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Dachel Media Update: Rep Jim Patterson Speaks Out Against SB277

Online newsBy Anne Dachel OurKids ad 2013

Read Anne's commentary and view the links after the jump.   The Dachel Media Update is sponsored by Lee Silsby Compounding Pharmacy and OurKidsASD, an online supplement retailer for patients with special needs.|

June 9, 2015, Fresno (CA) Bee: Fresno lawmaker invokes concentration and internment camps at vaccine bill rally 

6-9-15 Tony rallyAgainstSB277 from CA Assembly GOP on Vimeo.


During a rally against a California bill making vaccines mandatory for school children, a Republican lawmaker from Fresno galvanized the crowd by invoking forced internment camps.

Senate Bill 277 would make vaccination a condition of enrolling in private and public schools, which opponents have castigated for depriving children of an education. That argument temporarily derailed the bill in the Senate Education Committee and was featured prominently in Tuesday’s rally.

“I wouldn’t call it a concentration camp,” said Assemblyman Jim Patterson, R-Fresno, “but they’re suggesting (children) go some place other than public school.”

Later in his speech, Patterson said that he “thought we apologized for internment camps,” an apparent reference to the separation and confinement of Japanese-Americans during World War II.

Asked after the rally to explain his comments, Patterson said it was a “bad choice of words” but reiterated that SB 277 is “excessively punitive.”

. . . Another speaker at Tuesday’s rally, Minister Tony Muhammed, referenced the biblical tale of the Pharaoh ordering the murder of first-born babies and drew a parallel to the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, in which the U.S. government experimented on African-American men.

Tony Muhammed's speech in Sacramento focused on CDC scientist Dr. William Thompson and his controversial claim that officials covered up a link of an increased risk for autism in African American males after receiving the MMR vaccine.

". . .This heinous bill has now come to the attention of the black community.   I'm here to represent a man who told me to tell you that this fight is a universal fight.  This fight is a fight from God down.  And the man of whom I come to represent to you, we met with Bobby Kennedy in Chicago, IL. And when the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan heard about what's happening through the vaccine makers, he told me to tell you, this is nothing new. 

"If you go into the Bible, there was a mindset like the minds behind me today.  And there was the mind of a pharaoh--when the pharaoh saw that he could not control the people, pharaoh called his enchanters, or his magicians, and he made a decree to destroy all boy babies two and under.  Could this be a bill to destroy all boy babies?  And I'm letting you know that the black community, we are not going to stand by and let another Tuskegee experiment happen again.

"So, we are in this together.  And the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan said that this year, on October, we're going back to Washington, DC. for the 20 year anniversary of the Million Man March with five million people. And we will make this platform a part of him talking to the government, that you will not vaccinate our children in the name of the pharma companies.

"And I'm here to warn particularly those black elected officials that we sent up here.  We want them to know that this building don't belong to them, it belongs to us.  And in south central Los Angeles, in two weeks, we will be having a tribunal meeting and we are going to bring our black politicians who vote for this vaccine bill, we will bring them up on charges of treason, because you did not ask us.  You did not educate us.  So we stand with you. 

"So not only is this being heard in California, but we intend to take a million people to Atlanta, GA.  And we will stand in front ot the CDC and ask them, we must hear from Dr. Thompson on his findings. . . .

"So I thank you on behalf of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.  I thank you for allowing us to be a part of this noble cause, and I'm telling you, in the name of God, we're going to win. . . .

"We will put these people in check.  They belong to us.  They cannot do this to our future.

"So I close.  In the Koran it says, 'Corruption has appeared on the land and the sea on account of what man's hands has wrought.'  And these babies is our future, and you must know what you're shooting into the bodies of our babies.  And this is why Jesus, Jesus wanted to protect the children.  So he would say, 'Suffer the little children unto me.'  We will never allow the vaccine makers to take advantage of our children who can't speak for themselves. 

"So I say to you, let us stay united, and let us say no to SB 277. Thank you.  God bless us all."

Lee Silsby logo 09 The Dachel Media Update is sponsored by Lee Silsby Compounding Pharmacy and OurKidsASD.  Lee Silsby is one of the most respected compounding pharmacies in the country and is committed to serving the needs of the Autism community. OurkidsASD is an online retailer for nutritional supplements for patients with special needs. OurkidsASD carries thousands of products from more than 60 brands and offers free ground shipping on all orders.

Anne Dachel Book CoverAnne Dachel is Media Editor for Age of Autism and author of  The Big Autism Cover-Up: How and Why the Media Is Lying to the American Public, which is on sale now from Skyhorse Publishing.



"...because the longer I wrestle with what happened to my children, the more I understand that this is a battle between good and evil..." is.


Thank you, Tony Muhammed. It is heartening to finally hear someone invoking God in this debate, because the longer I wrestle with what happened to my children, the more I understand that this is a battle between good and evil. God hears us, so keep praying!

i have a dream

Imagine a legal action saying mandatory vaccination is a violation of the civil rights act with dr thompson called to testify.

Angus Files

Its up to everyone to say no ,its the way forward.Then if your a young couple ,single parent and completely believe in all you have been brought up to believe in is true ...why would you say no.



God bless, indeed.

Thank-you for posting this welcome news, Anne Dachel.


Bob, I was thinking the same thing!
Getting a bus together - I wonder how that is done?


"Could this be a bill to destroy all boy babies ? "
I've wondered about vaccines playing a role like that, since so many boys are negatively effected by vaccines. Maybe the Powers that be are trying to cut down on the healthy strong future men in the population for some reason.

Go Tony Muhammed

Thank God the black community is getting involved, given that the whistleblower said CDC knew about autism in African Americans being 4 times greater.


At a rally in Oceanside today, Assemblyman Rocky "The Rocket Man" Chavez has challenged PAN to a debate on #sb277. The democrats in CA have overstayed their welcome. Personal freedom will prevail.

Bob Moffitt

I hope the Congressional Oversight Committee that has been reported to have received .. yet .. for some mysterious reason .. has yet to release or comment on .. "thousands" of pages of CDC data from whistle-blower Thompson .. has heard "loud and clear" the heated comments of Assemblyman Jim Patterson, R-Fresno ..

If it takes a "million man march" to get action in Congress ... where do I go to get "on the bus"?


I'm applauding my computer !!!

White Rose

Finally Tony Muhammed , we have been waiting for you -
Where have you been ?


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