Action Alert: Provide Your Feedback on Draft National Adult Immunization Plan from HHS
How the BMJ and Brian Deer Fixed the Record to Destroy Andrew Wakefield Part 2

Hold the Mayo Emulsifier BUT WAIT - What About Vaccines?

DRESS COLORBy Teresa Conrick

?, might be all over the internet right now but did you see this lesser known story ?

Widely used food additives promotes colitis, obesity and metabolic syndrome, shows study of emulsifiers  

Date:  February 25, 2015

Source:  Georgia State University


Emulsifiers, which are added to most processed foods to aid texture and extend shelf life, can alter the gut microbiota composition and localization to induce intestinal inflammation that promotes the development of inflammatory bowel disease and metabolic syndrome, new research shows.

Or this-

Is common food additive to blame for rising rates of bowel disease?

The emulsifiers carboxymethylcellulose, often referred to as cellulose gum, and polysorbate 80, also known as Tween 80, add bulk to foods and keep sauces smooth and frozen confections from separating. They plump up fast-food shakes, keep bottled salad dressings creamy, and prevent ice cream from dissolving into an unsightly soup when left out......

.....They're also used extensively in pharmaceuticals, to improve the consistency of gel capsules, to make pills come apart in the stomach, and to keep medication suspended in fluids.

But when fed to rats in volumes that mimic their widespread consumption in humans, both emulsifiers induced low-grade inflammation, increased weight gain and fat deposition, caused worrisome changes in metabolic function, and changed the mix of bacteria that colonized their digestive tracts, the authors reported.

Here is the abstract

and this quote may sum up what I keep reporting about the microbiome and autism:

"Thus, agents that disrupt mucus–bacterial interactions might have the potential to promote diseases associated with gut inflammation. "....

What you may not be hearing is that VACCINES are also part of those pharmaceuticals:  

Emulsifiers are used in processed foods, drugs, vitamins, vaccines, soaps, and cosmetics. They hold ingredients that generally don't like to be together, like oil and water, in a stable union. They are found in everyday products ranging from mouthwash to ice cream to salad dressing and barbecue sauce.

When emulsifiers first came into vogue, they were classified by the government as GRAS—"generally regarded as safe"—because in animal studies designed to detect acute toxicity and/or carcinogenic properties, they exhibited neither. But their consumption in the Western world has risen dramatically over the late twentieth century, largely in tandem with inflammatory disorders like colitis and metabolic syndrome, a collective suite of obesity-associated diseases. That connection has prompted more refined safety studies on emulsifiers and other food additives.

......Normally, the bacterial residents of the intestine are separated from the intestinal wall by a layer of mucus. But when mice were given two emulsifiers, polysorbate-80 and carboxymethylcellulose, the distance between the bacteria and the epithelium was reduced by half because the mucus wall was thinner. Some bacteria were pressed right up against the epithelium, and a few even adhered to it. The emulsifiers also changed the composition of the microbiome, reducing levels of Bacteroidales (species generally considered to be good guys in terms of the host's health) and increased levels of species that degrade mucus.

The composition of the gut microbiome is known to impact immune signaling. Polysorbate-80 and carboxymethylcellulose increased the secretion of pro inflammatory cytokines, which increased the  permeability of the gut. These symptoms, along with the disturbed microbiome composition, are both markers of chronic inflammatory diseases like colitis.




are all very much involved in AUTISM:

In a mouse model, specific bacterial metabolites are linked to the behavioral syndrome. Anthony L. Komaroff, MD The microbiome of the gut has been linked to several important diseases (NEJM JW Gen Med Dec 31 2013), including autism. A new study adds provocative evidence in favor of this hypothesis.A CalTech team studied a mouse model of autism — affected animals display behaviors similar to those of autistic humans. These mice have a characteristic unusual microbiome and a compromised gut mucosal barrier, which leads to absorption and high blood levels of several gut bacterial metabolites.

Here is a list of Vaccines and their Ingredients.  As more parents come forward as witnesses to seeing their children have an adverse reaction and regress into AUTISM, the issues of SAFETY and CHOICE  are becoming more real.

Here’s one example -- How many more?

