Orange You Glad It's April?
By Kim Stagliano
Yesterday, I wrote a piece for The Washington Post that took off pretty quickly. It was trending #3 on Google last night for autism. (Below is an excerpt and link.) What I really want to share with you are some of the emails and messages I received throughout the day. The WaPo comment thread ranges from agreement with to anger at me. That's fine. The personal messages are what matter to me, not anonymous rantings. I try to respond to each email, (even the negative ones!) By the way, I had a terrific editor who worked with this article, and she created the title she thought would work best for WaPo. I would not have said I despise the month, but the headline stands and certainly got attention, which is what a good headline should do.
Today, you’ll be seeing a lot of blue: World monuments will be cast in blue lights, your co-workers will be wearing blue clothes, and companies will be hawking blue products. Why? April 2 is World Autism Awareness Day, when advocacy group Autism Speaks “celebrates” its international Light It Up Blue Campaign. But while you’ll be seeing blue everywhere, I’ll be seeing RED. The feel-good frippery of Light It Up Blue cloaks an often debilitating disorder in an air of festivity, with balloons, sparkling lights and pep rallies. The campaign implies autism is a party, rather than a crisis. For families living with autism, reality is far more sober, and their needs extend far beyond “awareness.”
I dread April, which has been designated as Autism Awareness Month. As mom to three young women with autism – ages 20, 18 and 14 – I eat, sleep and live autism every day. My youngest daughter, Bella, can’t speak a word and was abused on a school bus, leading to a criminal case. My oldest, Mia, had hundreds of grand mal seizures a year from ages 6 to 10. My middle child is wracked with anxiety. For all three, I have to cut their food, tend to their monthly feminine needs, and bathe them. They will need that daily living assistance forever; when I die, a stranger will have to do those things for them. That is why I bristle at the festive tone of April, the suggestion that the circumstances of my daughters’ existences are to be celebrated. For me, this should be a month of solemn acknowledgement and education about a global crisis. Read My three daughters are autistic. I despise Autism Awareness Month.
I just wanted to thank you for the op-ed you wrote in the Post. My sister is autistic, and it always bothered me that peopled wanted celebrate autism; if people really wanted to help they should give to medical research to help cure or alleviate autism. It's certainly no walk in the park and it makes me angry too when people act like it's fun.
As the father of a daughter with severe autism, I just want you to know that I admired your column and empathize with your dismay. But it's thanks to columns like yours that people will, sooner than later, understand a great deal more than they did. My gratitude to you.
Great article! I understand where you coming from. I am a mother of a 12 year old daughter on the spectrum. I had written few articles myself on autism and a poem on Autism Awareness, but had revised it as Autism Acceptance; since it had been more recognizable as an Awareness in the past. Never taught of it as an 'action month' as you refer to it; we need to put a stable 'action plan' to focus more on each individual autistic person, listen to their voices, see what they can contribute and move forward in helping them gained a better/stable life, for society acceptance is important for them to strive
I read your article and am appreciative about what you said and your message. I date a wonderful woman whose 20 yo son has autism. He doesn't speak, suffers anxiety, and has siezures. His mom does everything for him and no matter what, we all love him and think he is special. Again, thank you for writing this article!!!!!!
Read your article on autism awareness light it blue thing .It broke me down in tears . I cannot express to you in words how upset this whole thing has made me as well . I have two children with autism . My daughter is 15 . When I read about your daughter's incidence on the bus , I could not stop crying for hours . I pray and beg to dear lord every day to keep our precious daughter safe from all harm . They are already going through more than enough . I don't know you. Have never seen you or talked to you but do want to tell you that I do feel for you . Hope that life brings nothing but blessings and happiness to you and your precious children.
Kim Stagliano is Managing Editor of Age of Autism. Her new book, co-written with Tony Lyons is 101 Tips For The Parents of Girls With Autism. Her novel, House of Cards; A Kat Cavicchio romantic suspense is available from Amazon in all e-formats now. Her memoir, All I Can Handle I'm No Mother Teresa is available in hardcover, paperback and e-book.
Please read. There is technology that can cure every autistic child, every vet, every one with cancer.
It's time to wake up and start demanding it.
