CT Action Alert: Rep Ritter Seeks To Limit Religious Rights RE Vaccination
NOTE: I spoke with a helpful staff member who indicated that Rep. Ritter has received many calls about this bill. She said that we in the Nutmeg state should email our concerns to him at [email protected]. KIM
Connecticut State Representative Matt Ritter (D-Hartford) has announced that he will introduce a bill in the legislature in Hartford to limit your right to a religious exemption from state vaccine mandates. The bill has not been introduced yet but Ritter announced his intention at a press conference along with Connecticut’s US Senator Chris Murphy, who has announced he intends to introduce a similar bill in the US Senate. Ritter wants parents to make annual visits to a physician prior to applying for a religious exemption.
Please click on the Take Action link above to send a message to your State Senator and Representative asking them to oppose Ritter’s bill and any other bills that limit our right to informed consent.
And please give Representative Matt Ritter a call and let him know that you don’t want him interfering with your family’s health decisions and religious beliefs.
Capitol office (860) 240-8585
District office (860) 519-5685
In all the advanced democracies, except the United States, parents have the final say in what is injected into their children. These countries including Canada, the UK, Japan, Ireland, Germany, Israel, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, etc. And all of these countries have better health outcomes for their children on average than the United States.
Ritter’s proposal is an obvious violation of our First Amendment rights: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;”
Connecticut has very high vaccination rates and Ritter has not even attempted to claim there is any public health need for this measure.
Please share this message with friends and family and please share on social networks. And if you want to receive news and Action Alerts from the Autism Action Network please sign-up on our home page at www.autismactionnetwork.org
The public is also not aware that there are some vaccines that are "overfilled" which means your child could be the one person that gets the overfilled vaccine......interesting how we never hear about this...every vial of vaccine is not the same. And nobody is checking each vial, so God only knows what your child is getting injected into their body.
Posted by: Terey | February 28, 2015 at 03:47 PM
I called Chris Murphy's office and Matt Ritter's. Strangely enough, the girl who took my message in Ritter's office began a little debate with me. She believes the opposite of my belief that vaccines are harmful. She told me that she had whooping cough in the late 80's and how terrible it was and that we should try to prevent it if we can. She has 2 children-one of them is 10- and they have had no problem with vaccines. She was shocked when I told her that my grandson, who is 9 , was given the Hep B on his 2nd day of life. I explained that while I was suspicious of vaccines before that, I knew with certainty that something was terribly wrong with the vaccine program because of that. She said she had never heard of such a thing! Her child is only 1 year older. I would bet her kid got it, too. She actually argued with me when I told her that I was a retired teacher and had witnessed the changes and the illnesses in kids over the years. So much for an unbiased aide!
I then called Elizabeth Warren's office for good measure, since my grandkids go to school in MA.
Posted by: CT teacher | February 27, 2015 at 05:14 PM
I sent the following to my 2 senators. I guess it's a poison pill amendment of sorts, but it makes the point that Murphy wants to inform parents about vaccines, the parents should be _fully_ informed.
Connecticut U.S. Senator Chris Murphy plans to sponsor federal legislation mandating that all parents who exempt their children from vaccines (for philosophical and religious reasons) attend an annual vaccine education session with a physician.
I ask that you propose an amendment to any such legislation to help ensure that parents have the information they need to give (or withhold) informed consent during this meeting and any meeting where a vaccine is to be administered:
* Physicians should read the list of ingredients and side effects from the package insert for each vaccine before it is given.
* Physicians should instruct the parents on how to report adverse events to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS).
* Physicians should inform parents of their rights (and limitations of those rights) under the Vaccine Injury Compensation Act (VICP).
An amendment with the above requirements will ensure that physicians perform their duty in giving parents the information they need to give (or withhold) informed consent.
Thank you for your consideration.
Posted by: paul5of6 | February 26, 2015 at 10:50 AM