to stresses on the body. Whoops! Did those politicians think that vaccine developers knew everything already?
Posted by: Jenny | September 01, 2015 at 09:48 AM
@ Danchi
"My perspective is they don't work and the entire voodoo practice is reaching critical mass which is one of the reason for the rabid vaccine mandates."
I agree that vaccines are more "voodoo" than "science".
"Vaccines are among the greatest medical advances of modern times".
There is no such thing as a safe and effective .. "one size fits all vaccine" .. NONE .. and .. for the good doctor to suggest .. without making any distinction between each individual vaccine's "benefit v. risk" .. that ALL "vaccines" are "great medical advances" .. is a careless use of words .. no different than someone claiming ALL "chemicals" are great .. even though we know that MANY chemicals are dangerous and deadly.
"Herd immunity is an important concept, but it has been used to bully parents into rigid adherence to the immunization schedule."
The key word in this statement is "concept" .. defined by Webster's thus: "an idea or thought; abstract notion"
A Webster's definition of "abstract" is .. "not representing things realistically. A definition of "notion" .. is "general idea, inclination, whim".
So .. one could easily say the "concept of herd immunity" .. is .. according to Webster .. "not realistic .. more an inclination than whim". Hardly a "concept" that sounds "scientific" to me.
In any event .. I do greatly appreciate the Doctor's courage for speaking out .. not an easy thing for him to do.
Posted by: Bob Moffitt | September 01, 2015 at 06:46 AM
vaccines are not necessary Birgit. Not a single one of them works. Not a single one of them could work. They are a stupid and dangerous answer to a question only a lunatic would even think to ask. We have c100 trillion bacteria (and an order of magnitude more viruses) on and in us all the time. Trying to fight disease by fighting them is like dipping a bucket into the ocean and pouring the contents onto land to fight drowning. If you are going to be petrified of encountering germs you may as well be petrified of breathing nitrogen.
The purpose of the polio vaccine was to bring about a reduction in total rates of non-trauma paralysis and crippling. It failed.
The purpose of the rubella vaccine was to bring about a reduction in total rates of congenital defects. It failed.
The purpose of the measles vaccine was to bring about a reduction in total rates of encephalitis and deafness. It failed.
The purpose of the Hep B vaccine was to bring about a reduction in total rates of liver cancer/disease. It failed.
The purpose of the Hib and Prevnar vaccines was to bring about a reduction in total rates of meningitis/pneumonia/sepsis. They failed.
The purpose of the diphtheria/pertussis vaccines was to bring about a reduction in acute respiratory infections. They failed.
The purpose of the mumps vaccine was to reduce sterility. It failed.
Posted by: rtp | September 01, 2015 at 01:01 AM
On the other hand it was the BMJ who printed the Brian Deer lies about Dr. Wakefield.
Posted by: Gary Ogden | August 31, 2015 at 11:07 PM
While I do appreciate an MD stepping forward and saying mandatory vaccines are not a good thing, I do hate it when they bow down before the altar of the vaccine industry
in their statements.
"Vaccines are among the greatest medical advances of modern times". Really???????
Every vaccine loyalist article has a similar statement or the "we know vaccine has saved thousands of lives" mantra and if just irks me because it is NEVER followed up with substantiating data. When I read this in an article if there is a comment board I always ask if this is the case where is the data substantiating that statement. The articles written that have no comment sections (I call them hit and run articles because the writer can say anything they want and not be challenged publicly), I send an email and ask could they please send me the data that they have to substantiate their article. Never hear from them. So on the one hand this doctor is questioning the excessive and aggressive vaccination mandate yet at the same time giving praises to the products of mass destruction.
"public health officials have become intoxicated by success and have lost their sense of perspective." Seriously!!!
Interesting thing about vaccines in the current climate, with vaccine makers having blanket immunity-absolutely no consequences for death or harmful adverse reactions that can last a lifetime, a vaccine doesn't have to be successful. It doesn't even have to work and unless a significant number of children die in the pediatricians office after being injected it won't even be scrutinized as the culprit. My perspective is they don't work and the entire voodoo practice is reaching critical mass which is one of the reason for the rabid vaccine mandates. Big pharma wants to make as much money as quickly as they can before the bodies start piling up and their complicity is discovered. The rotavirus vaccine, completely unnecessary and voted onto the schedule by one of the co-developers, is causing significant damage to the health of children yet no one is being held accountable. It was even contaminated with pigs blood but it wasn't removed from the schedule, supposeably it was fixed. I'm sure in the 300 new vaccines in the pipeline there is an adult vaccine for diarrhea. It'll probably do the same thing and no one will be held accountable. Vaccines are not about success of the product, they are about success of the governments ability to continue to brainwash the parents in America through false flag fear events like the Disney fake measles outbreak. They terrorize parents with the notion that 200 people infected with Measles in a country of three and a half million plus people is an epidemic of biblical proportions and that every living thing on the planet needs to be injected right away. They manipulate and brainwash people using Joseph Goebbels, the Minister of Propaganda of the Nazi Party during the Third Reich technique of: "the bigger the lie, the more it will be believed." What are the biggest lies that supposeably intelligent people believe:
-vaccines saves millions of lives
-vaccines are safe and effective
-vaccines gives immunity for life
-unvaccinted children are infecting vaccinated children
-unvaccinated children affect herd immunity
-herd immunity
-if you are vaccinated you will not get the illness you are vaccinated against.
There are more but these are the mantra going around today. FYI: If you look at the list I just posted, the statements are troll identifiers. Every troll that jumps on a comment board will work those mantras into their comments because they reinforce the seeds that the government planted in most parents today-when they were children. Think about it.
"Herd immunity is an important concept, but it has been used to bully parents into rigid adherence to the immunization schedule."
I would be hesitant of any doctor that has brought into the idea of herd immunity. Children are not cattle. We are not livestock and when you think about what happens to livestock-they get led to the slaughter.
Posted by: Danchi | August 31, 2015 at 10:41 PM
Notice it's in the British Medical Journal. He probably couldn't get an American journal to publish that.
Posted by: Linda1 | August 31, 2015 at 07:48 PM
Good thing there are some sensible doctors.
Maybe we should approach the subject of vaccines in the way, we, and all media approach food.
Food--like vaccines--are necessary for all of us. We don't eat food when it is tainted. We don't bite into a rotten apple and pretend that it is a necessary building block for a strong, healthy body. Tainted food is supposed to be reported.
Just think if Snow White had been given a toxic vaccine instead of a poisoned apple, would, in today's world, the story of Snow White have ever been told by the brothers Grimm?
Ever so often spinach, lettuce and other foods are reported to have salmonella. Those vegetables get recalled and the story doesn't end until all bad vegetables have been identified and destroyed.
Is it necessary to state that maybe, just maybe, contamination and toxicity also happens from vaccines?
In fact Snow White did get vaccinated by the evil step-mother and Snow White didn't wake up until years later someone used effective chelation therapy.
Maybe we need more than seven dwarves to see to it that all the Snow Whites out there can be helped.
Posted by: Birgit Calhoun | August 31, 2015 at 06:53 PM
Wow. How nice. Yes, reasonable.
Posted by: Jill | August 31, 2015 at 06:19 PM