Sign of the Crimes: Activist Stands at Merck HQ to Declare Autism Vaccine Link
Managing Editor's Note: Lori Brozek has a blog called MerckNQuest. I read this post and felt we should share it with AofA'ers. Lori has taken activism to heart - she stands at Merck HQ with a sign. She gets attention. People ask questions. If you're near Whitehouse Station, New Jersey and want to stand next to Lori, or expand the number of days per week an activist is there, you can follow her lead.
To the extent that subordinates move toward freer expression and action they will expose the inequality and throw into question the basis for its existence. And they will make the inherent conflict an open conflict. They will have to bear the burden and take the risks that go with being defined as “troublemakers.” Since this role flies in the face of their conditioning, subordinates, especially women, do not come to it with ease.
Jean Baker Miller, MD
I’ve been going out to Merck lately—typically around 5pm when the employees are leaving work for the day. I started at their former headquarters’ complex off Route 22 in Whitehouse Station, New Jersey. I parked at the Al Bohem’s Golf Center parking lot that’s next to the employee entrance and exit. There’s a traffic light at the intersection, and I stood on the side where the employees were exiting and held my sign.
Most of the employees in Whitehouse Station were transferred to other New Jersey offices as the site is up for sale. Since there aren’t too many employees coming out of there these days, I took my sign and moved to the Merck facility in West Point, Pennsylvania—an appropriate spot to stand as this place houses their vaccine operations.
This complex has various employee exits and entrances and on my first day I drove around and decided to hang out at the entrance on Sumneytown Pike. There’s a traffic light there and Sumneytown Pike is a busy road. There’s a couple of sidewalks by employee exit road – one going into the facility and one along Sumneytown Pike. I stood on the corner where the two sidewalks meet and held my sign up as employees waited at the light.
I was nervous and shaking a little as I stood there. Cars drove past on Sumneytown Pike. Heads turned occasionally to read my sign. Someone honked and waved.
Read her full post here.
Nothing like going through a crowd of people that have righteous anger and shouting Freak and your little kids too!
Was she green, wore a pointed hat and carried a broom?
Ohhhh, you little tripping freak you. I laid in bed at night and just dreamed of what you actually did - You are indeed a very brave, sweet soul. .
Posted by: Benedetta | July 17, 2015 at 09:57 PM
Gardasil for babies? They have gone mad. They know that babies can't talk and detail the damage. This all is far out of control in the USA.
Posted by: @Susan | July 16, 2015 at 08:46 PM
Thank you for all you write. Going to make copies and send the the ones who have worshipped at The Church of Vaccines.
Oh when I tell 'em about how the Italian court said the mmr cause a child autism in 2012 that usually plants the seed to wake up. And yes nvic and company needs to get it together and support the Lori Brozek of this country.
Posted by: cg | July 16, 2015 at 08:31 PM
Protect kids, not drug makers! Sign/share
The law is corrupt and immoral. Please help spread the message.
Nothing will change as long as this law protects the vaccine makers.
Posted by: Num Guy | July 16, 2015 at 07:20 PM
I live in California and have a nine-year-old granddaughter who might be forced to be vaccinated by the new Medical Tyranny. I am scared to death. This is the beginning of a terrible chapter in American history and we must all fight against it. Thank you all for the great comments that include links I will now pour over. I am trying to educate my friends, but it's a tough road. I will keep educating myself and keep trying to educate those around me.
Posted by: Alaine Lowell | July 16, 2015 at 01:29 PM
Just watched Caitlyn Jenner accept ESPY's Arthur Ashe award for "courage" .. wherein Caitlyn's stated in her gracious acceptance speech:
"It's about what happens from here. It's not about one person. It's about thousands of people. It's not just about one of us .. it's about all of us......"
It's probably just me .. but .. if I were in charge of awarding the Arthur Ashe medal for "courage" .. I would have awarded it to Lori Brozek .. for her lonely stand at the gates of Merck .. which has provided enormous inspiration for all of us who were standing along side her in spirit.
Posted by: Bob Moffitt | July 16, 2015 at 11:19 AM
I would like also to add,
you cant argue with "stupid" not even death cures them.
