Help Tell White House To Stop Mandatory Vaccination Bills
From Autism Action Network
Only 3 days to get 20,000 signatures
Yesterday thousands of people emailed and called the White House asking why President Obama's "We The People" petition website had not registered any new signatures since last Thursday on a petition calling for the end of all mandatory vaccination in the United States. The White House heard you, by late afternoon the petition was registering new numbers, and it jumped from 59, 761 to more than 71,000. As of writing this Action Alert it is up to 81,145. If a petition reaches 100,000 signatures President Obama claims he will "issue an appropriate response." Let's make him do that. We need about 20,000 signatures by March 6.
Please click on the link to sign the petition:
And please click on the Take Action link to send a message directly to the White House asking the President to respect the international ethical standard of vaccination only on the basis of informed consent by the person receiving the vaccine, or by the parent or guardian of a minor child. This is the standard in all developed democracies, except the United States
We can compel the White House to address this issue they do not want to address, but only if you take action NOW, and if you ask your friends and family to take action as well NOW.
Please share this message with friends and family, and please share on social networks. And if you want to receive news and Action Alerts from the Autism Action Network please signup at
I have been a Special Education teacher for 18 years. While I didn't teach autistic support classes within my years of working in the educational field and mental health field I met so many children with autism. These were just summer school students. When I was growing up in the 70's there were no children with autism. When I had my first and only child at 40 I was belittled about not getting vaccinations. My mother told me the horrible reaction I had in 1971. 7 years later I was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes. My brother has Graves disease. I have suffered my entire life with this and I believe the 6 vaccines I had caused it. I am being told to wait and see if my son also has any reaction. Do we tell people, "Go out to the beach without sun block and let's see if you burn" 55% of people probably will. We would play the lottery with a 1 in 60 chance of winning! Do people want to win autism, rhetts, epilepsy, or death for their children? I pray every day that we will be given a choice and not forced or bullied!
Posted by: Cara | August 24, 2017 at 05:07 AM
Frances Mitchell,
Which vaccines are actually required (for school or daycare, etc) for each states varies too, but it will be common in all states (I believe) to encounter individuals who will assume or leave you with the impression that any and all vaccines are mandatory.
Posted by: Jeannette Bishop | September 28, 2016 at 02:27 PM
How do I find out which states currently mandate vaccinations?
Posted by: Frances Mitchell | September 28, 2016 at 01:57 PM
I am agree stop vaccination
Posted by: Zhasmen Oganesyan | July 10, 2015 at 05:49 PM
Here's another one, just two weeks to get 100,000 signatures to ask that a double-blind vax/unvax study be done! Please sign now!
Mandate the CDC do a double blind study comparing the autism rates of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated control groups.
Nobody ever suggests addressing the concerns of parents that do not vaccinate their kids. We should focus on removing the reasons why parents don't vaccinate instead of violating their civil liberties. It’s so easy to get these parents to do so. We need the CDC to do a study comparing the autism rates of vaccinated vs. non-vaccinated children. We have the control groups to do this now with over 1,000,000 verifiable vaccine exemptions. This would end the debate. We could finally see if vaccines are or are not the cause. The problem is that the CDC has been asked for years to do this study, but to date refuse. We deserve an answer for the safety of our children!
Posted by: cia parker | March 04, 2015 at 11:26 PM
Never mind. It finally worked for me. I wonder how many people aren't as persistent and give up after a few tries.
Posted by: Betty Bona | March 04, 2015 at 10:45 AM
I can't sign now. Anyone else having the same problem? Is it down again?
Posted by: Betty Bona | March 04, 2015 at 10:39 AM
No way would I want the CDC to do a study-The Center for Disease Creation-Nope! Look at the studies they have had their corrupt fingers in: Simpsonwood, IOM 2011 and the RAND Study of 2014. Someone is Congress will have to grow some and push through without the assistance of HHS & the CDC to get funding to first vet an Independent Research group and than do a study on the health status of Unvaccinated Children in comparison to Vaccinated Children. That's a overwhelming but not impossible task to accomplish since the Vaccine Industry, CDC, HHS and all it's attached minions have corrupted everyone they've encountered over the last 20 years. Also, no more of this nonsense "it's unethical not to give children vaccines which is why the study can't be done." I've heard this tired bogus mantra for years and it's energy just like the "causation does not correlation", "Jenny McCarthy", "Dr. Wakefield", vaccines have saved hundreds of live" "vaccines are safe and effective" yada yada yada has died out. Only trolls push this garbage now. It's time for stronger push back to trolls and those others that are hired to distract from the core issues.
I know why the CDC won't do the study-It's because of the Broccoli!