I mentioned this article to a man I met in Whole Foods. He said he was a journalist and not only knew about it but said he'd interviewed people at NASA who are furious what's been taken from them. Then I met a military, told him, and he said this was old news, the technology is much further advanced that than 25,000 miles an hour. So, what's in that video is real, and that would include the health technology.
So, take it in and get busy. All your kids can be well. Healthy. Talk. Live lives you dreamed of for them. But not until we get that technology released.
Join with vets who've lost limbs, and cancer victims and others.
This is do-able.
Posted by: A | April 09, 2015 at 12:41 AM
Kim, you always put in words what we are all thinking in our hearts and minds. God Bless our beautiful children with autism and may God send us a cure in our lifetimes.
Posted by: Gayle | April 05, 2015 at 08:42 AM
Bayareamom Well that baby girl has all its marbles firing for sure...what a star.
I can remember my mother saying that some of her brothers never even had to wear a nappy beyond the age of 13months our Autistic Adult kids all around the world are still in them...never mind doing word puzzles.
What a smile that kid has as well lovely.
Posted by: Angus Files | April 04, 2015 at 03:54 PM
Take a look at this 16 month old baby:
I've known about this little girl for awhile, but someone had this posted on a comment over at Sherri T's Facebook and I thought I'd put it here.
Obviously I've no idea if this little gal is vaccinated, but I do recall, years ago, during some of my research wherein a pediatrician recalled that the developmental stages/abilities of our infants - years ago - were vastly different than what we're seeing today.
Which brings me to the above video; how many of our children may have been able to do what she's doing if it weren't for the fact they're getting pumped full of these toxic vaccines?
In that research I've mentioned above, I recall that this pediatrician remarked (as an example) that children at a certain age were able to speak a certain amount of words versus what he's seeing today - at that same age. He also remarked that the younger physicians/pediatricians aren't even aware of this, so they're not able to understand on a cognitive basis, just how damaged our kids have become.
Watch this video. It's amazing...
Posted by: Bayareamom | April 04, 2015 at 01:15 PM
Barry & Cia,
I agree that getting rid of vaccines altogether is the end goal. But I've been talking to a lot of people about SB277 here in CA, and we have a long way to go -- too many people just say "I'm pro-vaccines". Reducing the schedule as a first step seems more politically possible, although still a very long shot.
I've been recommending Vaccines 2.0 to a lot of people as a wedge -- once people start thinking about risks and benefits, they will be a lot more open to not using them at all.
We are watching Trace Amounts right now, and it is wonderful. Anyone watching it will at least take another, closer look at what we are doing.
I'm sure we will get there, but I'd like to minimize the damage along the way -- it makes me sick to see all of our children getting injured. I have a 5-year old son, and know 5 kids about his age on the spectrum, not to mention the epilepsy, severe food allergies, etc. It's just awful.
Posted by: Tim Lundeen | April 03, 2015 at 11:00 PM
Well done Kim another great,from the hip article.
I must say, I feel sorry for the well meaning celebs Autism Speaks absorbs like an over powering octopus eating its catch entwining them until they no longer move and are consumed and vanish.
I was and still follow Heavy Rock.Many moons ago my wife and I(more my wife) were into Dan Spitz, Anthrax, Thrasher, and it floored me when I read all his stories concerning Autism below, and in Wiki
"Our Days are Hell"
The bit I don't get is on Wiki where it is stated
"Dan has mirror image identical twin boys who were born in 2007 and were not born Autistic, but diagnosed approximately at 16 months of age."
Now to everyone on here we all know what that means... but yet Autism Pukes just rolls Dan in consumes all his celebritiness,and the real help he could be doing on here and elsewhere is wasted.Well I never thought I would believe it I am selling my Athrax collection Fistful Of Metal etc..
Sorry Dan you've lost another couple of fans and the Autism world is not blue its blood red and you know it.
Posted by: Angus Files | April 03, 2015 at 08:10 PM
I know I'm not alone thinking what your WaPo editor required as to censoring any mention of actual environmental causes of autism, or ANY mention of vaccines.
So, I am very ambivalent about the WaPo printing your piece, as it contains nada, zero, discussion about the gigantic increase (50 x times) in autism the last four decades. And implies we all have to accept what is happening.