Posted by: Angus Files | July 16, 2015 at 09:03 AM
Lori Brozek’s story is an inspiration. Standing alone with a sign outside of Merck is a courageous and powerful act. Merck is the company that entered into an agreement in 2009 with CSL to provide mercury preserved flu vaccines for children in the US. These were made in Germany.
“In September 2009, Merck entered into an exclusive agreement with CSL Biotherapies, a subsidiary of CSL Limited, to market and distribute AFLURIA® (Influenza Virus Vaccine) in the United States…CSL maintains vaccine filling and packaging facilities in Kankakee, IL, which include a high-speed, single-dose vaccine syringe filling line, and Marburg, Germany, for multi-dose vial filling and packaging services. Both locations will continue to be utilized for influenza vaccine supply to the US market. (2013)”
See .
But these multi-dose vaccines coming from Germany have mercury levels at 50 parts per million. See .
And so they have a concentration that is 250 times higher than the USEPA threshold of 0.2 parts per million for D009 Mercury Hazardous Waste. See .
While Lori stands at Merck’s entrance, our United States elected officials are asleep at the helm. And yes, the CDC and FDA are sock puppets for multinational corporations to produce and sell their neurotoxic products for injection into children and pregnant women. See and .
Mercury kills brain cells. Please contact your elected representatives and tell them to stop this crime against humanity. See .
Posted by: Jim Thompson | July 16, 2015 at 07:36 AM
Just wanted to say how much I admire and support what Lori is doing. The sad thing is, Merck's autism-causing vaccine is just one of MANY of it's medications that are devastating the health of patients the world over.
As just one example, read up on all the damage that Merck's hair-loss drug Propecia (finasteride) is doing to otherwise healthy men the world over:
Posted by: Philip Jennings | July 15, 2015 at 08:48 PM
David Taylor,
Thanks you for that brilliant, and unbelievably accurate post. I really enjoyed reading it.
The only feedback i have for you is:
1. You said " … Most of all, the pharmaceutical industry is, for all intents and purposes, a branch of government today…"
I agree with you, except I would re-word it slightly and say " Most of all, the government is, for all intents and purposes, a branch of the pharmaceutical industry…"
2. You also said " But one of RFKJr.'s main talking points is that the CDC, FDA, NIH, WHO, UNICEF and others have been co-opted to the point of being sock puppets for pharmaceutical interests"
I agree with you on that one you, except I would argue that they were created specifically for that reason. They've been sock puppets from the get go…. they've just become so arrogant, that they couldn't be bothered with trying to hide it anymore.
Posted by: Barry | July 15, 2015 at 08:22 PM
I read this article today about how the criminals are trying to push Merck's dangerous HPV vaccine on babies instead of older children.
When a child has been healthy his/her whole life and then is vaccine injured by the HPV vaccine they find it hard to say "just a coincidence", but for babies they must think people will buy it when they say "a coincidence". Somebody has to stop this insanity.
Posted by: Susan | July 15, 2015 at 03:37 PM
Matt--Vaccines in America have evolved well beyond science into religious dogma. Like all religious dogma, vaccine dogma is based on fear--fear of disease and our desire to be saved from it. The science supporting this religious dogma cannot be questioned any more than the Holy Word can be questioned at a evangelical tent revival.
This dogmatism is easy to see in any argument on social media between a vaccine skeptic and a vaccine supporter who harbors no doubts or questions about the safety and efficacy of the 19th Century medical procedure known as vaccines.
Arguing with a True Believer in the Holy Water of Vaccines is exactly like arguing with a religious fanatic. The fanatic does not want or need facts, science based or otherwise.
What is needed to turn the tide? The tide is turned on a personal level when your child or a child close to you becomes a victim of vaccines.
The tide on a social level will unfortunately require more injury, more death, more stripping of medical freedom and autonomy. As injury and death increase, a tipping point will eventually be reached, the Overton Window will shift, and vaccine policy will become open for debate.
That's what happened in 19th Century England when Jenner's smallpox vaccine, made from scrapings of cow pus, caused so much injury and death that there were riots in the streets of London against forced vaccinations. A Royal Commission was established and eventually recommended thaat the required vaccination law be overturned in 1898.