Influenza Virus Vaccine

Fluarix Quadrivalent --  GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals

May 2013

 embryonated chicken eggs, sodium phosphate-buffered isotonic sodium chloride solution, sodium deoxycholate, formaldehyde, octoxynol-10 (Triton X-100), a-tocopheryl hydrogen succinate, polysorbate 80 (Tween 80), hydrocortisone, gentamicin sulfate, ovalbumin, hydrocortisone, formaldehyde, sodium deoxycholate

It is doubtful that injecting emulsifiers into the bloodstream has ever been studied in regards to this newly discovered phenomenon of DISRUPTING THE MICROBIOME.  If they were never done,  you can bet people will be scrambling now to prove that it is safe.  Millions of lives have been affected and continue to be daily. You can avoid foods, decline and say 'No" but vaccines are mandated and more are coming as many states are trying to do away with EXEMPTIONS for them. Soon, you may have no choice to decline.



Sandor Katz book "wild Fermentation"" plus he has tons of videos and U tubes on how to do. There are tons of U tubes on how to make Kim Chi - that is a Korean sauerkraut on the hot side with chili powder and fermented fish - on the computer too.

You can order a kefir starter on and there are U tubes on how to use that too. .

Untill the get that Robo gut up and running some woman scientist is working on up in - is it Colorado??? - I don't see any healthy donors around us - I am the healthist one in this family, and I do feel great -lots of energy but I also know I take a thyroid pill every morning - that is autoimmune -- right? Yeah.

Angus Files

Hi Nicole,

There is also a FCT forum which I forgot about that I had looked into years ago you can sign up for updates etc.

With our son we would give our left arm for a cure and we've done all the poop tests with various gut doctors and he seemed fine at the time some pathogens but not alarming.

Maybe time to look again thanks for the push.


Teresa Conrick

Hi Nicole,

Thanks for your support and interest. I did research fecal transplants just recently:

Angus Files

Never tried fecal bacteriotherapy? I am sure under proper supervision it would be suitable and beneficial to some. We have done helminth hook worm therapy which my wife and I took as well and they seemed to have a calming effect for a short while ,good stools etc.Best results through Stem Cells.



Very good article - thank you. I am wondering whether damage can be repaired to the intestines if a healthy micro biome is replaced. And, if so, how can we do this? We consume probiotics (I wonder if they are filled with emulsifiers?).... but there are vast numbers of good bacteria that one cannot purchase for consumption. What to do? Would you recommend fecal bacteriotherapy?

Betty Bona

Thanks Teresa! I can't wait for your next one!

Teresa Conrick


Good comments!

Jenny, I just wanted to answer your question. I am not an expert but learning more and more. I think the oxygen issue is a part and I do think we are getting closer and closer in seeing how these pieces help or hurt. Stay tuned.


Thanks Jeannette for the link.
That was an interesting article. Chris Kressen I found - has written about a lot of the gums including guar gum another on that I use.

It appears that sensitive stomachs are sensitive - esp SIBO to all these gums.

Prebiotics - grows stuff we don't need I suppose.

He did say that arabic gum seem to grow selective microbes and was the better choice.

Then some one in the comment section that there was a warning on the package from California that a chemical used in making it could cause birth defects.

So maybe you are right - we just need to quit all the bindings and elastic like - gluten stretchy stuff.

How come we love it so though - nothing like a big fluffy donut -and I can make stuff fluffy - untill the heat goes off and it falls flat


Teresa - thanks for doing a nice article on this issue. I am wondering if you know of any research studying the oxygen levels in a poor gut microbiome vs a varied and productive gut microbiome? I am wondering, if we deplete, alter, and reduce the gut microbiome beyond a certain threshold, will there be a corresponding drop in oxygen levels in the gut? Would that then 1. allow for an increase in survival for toxins to exist in the gut that normally might not, such a viruses and parasites? and also 2. force the body to respond in a healing way, bringing on inflammation - isn't inflammation one of the body's ways of bringing oxygen to an area that needs oxygen as part of the healing mechanism, (and would that reaction CAUSE the leaky gut) and 3. due to decreased oxygen levels could that possibly allow for normally anaerobic bacteria to live in the small intestine, where in a healthy person it might not, as in it belongs down in the colon, and would anaerobic bacteria produce different/damaging byproducts that normally would have been eliminated by the colon vs absorbed in the small intestine?

Could this also be a connection to gastrointestinal cancers in that cancer cannot seem to survive in a well-oxygenated environment.

Is a healthy biome actually a mechanism of cancer prevention by being a mechanism of oxygen conveyance to the rest of the body? Did cancers (as well as autism, etc) begin when various forms of antibiotics began, including thimerosol, due to altering the biome in the body and decreasing the body's oxygenating capabilities. Is one of the byproducts of healthy bacteria in the gut oxygen, or an oxygen transport compound?

