State of Plague, Part 2: Disease-Mongering as Militarized Trojan Horse for Globalization and Surveillance
[T]he people who go and engage in those anti-vaccine efforts— you know, they, they kill children. ~Bill Gates, CNN, February 4th, 2011
Read Part 1 here.
By Adriana Gamondes
What the Foucault? The Gates Foundation and Panoptic Philanthropy
In February, 2011, less than three months prior to Operation Neptune Spear, Microsoft founder Bill Gates, the world’s leading vaccine philanthropist, pronounced on CNN that vaccine safety critics “kill children” and are “liars.” A few weeks earlier, Gates had invested in Neos Geosolutions, a mining technology company backed by Goldman Sachs and Saudi investors that has performed airborne surveys in the Middle East and maintains an office in Abu Dhabi.
And as it turns out, Gates’ investment coincided with several ongoing US military operations and installations in countries—from the Ukraine to Syria, Yemen and Kenya— openly touted for oil, frackable shale or offshore gas fields. And every one of these countries had been, at one point or another, a subject of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s and (offshoot) GAVI Alliance’s various disease monitoring and vaccination drives as well as surveillance of what the organization calls “vaccine confidence.”
It’s a valid argument that Gates Foundation’s initiatives, like biofuel exploration are nearly ubiquitous. The same is true for US military operations, as Nick Turse for The Nation reports:
During the fiscal year that ended on September 30, 2014, US Special Operations forces (SOF) deployed to 133 countries—roughly 70 percent of the nations on the planet—according to Lieutenant Colonel Robert Bockholt, a public affairs officer with US Special Operations Command (SOCOM). This capped a three-year span in which the country’s most elite forces were active in more than 150 different countries around the world, conducting missions ranging from kill/capture night raids to training exercises.
But aside from the ubiquity of certain programs, there are other convergences that make the chain of events leading up to Neptune Spear interesting. Imagining for a moment that Gates, whose foundation has been called a tax evasion shell by philanthropist and accounting expert Sheldon Drobny, has never used medical philanthropy to advance other investments, we should still be asking what Gates and members of his foundation—the prime implementers of third world vaccination drives similar to the one used as cover for the Bin Laden mission, and one of the primary media forces behind domestic mandates— may have known leading up to the operation. Was Gates briefed? Were other media and industrial players?
We may never know the answer to this, as Turse goes on to illustrate:
Despite its massive scale and scope, this secret global war across much of the planet is unknown to most Americans. Unlike the December debacle in Yemen, the vast majority of special ops missions remain completely in the shadows, hidden from external oversight or press scrutiny. In fact, aside from modest amounts of information disclosed through highly-selective coverage by military media, official White House leaks, SEALs with something to sell and a few cherry-picked journalists reporting on cherry-picked opportunities, much of what America’s special operators do is never subjected to meaningful examination, which only increases the chances of unforeseen blowback and catastrophic consequences.
The use of illegal domestic propaganda to facilitate military operations has happened more than once in recent history, most notably Judy Miller’s planting of WMD spin in the New York Times on behalf of the US State Department. And going by a shocking recent court ruling, it’s just become harder to prove. In a story for The Intercept, Glenn Greenwald reports,
A truly stunning debasement of the U.S. justice system just occurred through the joint efforts of the Obama Justice Department and a meek and frightened Obama-appointed federal judge, Edgardo Ramos, all in order to protect an extremist neocon front group from scrutiny and accountability…
This group of neocon extremists was literally just immunized by a federal court from the rule of law. That was based on the claim — advocated by the Obama DOJ and accepted by Judge Ramos — that subjecting them to litigation for their actions would risk disclosure of vital “state secrets.” The court’s ruling was based on assertions made through completely secret proceedings between the court and the U.S. government, with everyone else — including the lawyers for the parties — kept in the dark…
But in this case, there is no apparent U.S. government conduct at issue in the lawsuit. At least based on what they claim about themselves, UANI is just “a not-for-profit, non-partisan, advocacy group” that seeks to “educate” the public about the dangers of Iran’s nuclear program. Why would such a group like this even possess “state secrets”? It would be illegal to give them such material. Or could it be that the CIA or some other U.S. government agency has created and controls the group, which would be a form of government-disseminated propaganda, which happens to be illegal?
