A Very Brady Measles
Dachel Media Update: "Vax Clamantis in Deserto"

Disney, Measles and the Fantasyland of Vaccine Perfection

FantasylandBy Laura Hayes

Americans, surely you can tell when something sounds too good to possibly be true!

Okay, my fellow Americans.  Time to turn off your TVs, put down your propaganda-papers (i.e. newspapers), and put on your thinking caps.  Vaccines are being touted as a quick fix, for everyone, regardless of age, weight, family history, or health status (before it can even be observed or determined in the case of fetuses, newborns, infants, and toddlers!), for an ever-growing number of infectious and non-infectious diseases, as though there are no adverse side effects or short- and long-term consequences to consider.  Clearly, there's a big problem with what people are being told and sold when it comes to vaccines.  Yet, worldwide, people are being manipulated by the false promise of the end to all disease with nothing more than a quick jab, pill, or spray up the nose.  Beware of being manipulated by such farce.  Here are a few facts and thoughts for you to consider, especially with regards to all of the Disneyland measles hype.

1.  Has there been any laboratory confirmation of even one case of the supposed measles related to Disneyland?  If yes, was the confirmed case tested to determine whether it was wild-type measles or vaccine-strain measles?  If not, why not?  These are important questions to ask. Is it measles or not? If yes, what kind, because if it's vaccine-strain measles, then that means it is the vaccinated who are contagious and spreading measles resulting in what the media likes to label "outbreaks" to create panic (strange how they've completely missed the Autism outbreak going on for the past 25 years). It would be what one might call vaccine fallout.  People who receive live-virus vaccines, such as the MMR, can then shed that live virus, for up to many weeks...and can infect others.  Multiply that in your head by all of the people who receive not only the MMR live-virus vaccine, but many others. Other live-virus vaccines include the nasal flu vaccine, shingles vaccine, rotavirus vaccine, chicken pox vaccine, and yellow fever vaccine.

It has recently been discovered that those who are vaccinated with the DTaP and TDaP vaccines, if subsequently exposed to and infected with pertussis, can then harbor pertussis in their throats, for weeks, which can then spread to others causing them to contract pertussis, even if the one harboring it in their throat remains asymptomatic.  Talk about a hidden disease vector!  Parents of infants should be wary of those who've received either of these vaccines, because if a DTaP or TDaP recipient is infected with pertussis, they may not know it, and since they might not have the telling cough, then no one else has any way to know they might be contagious and transmitting pertussis, either.  This certainly dismantles the "cocooning" theory that has been used to scare parents of newborns and infants into not permitting any adult, including Grandma and Grandpa, near their baby who hasn't had a TDaP booster.

Thus, it is often the vaccinated who are spreading disease, despite what the media tell you, media that are heavily supported and influenced by pharmaceutical advertising dollars.  Why aren't those who receive live-virus vaccines quarantined in their homes until it can be confirmed that they are no longer contagious with the diseases against which they were vaccinated? Why are they being allowed into schools, hospitals, grocery stores, and the like?  Why are those who have received the DTaP and TDaP vaccines not mandated to be tested for pertussis being harbored in their throats before being allowed near newborns and infants?

2.  Did you know that historical statistical figures for reported measles cases have been fraught with error?  For but one example, I will refer to doctor-diagnosed "measles" cases in the UK in the late 1990s, where a serious problem emerged.  A government scientist discovered that only 1 in 40 reported cases of measles was actually confirmed to be measles after lab testing. This discovery throws into question historical, and current, figures for measles. If reported cases are not required to be lab-confirmed, then this scientist’s discovery would lead us to believe that there has been gross over-reporting of measles cases, past and present.

Daily Telegraph 8 January 1997 London (Europe Today): "97.5% of the times that British doctors diagnose measles they are wrong", says a publication of the Public Health Laboratory service. The mistake being made by National Health GP's was found when the services tested the saliva of more than 12,000 children who had been diagnosed as having measles. Roger Buttery, an adviser on transmissible diseases at the Cambridge and Huntingdon Health Department, said that the majority of doctors "say they can recognize measles a mile off, but we now know that this illness occurs only in 2.5% of the cases." Buttery says that doctors classify as measles many other viruses that also cause spots. He found eight different viruses during the survey in East Anglia. One of them, parvovirus, gives symptoms similar to German measles. The reason for the high rate of error puzzled Buttery. "Doctors are neither vague nor careless," he said. The solution is to defer the diagnosis until more detailed information can be got. There are 5,000 to 6,000 cases of measles registered each year in the United Kingdom, but these findings now call most of them into doubt."