Until that kind of social shift happens, all the whistle blowers in the world, including Dr. Thompson, will have no lasting or significant effect. There have been several Dr. Thompsons in the past. As recently as 2012, in an interview with Truthout’s Martha Rosenberg, former FDA drug reviewer, Ronald Cavanagh, exposed the FDA as a relentless criminal mafia protecting its client, Big Pharma, with a host of mob strategies. The 1970s equivalent of William Thompson are J. Anthony Morris and Bernice Eddy. Ever heard of them?
The stages of the Overton Window are:
It's pretty clear where we are now on that scale as a society in our ability to debate vaccine science and safety. One of the major factors keeping us in the "Unthinkable" and "Radical" range is that vaccines are also consciously, methodically being made into a monolithic and powerful political ideology.
Vaccinism: The Dangers of Political Ideology
An ideology becomes political when it has its own:
***1. System of Law.
The basis of this system is the matrix of state laws that mandate all or parts of the CDC recommended schedule, the 1986 NVICP Act, and the 2001 SCOTUS decision. The recent efforts in states like California to eliminate exemptions for children and increase mandates for adults are attempts to extend a system of laws to support "vaccinism"--the ideology of vaccines.
Australia and New Zealand have proposed to stop welfare payments to those who do not vaccinate, there's little doubt America is headed in that direction, too.
Obamacare also extends laws regarding vaccines. Beginning January 1, 2013, hospitals participating in the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting Program were required to submit summary data on influenza vaccination of healthcare personnel. Use of this measure for payment determination began in FY 2015.
The rules for determining payments to hospital for vaccine compliance fall under the Hospital Value-Based Purchasing Program of vaccines as specified in §§ 412.160 through 412.167 published in the Federal Register /Vol. 77, No. 170 / Friday, August 31, 2012 /Rules and Regulations 53675.
***2. System of Government.
Even scholarly studies from Princeton say we no longer live in a representative democracy. Call it what you will--oligarchy, corporatocracy, kleptocracy--we live under the control of rulers who delegate control in an hierarchical manner. Polls consistently show that 80-90% of Americans oppose mandatory vaccines. So what? Same polls have been showing for over 20 years that an overwhelming majority of Americans support a substantial increase in the minimum wage. Clearly, our will is not represented in policy. On the whole, our Congress and president are bought and paid for by those who give the orders. Most of all, the pharmaceutical industry is, for all intents and purposes, a branch of government today.
***3. Command and Control Centers.
These used to be known as independent government agencies working on behalf of citizens. But one of RFKJr.'s main talking points is that the CDC, FDA, NIH, WHO, UNICEF and others have been co-opted to the point of being sock puppets for pharmaceutical interests. RFKJr.'s description of how decisions are made in these agencies and the televised committee hearings in California leave no doubt these agencies are now the command and control centers for Big Pharma.
And any critique would be remiss if it left out state departments of child services, whose medical kidnappings of children of parents who deviate from Pharma orthodoxy are near-daily events. And once in that legal system, the parent must fight a well-coordinated army of lawyers, social workers, and judges deployed from the command and control centers.
***4. Recognizable Dress Code and Insignia.
Regardless of how ridiculous the CDC officials look, those damn uniforms they wear on TV convey the authority that reinforces their right to pronounce "truth" to the masses and order us to obey.
***5. Representation by a Political Party.
In California, 24 of SB277's 26 sponsors were Democratic. Daily Kos, Huffington Post, Mother Jones, Think Progress--all prohibit non-dogmatic discussion of vaccines. If a story or comment slips by, it will be first attacked (debunked) and then immediately erased and the user banned. The few Republicans who have dared to speak out (Michelle Bachman, Rand Paul, Chris Christie) were immediately ridiculed and silenced. Only Donald Trump continues to speak about medical freedom and vaccines. And I have no idea what party The Donald belongs to.
***6. Finance and Tax System.
The most perverse irony of this entire nightmare is the $.75 surcharge that Americans pay for each vaccine. We allow liability-free companies and doctors to injure us, and then we are forced to pay for the damages they did to us.
***7. Indoctrination System.
One word--Elmo. But worse is that there are very, very few doctors practicing today who did not undergo indoctrination into the Church of the Vaccine in medical school, where they are taught two things: vaccines are Good, and here is how to inject them. A third thing doctors in training are taught but is not in the official curriculum is what will happen if they dissent.
