5 Reasons to Watch Trace Amounts
Mom’s helping Ronan this evening. He’s had a few seizures. So, while she’s staying close by his side, I thought I’d help her get a Sunday post ready.
I saw Trace Amounts when Eric Gladen was in Washington, D.C. Half-way through the movie, I leaned over to my Mom and said, “I’ve got to hug him when this is done.”
Mom asked me, “Why?”
I told her, “Because he’s been through so much.”
I got to tell Eric that when the movie was over. I told him I learned much more about mercury from his documentary. I already knew a little bit because of my brother’s vaccine injury and because we learned about mercury in school.
In school, the textbooks said that mercury was beneficial. I don’t believe that it is. Mercury can affect the brain and someone’s health. Eric explains that. He also talks about the government, the pharmaceutical companies, and how the American people need to be more aware of how mercury is allowed to be used even though it can cause problems.
Trace Amounts was a great film. Here are five reasons why more people should watch it:
- Information. We need to be more aware of what’s going into our bodies. We can do that by reading labels, by asking questions, by listening to other people’s stories, like Eric’s story. He tells us that he got a tetanus shot, which has mercury, and then got sick. He doesn’t just tell us about that part though. He talks about his road to recovery. Recovery is possible and he proved that. It wasn’t easy, but Eric managed to get through it.
- Mercury. This movie was about mercury. It was about some of the studies done about mercury and how it has negative effects on humans. We’ve known for a long time that mercury is not the safest thing to be around. But it’s still being used despite what studies have shown—that it does more harm than good.
- Why not mercury? Mercury is a natural element found in the earth. It’s been used in some light bulbs, thermometers, dental filings, and vaccines. Even though some scientists claim that mercury is “natural”, it can cause problems. Problems from mercury poisoning can include loss of speech, repetitive behaviors and seizures.
- Those vaccines. People may think that mercury is not in vaccines. But it still is in trace amounts in some of them. The form of mercury found in vaccines is called thimerosal. It’s used as a preservative. The movie points out that it is being added because the pharmaceutical companies wanted to save money. I don’t think that it’s ethical to put a neurotoxin in something that supposedly “saves” someone from sickness or disease.
- Eric Gladen. He was nice. He was real. He wasn’t some business guy looking to sell anything. He was telling his story. We’ve all heard stories like Eric’s, but his was different. Instead of a child being affected by vaccines, Eric, a grown man, was affected. It shows that mercury can hurt not just children but anyone. He lost some abilities, like my brother has, but he worked hard to get them back. Now that he’s healthier, Eric is telling his story so people can understand what mercury can do to humans.
If you haven’t heard Eric’s story yet, go see Trace Amounts. It’s still being shown in some areas. If you can’t find one near you, you can always get a copy of the movie from their website. www.TraceAmounts.com Mom told me that more people, including some celebrities such as Jim Carrey, Alicia Silverstone, Cindy Crawford and Ricki Lake, have watched it. They are encouraging others to watch the film. I think it would be a good idea for everyone to see it, too.
Fiona Jameson just graduated from 8th grade. She wants to be a gluten-free baker, professional volleyball player, and a Mom when she grows up.
"...any other compliments you'd like to pay me, child molester now troll, whatever next??"
That's it for now.
Posted by: Linda1 | July 28, 2015 at 04:49 PM
Ben lost me when he told me to think carefully at everything I have been told.
I was told that vaccines were safe since I was knee high all the way through college.
So imagine my surprise when I "OBSERVED" vaccine reactions - but because I had a life time of me being "told" I kept on vaccinating till well -- there gets a point that even the slowest of us decide that being told is not near as important as observing for yourself.
Posted by: Benedetta | July 28, 2015 at 04:41 PM
Well, Eindecker, I suppose at some point Fiona does need to learn about trolls. No Linda1 I'd respectfully suggest that sooner rather than later Fiona needs to understand the reality that thiomersal isn't linked to autism: the longer that autism rates continue to rise or even level off the more obvious it will become, what's she meant to say if ever she gets in conversation over this & someone points out that there's no thiomersal in vaccines anymore "Oh well you're obviously a troll??" Oh and by the way, any other compliments you'd like to pay me, child molester now troll, whatever next??