One clear takeaway is the fact that any agenda, if combined with military intelligence, now enjoys the unconstitutionally broad, secretive cover afforded to “state security.” About the only way to find out whether Gates was privy to and abetting government plans would be to somehow sue him for defamation over his CNN statements against consumer advocates and wait for the DOJ to swoop in. Of course anyone doing so would be accused of simultaneously defending Bin Laden and endangering public health, and would come smack against the double accountability shield of the war on terror and the war on disease— two things that are equally handy for destroying constitutional protections and rationalizing fallout.
And whether or not Gates participated in illegal propaganda, considering the 47,500 cases of flaccid paralysis following the Gates Foundation’s live oral polio vaccine campaign in the third world, ethics violations in vaccine trials, reliance on repressive regimes for implementation of those trials (discussed later in the series), in light of the foundation’s commitment to global vaccine surveillance, and, again, in view of the admission that vaccine drives have been repeatedly used as a cover for military operations, it’s become apparent that medical philanthropy has not always improved public health in foreign populations. From some of his foundation’s further investments, it’s apparent that human health may not even be a driving force for Gates. Drawing from the motives behind US expansionist policies, it may be that these philanthropic medical campaigns are more a classic manner of gathering intelligence and capturing health infrastructure in certain oil, gas or mineral rich target nations as a militarized Trojan horse operation to gain control of populations and resources.
Obviously the spread of vaccine criticism would be viewed as a threat to any compounded operation like this, and the confluence of events should trigger concern, as should media campaigns to spin even the most moderate and reasonable criticism of vaccine safety, efficacy and research integrity as extremist and akin to terrorism. But it’s not as if disease-mongering in service of military and authoritarian agendas is a new phenomenon and the concern should have been long-standing in the public mind.
The Security State Moebius
In 20th century modernist philosopher Michel Foucault’s concept of “panoticism,” the surveillance state is literally modeled on the city in quarantine, the total control of which is dependent on the existance of a deadly contagion to justify incursons on freedom and privacy.
A panopticon (pan, all; optic, see= “all-seeing”) was originally conceived as a prison plan by 19th century utopian philosopher Jeremy Bentham to replace corporal punishment with psychological constraint. The panotic prison involves a circular hive of prison cells surrounding a central observation tower whereby every gesture of every prisoner can be supervised around the clock both by guards (the “state” in Foucault’s analogy) and by other prisoners, turning the watched into watchers and creating a system of informants which would presumably normalize conduct and otpimize conformity.
Despite occasional grumbling in the alternative media that the mainstream has repeatedly sensationalized various outbreaks— the most recent being SARS, anthrax, Marburg, swine flu and Ebola— the most cynical interpretations of it usually stop short at charges that the pharmaceutical industry sells disease for profit or that the media has a stake in stoking panic as distraction and to boost ratings.
Both takes are true, but ten years ago, journalist and Dirty Wars documentarian Jeremy Scahill, the son of healthcare professionals, took a closer look at the phenomenon in Huffington Post, tying disease mongering to WMD spin and war-footing:
Lewis "Scooter" Libby was a busy man in 2002-2003, pushing the lie that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and targeting those who dared to challenge the Administration. Still, with all the leaking and smearing they were doing, Libby and his "former" boss Dick Cheney found the time to conduct a parallel propaganda war in which they attempted to use the US public as guinea pigs. And once again, Judy Miller served as a crucial PR agent for the cause. In mid-2002, as they struggled desperately to sell the war, these key players in "Plamegate" were engaged in full-out offensive aimed at convincing Americans that the country faced an imminent threat of a smallpox attack. To underscore this "threat," Libby began fanatically pressing to have the entire US population preemptively vaccinated against smallpox (which was declared eradicated in 1980). The proposal was immediately met with opposition from public health experts, including those at the Department of Health and Human Services. They warned Libby that the vaccine could injure, even kill people and that a universal vaccination could in and of itself spark a public health crisis in the US. "The risks of vaccinating the whole country with the existing vaccine were greater than what we saw as the threat," says Jerry Hauer, the HHS official at the time that would have been in charge of implementing the vaccinations. "We felt it was the wrong thing from a public health perspective to do." As the administration did with so many independent experts who said Iraq posed no WMD threat, Libby attempted to sideline those who questioned him.