There you have it. Until you understand and accept that vaccines are religious and political dogmas in the United States, no science is worth talking about to you.
You want science? My god, there's more science on the harms of vaccines, including the sequelae called autism, than there is on the Rings of Saturn. But until you have crossed your own tipping point and have resigned from the Church of the Holy Vaccine and recognize its agents of political control, you are not awake.
Posted by: David Taylor | July 15, 2015 at 12:54 PM
Also for Matt - I missed mass sterilisations
By 1977, Reimert Ravenholt, the director of AID's population program, was saying that his agency's goal was to sterilize one-quarter of the world's women. The gearing between Third World fecundity and First World prosperity is still a core policy theme. The immensely wealthy Pew Charitable Trusts--a cluster of foundations with an abiding interest in population control, recently issued a report that stated frankly: "The average American's interest in maintaining high standards of living has been a prime motivator for U.S. population policy from its earliest formation and it is likely that this will continue for the foreseeable future."
In other words, the issue is distribution. But distribution raises uncomfortable questions of social justice. Sterilization, along with less drastic inhibitors, is far easier, particularly when it is made palatable to the liberal conscience by being tricked out in the verbal bunting of "empowerment" and "respect for the rights of women."
Posted by: Georg Elser | July 15, 2015 at 04:09 AM
Oh Matt
Yesterday my 11 year old daughter went playing in the road in very busy traffic wearing just her underpants . She let herself out of the house and wandered as these children are prone to do .
My anger for what Gerberding , Boyle , Destefano , Allsopp and the others have done is immeasurable.
There are no serious commenters here who even discuss what the cause of autism is . Vaccines are a crime against humanity. Vaccines are the cause of the Autism Pandemic.
"What evidence will the community need to adequately believe that vaccines dont give you autism?"
This is a silly question , vaccines cause autism , and we now have the cast iron proof the CDC fiddled the books to hide the evidence , with the Poul Thoresen papers out of Denmark , and more damning the William Thompson revelations from 2003 .
"What experiments need to be done to adequately need to be done to get the scientific / pharma community to believe that vaccines give you autism?"
This is another silly question , when you are covering up Hg-enocide , and want that Hg-enocide to be ongoing , and you are already responsible for the neurological maiming of 50M babies - I mean where do you go from there .
Autism is only part of the story Matt . Lets throw in cancer , diabetes , SIDS , ADHD , the obesity epidemic , death , MS , Aids , - the carnage is endless .
I encourage all interlopers , and all paid opposition , to please to keep their vaccine schedule fully up to date , make sure to keep drinking that fully flouridated tap water , and always choose the cheaper option of the dental mercury amalgams fillings .
Posted by: Sophie Scholl | July 15, 2015 at 02:51 AM
On April 29, 1945, U.S. soldiers liberated the German Nazi concentration camp at Dachau, Germany. The words, remaining to this day, on the entrance gate said “Arbeit Macht Frei” [or “works makes you free”]. Of course anyone going beyond those gates quickly found clear evidence of crimes against humanity.
Similarly if you go to the Centers for Disease Control website on vaccine safety there is a section with the title “Research shows that thimerosal does not cause ASD.” See .
But anyone going beyond that title with unbiased thinking will quickly find that there is evidence of a crime against humanity. One place to start is "Evidence of Harm" by David Kirby. Children beginning at birth were given mercury containing vaccines equivalent to a half cup of D009 mercury hazardous waste in each vaccine delivery. Mercury kills brain cells. Children are still given flu vaccines with mercury. See .
And so by reading and responding to this story about Lori Brozek you have entered the gates of parents fighting for children’s safety from vaccine injuries. What you chose to see is up to you. But the debate over the horrible crime against humanity due to mercury was over before it started. The deadly effect on neurons and absence of a threshold of no observable effects is well documented. And just as the effect of Hitler’s propaganda on the gates of the Dachau concentration camp could not last, the CDC and Pharma propaganda cannot last--due in large part to heroes like Lori Brozek.
Posted by: Jim Thompson | July 14, 2015 at 11:50 PM
Matt; studies- it is not a matter of what kind of studies - it is a matter of who will do them. Anything right now that the CDC, NIH, NIMH, FDA, HHS -- would touch - would be tainted.
