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The PLAGUE Challenge

Kent Book PlagueBy Kent Heckenlively

I have a BIG challenge for the readers of Age of Autism.

I am currently at 29 reviews on Amazon for the book I co-authored with Dr. Judy Mikovits, PLAGUE - One Scientist's Intrepid Search for the Truth About Human Retroviruses, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Autism, and Other Diseases.

The book by Seth Mnookin, entitled, The Panic Virus, which savages our community is at 114 reviews on Amazon.

I know the number of unique readers we have each week at Age of Autism. With our numbers, are we really going to let Seth Mnookin hold the floor with 114 reviews?

I understand the complaints.  Dealing with our children who have autism is difficult.  We are emotionally and financially drained.  When we have free time we don't want to think about autism. It's just going to depress me anyway.  I hear these complaints from my wife all the time.  And I'll let you in on a little secret.  Sometimes I feel exactly the same way.

Which is why I co-wrote PLAGUE.  Because I don't want to feel depressed.  I wanted to find the story of a scientist who inspired me with her intelligence and her courage.  I wanted to drill down into the corruption of our scientific and medical research establishment so that I could figure out what could be done about it.  And the fact of the matter is, besides the thousands of hours it took me to write and polish the story so it reads like a fast-paced detective story, it's going to take YOU READING THE STORY and WRITING REVIEWS about it to change things.

Think about it.  Seth Mnookin gets away with trashing our community and he's got just 114 customer reviews on Amazon.  If just 1% of you joined the PLAGUE challenge we could crush him.  I want that victory over Seth Mnookin by March 1, 2015.

Okay, you really want to shoot for the stars?  How about the all-time best-selling virus book, The Hot Zone?  1,590 customer reviews on Amazon.  That's it!  If 10% of you read my book and wrote a review then we win the game.  Those are the types of numbers which make the powerful people stand up and take notice.  Is that the kind of a thing that would make a Hollywood producer become interested in the story?  I want to beat The Hot Zone by June 1, 2015.

All right, you say to yourself, I see what's in it for you.  What's in it for me?  The answer is we're looking to create power.  A best-selling book is power and it serves a purpose.  We need to think of ourselves as a revolutionary movement.  But if we're going to win we need to put good people in the top positions in science.  That's how our movement will win.  And my co-writer, Dr. Judy Mikovits has the background and the integrity to make that happen.

She's not a politician.  I don't even know if she's a democrat or republican.  But I know she has a rock-solid dedication to the truth and compassion for those of us who suffer.  She spent five days in jail, had her finances devastated, and her professional reputation ruined, because she is a person of integrity.  She questioned whether a vaccination along with a retrovirus might lead to autism and wanted to pursue research in that area. 

We need Dr. Mikovits at the head of our national research efforts.  She has the background of twenty-two years as a government scientist and still has her soul and integrity intact.  Maybe she could lead the National Institutes of Health or become the Surgeon General in a new adminsitration.  She would be a fierce champion for our children.  You can help get her there.

PLAGUE is not just a sad litany of lies and corruption and the destruction of an honest researcher.  It is a tool of revolution, a tool of the insurrection we need to lead against the medical and scientific establishment to give us the truth about what happened to our children and finding cures and treatments for them.  I spent two years of my life co-writing PLAGUE because I believe we are in the MIDDLE of history, not the end.  Someday the rebels will take the castle.

PLAGUE gives Dr. Mikovits the opportunity to be even stronger than she was before, to take a commanding position in our scientific community, and with our help to win the fight against chronic diseases like autism.  Good scientists need support.  Buy the book, write a review, and you will be one of my PLAGUE WARRIORS.

Every review written is a victory for all of us.  The revolutionaries of today are the leaders of tomorrow.  Help start that change.

Kent Book PlagueKent Heckenlively is a Founding Contributing Editor to Age of Autism and co-author with Dr. Judy Mikovits of Plague: One Scientist's Intrepid Search for the Truth about Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Autism, and Other Diseases.   Release date was November 18, 2014.  Visit his website at Plague The Book. You can order the book HERE.


Susan Marshall

I have read and posted my review (waiting to be reviewed and published)? who decides who gets to publish what reviews by the way?

it's under Indigo...briefly telling my story w/ vaccine injury and CFS. thanks for writing it. i am writing my story now to tell the world and had already worked out that i acquired CFS via vaccines from a combo of metals, pathogens, and toxins (and has suspected a retrovirus) now confirmed reading your book.

Denise Anderstrom Douglass

I bought your book for myself for a christmas present. I am only beginning it now, but I will commit to submitting a review before March 1st.