God bless, from one of your fans
Posted by: david m burd | April 03, 2015 at 07:53 PM
But the MMR is still going to cause autism and bowel disease and the DTaP is still going to cause asthma, allergies, seizure disorders, SIDS, and autism. We don't need to go back to the schedule of the early '80s, we need to get beyond vaccines.
Posted by: cia parker | April 03, 2015 at 07:18 PM
Here are the things we should do immediately:
(1) roll back the vaccination schedule to 1985, before the explosion of autism, because the autism epidemic tracks very closely both the number of vaccines and the total aluminum in them.
(2) ban glyphosate (a toxic herbicide in Monsanto's RoundUp), because it also tracks the autism increase, and is known to disrupt pathways that could increase autism rates
(3) ban all flame retardants, because they are endocrine disruptors and they also track the autism increase
(4) stop all childhood vaccinations before the age of 2, which is when an infant's immune system is designed to kick in. Even stopping them before the age of 1 would help.
(5) never give more than one vaccine at a time. Most regression to autism is after multiple vaccines.
The only real solution to vaccines, is to stop giving them completely.
Because given less of any poison, is still giving a poison.
Posted by: Barry | April 03, 2015 at 04:26 PM
Here are the things we should do immediately:
(1) roll back the vaccination schedule to 1985, before the explosion of autism, because the autism epidemic tracks very closely both the number of vaccines and the total aluminum in them.
(2) ban glyphosate (a toxic herbicide in Monsanto's RoundUp), because it also tracks the autism increase, and is known to disrupt pathways that could increase autism rates
(3) ban all flame retardants, because they are endocrine disruptors and they also track the autism increase
(4) stop all childhood vaccinations before the age of 2, which is when an infant's immune system is designed to kick in. Even stopping them before the age of 1 would help.
(5) never give more than one vaccine at a time. Most regression to autism is after multiple vaccines.
Posted by: Tim Lundeen | April 03, 2015 at 02:35 PM
Great and heartfelt article, that took courage to write. So many people really don't know what severe autism looks like. I hope your gentle description of your childrens' lives wakes some people up. Thinking of you and your beautiful children today.
Posted by: Hera | April 03, 2015 at 11:55 AM
I'm add my name to your fan club. You've always shown love to your daughters, while making it clear that autism is no blessing. Thank you for speaking out.
Posted by: Nancy | April 03, 2015 at 11:23 AM
Sadly, a vote for autism action instead of awareness and blue lights translates to many people as a non acceptance of our children already on the spectrum. This couldn't be further from the truth.
Posted by: Maurine Meleck | April 03, 2015 at 10:46 AM
Kim .. great article .. a lesson we all should learn .. unafraid .. speaking truth to power .. making foolery of all the pomp and circumstances of "Autism Awareness Month" .. such as .....
"Today, you’ll be seeing a lot of blue: World monuments will be cast in blue lights, your co-workers will be wearing blue clothes, and companies will be hawking blue products."
Reminded me of the following parable:
Many years ago there lived an emperor who cared only about his clothes and about showing them off. One day he heard from two swindlers that they could make the finest suit of clothes from the most beautiful cloth. This cloth, they said, also had the special capability that it was invisible to anyone who was either stupid or not fit for his position.
Being a bit nervous about whether he himself would be able to see the cloth, the emperor first sent two of his trusted men to see it. Of course, neither would admit that they could not see the cloth and so praised it. All the townspeople had also heard of the cloth and were interested to learn how stupid their neighbors were.
The emperor then allowed himself to be dressed in the clothes for a procession through town, never admitting that he was too unfit and stupid to see what he was wearing. For he was afraid that the other people would think that he was stupid.
Of course, all the townspeople wildly praised the magnificent clothes of the emperor, afraid to admit that they could not see them, until a small child said:
"But he has nothing on"!
This was whispered from person to person until everyone in the crowd was shouting that the emperor had nothing on. The emperor heard it and felt that they were correct, but held his head high and finished the procession.
Just like the little boy .. it required great courage to greatly diminish the "feel good" .. "well-intentioned" .. but .. mostly unproductive .. misguided .. effort of powerful institutions and people who really believe they are accomplishing something meaningful .. such as .. bringing an end to autism .. by "lighting it up blue" for a month.
Posted by: Bob Moffitt | April 03, 2015 at 07:11 AM