For they are so intertwined with the pharmas - it would really be the vaccine manufacturers that would be doing studies on their own product.
This has been done before - by the way. When I was a little girl the tobacco companies had the radio news to announce regular that a new studies says smoking is good for your health.
Posted by: Benedetta | July 14, 2015 at 10:15 PM
What percentage does vaccine cause autism?
It is time to stop thinking about just vaccines cause autism because it causes more than that.
Lots more.
Posted by: Benedetta | July 14, 2015 at 10:12 PM
I have an honest question for the community. If the merck vaccine caused autism, do all vaccines cause autism? What percentage of people who get vaccinated will get autism?
If you were really interested in honest questions , you'd be asking what percentage of completely unvaccinated children get autism.
And the honest answer to that question, is zero.
Posted by: Barry | July 14, 2015 at 09:12 PM
I have an honest question for the community. If the merck vaccine caused autism, do all vaccines cause autism? What percentage of people who get vaccinated will get autism? What percentage of people who dont get vaccinated will get autism? Is there a significant difference of autism between the two populations (vaccinated vs. not vaccinated)? By gender, by nationality?
On the other side, there are lots of reports comparing thousands of kids who get autism with others - and say that the vaccine doesnt give you autism. What evidence will the community need to adequately believe that vaccines dont give you autism? What experiments need to be done to adequately need to be done to get the scientific / pharma community to believe that vaccines give you autism?
Posted by: Matt | July 14, 2015 at 08:02 PM
Good For You!!! Love this woman!!!!!
Posted by: CS | July 14, 2015 at 07:42 PM
Come on! TMR, NVIC, whoever! Where when is the massive protest? Only then can major people speak out. Get visible like Lori en masse and soon!
Posted by: Come on people | July 14, 2015 at 05:34 PM
She tripped the "freak" lady?? My all time hero. All the more so for this recent quest.
Posted by: Trippy | July 14, 2015 at 05:16 PM
Well done Lori,
I did it outside the LSC in London 12 years ago with a black coffin lid cut out of cardboard ,adorned with MMR RIP written on the lid.Needless to say I was followed about a bit,by suits with walky talkies..the joys!
Posted by: Angus Files | July 14, 2015 at 04:18 PM
I SOOOOOO want to do this too!!!! Wish I lived nearby to stand with Lori. She is a hero in my book!!
Posted by: Jan | July 14, 2015 at 04:15 PM
Talk about the bold and the beautiful!
Posted by: greyone | July 14, 2015 at 02:09 PM
Thank you for your courage ! I would join you if I could !!! But I am in the UK
Posted by: Jill Southgate | July 14, 2015 at 11:53 AM
How do we contact Lori? That is near my house. My vaccine-injured daughter will gladly hold her own sign!
Posted by: Libby | July 14, 2015 at 11:30 AM
Fair Play Lori .
I want(& dream of) a permannent picket outside the BBC HQ , for the continual lies and state censorship .
Posted by: Sophie Scholl | July 14, 2015 at 11:21 AM
Courage is contagious. Amen and Thank you Lori.
Posted by: Merck should have trouble sleeping at night | July 14, 2015 at 10:16 AM
Lori, we need more activism like this...LOTS more! Keep setting the example and inspiring others! Thank you for your courage, Lori, and know that you are indeed making a difference :)
Posted by: Laura Hayes | July 14, 2015 at 09:36 AM
How incredibly brave. So much admiration for you, Lori.
Posted by: susan | July 14, 2015 at 08:31 AM
"I was nervous and shaking a little as I stood there. Cars drove past on Sumneytown Pike. Heads turned occasionally to read my sign. Someone honked and waved."
Billy Graham spoke of courage:
"Courage is contagious. When a brave man ..(in this case a very brave woman) .. takes a stand, the spines of others are often stiffened"
Lori .. please know that your courageous act of defiance will stiffen the spines of thousands who read of it .. and . they in turn .. will find the courage to act in their own way because of it.
My friend .. you will probably never know how many "spines you stiffened" at Merck .. but .. I suspect there may have been a few who read your sign and had trouble sleeping that night.
Posted by: Bob Moffitt | July 14, 2015 at 06:47 AM