Jeannette Bishop

Benedetta, I'm suspecting high glutamate levels in food are problematic for us and it seems like yeast can raise these?

Thanks, Betty. I think Carageenan was the reason we stopped using SO Delicious coconut milk. The dessert form without it seemed more tolerable (even with the higher sugar content). Now it's removed from their milk too I believe, and I'm wondering if we can try it again? But I'm not sure about the xanthan gum which is in both products--which maybe has issues for us depending upon production methods:

"I mentioned in the opening section that xanthan gum is produced by bacterial fermentation of a sugar-containing medium. Unfortunately, that ‘medium’ is often a potentially allergenic substance such as corn, soy, dairy, or wheat. Many xanthan gum manufacturers aren’t eager to share what their ‘medium’ is, but one common supplier, Bob’s Red Mill, discloses their production practices.

"It looks like they originally used corn or soy as a medium, but they’ve since changed their medium to a glucose solution derived from wheat starch. However, they claim that the xanthan gum is still gluten-free, and it continues to be marketed as such."

I appreciate Bob's Red Mill's open discussion, though I wonder if the medium is an issue even when it doesn't show up in tests and/or if trying to keep something about the sticky function of gluten in our foods is possibly the real issue.


Thanks for the information Betty.
I know Betty they want what they want, untill they are just about dead and I think there are some people out there that are willing to go ahead and die.

I am sure that once in the stomach, carrageenan would never degrade and break down and remain exactly like it was.I am being sarcastic.

Betty Bona

Carrageenan used to be used (in a degraded form) to induce gastro inflammation in lab animals. So it could be used to test a potential drug aimed at reducing gastro inflammation. First give the animals inflammation with Carrageenan, and then see if the inflammation is reduced when given the new drug. The argument is that only the degraded form of carrageenan is harmful. But the research (Tobacman being one researcher) indicates that all forms cause inflammation. A few of the health food companies are removing it voluntarily (it is still approved by the FDA despite the research), but most leave it in. I think you are right, Benedetta, that we just need to eat real food, but my family tends to believe what they want to believe. They like the convenience of prepared foods, so they believe it's all safe because the FDA hasn't banned it yet. The same thing goes for vaccines. They're safe because the CDC recommends and mandates them.


Thanks Jeannette for the link!

An observation from the home front that might help us all when consuming probiotics.

My kefir grains this summer when it was warm were very small and as it become colder in the house the grains have again enlarged.

It really became cold this spring and I have been putting them more in the refrig because I am tired of taking care of them and need a darn break!

I wonder if the colder temperatures changes the ratio of the different organsims living in the kefir. Perhaps getting more yeast in the mix? After all microbes are very sensitive to temperatures bacteria like it warmer and the yeast likes it a bit cooler.

My dog is vaccine injuried too - so I some times put my extra fefir grains mixed will in her (non gluten) Dog food.

I am the only one in the house that eats yogurt kefir.

I became very ill the last couple of weeks. My heart would become rapid, or slow down really slow and I could not stay awake. I trouble with my hormones, frontal headaches I had not had in years since I gave up gluten and ate low carb came back. I was in a fog. I could not remember phone numbers and - for heaven sakes -- names of people. I was sick at my stomach and so was the dog. She threw up all day long.

I think the kefir has gone toward the fungus - yeast end of things.

Which gets me think back to the first time I had a yeast infection for the first time in my whole entire life - at age 21, it happened a couple of weeks after I received a DPT vaccine which they called a tetanus shot.

By the way I received this DPT shot from the health department right next to a college campus (I never attended) because it has a reputation of having students - even if stable before they attend the college, to go off into lunacy.

With my first yeast infection -I found that I was not as focussed.

I received another tetanus shot (DPT) when I was 27. I had a miscarriage a year later, and my next pregancy - I had a darn yeast infection right in the middle of it.

These are the small things that we do need to connect.

Jeannette Bishop


Here's a list of stuff used to make vaccines:

I'm always struck by how many of these items we now try to keep out of our diet (not to mention how many foods that were staples for us while my daughter was being vaccinated are now out) just to minimize health troubles. We can't eat them, but we are "crazy" for worrying about injecting them.

I was reminded today by RFK Jr.'s book of the argument that thimerosal may be acting as an adjuvant and that may be part of the reluctance to stop using it in vaccines. So now that they are slowly getting that out (or so they say), how many other ingredients used for whatever stated purposes are also in vaccines because they are found to enhance the immune response to the dead germs (that apparently don't look very scaring to most immune systems) with seemingly little concern to figure out why that is or what harm is done during the process?


