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Dachel Media Update: Dan Olmsted on CBS San Francicso

Online newsBy Anne Dachel OurKids ad 2013

Read Anne's commentary and view the links after the jump.   The Dachel Media Update is sponsored by Lee Silsby Compounding Pharmacy and OurKidsASD, an online supplement retailer for patients with special needs.

Feb 5, 2015, CBS San Francisco: Presenting 'Both Sides' Of Vaccine Debate Gets Tricky During KCBS Interview With 'Age Of Autism' Author

After weeks of listening to people revile the parents who don't get their kids vaccinated, I thought it would be a good idea to ask the people who question the childhood vaccination program why they think the way they do.

So we put one of them on the air for an interview. Dan Olmsted edits the website "Age of Autism" and believes vaccines are a significant part of what he calls the "autism epidemic."

It may have come as a shock to those who assume these folks foam at the mouth, but Olmsted speaks in a calm voice and doesn't rant or rave. He DOES, however, toss off lines that, well, aren't quite true.

When he floated the generally-debunked claim that the vaccine preservative thimerosal was causing autism in kids, I challenged him, pointing out the fact that thimerosal is no longer used in childhood vaccines. He rebutted, saying it's in the flu vaccine-again, KIND of true, because it is used in the multi-shot version of the flu vaccine that the vast majority of people don't get-but nowhere else.

It's a clever tactic: calmly suggest that the flu vaccine we all know and love might be dangerous, too. And it puts us in the position of having to play the "heavy," which of course only plays into the belief of many that the "mainstream media" are part of the problem. And on it goes.

Reaction to the interview? At least one colleague thought I came off sounding like I hated the guy. We got tweets praising our diligence and others accusing us, in the words of one, of giving a "group of fools a platform from which to espouse their idiocy."

The message here, lest anyone think Dan Olmsted is at all credible, is while Olmsted doesn't "FOAM AT THE MOUTH"--- HE DOESN'T TELL THE TRUTH EITHER.

CBS San Francisco, a radio station, is a real joke here.

They don't believe there are two sides, nor is there really any problem with all the autism, that's why the headline reads, 'Both Sides' and the story says, "autism epidemic."

This is pathetic reporting from CBS San Francisco's Stan Bunger.  His clear goal was to dismiss the controversy and ridicule Dan Olmsted as a phony who uses underhanded tactics to spread lies.

When the issue is vaccine safety, everyone in the mainstream media says the same thing over and over and over---no exception: VACCINES ARE SAFE, EVERY CHILD SHOULD BE VACCINATED.  No other viewpoint is allowed.

That trite claim has been out there for years, but the controversy couldn't be more heated.  Seriously they could fill Lambeau Field in Green Bay, WI at halftime with doctors, health officials and reporters all vouching for the safety of vaccine and parents still wouldn't buy it.

A large majority of Americans don't trust what news outlets tell them.  The Brian Williams story is just one aspect of this failure to honestly and thoroughly report the news.  The power and influence of corporations is everywhere in what we're being told by carefully controlled news outlets.

Lee Silsby logo 09 The Dachel Media Update is sponsored by Lee Silsby Compounding Pharmacy and OurKidsASD.  Lee Silsby is one of the most respected compounding pharmacies in the country and is committed to serving the needs of the Autism community. OurkidsASD is an online retailer for nutritional supplements for patients with special needs. OurkidsASD carries thousands of products from more than 60 brands and offers free ground shipping on all orders.

Anne Dachel Book CoverAnne Dachel is Media Editor for Age of Autism and author of  The Big Autism Cover-Up: How and Why the Media Is Lying to the American Public, which is on sale now from Skyhorse Publishing.



Amazing how so many pro vaccine people are also pro-choice, but are the first people to say you don't have a choice whether or not to allow a vaccine injected into your body with unknown chemicals and known side effects.....

Tim Kasemodel

Anytime you hear people say vaccines no longer contain thimerosal just tell them to Google three simple words:


An FDA link pops up

There are currently 11 vaccines produced that contain mercury. Four of nine flu vaccines, a Meningococcal vaccine and five other vaccines that contain Tetanus. True, only seven contain 50,000 ppb concentration of mercury, but the four "trace level" vaccines still contain up to 2000 ppb of mercury.

Most important to note:
It points out the for the preservative level mercury containing vaccine FLUZONE, "Children 6 months old to less than 3 years of age receive a half-dose of vaccine, i.e., 0.25 mL; children 3 years of age and older receive 0.5 mL."

So yes, vaccines for babies DO STILL CONTAIN MERCURY. TODAY.


"Only 43% of children at a Pixar-affiliated daycare center were up to date on their shots,"

Gotta love that! Yes, smart, college educated parents who have the time and money to personally research individual disease risk vs the need and/or safety of vaccines and their manufacturing process often times choose NOT to follow the CDC recommendations, and are willing to use their disposable income to attend private schools in order to avoid un-necessary and potentially dangerous government-instituted, propaganda-driven use of phamaceutical products that may cause potentially irreversible, medical situations that are even worse than the illnesses they claim to prevent.