"Can you prove that mercury has actually been removed from childhood vaccines, and not just from the ingredients list? You do realise you can't prove a negative, why don't you suggest to the "Health Ranger" that he analyses some vaccine batches for mercury, after all he's now got his laboratory hasn't he?
Mind you the logic of pharma continuing to use thiomersal requires a very large conspiracy: multiple pharma Co's,(international as well as US), QA, QC, production, record keeping, and on top of spending gazillions of $ installing & commissioning new production lines validation, inspection etc etc all the time while secretly adding thiomersal: how many people needed to cover this up 10,000, 100,000 or more in a conspiracy? No Barry you'd have to the biggest conspiracy theorist of all time to put that forward wouldn't you? Of course that does leave you in the situation of where to go in rationalising the lack of any decrease in autism with the removal of thiomersal doesn't it?
Posted by: Eindeker | July 28, 2015 at 03:50 PM
Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me...we all have been round the block with Pharma and allopathic ..just like in you do we see through bluff, and lies..
Posted by: Angus Files | July 28, 2015 at 04:46 AM
why don't you address the yawning chasm of an issue that thiomersal has virtually disappeared from the childhood schedule in so many countries with zero effect on autism
Lots of people say that mercury has been removed from childhood vaccines, but each and every one of them are just repeating a claim that's been made by vaccine manufacturers.
If even one of those people thought critically about what they're repeating, they would realize that vaccine manufactureres aren't exactly renowned for telling the truth. And that maybe, just maybe, they were making a false claim. To make it LOOK like thimererosal had been falsely implicated.
Now i'm not saying that this is the case, because that would be a conspiracy theory. And we all know that no-one should pay attention to anything that's been uttered from the mouth of a conspiracy theorist.
However, since the catch phrase of the day appears to be "critical thinking", I'd like to know that you did yours before coming here to claim that ".. thiomersal has virtually disappeared from the childhood schedule.."
Can you prove that mercury has actually been removed from childhood vaccines, and not just from the ingredients list?
Posted by: Barry | July 27, 2015 at 10:14 PM
Well, Eindecker, I suppose at some point Fiona does need to learn about trolls.
Posted by: Linda1 | July 27, 2015 at 09:29 PM
Nobody is asking you to stay silent. I am asking you in earnest to think critically about everything you are told, including what you want to agree with. Can you honestly say you have been as critical about the information presented in Trace Amounts as you have the information given to you by the mainstream medical establishment? That's what I'm imploring people to think about. You're not going to get the benefit of critical thinking if it's only one-sided.
Posted by: Ben | July 27, 2015 at 07:58 PM
Maybe you should see the film instead of showing up to molest a minor.
Moderator is this abuse allowed?? Linda1 instead of child like ranting why don't you address the yawning chasm of an issue that thiomersal has virtually disappeared from the childhood schedule in so many countries with zero effect on autism yet Mr Kennedy & Dan Olmsted et al still flog (quite literally) a dead horse hoping to turn a penny or dime on their bankrupt films or books.
Linda1 it's a perfectly fair question to pose to Fiona since she chose to write an article extolling the virtue of the hypothesis that thiomersal is linked to autism yet the real life evidence does not support this at all, molesting indeed!
Posted by: Eindeker | July 27, 2015 at 05:17 PM
We've been critically thinking about this for the last two decades since our son's vaccine inducted autism developed in one day from six vaccines.
If you watch the film it's not only what Eric says, but the host of others saying the same thing. Mercury is a neurotoxin and there is no reason for it's use in vaccines and products other than to boost profit.
For children like our son who were sacrificed for the "greater good" and still are being, we won't be told to remain silent. Any parent would do the same if their child sustained a life altering injury from a product. It's unfortunate however that we don't have the same rights to show liability and deliberate indifference as those have with other products.