Posted by: Danchi | March 04, 2015 at 08:59 AM
Posting this here, too:
"Now, one in six US children are neurologically damaged. One in sixty-eight children have autism, ADD/ADHD children rage though public places. Brain damage is hidden in obscure reporting systems. Asthma is prevalent everywhere. 54% of all US children are badly sick - all of the time. In a few more years, despite advances in technology, there won't be ANY US children available to serve in our military forces. One MIT scientist, who knows what she is talking about, says that one in two children will be autistic by 2025, if the current trend keeps up."
"This isn't by accident."
"This is a plan of attack on America by foreign interests."
Are the last 4 sentences true? If so, this is also an attack on Great Britain and Ireland, too. And, if so, it's not just the parents who have been duped about vaccines.
Posted by: A Mom | March 04, 2015 at 08:25 AM
Gonna be pretty hard to blame Jenny McCarthy and Dr. Wakefield for this .. but .. we can rest assured the same "sock puppets" will find a way.
Posted by: Bob Moffitt | March 04, 2015 at 05:22 AM
I am not interested in seeing any more studies done by the CDC. They have been accused by their own internal scientist of committing fraud. I want to see independent studies. The other petition is senseless because no vaccine can ever be safe.
Posted by: Linda1 | March 04, 2015 at 03:56 AM
We passed 100,000 this afternoon - yay!! Now it's at over 111,000. And this petition is in 13th place out of all the petition. If more people keep signing, it will be an even bigger statement.
Posted by: Twyla | March 04, 2015 at 12:05 AM
We can top the board with about 150,000- 175,000. We have plenty of time. If we wasn't jobbed on about 20,000 we would already be in the top three already!
It would blow their minds if we buried it to like 500,000 to a million or more. The only thing holding us back is us. If we all flog the living hell out of this (FB, Twitter) for the next 36 hours, I could see like 300K plus.
The Charlotte Observer story needs to be spread far and wide as well
Agree with Plague as well- just imagine if the next chart topper is either or
Posted by: ottoschnaut | March 03, 2015 at 10:40 PM
I cant't get my vote to register on the two extra petitions linked above. I get the email confirming my vote but the tally doesn't change. Is anyone else having this experiene?
I had the same problem with the original petition which thankfully now is unstuck but don't know if my vote was ever recorded when I voted again toda. This is so corrupt. The due date should be extended plus bonus extra month given to allow for this corruption as many people may not realise their votes are not being counted.
Posted by: Jane | March 03, 2015 at 10:30 PM
I looked at it this morning and it was at 84,000. Haven't checked lately but I did post a comment on the White House feedback page and told them to stop holding the petition HOSTAGE.
Posted by: Danchi | March 03, 2015 at 09:31 PM
The safety requirement is good, but the "double-blind" study petition is flawed. What we need is a retrospective study of fully-vaccinated to the CDC schedule, versus never-vaccinated. Ideally it would have several thousand children age 8 and above for both groups.
Asking for a double-blind study has a number of issues:
(1) the medical establishment claims this study is unethical, because the unvaccinated kids are left without protection against infectious disease;
(2) it will take years to get done --- after designing the study, it would have to track the selected kids for 8 years to get full info. You could get some info earlier, but would still be many years to come out
(3) You have to find a large number of parents who are OK with their kids being either fully vaccinated on schedule, or not receiving any vaccines. This will be hard, because parents want to know, and many want to delay vaccines, etc.
A retrospective study, on the other hand, would use existing kids whose parents chose one of the two arms. Not as good in terms of methodology, but it can be done now and results could be available very quickly (although if the CDC runs it, it will still take 8 years or longer, given their track record).
Posted by: Tim Lundeen | March 03, 2015 at 09:02 PM
There are several other vaccine petitions that might be of interest for us to sign:
Posted by: Plagued | March 03, 2015 at 07:35 PM
Yes, it it is still ticking along from where I view it: 105,423.
Posted by: John Stone | March 03, 2015 at 07:14 PM
We did it! We hit 100,000! How is that for us anti-vaxx cranks, always speaking disparagingly of the greatest invention known to man?
Posted by: Greg | March 03, 2015 at 06:46 PM
It appears that just that link isn't working?
Posted by: re. Petition | March 03, 2015 at 06:39 PM
I can still view it 104,419
Posted by: John Stone | March 03, 2015 at 06:38 PM
"The page you're looking for is not available to view. We're upgrading our site..."
I think it's most likely they want to try and cut it off to stop momentum? Next thing you know the 100,000 signatures will be played down and yet they are tampering with it now? They can't have it both ways.
Posted by: re. Petition | March 03, 2015 at 06:34 PM
As of 5:10 PM tonight 3/3/15 it is 103,550!!!
Lets keep this going!
Posted by: Tim Kasemodel | March 03, 2015 at 06:11 PM