Can't wait until they start revealing the stats at the private daycare centers where the vaccine scientists' and vaccine execs' kids go to school! And then the politicians' kids' schools!


Apparently the American people are never upset or worried about anything unless the media is mad and upset and keeps repeating the story or stories over and over again.

Is that the way it works???

Caroline McIlhenney

I heard that moms were still finding contains-thimerosal inserts in their vaccines in 2003-4, despite the recommendation that thimerosal be taken out in 1999. This is a particularly important point to those whose loved ones were born at this time, though they may be collateral damage to others. Secondly, epidemiology is helpful but cannot pick up on a susceptible population, e.g., those like Hannah Polling. Thirdly, epidemiology does not negate basic science like the overwhelming evidence that mercury causes leaky biomembranes, is a potent dysregulator of the immune system, damages neurons, damages microtubule formation, damages dendritic cells - all this at levels below those found in flu shots. This basic science is not brought up. I have yet to see U. Calgary's video of a neuron meeting mercury at nanomolar levels on any major network.

Bob Moffitt

"When he floated the generally-debunked claim that the vaccine preservative thimerosal was causing autism in kids, I challenged him, pointing out the fact that thimerosal is no longer used in childhood vaccines. He rebutted, saying it's in the flu vaccine-again, KIND of true, because it is used in the multi-shot version of the flu vaccine that the vast majority of people don't get-but nowhere else."

Thimerosal in flu vaccines KIND of true? It either is or is not .. being KIND of true is the same as saying "KIND of pregnant".

Does CBS San Francisco's Stan Bunger think it "safe" to administer a flu vaccine containing thimerosal to a pregnant woman .. in any numbers .. no matter how small he thinks those numbers may be .. thereby putting herself and her unborn child at unnecessary risk.

I sure would like to know what evidence he has that supports his contention that "thimerosal is only used in the multi-shot version of the flu vaccine that the vast majority of people don't get-but nowhere else."

Really? All he has to do is go into any CVS or Waldgreens bearing signs of "free flu vaccines" and ask the person administering those vaccines if they contain thimerosal. Not only do they not know if the vaccines contain thimerosal .. almost universally they don't know what the hell thimerosal is.

But .. not to worry all you stupid sheep .. rest assured .. CBS Scott Bunger has your back.

Jenny Allan

CBS San Francisco's Stan Bunger.
Quote from above:-
"Reaction to the interview? At least one colleague thought I came off sounding like I hated the guy. We got tweets praising our diligence and others accusing us, in the words of one, of giving a "group of fools a platform from which to espouse their idiocy."

Maybe it seemed like a good idea. Invite a prominent spokesperson, from Age of Autism, and deny, denigrate and ridicule any suggestions of links between vaccines and autism, all of this so called 'both sides' interview conducted in the full public glare of publicity.

But wait a minute. There's no such thing as 'bad' publicity. This gave Dan a platform to air his views, and get listeners thinking, also great publicity for Dan and Mark's new book about vaccine choices for parents. Yes, we were ALL promised mercury would be phased out of child vaccines, more than 10 years ago and it MOSTLY was, at least in the western world, although as Dan pointed out some flu vaccines still contain it and some of these are still administered to children.

I assume Mr Bunger, couldn't care less about mercury child vaccine preservatives used in other countries. A few years ago, the American Academy of Pediatrics, sent a deputation to the United Nations BEGGING for mercury preservatives to be retained in vaccines, destined for third world countries. The UN caved in on Hg in vaccines, but imposed retrictions on it's use in just about everything else!! Of course this dangerous neurotoxin, is promoted to be perfectly safe in it's 'Ethyl' molecular form. Hell, you could even sprinkle it on your cornflakes!! Remember when radiation was considered 'good for you'?

Thanks for your bravery Dan. Your stance will win the day against paid pro vaccine cowards like Paul Offit, who refuses to engage in any face to face debates about vaccines, with anyone who might challenge his statements.


Nice post.


It is so weird - the folks are not mad or angry - just the guys on the media is the ones all mad.

Of course if I hear my mother tell me one more time how relieved she was not to have to worry about her two kids coming down with polio in the fall of the year --

Sigh, well I sure have worried enough about mine since their brain injuries from vaccines every day for the last 30 years that some how it should cancell each other out??? I don't know - kind of sick really with my hubby sitting over on the couch giving myclonic jerks fairly often.

Good Lord.


petition reminder

L Land

Not totally unrelated:

we petition the obama administration to:

No human being should be FORCED to be vaccinated against their will and/or personal/religious beliefs. I petition against making vaccinations of any kind mandatory. This includes forcing children to be vaccinated to attend public schools, activities, and daycare centers. This also includes adults working in the public or private sector.

Made me feel a tinny bit better

Dook's Dad

All you had to say to him was "have you looked at a package insert for the ingredients?" They still contain trace amounts. So you weren't "lieing". Mercury can still be there.

Angus Files

The reason I have two un vaccinated kids is because I trusted vaccines and had our older boys vaccinated...never again on mental age of 2 years aged 17years....

That makes me ant-vaccine YEP! and proud offit..offit


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