What Hauer and his colleagues at HHS may not have known is that smallpox was a career-long obsession of Libby's--so much so that his nickname in the administration was "Germ Boy." His 1996 novel, The Apprentice, is about a smallpox outbreak and it was one of Libby's main areas of concern when he worked under Dick Cheney and Paul Wolfowitz at the Pentagon during the Gulf War. In Judy Miller's 2001 book (written with 2 colleagues) "Germs: Biological Weapons and America's Secret War," Libby is described during his time at the Pentagon as "a trim, boyish lawyer" irritated by intelligence reports about Iraqi WMDs containing the words "probably" and "possibly." Miller writes that Libby "told colleagues that intelligence analysts had an unfortunate habit: If they did not see a report on something, they assumed it did not exist."
More than a decade later, Libby was facing renewed frustration with another group of experts challenging his obsession. Hauer says that when he and other public health officials presented their opposition to Libby's "hysterical" universal smallpox vaccination scheme, the pressure from Cheney's office increased.
To make matters worse, a powerful group of Republicans, led by Senator/Dr. Bill Frist, is pushing legislation that would strip people injured by vaccines of their right to sue manufacturers and would virtually eliminate pharmaceutical corporate accountability. The legislation would also make the newly created Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Agency the only federal agency exempt from the Freedom of Information Act.
Now, there is grave concern that the man responsible for coordinating the federal response to a flu pandemic or bioterror attack could well be the next "Brownie." His name is Stewart Simonson--a well-connected, ideological, ambitious Republican with zero public health management or medical expertise, whose previous job was as a corporate lawyer for Amtrak. He replaced Jerry Hauer, the HHS official who stood up to Libby's smallpox vaccination scheme. Hauer says that in replacing him with Simonson the Administration has "somebody they know will go along with pretty much anything they want."
Scahill arguably makes the point that it is at the “biowarfare” juncture mingling disease management more closely than ever with “security” interests that reasonable voices in domestic public health are pushed aside for those who would happily militarize the function of health regulatory institutions at the potential cost of public health and trust. Scahill expanded the panoptic theme in an article titled Germ Boys and Yes Men for The Nation:
In early November George W. Bush, struggling to claw his way upward in polls that had acquired the consistency of quicksand after two months of blunders and disasters, launched a new PR blitz. The Administration declared it was taking charge of the nation's health and security with an all-out war on the flu (to be conducted with vaccines provided by well-connected pharmaceutical companies). "Our country has been given fair warning of this danger to our homeland," Bush declared. "It's my responsibility as President to take measures now to protect the American people."
One of the things that happens to any issue given a “war on” suffix (war on disease, war on drugs, war on terror) is that wars on social problems inevitably identify human enemies. In a paper entitled War as Metaphor, law professor Susan Stuart of Valparaiso University writes,
…today’s increasing use of militaristic rhetoric by politicians and pundits goes beyond its metaphorical use as a war against an abstraction. Instead, the use of such language is becoming literal, and that rhetorical shift matters. Today’s militaristic rhetoric is increasingly identifying fellow citizens as enemies in a literal war…we have crossed the line from the marketing use of the metaphorical militarization to actual militarization. Somewhere in the last thirty or forty years, we have found it too easy to use militarized rhetoric without examining its consequences.
Since former Health and Human Services director Kathleen Sebelius (who, like Libby’s pick to replace noncompliant HHS official Jerry Hauer, is a lawyer, not a medical or scientific expert) issued her “loose lips sink ships” edict in 2010 for censorship of vaccine and public health criticism in Reader’s Digest, frank interpretations like Scahill’s have tapered off. Any reporter who presently breaks rank on the subject risks being hounded by astroturf media hordes, branded a danger to the public and shut down.