Aimee Doyle

Challenge accepted! I've read the book and I will have a review posted by January 31st.
Would love to see an author event here in Washington DC -- maybe in connection with other recent authors such as Mark Blaxill/Dan Olmsted and Anne Dachel.

Great read so far

I purchased your book, but not from Amazon. On page 74 you mention the Hoffman Forest (also spelled Hofmann) acquisition by NC State University, it's use for timber research and it's connections to use of mercury in the timber industry and its connection to one of the original Kanner patients. Looks like the future of Hofmann forest has been in debate recently. You could probably google it and find out the details.

In general, NC State has sought to sell the property, get rid of it. It was eventually discovered that one of the buyers was a "big ag" farming outfit - one that appears to be a GMO agri-outfit. Environmentalists and students are fighting it and it looks like it went to the NC Supreme Court. In reading through some of the details, I don't see mention of the historic use of toxic chemicals on the property, at least that I've seen. But it's not surprising considering how hush hush mercury anything is. Seems the focus has been on saving it as an asset of the school as an environmental effort by contesting whether NC State has the right to sell it at all, since it was gifted to them for research, not to sell and profit from.

I wonder if it is not just an attempt to financially gain from the sale, but also an NC State attempt to ditch what is probably a highly contaminated area, wouldn't surprise me that if mercury was used around there that if someone looked into it that it could end up on a superfund site list. If that ever happened, NC State would have a piece of land with an attached astronomical financial liability attached to it, a problem which they created themselves. Sell the property to a big ag firm and the toxicity and history disappear underneath fields of corn, soy, and cotton - or whatever that company grows. And the potentially contaminated crops disappear into the world of retail and animal feed, along with the financial problems that testing the land to EPA standards would probably entail. And maybe the sordid history between the rise of mercury born disease in the U.S. and NC State's inadvertant contribution to it would be tilled under, too. What a solution, what a reputation rescue - sell it to private owners and farm it. Never again would anyone be able to step foot on it and do some testing without some serious legal maneuvering. Okay, maybe that's an exaggeration, but when was the last time big ag was cooperative in objective environmental testing?

What else disappears? Physical evidence of epigenetic effects in bacteria and other animal life due to mercury. Generations of it, and the ability to be compared to the health of other forests and their inhabitants in the same climate NOT treated with mercury. Information which could be extrapolated to effects on humans? In light of the huge efforts being made to understand the balance of probiotics vs problem bacteria (or viral or fungal, all of which I consider ripe for forced toxicological mutations) from environmental pressures)

Anyway, since it was mentioned in your book, I thought you might be interested in the Hofmann news. You may be already aware of it, or maybe not. It's always interesting to me - the connection between chemical companies, and our education, food, and medical systems, and the general public's ignorance of it.




I also accept the challenge!

Michelle F

I'm reading it now and I commit to having a review done before 3/1. It really reads more like a novel and I find my heart racing on each page! Thank you Kent!

Jeannette Bishop

Challenge accepted!


By the way everyone write a review of Anne's book as well. ANd autism wars. I have bought all 3 books and they are fantastic.


Done, Kent! (wrote review)

Hey, I don't know if you've done this, but in your book description on the amazon page, could you add the blurb you wrote about how mercury could also be implicated? That kind of gets around it not being in the book.

By the way the book is groundbreaking and well worth reading. I also read dangerous illusions. Whoa.

Please DONT bother to compare yourself to Seth etc. This book stands alone and really, who is touched by the joy of vaccines so much that they will really buy Seth's book? Clearly someone is paying for that. We are far more motivated to write about the many events that dramatically ruined our child's health than they are to write about their exceiting experience of getting poked in a Walgreens. By a needle, of course.

Francois Xavier

Kent, very interesting
I just bought your book and I will discuss its content
with Luc Montagnier (HIV co-discover and Nobel 2008) and the Chronimed MDs group
as we have found that chronic intracell germs are
present in ALL autistic children properly tested : main pathogens
are borrelia,surturella, mycoplasma and other co-infections
Interesting enough we have also found that ALL children
have a viral infection too that we have always considered
as a co-infection for borrelia (NAGALASE tests are ALL positive )
MD Bradstreet and Nobel price 2007 Mario Capecchi are
also thinking about a viral infection as the main one
We will think about the possibility for borrelia to be only the co infection of a primary
XRMV viral infection
Our physiopathological model is based on the Kreb and Cori cycles
disruptions and the creation of chronic mini sepsis
for children with weak or undeveloped T-Cell creation
The main consequence we ALL agree about of the infections (bacterial or viral) is the
cytokines storm or inflammation like continuous mini septic chocks
Keep you posted on our work

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