Is California's Epidemic of Vaccine Legislation About Merck's Political "Health?"
How Brian Deer and the BMJ Fixed the Record Over Wakefield Part 3

Senator Steiner Hayward Drops Oregon Vaccine Mandate Bill

ItsoverFrom The Statesman Journal:  Oregon Senator Drops Vaccine Mandate Bill

Sen. Elizabeth Steiner Hayward, a family physician who led the charge for strengthening Oregon's school immunization law, will no longer pursue the legislation, a staffer said today.

Senate Bill 442, which has had one public hearing and attracted national attention, would have eliminated religious and philosophical exemptions from school shots. Only medical exemptions would have been allowed.

Oregon's nonmedical exemption rate for kindergartners is the nation's highest, at 7 percent. It's a number that has been steadily rising since 2000.

"After much careful consideration, Sen. Steiner Hayward has decided to no longer pursue this legislation," the Beaverton Democrat's chief of staff, Paige Spence, wrote in an email. "She is disappointed that the conversations have largely revolved around who is right or wrong about science and the benefits vs. risk of vaccines, rather than about the health and well-being of Oregon's children."

While the bill had strong support from public health and medical leaders, including Oregon Health & Science University, Oregon Medical Association and Providence Health & Services, a vocal group of parents who either delay or avoid vaccines for their children has been active in opposing the bill.

While many are concerned about vaccine safety, some opposed the bill on grounds of medical freedom and parental autonomy....

Read the full article Oregon Senator Drops Vaccine Mandate Bill.



I am told by the office of Delegate Barnes, the sponsor of tMaryland HB 687

that the bill is withdrawn.

The delegates aides with whom I spoke said the calls in opposition to this bill were overwhelming. Let's hope that this is true- the bill has died before it even got out of committee in Maryland.

Sen Steiner Hayward makes no sense.

"A small minority of people."??????? Does she really think that 20 percent of people believing vaccines can cause autism and a full 40 percent being uncertain about vaccine science is a SMALL MINORITY? No Elizabeth Steiner Hayward, that is actually a sognificant minority.

False Skeptics Make Me Laugh

Removing the right to informed consent and enforcing medical procedures on US citizens goes against the personal liberty granted in the Constitution. As Judge Napolitano so eloquently put it: "If the government owns our bodies, then the presumption of individual liberty guaranteed by the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution has been surreptitiously discarded, and there will be no limit to what the government can compel us to do or to what it can extract from us -- in the name of science or any other of its modern-day gods."

Gorski and his clowns are doing much whining and gnashing of teeth at this. The butthurt is both profound and satisfying.

To Gorski and his sycophants, I say this:


As usual, there is no admission that the loud outcry came not only from parents but from physicians and lawyers.

Who is William Thompson ?

Shame on you Washington state Rep. June Robinson

"There was a very loud outcry, much of which was filled with false information," she said."

Jenny Allan

Yes- Winning one battle will not win the war. Already, those Senators and their Pharma sponsors are plotting other legislative ways of forcing parents to vaccinate their children, including mandatory lectures from health providers, explaining the 'risks and benefits' (NOT! -What a joke!)
I suggest countering this by DEMANDING the vaccine inserts and ingredients for each infant vaccine (which by law must be declared), be published in newspapers, at the manufacturers' expense, and issued as 'hard copies' to ALL new parents, and these days also to pregnant mums, subjected to mercury, aluminium and other contraindicated vaccine ingredients.
"Bills Banning Most Vaccine Exemptions Fail in Northwest
SALEM, Ore. — Mar 11, 2015, 9:32 PM ET

Washington state Rep. June Robinson, who had sponsored the bill, said she didn't have the votes she needed. The Democrat from Everett said the pushback from parents and others opposed to the change had an effect on some lawmakers.

"There was a very loud outcry, much of which was filled with false information," she said."

cia parker

Two interesting quotes:
Steiner Hayward said her planned legislation would add immunization rates to school report cards, and schools would be required to post the rates publicly, "so each school can start a conversation on a community-by-community basis. That's where we think we'll gain the most traction."

"Some of my colleagues changed their minds for a variety of reasons," she said. "They got a lot of pressure. This is an issue that mobilizes a small minority of people but makes them pretty loud


Hope this serves an example to all who try to extinguish parental rights.

Jeannette Bishop

Sorry, I should have typed Steiner Hayward.

Jeannette Bishop

Is the comment that Steiner was appointed, not elected to her office correct?


Her statement sounds like it was crafted in a lunatic asylum.

grey one

Sounds like what sen chris murphy is trying to introduce in the us senate health committee.