These are the rules of engagement in actual war. My question is whether the power boost received by public health and the pharmaceutical industry via a military-industrial merger has been somehow reciprocal. Could the idea that the panoptic surveillance state model evolved from the management of contagion partly explain the growing ferocity of pharmaceutical industry PR and captured public health machinery in defending policy like vaccination—particularly in that this is happening with the emergence of a massive security apparatus? Is it possible that incentives for it extend beyond immediate profits and that an entire militarized globalization scheme could plausibly rest—more or less— on a protection racket construct fueled by various concepts of contagion, whether literal, figurative or both?
As with anti-terrorism campaigns, a public health protection racket depends on the public’s dutiful panic in the face of a deadly menace that appears to be more imminent than (thus supplanting fears of) longstanding human-wrought threats such as pollution and climate change, disasters stemming from genetically modified seed technology, oil spills, fracking disasters and attendant water shortages, etc. To work, the scheme requires absolute dependence on the state’s role as protector, absolute faith in technology, and grateful relinquishment of rights and privacy in exchange for supposed safety.
But in case the public can’t be persuaded to accept the tradeoff, there’s always legislation to force the issue that continues to ride the tails of various draconian post-9/11 anti-terrorism policies:
- The Project BioShield Act of 2004 (S. 15) became law on July 21 of that year “to provide protections and countermeasures against chemical, radiological, or nuclear agents that may be used in a terrorist attack against the United States by giving the National Institutes of Health contracting flexibility, infrastructure improvements, and expediting the scientific peer review process, and streamlining the Food and Drug Administration approval process of countermeasures.” The act was also meant to incentivize the pharmaceutical industry to support national security.
- The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act was quietly signed into law by George Bush as part of the 2006 Defense Appropriations Act (HR 2863). It lets the HHS Secretary declare any disease an epidemic or national emergency requiring mandatory vaccinations. Nothing in the Act lists criteria that warrant a threat. Potential penalties aren’t specified for those who resist but fines and quarantine are likely. The HHS web site also says the Secretary may “issue a declaration….that provides immunity from tort liability (except for willful misconduct) for claims of loss caused, arising out of, relating to, or resulting from administration or use of (vaccine or other pharmaceutical) countermeasures to diseases, threats and conditions determined by the Secretary to constitute a present, or credible risk of a future public health emergency….”
- The Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act (S. 3678), effective December 19, 2006, amended “the Public Health Service Act with respect to public health security and all-hazards preparedness and response, and for other purposes.”
- The Model State Emergency Health Powers Act (MSEHPA)– “A Collaborative at Johns Hopkins and Georgetown Universities (as) a primary, international, national, state, and local resource on public health law (and) policy for public health practitioners, judges, academics, policymakers, and others.”
MSEHPA is now “track(ing) legal responses to the emerging international response to the 2009 H1N1 (swine flu) outbreak, including declarations of public health emergency at the international, national, state, and local levels….” MSEHPA has been criticized as “overly paternalistic.”
ACLU continues on the subject of MSEHPA:
It’s “written in a way that doesn’t adequately protect citizens against the misuse of the tremendous powers that it would grant in an emergency. (It’s) replete with civil liberties problems. Its three top flaws are that:
(1) It fails to include basic checks and balances (by) grant(ing) extraordinary emergency powers (that) should never go unchecked. (It) could have serious consequences for individuals’ freedom, privacy, and equality.”
(2) “It goes well beyond bioterrorism (with) an over-broad definition of ‘public health emergency” that may be anything a local or national authority declares for any reason with no conclusive evidence for proof.
(3) “It lacks privacy protections (and) undercut(s) existing protections for sensitive medical information.”
- …Massachusetts Senate unanimously passed a pandemic flu preparation bill that rises to the level of martial law. If approved by the House and signed into law, it will mandate among other measures:
- “vaccination, treatment, examination, or testing of” all individuals involved in providing health care – as perhaps step one before ordering the same process for all state residents;
- owners or occupiers of all premises “to permit entry into and investigation of the premises;”
- closure, evacuation, and decontamination of all suspected facilities; and restricting or prohibiting “assemblages of persons.”