Geez, ever wonder if that might be happening at Disneyland, and beyond...and for multiple diseases against which we vaccinate, including the "flu"?

3.  Why isn’t the media reporting on the ineffectiveness and the dangers of the MMR vaccine, as exposed and evidenced by recent whistleblowers...2 from Merck, and 1 from the CDC? Again, one must ask why America's mainstream media have refused to report on these whistleblowers (can you say cha-ching from those non-stop pharma ads on TV and in the propaganda-papers), especially given the gravity of the vaccine research fraud they have exposed, and what that fraud means for parents making vaccine decisions, not to mention what it means for the vulnerable and innocent children receiving the vaccines.

4.  Why have parents been denied choice with regards to being allowed to choose monovalent vaccines over the trivalent MMR vaccine?  Ever since Dr. Andrew Wakefield dared to do the unthinkable...i.e. question a vaccine (gasp! like big pharma would ever sell a product that might cause problems, or death...gasp again!), in this case, the MMR vaccine...government officials and committee members decided they did not like the people questioning vaccines, so they colluded with Merck and other profiteers to stop the production of the monovalent measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines, forcing consumers to use the trivalent MMR vaccine (a 3-in-1 vaccine, which has the potential to be far more dangerous than individual vaccines given separately and at different times).

*See footnote at the bottom to see Merck's "explanation" of why they discontinued the monovalent M, M, and R vaccines.  Then, look up who comprises the ACIP (see anyone who might possibly have a conflict of interest, say someone who might just profit from the approval and sale of vaccines?).  Ask yourself who the "professional societies" might be, and if they by chance might just happen to greatly profit from vaccines and their numerous after-effects.  And those "scientific leaders", might they be scientists who work at or for Merck, or have a chair endowed for them by Merck? Last mentioned are customers.  Guess those customers who want to have a choice, and who want the 3 monovalent vaccines, don't matter much to Merck.

5.  Clearly, the MMR is not the highly effective vaccine it is touted to be, as evidenced by so many vaccinated individuals reportedly contracting the measles (and mumps, for that matter).  Nor is the MMR vaccine the highly safe vaccine it is touted to be, as evidenced by reports to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System.  Many more people in the U.S. have died from this vaccine (and from the MMR-Varicella quadrivalent vaccine) than from the measles in the past 2 decades, and parents need to factor that fact into their decision whether or not to vaccinate their children. 

6.  If babies under age 12-15 months are contracting actual measles, one must ask 2 questions:  a.) Is the mom exclusively breastfeeding so that maternal immunity is being passed on to her baby?  If not, the baby misses out on important protection gained from its mother’s immunity, and may be more susceptible to illness. (I realize that not every mother is able to breastfeed. I have helped a mother who didn’t produce enough breastmilk to connect with other nursing mothers who were willing to share their surplus, which is something moms in this situation might want to consider).  If the baby was unable to nurse properly from the get-go, look no further than the effects of the birth dose of the Hep B vaccine, which has been shown to negatively affect innate infant reflexes needed to locate a mother’s breast and latch on to it.  b.)  If the mom was vaccinated with the MMR herself at any point, her ability to acquire and pass on natural, protective immunity to her infant via breastfeeding has been impaired, possibly ruined…meaning the vaccine is to blame, not the unvaccinated.

7.  If parents are taking their very young children to dirty, unsanitary places with thousands and thousands of people, they have made the choice to expose their children to multitudinous germs and illnesses from multitudinous people, leaving them in no position to finger point at others.  It can, and should, be argued that to the maximum extent possible, infants should be kept at home for the first few months of life and away from extremely crowded places for perhaps their first couple of years, giving their immune systems time to develop and mature. 

8.  If vaccines work, the vaccinated should be protected.  If they don't work, ask yourself why are you allowing them and exposing your child to such incredible risks?  Furthermore, if they don't work, as is often the case, feel free to have your child vaccinated again and again (no one is stopping you), but don't expect others to vaccinate their children with scores of products that have long track records of not working and of wreaking havoc.

