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Offit Jumps Shark, Orders Starbucks, Plays Armchair Psychologist in Support of Oregon Bill

Offit shark
By JB Handley

Senate Bill 442, since defeated in Oregon, had some high-powered supporters. Oregon activists recently unearthed the testimony of Dr. Paul Offit, a resident of Pennsylvania, who put together an extraordinary letter.

It’s worth noting that Paul Offit is one of the primary architects of the thinking and logic behind the nationwide attempts to end vaccine exemptions, its remarkable to see how he actually thinks.

Some of our favorite quotes:

“We control what we order by picking and choosing what is in our favorite version of a Starbucks Grande. So, it is only natural that we would want to control vaccines and, indeed, the thought that someone is telling us we need to give our children vaccines appears to run counter.”

“Many people work tirelessly to fill this gap and explain the science, but sadly, those against vaccines also work tirelessly. They work tirelessly to keep the fear alive promoting disproven theories, such as vaccines cause autism, vaccines contain harmful ingredients, babies get too many vaccines, etc.”

“The viruses and bacteria that cause these diseases are the appropriate target of these fears. Indeed, still today in parts of Africa, some families do not name their babies until the fear of loss to measles has passed. In this country, parents benefit from living without that fear; unfortunately, vaccines do not.”

“Not only do we know the exact date, but we also know they were exposed to a quantity that was “just right” – not too much (to make them sick) and not too little (to keep them susceptible). How many other parental decisions afford us that control?”

“Of course, the conversation always returns to the notion of being forced to give our children vaccines which feels out of our control, but the truth of the matter is, deciding to vaccinate our babies according to the recommended schedule puts us in the driver’s seat.”

Full text:

February 25, 2015

RE: Oregon Bill SB0442 to eliminate philosophical belief exemptions from vaccinations

At their heart, philosophical belief exemptions to vaccination (PBE) rest on two pillars – fear and control. Indeed, human nature is to fear things we do not know and to control as much as we can. So when parents are confronted with giving their babies vaccines, both of these emotions tend to work against making the best 0 the safest – decisions for their babies. However, we would argue that vaccines, when understood, should expunge fear and augment control:

- Fear – vaccines suffer an irony. On one hand, they are among the best studied products we put Sears Tower into our bodies. Before a vaccine can be given to anyone, it must undergo years of testing in thousands of people to show that it works and is safe. Indeed, the paperwork from one of the rotavirus vaccine trials (Rotateq), would stand as tall as the Sears Tower if stacked – that’s one study for one single vaccine.

Yet, for most of the population, including many healthcare providers, what is in that vial and how it works to protect from disease, is not well understood. Many people work tirelessly to fill this gap and explain the science, but sadly, those against vaccines also work tirelessly. They work tirelessly to keep the fear alive promoting disproven theories, such as vaccines cause autism, vaccines contain harmful ingredients, babies get too many vaccines, etc. These false claims usually come with emotional anecdotes, explanations that sound scientific, statements of victimization for being the bearer of an unpopular message, and suggestions of conspiracy and cover-up.

Historically, fear was directed at the diseases vaccines prevent, and unfortunately, those most passionate about preventing these diseases today, are often, themselves, informed by the tragedy bestowed by these killers. Parent groups composed of families profoundly affected by these diseases and doctors who have watched children succumb to them are among the most passionate because for them the true savage has been realized firsthand. Vaccine-preventable diseases are not equal in their capacity to maim or kill, but watching someone die from any one of them is a stark reminder of the importance of prevention. The viruses and bacteria that cause these diseases are the appropriate target of these fears. Indeed, still today in parts of Africa, some families do not name their babies until the fear of loss to measles has passed. In this country, parents benefit from living without that fear; unfortunately, vaccines do not.

