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Dachel Media Update: Government Removes Vaccine Injury Data

Online newsBy Anne Dachel OurKids ad 2013

Read Anne's commentary and view the links after the jump.   The Dachel Media Update is sponsored by Lee Silsby Compounding Pharmacy and OurKidsASD, an online supplement retailer for patients with special needs.

May 31, 2015, Recent Rise in Vaccine Victims' Court Decisions and Concessions Not Reflected in Revised Government Chart 

In March, the federal government removed the latest vaccine injury court statistics-more than a year's worth of data-from one of its publicly reported charts. It was an abrupt departure from the normal practice of updating the figures monthly.

Wiping the latest data means the "adjudication" chart on a government website no longer reflects the recent, sharp rise in court victories for plaintiffs who claimed their children were seriously injured or killed by one or more vaccines.

Since January of 2014, twice as many victims have won court decisions than the previous eight years combined. In these court decisions, a judge ruled the evidence showed vaccines "more likely than not" caused the plaintiff's injuries.

Also on the rise is the number of vaccine injury cases the government has "conceded": up 55% in a little over one year.

As a result of the recent website changes, neither of these trends is reflected on the current "adjudication" chart.

. . . In the unusual vaccine court, the government acts on behalf of pharmaceutical companies rather than the public, defending vaccine makers against alleged victims. Money damages are not paid by vaccine companies, but through fees collected from patients on every dose of vaccine.

Shouldn't "informed consent" (Of course you really don't get to "consent" to forced vaccination, do you?)....include knowing that neither the doctor or the product maker has any liability?  Shouldn't it also include knowing what the possible side effects are, based on the package insert?

(Any evening of TV watching has to include prescription drug ads and these guys have to list the side effects.)

I'd love to know how the folks in Albany can explain all the duplicity when it comes to vaccine mandates. 

"...the recent sharp rise in court victories for plaintiffs who claimed their children were seriously injured or killed by one or more vaccines"?

Surprise!  Most people know nothing about the clandestine judicial system set up specifically to protect the vaccine industry and the vaccine program. 

Doctors, health officials and the media all pretend that vaccine injuries are almost nonexistent. 

In truth, the compensation program is a win-win for the government and the industry.

Parents of injured children find themselves up against government attorneys defending the government's vaccine schedule using government money (a tax levied on each vaccine), and it's all done in secret.

The people who aren't involved are the vaccine makers.  They don't have to worry if their products are harming children because they have no liability. 

(Imagine the Vioxx trials without Merck having to show up.   Instead, DOJ attorneys would defend the product against injured plaintiffs.)

Vaccines are considered to be of such national importance that vaccine makers are indemnified by Congress.  (And doctors are likewise protected.)  The industry therefore has no incentive to produce a truly safe product.

To all those state legislators determined to force parents to vaccinate their children if they want them to attend school:

Shouldn't "informed consent" (Of course you really don't get to "consent" to forced vaccination, do you?)....include knowing that neither the doctor or the product maker has any liability?  Shouldn't it also include knowing what the possible side effects are, based on the package insert?

(Any evening of TV watching has to include prescription drug ads and these guys have to list the side effects.)

Lee Silsby logo 09 The Dachel Media Update is sponsored by Lee Silsby Compounding Pharmacy and OurKidsASD.  Lee Silsby is one of the most respected compounding pharmacies in the country and is committed to serving the needs of the Autism community. OurkidsASD is an online retailer for nutritional supplements for patients with special needs. OurkidsASD carries thousands of products from more than 60 brands and offers free ground shipping on all orders.

Anne Dachel Book CoverAnne Dachel is Media Editor for Age of Autism and author of  The Big Autism Cover-Up: How and Why the Media Is Lying to the American Public, which is on sale now from Skyhorse Publishing.



We demonize the CDC and Merck and Dr. Proffit, but the vaccine industry's front line shock troops should also be called out for their complicity in this iatrogenic catastrophe.


I agree, but I think main steam media are just as guilty.

If not not more guilty, because if it wasn't for the media, parents would have stopped visiting pediatricians decades ago.

David Taylor

Orwell's "1984" has become an instruction manual instead of a dystopian fantasy.

A group getting a pass in this are the pediatricians administering the toxins to children. I've repeatedly asked peds on Twitter how they handle vaccine injuries in their practice. Their answers have varied between: "I don't see any injuries other than a few fevers and soreness at the injection site" [picture monkey with hands over eyes] to "I find your question offensive" [picture monkey with hands over ears].

We demonize the CDC and Merck and Dr. Proffit, but the vaccine industry's front line shock troops should also be called out for their complicity in this iatrogenic catastrophe.

Bob Moffitt

"Vaccines are considered to be of such national importance that vaccine makers are indemnified by Congress. (And doctors are likewise protected.) The industry therefore has no incentive to produce a truly safe product."

Not only are vaccine makers indemnified by Congress .. completely free of any financial liability for their "unavoidably unsafe" products .. they are also free of the incredibly expensive financial burden of "marketing" their product .. leaving them awash in CASH .. which is then used to "lobby" (corrupt)..local, state and federal elected representatives .. to do their bidding wherever and whenever needed to increase the industry's profit margins.


Trust is gone

How do they get away with this? Is this legal? I know it's not ethical. Oh I suppose the "Science" jerks will justify it somehow. I swear nothing surprises me anymore with this issue. I saw an article today that told of some poor dentist who questioned root canals and they threatened him and put him out of business. I suppose very many different health practitioners find themselves in this position. Trust is gone and more and more people see this.

Jeannette Bishop

"Since January of 2014, twice as many victims have won court decisions than the previous eight years combined. In these court decisions, a judge ruled the evidence showed vaccines 'more likely than not' caused the plaintiff’s injuries.

"Also on the rise is the number of vaccine injury cases the government has 'conceded': up 55% in a little over one year."

Is there a shift towards more willingness to concede injury, at least with some within the NVICP, or are there increasing numbers of injuries with adequate documentation of vaccine involvement?

Are these mainly flu shot settlements for adults? I've speculated (I think only to myself) that they are possibly conceding so many adult cases because they don't want awareness of the abysmal safety issues created by the NCVIA to get out among older adults, at least not until mandates are locked in place, or shorter life expectancy overall, maybe... (it's so hard not to be ultra-cynical about what this increase indicates).

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