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Tonight! Mark Blaxill and Dan Olmsted Present Vaccines 2.0 at TACA Pennsylvania Meeting

Download TRACE AMOUNTS and Help Protect Children from Mercury Poisoning On World Autism Day

Trace amounts banner

SafeMinds is excited to announce that the digital download and DVD release of Trace Amounts will be available on Thursday, April 2nd, World Autism Awareness Day!.

Trace Amounts is a compelling documentary that tells the story of one man's journey (Eric Gladden) coping with the neurological effects of mercury poisoning that he believes resulted from a vaccine containing the mercury-based preservative thimerosal.

The mission of Trace Amounts is to educate the world on the dangers of mercury and to eliminate mercury-based products and manufacturing processes immediately and responsibly, starting with the removal of mercury from all medical products.

We need your support in sharing Trace Amounts with your friends and family in an effort to protect them from the harm that was inflicted on Mr. Gladden; help educate our community with the right science and get them involved to take positive action.
As a Trace Amounts Coalition Partner, SafeMinds will receive a $1.00 donation for each copy purchased.  So please us the promo code TASAFE when you purchase to support SafeMinds.  Digital Downloads and DVD purchases will be available April 2nd  at TraceAmounts.com



Thank you, Tim, for providing that info. I was just thinking this morning that 'perhaps' this pharma push re efforts to dissuade our legislators into not viewing this documentary, may just backfire on them. I know it would if they were to approach me and tell me to back off from viewing this movie.

I'd want to know what all the fuss was about and I'd go see it.

Hopefully, that will be the case for most of them...

Tim Lundeen

The California senator numbers are:

Benjamin Allen (D) (916) 651-4026

Don't call - already against SB277 Joel Anderson (R) (916) 651-4038

Patricia C. Bates (R) (916) 651-4036
Jim Beall (D) (916) 651-4015
Tom Berryhill (R) (916) 651-4008
Marty Block (D) (916) 651-4039
Anthony Cannella (R) (916) 651-4012
Kevin de León (D) (916) 651-4024
Jean Fuller (R) (916) 651-4016
Ted Gaines (R) (916) 651-4001
Cathleen Galgiani (D) (916) 651-4005
Isadore Hall, III (D) (916) 651-4035
Loni Hancock (D) (916) 651-4009
Ed Hernandez (D) (916) 651-4022
Robert M. Hertzberg (D) (916) 651-4018
Jerry Hill (D) (916) 651-4013
Ben Hueso (D) (916) 651-4040
Bob Huff (R) (916) 651-4029
Hannah-Beth Jackson (D) (916) 651-4019
Ricardo Lara (D) (916) 651-4033
Mark Leno (D) (916) 651-4011
Connie M. Leyva (D) (916) 651-4020
Carol Liu (D) (916) 651-4025
Mike McGuire (D) (916) 651-4002
Tony Mendoza (D) (916) 651-4032
Holly J. Mitchell (D) (916) 651-4030
Bill Monning (D) (916) 651-4017

Don't call - already against SB277 John M. W. Moorlach (R) (916) 651-4037

Mike Morrell (R) (916) 651-4023
Janet Nguyen (R) (916) 651-4034

Don't call - already against SB277 Jim Nielsen (R) (916) 651-4004

Fran Pavley (D) (916) 651-4027
Richard D. Roth (D) (916) 651-4031
Sharon Runner (R) (916) 651-4021
Jeff Stone (R) (916) 651-4028
Andy Vidak (R) (916) 651-4014
Bob Wieckowski (D) (916) 651-4010
Lois Wolk (D) (916) 651-4003

The showing is at 6:00pm on April 7th
Crest Theatre
1013 K Street
Sacramento, CA 95814


ALERT: From "Californians For Choice" Facebook:


We must have mass participation with this alert TODAY!! Pro-Vaxxers (Vaxtremists) are trying to DERAIL our "Trace Amounts" screening at the Capitol with RFK Jr. on 4/7 by calling Senators and telling them not to go because it's an "Anti-Vax" film.
We need EVERYONE TO CALL Senators today! (DO NOT CALL Nielsen, Anderson, or Moorlach, they are WITH US ALREADY!!) You know where to find the phone numbers (FILES section-MD contact info).

PLEASE call as many Senators offices as you can today!! Tell them:

- "Trace Amounts" in NOT "anti" anything! It's about SAFETY and PUBLIC HEALTH.
- RFK Jr. would not be involved if it were: he is "PRO-VAX!"
- It is CRUCIAL for them to see this groundbreaking, important, timely film BEFORE making a decision on how to vote on SB277
- THIS FILM OPENED LAWMAKERS EYES in other states (this is WHY the author and the pharmaceutical companies don't want your lawmaker to see it) THEY ARE BEING LIED TO, and you are calling to clear up the misinformation!
- PLEAD with a close friend to DO THE SAME


Cynthia Cournoyer

Showing in Grants Pass, Oregon. Tickets here: http://gathr.us/screening/10924

Panel discussion afterwards.


I think we should revisit Burbacher..listen to what he said, ethylmercury to inorganic mercury, to neuro inflammation..and then the media spin, and omitted facts..https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R17-kWmv0rg

beth johnson

I can't seem to download it! Is the site being overwhelmed? Only option seems to be to rent, I want the digital download.

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