Thanks Betty For the information Carrageenan and Triton too.

Just Eat Real Food


I get darn tired of going out in the field and killing it, dressing it, raising it, harvesting it - fast food was kind of nice.


High Fructose corn syrup caused seizures in my internet friend's son -back in the 90s. He was stuck in Cinncinnati hospital and the biggest hurtle the mother had to jump was proving to the doctors there was some thing in the candy bars that caused his seizures.

All the health food guys including Mercola warns to limit all fructose -- Example was a recent article from Mercola that touted all the health benifits of persimmons (I raised a bunch last fall) At the end of the article though Mercola warns that they have fructose so you should limit how many you eat. All fructose is bad - so how bad does that make corn syrup? Or sugar for that matter.

And where does gluten fit into all this mess - cause it is real - As in Dr. Fasano found it caused celiacs in his test subjects for his cholera vaccine.

Right now they are all talking about SIBO -- over growth of microbes in the small intestines. The small intestines does a continous sweep of vili and muscle movements to get the microbes out of the small intestines.

And we are right back to inflammation and an overgrowth of microbes in the small intestines. All microbes - or certian species of microbes - cause kids with autism they say have limited kinds of microbes - but lots of viruses. Sigh.

One web site says it is like a full cup of water - held together by electomagnetism of atoms. One more drop and it breaks and spills over into the body - histamine producing foods that cause the over growth of microbes that makes more histamine producing by-products. There is a long list of those kinds of foods. That include vinegar - and I am not sure that vinegar is a bad thing for me.

And these fillers - emulsifiers do they cause that over growth of bacteroa too?

Mercury - alumminum - and emulisfiers -
You know it is going to be simple when we figure it out - But it sure is complicated right now.

I doubt if we would have to worry about eating gluten or these emulisfiers if some idiotSSSSSS working for a pharma company had been more careful about what they put in a vaccine - or so greedy as to make as many vaccines and insist on as many booster as they could possibly get in a short life of a human being.

Who is William Thompson ?

Jeannette Bishop I hope you saw my reply to you about water flouridation ?

david m burd

Teresa, What a fantastic reference you supplied that lists the horrors contained involved in vaccines - it's much more expansive than the CDC Excipient List (imagine that!).

Specifically for polysorbate 80 (aka Tween 80), here are the H1N1 flu vaccines produced and conned onto the public of the world back in the 2009 H1N1/Swine Flu Hysteria (literally fabricated by our U.S. CDC).

The distinctly higher "flu-associated" deaths in 2009 can logically be ascribed to the terribly toxic H1N1 flu vaccines virtually forced on an unwitting public, and not from the flu itself that in truth was quite a pussy cat.

Thanks for a great piece; here are the various flu vaccines concocted in 2009:

Novartis Focetria Adjuvanted H1N1
Influenza Vaccine Ingredients/Toxicity
Polysorbate 80: Sterilie Agent
Potassium Chloride: Neurotoxin
Squalene: Neurotoxin
Thimerosal: Neurotoxin

Novartis H1N1 Monovalent Influenza Vaccine Ingredients/Toxicity
Beta-Propiolactone: Carcinogen
Polymyxin: Neurotoxin
Neomycin: Immunotoxin
Thimerosal: Neurotoxin

GlaxoSmithKline Arepanrix Adjuvanted
H1N1 Influenza Vaccine Ingredients/Toxicity
Formaldehyde : Carcinogen
Polysorbate 80: Sterilie Agent
Sodium Deoxycholate: Immunotoxin
Squalene: Neurotoxin
Thimerosal: Neurotoxin

GlaxoSmithKline Pandemrix Adjuvanted
H1N1 Influenza Vaccine Ingredients/Toxicity
Octoxynol 10: Immunotoxin
Polysorbate 80: Sterilie Agent
Potassium Chloride: Neurotoxin
Sodium Deoxycholate: Immunotoxin
Squalene: Neurotoxin
Thimerosal: Neurotoxin

GlaxoSmithKline Fluarix 2009-2010
Formula Ingredients/Toxicity
Formaldehyde : Carcinogen
Octoxynol 10: Immunotoxin
Polysorbate 80: Sterilie Agent
Sodium Deoxycholate: Immunotoxin