9.  It was not ever, is not today, and will not be tomorrow my child's job to protect your child, in any way, shape, or form.  That is the parent's job.  Period.  Ask yourself who exactly is making these decisions as to which child is more worthy of living, since death and disability are possible consequences of both the disease and the vaccine.  Since there is a decision to be made, it should reside with the parent, or with the vaccine recipient, not with anyone else, and most certainly not with the ones profiting from vaccines, be it directly (pharmaceutical companies, doctors, and hospitals) or indirectly (elected officials, government regulators, and trade industry groups, all of whom enjoy plenty of big pharma dollars and perks).

10.  There is no longer any excuse, nor is it acceptable, for any parent, doctor, media person, elected official, or government regulator to state the false claims that vaccines are safe and effective.  They are neither, and not even one has ever been proven to be such.  As a matter of fact, "highly secret documents" from pharmaceutical companies, in addition to pharmaceutical company and CDC whistleblowers, continue to reveal and expose on a regular basis that vaccines are neither safe nor effective, and never have been. 

Additionally, the U.S. Supreme Court has officially and legally declared vaccines to be "unavoidably unsafe”.  For those who find that a hard-to-decipher double negative, that means that vaccines are inherently dangerous, yet, they are mandated for children.  As a colleague of mine recently commented, “If you don’t have a choice about unavoidably unsafe products, what the hell choices do you have that are meaningful?”

It is also imperative to remember that in 1986, the U.S. Congress was foolish enough to cave in to a bunch of whining vaccine-making pharmaceutical companies who said they weren't going to make vaccines anymore because they were losing so many costly lawsuits due to their vaccines killing and maiming people.  This whining, no doubt paired with lobbying, resulted in Congress indemnifying vaccine-making pharmaceutical companies, and those who administer vaccines, from liability for injuries and deaths caused by vaccines.  Yes, you heard that correctly.  Not Liable.  With that Act of Congress, any incentive or means of accountability to make a safe vaccine product flew right out the window.

It is critical for any person who is considering vaccination for themselves, their children, or those in their care, such as elderly parents, to take the time to educate himself/herself regarding vaccine history, vaccine ingredients, vaccine adverse events, vaccine trials, vaccine research fraud, vaccine injuries, and vaccine deaths.  Vaccination is a risky medical procedure, and as such, it should not be entered into lightly or without due diligence.

11.  Vaccine mandates for children are extremely age discriminatory, and parents should begin to sue over this fact. Notice that those doing the mandating aren't rolling up their sleeves and pant legs, and dropping their drawers, for 70+ dastardly vaccine cocktails.  Rather, they sit back and order that infants, toddlers, and young children be shot up to hell and back, stripping parents of their rights and freedoms, just so long as those pharmaceutical companies keep filling their campaign coffers and providing perks.

12.  It is time to stop delegating your health care decisions to your pediatrician and instead become your own expert.  Your child is counting on you.  Your child's pediatrician is not the vaccine expert you think he/she is.  Their "vaccine training" in medical school, reported to be as brief as 2 hours, revolved around learning how and where to give a tiny baby up to 12 vaccines at one time from 8 syringes.  Once you allow the toxic cocktails of heinous vaccine materials to enter your child's body, you can't retrieve them.  They have now entered a closed system, a system which includes your child's brain, nerves, and blood, during critical developmental periods. Think about that.  Think hard.  There is no do-over.  Trust me, I speak from experience about the no do-over part.

13.  Glimpse of our future, which has actually already arrived.  Have you thought about who is going to be able to defend our country now that we have children being environmentally injured to the extent of 1 in 6 having a neurodevelopmental disorder (that's code name for brain damage), 1 in 11 having asthma, 1 in 12 having food allergies (some of which are life-threatening, and all of which are life-altering), 1 in 50 having Autism, 1 in 400 having Type 1 Diabetes, many having GI and colon problems, seizure disorders, etc.? 

Here's how it's going to look when the alarm sounds and our health- and development-impaired young Americans are called to battle:  "Wait!  I need to grab my EpiPen!"  "Well, I need my inhaler."  "I need gluten-free, casein-free, soy-free to-go meals!”  "I can't find my prescription meds!"  "NO ONE can bring peanuts, or any tree nuts for that matter, on this mission!"  "Oh no! My insulin pod just fell off, and I don't have a new one to put on!"  "I'm having chronic diarrhea, so I can't come along today!"  "Well, I haven't pooped for a month and my stomach is killing me, so I can’t go either!”  "I can't follow more than 2 instructions at once, so I'm already confused and we haven't even left yet."  And then there are the ones who can’t talk at all, aren’t toilet-trained, and who have the skill level of a toddler…they won’t be eligible to serve in any, way, shape, or form.  Apparently, the military is already experiencing this, and has written a report titled Ready, Willing, and Unable to Serve.  This is our future, folks.