By gearing the security state to monitor and manage actual as well as conceptual political contagion, it creates the potential for a strange, moebius strip reality where just as one Trojan horse for incursions on privacy and civil rights gallops away to a safe distance, another rides in, ricocheting the public between bomb threats and outbreaks, etc., etc., in perpetuity. The crisis has no end point and the inescapable state of “permanent registration” provides what Foucault described as the “penetration of regulation into even the smallest details of everyday life through the mediation of the complete hierarchy that assured the capillary functioning of power.”
To the best of my understanding, what Foucault means by “capillary power,” as opposed to central power, are the apparatuses of local enforcement—police, district courts, regional prisons, etc.— that directly reach into the most private aspects of citizen’s lives. But Foucault also places the term in the historical context of the authoritarian state, where the greatest violence is found "at the extreme points of its exercise, where it is always less legal in character.” In other words, on-the-ground enforcement under a panoptic system is by definition brutal. “Civil liberties problems,” incursions on “freedom, privacy and equality,” restricted “assemblages of persons,” “entry into and investigations of premises”—a perfect state of plague.
Part 3 will look further into the weird coordination of disease themes in today’s politics—how theories of viral political ideology used to justify aggressive foreign policy are also wielded domestically against those who resist a prospective entry point (disease-mongering) for “permanent registration.”
Adriana Gamondes is a Contributing Editor for Age of Autism and one of the blog’s Facebook administrators.
Adriana - Thanks for the link to Chomsky's spot-on interview regarding corporate control of the Internet. I agree that Gates did not democratize the Internet, and if anything was a late adopter -- who also poached the Windows concept from Apple. I'm only saying that in the early days, Gates had created/hijacked software whose comparative ease of use compelled code-averse consumers to purchase PC's for home use, not just business applications. The individual home computer users then took the PC's functionality further, morphing their isolated workstations into globally interlinked but sadly under-utilized communications hubs.
During the late 1980s I worked with journalists on a regional computer magazine; they reviewed a wide variety of innovative software, such as text-to-voice that nowadays would seem amusing. Those journalists then viewed Gates as an undeserving eccentric with limited potential, a fluke, never forecasting his eventual immense wealth and the corrupting influence it would have on himself and those seeking to tap into it.
Posted by: nhokkanen | April 20, 2015 at 06:32 PM
Jeannette Bishop:
I too have has such musing - but not stated so lovely.
It does help us to understand a friend that we run across who is raising her granddaughter that has bipolar. It helps me understand what is going on in her tortured soul when I warn her about the up coming next vaccines. She has the right to question if I am right about things.
It helps me feel for her - and you cannot reach people unless they know you do understand
But then I Don't feel the understanding though for my SIL. Our kids are the same age and I think by now she should know better not to revisit this mess on her grand babies.
Posted by: Benedetta | April 20, 2015 at 05:02 PM
Though, as someone who suspects I spend a beyond-the-norm amount of time thinking "I just don't understand people" speculations on any psychology might be bunkum.
Posted by: Jeannette Bishop | April 20, 2015 at 03:26 PM
From where I'm (we're?) at having seen our vaccine choices injure our children, it's a little hard to stomach the idea that possibly as a society generally, we might be more likely to accept "Big Brother" and all the trappings he comes with, because he vaccinates us...but the way most seem to accept/avoid seeing inconsistencies, lies, poisons like mercury if it comes with a vaccine, the invasion of a syringe into our tissues, side effects and all, because we're pretty sure that vaccines are the thin grey line (walls?) that keep horrible diseases out, I can't dismiss the thought (maybe just my thought, I think?)...but vaccination seems to be one reason why we are a little too unquestioning (IMO) about a lot of things mainstream medicine does...does the procedure's effects extend beyond "healthcare" (assuming the practice can induce/enhance a compliant nature, and I'm not just falling for a tendency to give vaccination more credit than it's due, in this case on the "dark" side)?