- Control –  In a society characterized by helicopter parenting and Starbucks cafes, the value placed on control is obvious. We control our children’s play experiences by scheduling playdates and keeping children busy with organized activities. We control what we order by picking and choosing what is in our favorite version of a Starbucks Grande. So, it is only natural that we would want to control vaccines and, indeed, the thought that someone is telling us we need to give our children vaccines appears to run counter. But consider this – vaccines allow us the ability to control our children’s exposure to these most deadly of diseases. Stop my child’s development of cancer? Yes, I can. Stop my child’s 100 days of coughing? Yes, I can. Stop my child’s vomiting and diarrhea illness? Ear infection? Sore throat? Yes, yes, and yes. Vaccines afford us control that no other medical intervention allows. We know, as recorded in our dog-eared books, exactly the date our child was exposed to measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, and so on if we follow the recommended schedule, we know that it is at just the right time to account for increasing susceptibility and to allow for developing immunity. Not only do we know the exact date, but we also know they were exposed to a quantity that was “just right” – not too much (to make them sick) and not too little (to keep them susceptible). How many other parental decisions afford us that control?

Of course, the conversation always returns to the notion of being forced to give our children vaccines which feels out of our control, but the truth of the matter is, deciding to vaccinate our babies according to the recommended schedule puts us in the driver’s seat.

So, while the conversation is about whether or not PBE should exist, remember that PBE are based on misplaced fear and misconstrued control. Indeed allowing parents to “choose” a PBE is actually preempting their control over potential killers based on misguided and unfounded fears.

For a parent, especially a new parent, who is already overwhelmed with the responsibility of “doing right by their baby” and who has likely never seen the diseases vaccines are purported to prevent, the chatter is enough to cause concern. And, if you are the parent, wouldn’t it seem easier and more in control to claim a PBE than to take a chance? For the health of our children, please don’t allow parents this opportunity; the potential price is too high.



Paul A. Offit, M.D.

Director, Vaccine Education Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

Charlotte A. Moser

Assistant Director, Vaccine Education Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

 JB Handley is Co-Founder of Generation Rescue.


Offit is off

Vaccine Papers is amazing. I've bookmarked it. Thanks, vaccine papers.

Tim Lundeen

The whole vaccine papers site is brilliant, everyone should go through it from beginning to end.


vaccine papers

Offit's lies and deceptions regarding aluminum adjuvant:



Indeed, the paperwork from one of the rotavirus vaccine trials (Rotateq), would stand as tall as the Sears Tower if stacked – that’s one study for one single vaccine.


Yet if you ask him for scientific proof that ANY vaccine is safe and effective .... he can't produce anything.

Four words for that Sears tower comment:

Garbage in Garbage out


"All CHOP employees who work in a patient building or who provide patient care are required to receive an annual influenza vaccine unless they are granted a medical or religious exemption."



Once again, he's attacking the parents. Parents are paranoid and ridiculous. This is why they bother to wonder about the effectiveness/safety of vaccines. Heck, maybe we should just hand over our kids to the state as soon as they're born, since we're so ignorant and irrational.

This letter is bound to do more harm than good for Offit's credibility, just as the vaccine schedule has done more harm than good for our kids.


I think that maybe he is now being controlled by some kind of "Divergent"-like vaccine that is controlling his behavior. Did he really write something that patronizing and stupid? Any politician reading that might think twice about taking their kids to CHOP if that is the level of intelligence of those in charge at that place. If someone at CHOP doesn't think the average American wants or needs to be educated about their child's medical interventions, what other freedoms does one give up when signing themselves or their children in to that hospital!

Some savvy group ought to picket that place on the road out front of it and demand his dismissal!

Offit is off

LMFAO, love the image! Did he just compare giving a vaccine, a medical intervention where many, many ingredients are injected into a child's muscle,(body) to having a Starbucks Grande???? That guy is a wing nut. Then again maybe I'd be going crazy with the notion that my vaccine was killing as many children as it could be saving by intusseption.
Also funny is David Gorski defending Wikipedia as an unbiased source of information. It's one of the biggest pieces of corporate propaganda and control out there. These people just keep the humor coming...
Oh, you forgot the one where Proffit says aluminum is good for you. I don't think that's what the Shaw research shows us.
@Linda1: CHOP has religious exemptions? That should be put out front and centre for an article. I've always thought that they have pushed the issue too hard and that even half the docs don't want all these damned vaccines for themselves or their children.
Yes, Erin, sneaky that tactic of using the third world countries when talking about disease.


Big Paul is on to something, here. The only reason people want the choice of whether they put vaccines into their bodies is because they're so used to having freedom in other areas of their lives, like being able to choose what latte they drink at Starbucks. So if he could just get Starbucks to start mandating certain lattes and denying access to others, people would eventually realize that freedom is silly and that vaccines are GREAT. By Nazi standards, he's a genius.

