Can You Sign a Book for President Obama?
I love the wild conspiracy of hope that is Autism One, the annual convention in Chicago in May which brings together the latest theories and potential treatments for autism. I was happy to have along with me Dr. Judy Mikovits the co-author of our book, PLAGUE: One Scientist's Intrepid Search for the Truth About Human Retroviruses, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Autism and Other Diseases, as well as to make the acquaintance of many people I'd only known on-line.
It was a thrill for me to meet Jeff Hayes, the producer of the wonderful documentary, BOUGHT, as well as to hear from Dr. Brian Hooker about the CDC whistleblower, William Thompson, and to meet and thank Barry Segal, of Focus for Health, a sponsor of the event. I got to speak with the courageous Dr. Toni Bark, and listened to a lecture about the possible use of cannabis oil in autism, how EMFs (electro-magnetic fields) can be contributing to autism, and why exposure to multiple viruses might cause an overproduction of mucus in the intestinal lining leading to gastro-intestinal impairment and an overgrowth of parasites and abnormal bacteria. I am intrigued by all of these possibilities.
I take the approach to these theories about autism that Ben Franklin did to religion. If somebody invited Franklin to attend a religious service he always accepted the invitation and made a donation to the group. Franklin was known as a friend to the synagogue, the Catholic church, and all of the various protestant denominations. Franklin reasoned that until God revealed Himself to be of one particular faith, it was the better part of prudence to make sure all his bases were covered. I feel much the same way about autism. Until somebody comes up with a cure for my daughter's autism, I will listen to anyone.
I think I did a good job in my own talk, detailing why retroviruses might be an important trigger factor in autism and other diseases, but it was what happened afterwards that I think is most emblematic of the optimistic spirit of Autism One. A woman came up to me with a copy of PLAGUE and said, "Can you sign a book for President Obama?"
I was immediately curious and asked, "Do you know President Obama?"
"No," she replied. "It's just that when you were speaking I felt like I almost heard a voice telling me I need to get a copy to President Obama. Your book is THAT important. I don't know how I'm going to do it, but I will."
What do you say to that? I shrugged and tried to think of something appropriate for our Commander in Chief. I wrote something along the lines of, "Dear President Obama, I hope you can change the future for so many children who struggle with autism. All the best, Kent Heckenlively."
I have not yet received any calls from the White House, but the Autism One spirit still lingers with me. As I fall asleep at eleven at night on the west coast, I imagine that at two in the morning on the east coast a single light is still on at the private residence of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Michelle turns over and says, "Barack, why are you still awake?"
In my fantasy President Obama is sitting up in bed, the book Dr. Mikovits and I wrote perched on his lap. "I'm reading this really amazing book by a guy with a funny last name," our Commander-in-Chief says. "Now go back to bed."
And I imagine I am the reason our President is grumpy and bleary-eyed the next morning, wondering what he can do to help our community because he has been radicalized. As I said, Autism One is a wild conspiracy of hope, and I am still apparently suffering from the lingering effects. May I never be cured.
Kent Heckenlively is a Founding Contributing Editor to Age of Autism and co-author with Dr. Judy Mikovits of Plague: One Scientist's Intrepid Search for the Truth about Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Autism, and Other Diseases. Release date is November 18, 2014. Visit his website at Plague The Book. You can pre-order the book HERE.
Kent , watching your Autism One conference right now .
You have my attention now . Enthralling .
Species Transfer is the name of the game .
My opinion is that all this carnage has to be deliberate , GBS , CFS , Autism , etc .
There is no way to sugar coat it , there is no way to deny it. I'll never accept this is any kind of unfortunate accident .
Posted by: White Rose | June 15, 2015 at 05:55 PM
HHS has a patent 6630507 on cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants.
Posted by: greyone | June 09, 2015 at 08:40 PM
Thank you, Mr. Kent Heckenlively, both for writing the book, and for writing this. Yeah, he probably won't get it, never mind read it. I voted for him, twice. Even though I knew better by then, I just wasn't ready to not believe him last time. He said he was going to be the "Autism President."
