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Dachel Media Update: Tembenis Family Featured on Fox Boston Vaccine Debate

Online newsBy Anne Dachel OurKids ad 2013

Read Anne's commentary and view the links after the jump.   The Dachel Media Update is sponsored by Lee Silsby Compounding Pharmacy and OurKidsASD, an online supplement retailer for patients with special needs.

June 23, 2015, My Fox Boston: Measles case in Mass. revives vaccinations debate
Fox News: "The medical community tells us the evidence is clear: Vaccinations are safe and parents who choose not to have their kids vaccinated, just put them at risk of serious illness.  As safe as they though, a small minority of children do have reactions.  Tonight a Worchester dad who says a vaccination caused his son's death."
"If vaccinations prevent kids from getting sick, why would any parent think twice?   Harry Tembenis may help you understand why the debate is as strong as ever.  At the age of four months Harry's son Elias received four shots immunizing him from nine different diseases.  Trouble began just hours later."
Harry Tembenis:  "Went in, saw him in full-blown seizure, foaming at the mouth, blue."

Fox News: "Elias would never fully recover, and at age seven, he died from a seizure that caused his heart to stop.  Harry and his wife filed a claim under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, and they won.  A federal judge found Elias's death was caused by the vaccine given to him for whooping cough.  It's a shot more than 95 percent of all children in Massachusetts have received."
Tembenis:"Our case, which was settled in November, 2010, actually proves that vaccines can and do cause harm up to and including death."
Fox News: "what happened to Elias is heartbreaking, but according to Dr. Larry Madoff,  the state's Director of Immunizations, it's also very rare.  
Dr. Madoff: "Ask the pediatrician what they would do with their own children.  Almost all of them would vaccinate their own children.  Vaccines are very safe and very effective at preventing very real, risky diseases."
Fox News: "Harry Tembenis says he'd never tell another parent not to have their child vaccinated.   But he says the decision needs to be an informed one."
Tembenis: "I beg parents when they know my story and they approach me, I want you to do your own research.  I want you to really delve into it.  Massachusetts has one of the best vaccination rates in the country, more than 95 percent of school-aged children have received them according to schedule.  Doctors say not getting vaccinated poses a much greater risk than receiving them."  
So how rare is rare?  There is no mention of how many claims are successful in the NVICP, or the fact that officials acknowledge that only 1 to 10 percent of vaccine injuries are ever reported.  

And what are doctors doing to single out those children who are at risk for serious injury from vaccines?  Dr. Madoff doesn't say.  
More and more vaccines are in the pipeline headed for approval by the FDA and CDC.  Why hasn't anyone ever looked at the cumulative effective of the ever-increasing number of vaccines our children receive?  Dr. Madoff's reassurances really mean that vaccination is a gamble.  If your child is the loser, it's just too bad.  He or she is an acceptable loss.

Lee Silsby logo 09 The Dachel Media Update is sponsored by Lee Silsby Compounding Pharmacy and OurKidsASD.  Lee Silsby is one of the most respected compounding pharmacies in the country and is committed to serving the needs of the Autism community. OurkidsASD is an online retailer for nutritional supplements for patients with special needs. OurkidsASD carries thousands of products from more than 60 brands and offers free ground shipping on all orders.

Anne Dachel Book CoverAnne Dachel is Media Editor for Age of Autism and author of  The Big Autism Cover-Up: How and Why the Media Is Lying to the American Public, which is on sale now from Skyhorse Publishing.


Cherry Sperlin Misra

Of course young doctors give their own children vaccines as per schedule. they dont know what the ingredients in vaccines are and they have been told that all adverse reactions are one in a million. One young doctor known to me had vaccinated both of her own children and then she saw a case where a child of 3 months who had been ill previously was given vaccines and as the mother drove home, the grandmother in the back seat of the car exclaimed "Baby is turning blue. Baby is not breathing." If one is not taught the truth in medical school, it takes some time to see it for oneself.
Back in New Delhi, where I live, I have a woman who cooks for me who has three healthy boys who have not been vaccinated, apart from polio drops. Within the last one year this woman has seen one child of 3 die after becoming paralysed after a polio vaccine and one child of about 6 months die after being given a vaccine - probably the pentavalent vaccine Pentavax. Now she states "I used to let my boys take polio drops. Now I wont do that" When it comes to vaccines, most people , all over the world, learn the dangers after the damage is done.


Cdc wont use experimental vaccines without your knowledge except when they do.


Vaccines are safe, except when they're not.
Vaccines prevent illness, except when they don't.
Vaccines don't cause the diseases they prevent, except when they do.
Vaccine-strain induced symptoms aren't spread to others, except when they are.
Vaccine ingredients aren't contaminated, except when they are.
Vaccines are stored properly, except when they aren't.
Vaccines are administered properly, except when they aren't.
Vaccines act the same in all bodies, except when they don't.
Vaccines don't alter the body's protective microbiome, except when they do.
Vaccines don't contain known neurotoxins, except when they do.
Vaccines don't cause cancer, except that they might.
Vaccines don't cause reproduction problems or sterility, except that they might.
Vaccines are good for everyone, except for the doctors.
Vaccines must be given to all children, except for children in families that are wealthy enough for one parent to stay home to homeschool.
Vaccines are developed for altruism, except that they aren't.
Vaccine researchers and their employers never commit fraud, except when they do.
Vaccines create the same lifelong immunity as found in natural germ exposure, except when they don't.

There certainly are a lot of exceptions piling up in the vaccine world. Did I miss any?

Sophie Scholl

"Dr. Madoff: "Ask the pediatrician what they would do with their own children. Almost all of them would vaccinate their own children. Vaccines are very safe and very effective at preventing very real, risky diseases.""

Well lets not give them any choice in the matter .
Before any new laws are enacted anywhere , lets make the full vaccine schedule mandatory for doctors and all their children . And the politicians , and definitely everyone working in the media !
We'll soon know the truth of the matter then ,
Vaccines are unsafe & ineffective .

Angus Files

a shot of truth in this would be good "Vaccines are very safe and very effective..."



How the hell could this creep, Madoff, after hearing that Elias Tembenis was killed by the pertussis vaccine, come out with, "Vaccines are very safe and very effective..."

And how does he get away with that?


Thanks Anne for sharing this article.

There is a typo worth noting. The newscaster said the following quote, not Tembenis: "Massachusetts has one of the best vaccination rates in the country, more than 95 percent of school-aged children have received them according to schedule. Doctors say not getting vaccinated poses a much greater risk than receiving them."

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