This film needs to be seen, Eric Gladen's story heard, as well as those hundreds of thousands if not millions, who have sustained injury from mercury.
#HearUs well. We are not going away nor are our children who are physical evidence of this harm.
Thank you!
Posted by: Carolyn | July 27, 2015 at 01:36 PM
Maybe you should see the film instead of showing up to molest a minor.
It'll cost you $5.99 to rent the film for 72 hours. Here's the link: http://traceamounts.com/digital-downloads-rentals/
Posted by: Linda1 | July 27, 2015 at 01:02 PM
Dear Fiona
I haven't seen this film so can you tell me if they gave the actual thiomersal content of the vaccines on the current US recommendations for children in the first 6 years of life, if they didn't here's the information, you may find it illuminating http://www.fda.gov/BiologicsBloodVaccines/SafetyAvailability/VaccineSafety/UCM096228
29 available formulations are thiomersal free, zippo, zilch NO thiomersal, not even a trace amount. There are 4 versions of multidose flu vaccine listing trace amounts, but single dose thiomersal free formulations are available. There is 1 DtAP formulation listed on the CDC webpage, Tripedia, but this is no longer available, it was withdrawn in 2011. The various single dose meningococcal vaccines, including the new Bexsero against serogroup B are also thiomersal free.
What's happened to autism rates in the meantime?? They're still going up, see John Stone's recent posting on the yearly Scottish stats (the UK removed thiomersal from childhood vaccines in 2003/2004), but still there is a small industry going on flogging the idea that thiomersal is still a risk factor in childhood vaccines, how does this make any sense unless it's just a con trick to flog films & books??
Posted by: Eindeker | July 27, 2015 at 12:22 PM
Thank you, Fiona. I want to send a virtual hug to you, and Eric Gladen, too! I'm very grateful to Mr. Gladen for putting a major portion of his life towards documenting one of the egregious safety failures of the U.S. vaccine industry and documenting his recovery.
And I suppose it's also good to see that all here seem to agree there hasn't been "proper examination" of the vaccine schedule.
Posted by: Jeannette Bishop | July 27, 2015 at 10:53 AM
Just make sure you think critically about what Eric Gladen is telling you as well. The sword of critical thinking cuts both ways. That's all I'm trying to say.
@cia parker
I can't comment on your case and your daughter's case because I do not know the details, and an anecdote is by nature incomplete information.
If vaccines are poisonous, then there's going to be a reason for that which can be fixed IF they are indeed poisonous in the first place. Dismissing their use entirely without proper examination is warrantless.
Posted by: Ben | July 27, 2015 at 10:05 AM
That's kind of silly to say. My daughter (autism) and I (MS) continue to suffer severe symptoms from vaccine mercury toxicity. I want them to discover how to get the mercury out of our brains and do it, then compensate us for our pain and suffering. Us and the millions like us alive today. I'd say "and then get all the mercury out of all vaccines, even the "trace" amounts," but who cares? It still wouldn't make vaccines safe. So anyone who wants them fine, but remember that they're poison. Always will be.
Posted by: cia parker | July 26, 2015 at 06:45 PM
wonderful article Fiona!! Those are very important points that you covered.
My husband and I had friends over to watch the moving and even though our son is vaccine injured it was eye opening for everyone!
Posted by: Jan | July 26, 2015 at 06:18 PM
With hundreds of millions of mercury vaccines given in the USA every year.... one never knows exactly where the tip of the needle will end up.
What happens when you take a typical Thimerosal vaccine and inject it straight into a vein or artery ??? I would assume this happens hundreds of times a year, with perhaps, a nearly instant disaster as a result...
Also, with Thimerosal still used in the manufacturing process for many vaccines and then “washed out to Trace Amounts” / what level of mercury is still in many of the multi-dose vials ??? 2.5 micrograms per shot is just about as bad as 25 micrograms, if it locks into brain tissue and trashes neurons 24/7/365 and never goes away.