Though, over the weekend, I was mostly thinking that the acts of lying a little, over-weighing and under-weighing data in favor of vaccination, withholding data, because it's for the "greater good," judging and condemning, without "due process" so-to-speak, the choices of another, maybe taking money for promoting such trusting without research that one is indeed providing a service, maybe even fudging data obtained when conducting research, denying the impossibly injured treatment that might validate that an injury happened, vaccinating at gun point in some cases...maybe such acts (violations?) make it all the more important that one stay "inside the walls" (I was thinking solely of the practice of vaccination itself) and not thoroughly inspect the conditions inside, that vaccine dogma stays firmly unchallenged...maybe it even becomes strongly desirable to mandate the same practices for all and keep everyone "safely" within the walls no matter what, shut down attempts to find and use alternative options, simply for one's internal peace of mind (which maybe is a part of or the psychological process of Stockholm Syndrome--I'm only a little aware of the history of the condition)?
Posted by: Jeannette Bishop | April 20, 2015 at 03:09 PM
Nancy-- thank you for those excerpts. Something that would have sounded like a dry philosophical exercise 20 years ago now sounds plain as day and chilling. You might find the following discussion interesting-- that Gates did not democratize the internet. He ripped it off from the public domain which did all the work to develop it at taxpayer expense and has done nothing but try to control and reign in the excessive freedom it provides since.
Jeannette-- I think I understand what you're getting at. Maybe we can think of it as the deliberate triggering of Stockholm syndrome. Terror is one tool of control, though requires gates and prison bars and chains. But "philanthropy"-- the seemingly generous offering-- is indispensable for complete capture. The torture tools and cattle prods are nothing without the captor's "kiss." Romania's Ceausescu started his reign of terror with liberalization and all sorts of programs to secure popular support.
Posted by: Adriana | April 20, 2015 at 01:08 AM
Great 15 minute video re "Whistleblowers: Controlled Opposition:
Posted by: Bayareamom | April 19, 2015 at 06:28 PM
Foucault wrote of “bio-power” and “bio-politics,” of the emergence of recent leaders as “strategists of life and death”:
...“In societies like ours, the ‘political economy’ of truth is characterized by five important traits. ‘Truth’ is centered on the form of scientific discourse and the institutions which produce it; it is subject to constant economic and political incitement... it is produced and transmitted under the control, dominant if not exclusive, of a few great political and economic apparatuses (university, army, writing, media)”....
In seeking to stifle vaccine dissent, Bill Gates is using those apparatuses to methodically chase the wild horse that his corporation’s product let out of the barn. Microsoft computer programs democratized communications, giving the average Joe the potential to turned individual PC’s into PR powerhouses. But the collective impacts of anti-corporatist dissenters would be more potent if capitalism’s lures hadn’t anesthetized such an indolent army of credulous and acquisitive consumers.
Posted by: nhokkanen | April 18, 2015 at 11:31 PM
Thank you, for a lot of thought provoking and enlightening threads.
I want to comment in an additive way, but last night I just had exhausted thoughts of how much some pictures of Gates remind me of some pictures of Offit (I'm not sure why--something about they way they smile in some of them, and then they wear similar spectacles sometimes). Today, I still don't have much but an expression of the hope (as we are in the "information age") that soon vaccination may not be so easily held up as a philanthropic venture, except perhaps in cases where there is truly a fully informed desire to be vaccinated--if that can happen.
Is it the "philanthropy" of vaccination, that has justified (facilitated) all the violations of other ethics/morals that seem to accompany the promotion of it, or is it just the fear of small things infectious? Or is that the combined construct of a "philanthropic" prison, the fear and the violations? OK, I've just about tied my brain into a pretzel--better stop.
Posted by: Jeannette Bishop | April 18, 2015 at 06:53 PM
Joy B writes-- "Bill Gates operates much as the conquistadors of the Spanish empire did; no plan, no depth of purpose, fully backed by and fully in service to empire, and genocidal when necessary."
I want to read that argument and if it doesn't exist as a full essay, it needs to. I hope you do it.
Posted by: Adriana | April 17, 2015 at 03:25 PM
This is very frightening reading. And the scariest part is that I believe it. Don't give up.
Posted by: Denise Anderstrom Douglass | April 17, 2015 at 02:15 PM
"NAIROBI, Kenya (RNS) A row between the Catholic Church and the government over a tetanus vaccine aimed at women in their childbearing years has clergy urging people to shun the injection, saying it’s a stealth population-control ploy.
