Reader Response to WaPo Article on Neurodiversity
Dachel Media Update: Autism Not REALLY on Rise - Right?


Adriana Gamondes

Would love it if this graphic lent to the cause. If a reputable organization combating mandate legislation can or already has set up a Tfund account at Cafe Press for t-shirt fundraising, let's talk. Contact me through the blog or Facebook.

Angus Files

I`m defo having a T shirt with that on it..

Great Adrianna



This is art.
This is politics.
This is outstanding.


Even though children of a certain age are considered to have naturally acquired immunity to Haemophilus influenzae type b, the way that I read the bill, Hib vaccine will be required for older children even though it's not recommended for them.

From Immunization Action Coalition's "Ask the [CDC] Experts":

"Q. I've just evaluated a 7-year old who does not have a record of receiving Hib vaccine. Would a dose be indicated now?

A. ACIP does not recommend routine Hib vaccination of healthy children 59 months of age or older, even if they have no prior history of Hib vaccination."


Pharmatrician -- that was the word, I was trying to remember the other day! Pharmatrician are pharming -- they do the cultivation part, and the rest of the medical profession gets to harvest the rewards years on down the line.

John Stone

Thank you, Adriana. Brilliant as ever, John

Human sacrifice requires to create vax and to prove allegiance to God of vax

This is awesome. I think if you put it on cafe press you could send a link so we could make bags and tshirts out of it!
I would like to suggest another one a comic book style with religious themes to artists out there,
There is a story in the old testament where Abraham thought God ordered him to sacrifice his beloved son to prove his love for God. Then at the last minute an angel saved Isaac and told Abraham he had proved his love by bringing Isaac to the altar but didn't need him
To kill him. Somehow proving our love by traveling to the altar to get the personal belief exemption lecture and the form was enough for the old pan God but the new pan God wants the full sacrifice ---with no dissent allowed except as deemed by the priests of vax,
The same priests who demand the sacrifice and curry favor by pushing it. The penalty is another sacrifice --your child's education. So ... show Abraham about to give Isaac a vax because pan (God--google pan God he is a centaur) said so. Have the angel intervene saying "no you don't have to sacrifice your child - that's an old religious superstition --what crazy God gave you that idea! let he who wants you to vaccinate take the injection for the herd--don't put that sacrifice on your BABY!" !I am not telling the story right but you get the point! Or --- Stop --don't uou trust the immunity and treatments I gave you? Why this odd unproven ritual to ward off disease? What idiot False God told you I wanted you to sacrifice a babysits immunity i so elegantly crafted??? Then you see pan .
Not telling it right but if anyone can find value here steal it and sprint with it!

Laura Hayes

Awesome, Adriana! Sharing now, including with staffers of CA legislators.


How much would it cost to put this on billboards along California freeways?

T-shirts? I want two, one to wear while the other is in the laundry.

Adrianna, you are a genius.


Yes please!!!!! This is fantastic. We need more simple images like this to drive points home. Think counter propaganda. It would be good to have some showing how severe autism often is.

Sophie Scholl

I'm hoping that these mooted legal challenges create "Pandemonium for Pan & sb277"

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