Posted by: go Rand | July 26, 2015 at 05:28 PM
First of all I want to say you are an amazing young lady who takes after her mom. Both bright and beautiful, you've captured the true meaning of this film which is to educate the viewer about the dangers of mercury and what the substance has caused. Thank you so much for writing this piece.
Additionally I'd like to suggest that people host a screening of this film in your communities. We've been involved in several in MI and have had a packed house each time. We've purposely also sought to educate those who may be on the fence by having a panel to answer questions at each event. They don't have to be all experts, we've had everyone from doctors to parents of vaccine injured children on the panels. However the discussions had after each screening have yielded the sharing of information and the voicing of concerns by many. It also gives you the opportunity to coordinate system change within your local, state, and federal level legislative process regarding vaccine choice and going mercury free.
To find out more about how to host a screening visit www.traceamounts.com.
As a side note to Ben, as parents of a vaccine injured son, we appreciate Eric's efforts to not only tell his story, but also show the history of thimerosal in vaccines and the cover-up that the CDC has continued in showing its relation to autism.
Much appreciation to Eric Gladen and all of those who made Trace Amounts possible. Why too would they not want to sell their film? Everyone should buy a copy and critically think about what mercury is doing in this country.
Posted by: Carolyn | July 26, 2015 at 03:12 PM
"School textbooks say mercury is beneficial??"
I totally agree with asking this question. There are no textbooks anymore maybe this is why....Bill Gates is influencing education and parents are no longer clued in to what's getting taught. My 13 yr. old came home from school one day and said most foods these days are genetically engineered as if there's not a care in the world about that.
Nevermind the fact that everyone over the age of 13 has no clue that 95% of the corn soy and canola in the US is genetically engineered. And those who do come to know this are pretty darned pissed off that nobody bothered to tell them.
Posted by: Just Label GMOs | July 26, 2015 at 02:45 PM
Thrilled to see you following in your mother's footsteps, Fiona! You are an inspiring writer like she is :) Keep sharing what you know with others, like you are doing here...you are opening eyes and saving lives!
Posted by: Laura Hayes | July 26, 2015 at 12:33 PM
School textbooks say mercury is beneficial?? In what way(s) do they claim it's beneficial?
Thanks for a good article.
Posted by: Rae | July 26, 2015 at 12:21 PM
I have not seen Trace amounts yet, but I would like too.
Thanks Fiona for this.
I hope and pray and wish that the seizures gets under control and even goes away!
Posted by: Benedetta | July 26, 2015 at 11:12 AM
Number 5 is certainly incorrect: Eric Gladen is selling a documentary called Trace Amounts. I would've thought that one was obvious.
Why is this coming out now anyways? I thought you guys moved past thimerosal and onto aluminum and other stuff like that.
Anyways continue to question everything, even people you want to agree with and believe like Eric Gladen.
Posted by: Ben | July 26, 2015 at 10:37 AM
Thank you for this insightful and informative review of "Trace Amounts". I hope that Ronan is feeling better and that you continue to write alongside your Mom. I really enjoyed reading your post today.
Posted by: Linda1 | July 26, 2015 at 10:21 AM
Great article Fiona ,many thanks.I have e-mailed my local cinema to see if they will be interested in screening Trace Ammounts..
Sorry to read about the seizures .I read cannabis Oil without the THC in it is meant to be good for seizures.
Posted by: Angus Files | July 26, 2015 at 10:09 AM
Nice job Fiona, thanks for writing!
Posted by: Kristen | July 26, 2015 at 09:51 AM
Thank you, Fiona, for writing about this. I think we always need to bear in mind that the mercury issue is just one indicator of the fundamental recklessness of the industry and of government agencies - they don't care about mercury but the also don't care about a whole load of other things. The fact that they will inject mercury into an infant's body just shows you what they are prepared to do.
Posted by: John Stone | July 26, 2015 at 08:31 AM