On Tuesday (Nov.11 [2014]), the bishops appearing before the parliamentary health committee said they had tested the vaccine privately and were shocked to find it was laced with a birth control hormone called beta human chorionic gonadotropin....The tangle began in March, when bishops became suspicious about the vaccine, which was targeted at women in the reproductive ages of 14 to 49, and excluded boys and men.
An ordinary tetanus shot can protect a person for 10 years, with a booster available for those who have suffered an injury....
According to the bishops, when the ordinary tetanus vaccine is combined with b-HCG and given in five doses every six months, the women develop immunity for both tetanus and HCG, a hormone necessary for pregnancy. Subsequently, the body rejects any pregnancy, causing repeated miscarriages and eventually sterility.
In 1995, the World Health Organization proposed a similar campaign in Kenya, but the bishops protested, demanding that the vaccine be tested independently. Instead of submitting a sample for testing, WHO stopped the campaign, said Kariuki.
WHO carried out similar vaccination campaigns in Mexico in 1993 and in Nicaragua and the Philippines in 1994...."
Posted by: Carol | April 17, 2015 at 12:40 PM
Not that it was necessary (it can always be outsourced to 'private citizens' when push comes to shove), but the dissemination of government propaganda has been de jure legalized, since July of 2013.
It was proposed the year before, iirc.
Bill Gates operates much as the conquistadors of the Spanish empire did; no plan, no depth of purpose, fully backed by and fully in service to empire, and genocidal when necessary.
Posted by: Joy B | April 17, 2015 at 12:09 PM
Then it is totally hopeless.
It would take every citizen of the United States - millions - not thousands - to choke the streets of Washington as they marched on it.
Will the American people ever wake up to the point that that many would march on Washington?
Really right now the American people are good citizens, and want to do the right thing. The right thing is to do what the laws of our land, and our leaders say so.
Unfortunately I have seen some of those leader -- I am pretty sure I could do just as good of a job as they do.
Although I admit they could probably read Adriana's article in 5 minutes rapidly and understand it while it takes me an hour and a half.
Intelligence does not mean wisdom I guess. For sure it does not mean industrious and hard working.
And will the American people wake up about the vaccine threat? Some one said a survey said 33 percent are concerned, but I don't know how they worded the survey.
I do know that I talked to a childhood friend last night. She had a pre teen grand daughter she is raising because once again (old story in my part of the county) her son and the girl's mother are drug addicts (You all know where I insist all these drug addicts are coming from) The granddaughter has bi-polar. She has vaccines coming up pretty soon when she enters high school.
I tried to put into her mind that vaccines is something she needs to read up on, and consider. What a coincidence that her granddaughter and my daughter both have bipolar.
But the horrible pressure they put on every one to vaccinate; I am not, sure a grand mother would have the strength to resist unless she was 100 percent sure.
Even me telling her - she is unsure.
She also has another grand baby only three years old that has diabetes. But she said that runs in their family. Maybe so - I told her - but members of the family developed it when they were older - and not a baby?
will they wake up? That has always been the key.
Once they wake up - the War on drugs we will win it, The Trojan Horse stuff will go away.
It is our neighbors and our friends.
Posted by: Benedetta | April 17, 2015 at 10:24 AM
Well we all here are waging a war on the creation of disabled children by the state via the weapon vaccine.
We independent individuals are waging a war against the terror being perpetrated against us by our own Govts .
The cdc military uniforms all make perfect sense to me .
The blatant downright lies by Rear Admiral Dr Anne Schuchat was quite a display to behold .
Posted by: Georg Elser | April 17, 2015 at 07:55 AM
I hate all terrorists but as the saying goes one mans hero is another mans terrorist...Most of them pick on innocent children men and women..and simply to make a statement because they cant get anywhere near the ones that control "democracy"...
What does it take these days to have a life and live it un-trashed by vaccines and megalomaniac's.
My sons body and brain was trashed by vaccines and our life has never been the same...worse than that ...millions more have followed us and young babies trashed mentaly and physically by vaccines.
Weapons Of Mass Destruction for sure and you don't need a Stealth bomber to deliver them to make sure its done with stealth.Just a shit load of cash at the right political parties door.
Posted by: Angus Files | April 17, 2015 at 07:08 AM