Tragically, these same issues have affected our kids' back-to-school-supplies. Instead of scissors, crayons, and pencils, it's EpiPens, inhalers, insulin, prescription meds, special foods, and lengthy IEPs.

14.  If you still are not getting the picture, then please hotfoot it over to your nearest elementary, junior high, or high school and ask to see the special education classrooms (that's right, plural, classrooms).  Notice how many kids are in each one.  Notice how oddly behaved they are.  This is our new normal.  Vaccinate your child, and you'll stand a good chance of experiencing firsthand what I'm talking about.

15.  A warning, one I wish had been issued to me back in 1992:  Beware of those "well-baby" appointments.  Your baby may never be well again if you allow him/her to be vaccinated.

Please don't be led like a lamb to the slaughter with your baby in hand, and a fistful of syringes in the nurse's hand...syringes destined for your tiny baby's developing body, ready to destroy its immune system, nervous system, neurological development, and health, all in one fell swoop.  Those syringes might even take your child's life. 

Don't be manipulated.  Be responsible for making your own well-researched decisions.

Laura Hayes

Mother of Vaccine Injured Children

Passionate about educating others and encouraging them to learn about the myriad dangers and inefficacies of vaccines, the fallacy of the theory behind them, and the vast web of fraud and deception involved in supporting and mandating them

*Footnote, on Merck letterhead:

October 21, 2009   

Dear Health Care Provider:

Monovalent vaccines no longer available for measles, mumps, rubella

Based on input from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), professional societies, scientific leaders, and customers, Merck has decided not to resume production of ATTENUVAX® (Measles Virus Vaccine Live), MUMPSVAX® (Mumps Virus Vaccine Live), and MERUVAX®II (Rubella Virus Vaccine Live). This science-based decision will support vaccination of the largest group of appropriate individuals.

http://www.breakspearmedical.com/files/documents/monovalentMessage.pdf (to read full letter)


Hans Litten

Posted by: David L | June 11, 2019 at 12:24 PM

Thankyou David, I had forgotten (& I knew I had missed plenty) that the MMR has tested positive for glyphosate - Samsel-Seneff

Sorry Vincent what were you saying about the measles vaccine ?

This truly is the crime of all centuries ! And you guys are backing this are you ?

David L

I decided to also dive a bit deeper into the Measles and the MMR vaccine, looking at benefits to getting wild measles, side effects and contamination of the vaccine, vaccine failure of measles & mumps, transmission to others, and treatment with vitamin A. Heres what I have so far and may help at some point with future attempts at removing exemptions and choice about this vaccine. http://bit.ly/2HuYFhO

Hans Litten


The crime of the Measles Vaccine for you:

Merck’s MMR II vaccine (as well as the chickenpox, Pentacel, and all Hep-A containing vaccines) is manufactured using human fetal cell lines and is heavily contaminated with human fetal DNA from the production process.

Levels in our children can reach up to 5 ng/ml after vaccination, depending on the age, weight and blood volume of the child. That level is known to activate Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9), which can cause autoimmune attacks.

To illustrate the autoimmune capability of very small amounts of fetal DNA, consider this: labor is triggered by fetal DNA from the baby that builds up in the mother’s bloodstream, triggering a massive immune rejection of the baby. This is labor.

It works like this: fetal DNA fragments [i] from a baby with about 300 base pairs in length are found in a pregnant mother’s serum. When they reach between 0.46– 5.08 ng/mL in serum, they trigger labor via the TLR9 mechanism [ii]. The corresponding blood levels are 0.22 ng/ml and 3.12 ng/ml.

The fetal DNA levels in a child after being injected with fetal-manufactured vaccines reach the same level that triggers autoimmune rejection of baby by mother.

Anyone who says that the fetal DNA contaminating our vaccines is harmless either does not know anything about immunity and Toll- like receptors or they are not telling the truth. (aka lying)

Hans Litten

Vincent Iannelli (where have you gone because I haven't finished with you or the mmr yet)
Associate professor ? Does that mean you wear blinkers 24/7 ?
And pretend our evidence doesnt exist ?

