Dachel Media Update: California SB277 Faces Crucial Test
By Anne Dachel
Read Anne's commentary and view the links after the jump. The Dachel Media Update is sponsored by Lee Silsby Compounding Pharmacy and OurKidsASD, an online supplement retailer for patients with special needs.
This story, California vaccine exemption restriction bill SB277 faces crucial first test on Wednesday, that originated from the San Jose Mercury News is circulating on a number of news sites in California.
Democratic-led efforts to ban vaccine exemptions in Oregon and Washington state toppled one after the other last month amid fervent opposition from parents and anti-vaccine groups who say the bills would have trampled their fundamental rights to decide how to care for their own children.
Now it's California's turn to try. . . .
In the days leading up to Wednesday's hearing, the chorus of opponents has been growing louder in the offices of the nine senators on the health committee. They say they are being flooded with emails, letters and calls appealing to them to kill the bill. Among the critics expected in Sacramento this week - Robert F. Kennedy Jr., whose crusade that questions the safety of vaccines helped doom legislative efforts in Oregon.
Pan, a Sacramento Democrat, is cautiously optimistic.
"I have confidence that when my colleagues are presented with the science and the truth about why we need to stop preventable diseases and protect every student's right to a safe school, SB 277 will pass," he said.
Simple, the big lie is that vaccines carry NO RISKS. Only crazy, lunatic fringe folks don't want to vaccinate their children.
And why isn't the other side called FORCED VACCINATION PROPONENTS? That's what they really are. The Dachel Media Update is sponsored by Lee Silsby Compounding Pharmacy and OurKidsASD. Lee Silsby is one of the most respected compounding pharmacies in the country and is committed to serving the needs of the Autism community. OurkidsASD is an online retailer for nutritional supplements for patients with special needs. OurkidsASD carries thousands of products from more than 60 brands and offers free ground shipping on all orders.
Anne Dachel is Media Editor for Age of Autism and author of The Big Autism Cover-Up: How and Why the Media Is Lying to the American Public, which is on sale now from Skyhorse Publishing.
@Cia Parker:
You stated, "One interesting thing is that in California they're leaving the door open to leaving a religious exemption..."
I could be mistaken, but I don't believe this is correct. I viewed a portion of the Q&A discussion after the public input portion of the hearing. Pan stated very emphatically in relation to a question put forth to him about any sort of religious exemption that there would be NO religious exemption as pertains to this new bill. What he DID state was that homeschoolers would be allowed to keep their philosophical exemption...but that's it.
Here is a comment posted to the Timeline/Facebook page for "Californians For Choice":
..."Tell them that just adding homeschool to the bill is not enough and that everyone who homeschools should now be given a significant tax exemption since our taxes pay for the schools. Tell them that there are laws that prevent discrimination against persons with communicable diseases such as HIV so that they can freely move about in society--including attending school--and yet Pan argued yesterday that a kid with a scratch on his body could spread Hep B..."
Posted by: Bayareamom | April 09, 2015 at 09:38 PM
It's not a matter of Vaccine or health. This is a matter of basic free choice. It is our guaranteed constitutional right to choose our religion our choice of speech and the freedom to bear arms. How do you then, subject a tiny baby to a needle prick with a live virus, mercury and other goodies 8 times before they are 2. Since everybody has forgotten, this is a Republic not a democracy. This is why everyone came here, because they were looking for a place where they could be free to do and believe as they wish and not as a few people at the top have decided. Just another fundamental right stripped from you in the name of the state. How large does the state have to get, before you have no place to go. If you need an example of what happens when the state gets too big, just look at Greece.
Posted by: Leo | April 09, 2015 at 07:28 PM
For sure Jane who would want to be a journalist these days... only posts available pharma journos world wide, truth-seekers need not apply...
Posted by: Angus Files | April 08, 2015 at 05:22 AM
One interesting thing is that in California they're leaving the door open to leaving a religious exemption, and, since Hobby Lobby last summer, any parent who wishes to claim it in any state which offers it, must be allowed to take it, no questions asked. How amusing it will be if the way around this is for most parents to take the religious exemption.
Posted by: cia parker | April 08, 2015 at 01:36 AM
Thank you, Anne.
Thanks also, Bayareamom.
More video links re SB 277:
Posted by: Jeannette Bishop | April 07, 2015 at 09:16 PM
Top California Pediatricians say "Don't Dictate Vaccines To Parents":
Posted by: Bayareamom | April 07, 2015 at 07:27 PM
Information/videos starting to come out from today's rally in Sacramento:
Hard not to cry when viewing this...
Posted by: Bayareamom | April 07, 2015 at 07:24 PM
Pan is going to get a trouncing - I'm sure he'll lose heavily . We can count on California to block this.
I'm not worried at all .
In fact possibly the best thing to happen would be for Pan to win , and then let the REAL vaccine resistance begin .
Proper organised , street protest , I'm sure that the dissent in California would be like nothing they had ever encountered before (& perhaps that kind of trouble would finally put this subject on the front of every newspaper in the world EVERYDAY).
But yes Califonia will reject the bill . Hopefully that will do immense political damage to this so called scientist PAN .
I think Australia might be the testing area . I think they will introduce mandatory vaccines there . The VaccineAutism movement there has taken a beating , and the fluoridated general public are buying these vaccines lies (86%) .
Posted by: Georg Elser | April 07, 2015 at 11:58 AM
Noto Bene for Dr. Pan: The truth you're seeking is simple--
Neither you nor any doctor can guarantee that my child won't have an adverse reaction to a vaccine. Therefore, I have a parental duty and right to make an informed choice about this medical procedure for my child.
We're talking about childhood diseases, not ebola or national security. You are riding this horse of fear for your personal political benefit, not children's or society's.
Finally, stop calling yourself a scientist. You are a licensed medical practitioner. You worked in an office and a hospital, not a laboratory. No one owns science, least of all a pediatrician turned politician.
Posted by: David Taylor | April 07, 2015 at 10:16 AM
"Pan, a Sacramento Democrat, is cautiously optimistic."
I would be cautiously optimistic myself if Pan's bill was as HE describes it to be .. presenting "the science and truth about why we need to stop preventable diseases protecting every student's right to a safe school" .. but .. unfortunately for Pan .. parents correctly perceive his bill to be an all assault on their basic humanitarian right to "informed consent".
In other words .. "a student's right to a safe school" .. does not trump a parent's right to make "informed consent" decisions regarding the health and well being of their child.
Posted by: Bob Moffitt | April 07, 2015 at 07:44 AM
I find it interesting that there is a lot of coverage about the Rolling Stone rape story with journalists clucking about what bad journalism it was. The fact is that one person chose to invent a compelling, first person story and yes it should have been better vetted but they were purposely duped by a troubled and troubling source. MSNBC had a panel that went on and on about how badly Rolling Stone performed. What about them? Much worse to run multiple con jobs about the vaccine program with virtually no independent research or attempt to perceived conflicts of interest etc. It seems poor reporting in the extreme.
Posted by: jane | April 06, 2015 at 06:08 PM