So, now, he's a lame duck and no "autism presidency" in sight. I'm deeply considering becoming a Republican so I can vote for Rand Paul in the primary next year. It's mind-blowing (yes, I'm an old person) because Hillary has betrayed her own generation of women. I going to wait a little more though, see what worm turns next. My advice? Make plans to feed and protect your own, and possibly, get ready to fight the American revolution over again. Just sayin'...
Posted by: Denise Anderstrom Douglass | June 09, 2015 at 06:42 PM
Thanks Kent sums up my life I will listen to anyone until they find a cure for it,Autism.
Posted by: ANGUS FILES | June 09, 2015 at 06:06 PM
Hmm, a realistic chance of getting a book to any President (and such President actually reading it) is about zero; I know from a few decades of trying.
After being screened by a few layers of minions, progressing to "advisors" and their consequent checking (maybe) with their Pharma/NIH contacts, anybody but a Nobel Prize Author will be never get past first base.
Besides, Obama (and his recent predecessors) have zero interest in the catastrophes perpetuated by the totally corrupt Federal Agencies such as NIH/CDC/FDA - why is this?
They have all been "indoctrinated (a term via Bayareamom) to believe what their Health Generals tell them. Our Presidents are "medically useful idiots" - no more, no less.
Posted by: david m burd | June 09, 2015 at 04:55 PM
@ Benedetta
As I understand it .. cannabis oil is an "extraction" from the marijuana plant and does not contain any of the "narcotic" stimulation that you get from "smoking a joint". I don't think the oil itself is classified as a class A drug like the "joint" would be.
If get the time .. google DATELINE and watch the episode .. I found it very interesting and potentially helpful for anyone who suffers "seizures" .......
Posted by: Bob Moffitt | June 09, 2015 at 04:12 PM
Is cannabis oil different that smoking it?
Does it not harm and shrink the front part of the brain?
Does it not make anger issues worse -- which granted pretty much happens with benzos and morphine --- ahhh and most other pharma drugs.
Posted by: Benedetta | June 09, 2015 at 09:08 AM
"I got to speak with the courageous Dr. Toni Bark, and listened to a lecture about the possible use of cannabis oil in autism ..
I had never heard of cannabis oil until recent DATELINE program .. a synopsis of which follows and can be viewed entirely online.
I was particularly struck by one scene wherein a veteran suffering PTSD recalled the numerous psychotropic drugs he has been prescribed over the years .. and .. his attempts to commit suicide while being "medicated". The ONLY medication this veteran takes today is cannabis oil and his wife agrees that his situation has improved tremendously as a result of it. To make his point .. he opened a large plastic bag containing all the "pills" he had been prescribed over the years .. dumping them onto his kitchen floor .. there were so many they actually covered the entire floor.
The cynic in me suspects the "pharmaceutical industry" is NEVER going to allow something like cannabis oil become available as a "medical treatment" because .. if this veteran is an example .. the oil is going to replace millions of prescription drugs and the industry simply cannot allow that to happen.
So .. beware when you hear politicians ranting against the "legalization of medicinal pot" .. because their rant may just be a ploy by the industry to prevent this oil from becoming available throughout the country.
I must admit .. the program gave viewers a chance to see how cannabis oil has greatly improved the quality of life of those shown .. mostly epileptics .. but .. also PTSD.
"NBC's Dateline premiered a new medical marijuana documentary, "Growing Hope," Sunday night, which shared the struggles of families in Virginia fighting to get their epileptic kids access to cannabis oil. Its time slot made it the first-ever marijuana documentary to air on prime time local television.
According to, NBC journalist Harry Smith and a Dateline team spent six months traveling and interviewing patients, scientists, doctors and activists to shed light on the often misunderstood medical marijuana industry and the people who rely on cannabis as medicine.
The one-hour special follows three families with children who suffer from uncontrollable seizures, providing a heartbreaking look at the impact intractable epilepsy has had on their lives. From their fight for the legalization of cannabis oil in Virginia to the history behind the high-CBD movement in Colorado, the documentary aims to change the mainstream perception of cannabis."
Posted by: Bob Moffitt | June 09, 2015 at 06:47 AM