Sanofi-Pasteur H1N1 Influenza Vaccine Ingredients/Toxicity
Formaldehyde : Carcinogen
Polyethylene Glycol: Systemic Toxin
Thimerosal: Neurotoxin

MedImmune H1N1 Vaccine Ingredients/Toxicity
Monosodium Glutamate: Neurotoxin
Gentamicin Sulfate: Nephrotoxic
Monobasic Potassium Phosphate: Immunotoxin

FLUARIX 2009 Latest Package Insert Ingredients/Toxicity
Formaldehyde : Carcinogen
Gentamicin Sulfate: Nephrotoxic
Polysorbate 80: Sterilie Agent
Sodium Deoxycholate: Immunotoxin
Thimerosal: Neurotoxin

CSL PANVAX H1N1 Vaccine Ingredients/Toxicity
Beta-Propiolactone: Carcinogen
Neomycin: Immunotoxin
Sodium Taurodeoxycholate: Carcinogen/Immunotoxin
Polymyxin: Neurotoxin
Thimerosal: Neurotoxin

CSL Afluria H1N1 Influenza Vaccine Ingredients/Toxicity
Beta-Propiolactone: Carcinogen
Neomycin Sulfate: Immunotoxin
Polymyxin B: Neurotoxin
Potassium Chloride: Neurotoxin
Sodium Taurodeoxycholate: Carcinogen/Immunotoxin
Thimerosal: Neurotoxin

Jeannette Bishop

Thanks, Teresa, for pointing to this research.

Are there any gummy-like additives that are not suspect, especially for our already injured? Though I have no idea if they all have related effects in the gut, it seems that all pre-prepared foods with these thickeners (maybe I should just say pre-prepared foods though) can unpredictably exact a health toll that is hard to assign to a specific ingredient, but it's hard not to suspect the gums/stabilizers since we don't use them in our own cooking (of course we don't generally use the packaging and probably some industrial cleaners, etc. either).

I also wonder if there are production contamination issues complicating things, like with HFCS having mercury contamination if produced with chlorine compounds produced with mercury, and maybe these "gums" are particularly prone to contamination (allergens, metals...)? Or prone to prevent contamination identification in some forms of testing?

Betty Bona

I have read that opening the blood/brain barrier is a purpose of the Polysorbate 80 in drugs that are meant to act inside the brain. Anything that causes oil and water to mix freely cannot be good for any barrier in the body, whether it's a cell wall, the gut lining, or the blood/brain barrier. I have heard specifically about carboxymethylcellulose and polysorbate 80, but what about other emulsifiers and detergents such as Triton X 100 (a detergent in vaccines), and Carrageenan? It's hard to avoid carrageenan in food products, even at the health food store. If you look at the ingredients of many meds that don't contain polysorbate 80 or carboxymethylcellulose, they often contain other ingredients that are used as emulsifiers. Who ever thought it was a good idea to consume detergents! Still, I think it's much worse to inject them!


What's the next surprise ingredient Soylent Green? Even though "it's people", wouild we still be mandated to take the vaccine?


I thought polysorbate 80 purpose was to get the medicine past the blood brain barrier?
It is in prozac - so I thought as my daughter took it - it was polysorbate 80 that took it right to the brain. But it is just a emulisfier. Thank God - maybe damage can be reversed if we stop?

Bob Moffitt

"It is doubtful that injecting emulsifiers into the bloodstream has ever been studied in regards to this newly discovered phenomenon of DISRUPTING THE MICROBIOME. If they were never done, you can bet people will be scrambling now to prove that it is safe."

I wholeheartedly agree that "injecting emulsifiers into the bloodstream has NEVER been studied" .. but .. I strongly disagree .. that "people will be scrambling now to prove that it is safe".

I suspect they will do what they have always done .. the same "deny, delay and hope they die" strategy .. that has served them so well over decades.

They will FIRST DENY .. as long as possible .. acting only when "evidence of harm" becomes undeniable .. they will then exclusively rely on the same epidemiological studies as they always do .. to DELAY any corrective measures for as long as possible .. hoping THEY will be long retired .. possibly even expired .. when the house of cards comes crashing down upon whoever is unlucky to be left holding the bag.

How is it possible that no one in the federal regulatory agencies does not recognize the dangerous RISKS posed by INJECTION of emulsifiers as compared to those INGESTED or ABSORBED through skin?

When is this maddness going to end?

Who is William Thompson ?

polysorbate 80 is also a known sterilising agent .
Promotes Anti-fertility !

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