John Stone


Important point: the only way you are going to give people health is through healthy living conditions. We just had a report of the situation in India where it was evident that a rotavirus vaccine might save some lives it would take others and perhaps even more, the whole operation masked by limited resources, high background mortality etc etc. It is idle to suppose either that we would retreat into third world conditions without vaccines, or that the case for them in the third world isn't equally problematic.

It seems likely too with rotavirus vaccine that it may save money in the developed world on hospital admissions while contributing to infant mortality. It would be very inteteresting if that was the cynical calculation that health officials made when introducing them.



I'm sorry, but what drives and has always driven the push for forced vaccination (a conflict which has raged long before Dr. Offit put his finger in the pie)? Fear and control: fear of death, fear of suffering, fear of not having control over whether you or a loved one contracts an infectious disease.

Dr. Offit sounds delusional when he writes about people bucking the control of government officials when he himself is operating out of a slippery-slope mentality: if we don't vaccinate all children with as many vaccines as we have at our disposal, many will die. If that ain't fear lashing out for control, I don't know what is.

Furthermore, I wish desperately that people would stop comparing third-world countries to the modern-day U.S. as though the only reason children are dying in Africa is because they don't have access to vaccines. So if all the vaccines in the U.S. ceased to exist tomorrow, we'd all start contracting diphtheria again? Given our knowledge of germ theory and access to clean water and nutritious food, I highly doubt we would see bodies spilling out into the streets. By the way, what's the U.S. infant-mortality rate, again? Right.

David Taylor

Offit's letter is one of the most chilling totalitarian screeds I've encountered outside of history books. It reads like something from a Josef Mengele diary.

"Deciding to vaccinate our babies according to the recommended schedule puts us in the driver’s seat."

With mandates, the "us" doing the deciding is the state, not parents. Therefore, when this man says "our babies" he literally means owning the babies' bodies for the purpose of vaccination, a medical procedure.

"Allowing parents to 'choose' a PBE is actually preempting their control over potential killers based on misguided and unfounded fears."

Same argument--we must not let parents choose because they may not choose what we think is best for their children.

Someone please tell Offit that "1984" is a novel, not an instruction manual.

Hopefully he comes across as maniacal in California as he did in Oregon.

Georg Elser

"Indeed, still today in parts of Africa,"

Where in Africa , Paul ? do you mean "HCG Kenya" ?


Director, Vaccine Education Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

Nothing about being backed by the CDC or the NIH -- or Merck?


Next to the Sears Tower and stack of "research" I imagine a third illustration - a garbage dump piled just as high.

It is interesting to note that at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, home of Offit's vaccine pushing headquarters, employees in contact with patients must get a yearly flu vaccine, unless they have a medical or a religious exemption. That's right, Offit, who is campaigning to get rid of religious exemptions, has religious exemptions at CHOP. Does that mean he doesn't have the clout that he and the CDC and the press would have us believe he has?

Not an MD

Bob, did you mean to write, "I wonder if Offit would offer to voluntarily drink 10,000 cups of his favorite version of a Starbucks Grande in a single day?"

Drinking 10,000 Grande sized cups of coffee in a year would equate to 27.4 Grande cups per day, every day for a year, and I think Offit might believe that would be possible. He could drink 10 in the morning, 10 more at lunch, and 7.4 just before bedtime. He would have to repeat this ritual for 365 days in a row.

I guess your point is that even coffee becomes toxic in excess. While I certainly agree with you on that, especially if each cup of coffee contains sugar and caffeine, there are so many medical professionals with "scientific" minds who would disagree, in theory, of course. Conjectural science, and science based upon bogus computer models without any basis in reality, is valid science in their minds.

Bob Moffitt

If I didn't know the man was deadly serious .. I would believe his comments were taken from a skit on Saturday Night Live .. wherein John Belushi .. playing a doctor .. "lectures" his patients they are soooo stupid they ought not be allowed to think for themselves.

By the way .. since he believes it okay for children to receive 10,000 vaccines without consequences .. I wonder if Offit would offer to voluntarily drink 10,000 cups of his favorite version of a Starbucks Grande in a year?

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