1. The mumps Merck rabbits blood vaccine fraud 2010 Krahling\Wicholski
2. Corvelva results truly embarrassing
3. Fetal DNA-RNA fragments recombining with a babies own stem cells.

Are you going to pretend all of this isn't happening with your fraudulent Measles vaccine ?

Leonard Bernstein


"Of the 194 measles virus sequences obtained in the United States in 2015, 73 were identified as vaccine sequences (R. J. McNall, unpublished data)."

'Rapid Identification of Measles Virus Vaccine Genotype by Real-Time PCR'
Felicia Roy, Lillian Mendoza, Joanne Hiebert, Rebecca J. McNall, Bettina Bankamp, Sarah Connolly, Amy Lüdde, Nicole Friedrich, Annette Mankertz, Paul A. Rota, Alberto Severini
Yi-Wei Tang, Editor


'Outbreak of Measles Among Persons With Prior Evidence of Immunity', New York City, 2011
Jennifer B. Rosen Jennifer S. Rota Carole J. Hickman Sun B. Sowers Sara Mercader Paul A. Rota William J. Bellini Ada J. Huang Margaret K. Doll Jane R. Zucker ...


Frederic Chopin

If y'all are trying to prove MMR and not AV measles disinformation is causing all these measles outbreaks y'all need to find a confirmed (genotyped) case of vaccine strain measles in an unvaccinated person. That's not showing the vaccine strain sheds, or that a vaccinated person can have a measles-like illness from the vaccine strain, or that a vaccinated person who, through vaccine failure, can contract and/or spread wild measles.

Hans Litten

Vincent Iannelli (MD of what I just don't know.)

Would you care to address the second "M" in the MMR please ?
You know that elephant ? The one you are pretending doesn't exist ?
The mumps component faked by Merck with Rabbits blood and been in litigation since 2010.


This fraud entirely invalidates the whole MMR vaccine.
There is No need to talk about measles until this urgent matter is resolved.
This total fraud and toxic concoction has been injected into millions of babies and you Vincent
dare to defend this crime against humanity on the basis of some Disney Science logic which you clearly are a zombie follower of !
(Reuters) - Two former Merck & Co Inc scientists accusing the drugmaker of falsifying tests of its exclusive mumps vaccine said in a court filing on Monday that Merck is refusing to respond to questions about the efficacy of the vaccine.

Attorneys at Constantine Cannon, who represent the scientists, asked U.S. Magistrate Judge Lynne Sitarski of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania to compel Merck to respond to their discovery request, which asks the company to give the efficacy of the vaccine as a percentage.

Instead of answering the question, the letter said, Merck has been consistently evasive, using “cut-and-paste” answers saying it cannot run a new clinical trial to determine the current efficacy, and providing only data from 50 years ago.

“Merck should not be permitted to raise as one of its principal defenses that its vaccine has a high efficacy, which is accurately represented on the product’s label, but then refuse to answer what it claims that efficacy actually is,” the letter said.
A representative of Merck could not immediately be reached for comment.

The two scientists, Stephen Krahling and Joan Wlochowski, filed their whistleblower lawsuit in 2010 claiming Merck, the only company licensed by the Food and Drug Administration to sell a mumps vaccine in the United States, skewed tests of the vaccine by adding animal antibodies to blood samples.

Laura Hayes


Two more for you:


2. https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2014/04/measles-outbreak-traced-fully-vaccinated-patient-first-time?fbclid=IwAR1zQBc4AsVw8CuXnALiR2TyAG8JxJZseuEy7h-qIJVSMB9g4wjo0Ax-EG8

Laura Hayes


I don't think the links went through. Here they are in order:

1. https://www.eurosurveillance.org/content/10.2807/ese.15.35.19652-en

2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23543773

3. https://www.eurosurveillance.org/content/10.2807/1560-7917.ES2013.18.49.20649

Laura Hayes


Here are 3 sources that might be helpful:

1. Spotlight on measles 2010: excretion of vaccine strain measles virus in urine and pharyngeal secretions of a child with vaccine associated febrile rash illness, Croatia, March 2010. Croatian Institute of Public Health, Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Zagreb, Croatia. Eurosurveillance, Volume 15, Issue 35, 02 September 2010 (Full Text)
2. Differentiating the wild from the attenuated during a measles outbreak. Communicable Disease Control, Alberta Health Services. Pediatricians and Child Health, Apr. 2012; 17(4) (Abstract)
3. Case of vaccine-associated measles five weeks post-immunisation, Eurosurveillance, Volume 18, Issue 49, 05 December 2013 (Full Text)


The current statement among vaccine advocates is that no case of shedding of the measles vaccine has ever resulted in infection in other people. In secondary infections.