Maryland HB 687 comes up in Committee Monday

The Oregon victory is sweet- but the war clock is restarted as more kaijus are coming through the breech. We are in the midst of a multiple event.

I have been haranguing- and I do mean haranguing- every member of my state Health and Govt Operations Committee on a daily basis. The level of ignorance is astounding, but also an opportunity.

Talking about VACCINOSIS with regards to cats and dogs is a good conversation starter. A discussion of NAACHO being a front group for CDC helps. I finish with a question-"How much mercury, Sir or Madam, is the appropriate amount to inject into neonates? Based on what research?"

I also state that my religion dictates against harming living creatures. The government does not belong on my doctors' office when I am considering medical decisions. Mass vaccination exposes large populations to risk of infectious disease due to viral and bacterial vaccine shedding. Flu mist in school poses a risk of influenza outbreak. Merck is in federal court over the twisting of data about the mumps shot.

What makes it cathartic is they HAVE to listen to me- that is why they are there. Try haranguing some of your state and local reps today- I guarantee you will feel much better. And you are helping reduce the risk of infectious disease and death from vaccines in your community.

Fred King

Maybe not completely over:


Illinois is looking at a bill that would remove religious exemptions. A couple of weeks ago, the newspaper had a spreadsheet of the vaccination rates in every school (including private schools) in Illinois. The total average was 98% vaccinated . So do they really think the 2% unvaccinated will spread disease and devastation to the other 98%? I thought they all believe in heard immunity. The CDC came out and said the Meales outbreak was most likely caused buy illegal immigrants.

132 people (most of which are over age 34) in a state of 38.8 million got the measles and that is front page news in California.


"She is disappointed that the conversations have largely revolved around who is right or wrong about science and the benefits vs. risk of vaccines, rather than about the health and well-being of Oregon's children."

Therein lies the problem and the reason why this individual should not be licensed to practice medicine or be in any other healthcare profession and why she should not be holding public office.

Bob Moffitt

""She is disappointed that the conversations have largely revolved around who is right or wrong about science and the benefits vs. risk of vaccines, rather than about the health and well-being of Oregon's children."

Really .. Sen Hayward could not garner the votes needed by focusing on the "science" and "benefits vs risk"?

Maybe its just me .. but .. that is a stunning .. very revealing defeat .. for the pro-vaccine cartel to admit.

Sen Steiner Hayward makes no sense.

With autism and neurological impairment issues for students being so high, I just had a WTF moment listening to Sen Steiner Hayward actually say, she's "disappointed that the conversation was around the science and risks/benefits of vaccines VS childrens' health! Isn't that one and the same?????

Fred King

I think there were a combination of factors that helped us to defeat this bill. Most important, we organized quickly and had great leadership in the form of Robert Snee, Jennifer Marguis, JB Handley and many others. Aging hippies, global warming doubters, organic moms all put aside our differences and worked together!

Many Oregon communities have educated themselves to the risks, thanks in part to films like "The Greater Good" which is used by several health care providers. The film "Trace Amounts" had just shown in Portland. We were able to have Robert Kennedy come to speak to legislators and that attracted a lot of attention. The only hearing on the bill was packed with parents and others testifying in opposition. Two days ago, there was a rally at the state capitol with about 400 parents and children and other supporters. The organizers focused away from the vaccine issue and focused on parental rights.


Yippee! Oregonians, somewhat ironic that I must congratulate you guys on retaining your rights. I am also sensing that something has the pro-vaxxers spooked. Wonder also if the 'anti-vaxxers bigs' are not sharing -- yet?

barbaraj I had never heard of naccho before this morning..


Great news! Would love to hear from those who worked against this bill in Oregon as to what strategies they think were most impactful, so that Californians can have the same outcome.

paula molinary

I don't have a child who would be affected but i can't help but feel that only medical exemptions turns vaccination into a kind of "hunger games" where we offer up our children or ourselves and hope that the "odds are ever in our favor".
And if they are not.........

Jeannette Bishop

"She is disappointed that the conversations have largely revolved around who is right or wrong about science and the benefits vs. risk of vaccines, rather than about the health and well-being of Oregon's children."

I would have said that benefits vs. risks conversations IS about the health and well-being of children. Should I add it seems to be more about our children's very existence, as once a child becomes vaccine-injured they seem to become a non-entity to many in our vaunted hopefully soon-to-be dis-established mainstream "healthcare?"

I too hope California soon drops related legislation(s), though a backing down of Pan and Allen (and others) is not an adequate step if done with a statement that does not acknowledge the devastating harm done by the unchecked vaccinating profession to date.

Laura Hayes

AMEN! Praying that CA will follow suit SOON! Great work, Oregonians!

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