In order to shed, the person having gotten the measles vaccine has to be within a fairly tight time frame when infecting -- call it a month, to be safe, though five or six weeks' duration have been cited.

In order to have contracted the measles infection via someone who has shed the vaccine via very recent vaccination, there has to be some form of proving contact and ruling out of other vectors of infection.

In order to prove the connection, the strain also needs typed, and the two strains must match -- they must both be the vaccine strain!

Has anyone proven that shedding causes infection in others? We know that measles vaccination causes measles in the vaccinated, which the government re-names as a mere reaction, further claiming the person with the reaction isn't actually contagious. Proof otherwise? Thanks! It's a big storm out there!

David Foster

Your question #1 had been partially answered, of the Disneyland samples tested 38% were vaccine strain. Truly amazing (but not surprising) that this has not been headline news.

Rapid Identification of Measles Virus Vaccine Genotype by Real-Time PCR

"Since approximately 5% of recipients of measles virus-containing vaccine experience rash and fever which may be indistinguishable from measles (9), it is very important to identify vaccine reactions to avoid unnecessary isolation of the patient, as well as the need for contact tracing and other labor-intensive public health interventions."


The debate about vaccines isnt coming to an end any soon. Vaccines play a major role in the control and prevention of diseases across the globe and the moment people understand how important they are they will start to appreciate them. The article is quite detailed and i love that. Keep up the spirit.

Angus Files

Not good

New data released Wednesday showed that the percentage of California's kindergartners with all required vaccinations as of last fall rose from 92.8% to 95.6%. Los Angeles County's rate jumped from 90% to 95%, and Orange County's rose from 92.5% to 95.5%.


Pharma For Prison



A true tragedy, instead of an imaginary one. And a higher risk from dying on a ride at Disney than dying from measles caught at Disney?

I wonder how many people have died at Disney from ride accidents and traumas and heart problems vs catching measles there?


Laura Hayes


Here is a link with an explanation by immunologist Dr. Tetyana Obukhanych to your question about herd immunity: http://vaccine-injury.info/tetyana.cfm

Perhaps more importantly is this...you witnessed your first child have a severe adverse reaction to his vaccines. Your doctor is dismissing both that fact and your concerns regarding vaccinating your second child. Please, please, please, find a new doctor as fast as you can...and only if you actually need one.

Might I also suggest an excellent book by the late Dr. Robert Mendohlson titled "How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor." Might be the best $10 you ever spent in your life!

Hope this helps :) Remember, YOU are the parent. Let no one coerce or force you to do anything to your child, most especially something that has already hurt one of your other children.


But how do you rebuttal the herd immunity argument. Basically if there is a vaccine injury or death, thats basically collateral damage for the greater good.

They argue vaccine coverage must be 95% or higher or they're not effective.

Doctors always bring this up when i tell em of my hesitation to vaccines. Even though my first child suffered seizures, a fever and behavior changes as a reaction to his 2 month well baby visit, when he got 8 needles at once.

They assure me the reaction was just a coincidence. Then bring up the whole herd immunity angle to inject my second child.



"then most of those tens of thousands didn't get measles because the vaccine was working for them."

If some of those people in Disney were baby boomers than they would not have had any MMR or single measles shot. Factor in people who hadn't had a shot since the LMV of 1967, people from other countries that don't require all of the shots that the US does, that would be between 25-28 other countries and since Disney is the number 1 tourist destination on the planet you can imagine all the people from different countries merging on that one location who haven't had the MMR either because it wasn't required or they were exempt. Also, since Dr. William Thompson's confession about the MMR study being manipulated school immunization rates were down last fall (according to the many pants on fire news outlets) so there were most likely a lot of kids from the US who didn't have that booster shot last fall and I can't see all the parents getting those adult boosters. I would say the number of children who are vaccinated have nothing to do with the fact that tens of thousands didn't get measles. The measles virus can live for up to two hours on a surface or in an airspace where the infected person coughed or sneezed. Disney is huge and their sanitation standards used to be pretty high. I know the last time my family was there the staff was constantly cleaning, sweeping, wiping down door knobs, rails, table, benches etc.

I just don't see how you can come to that conclusion that the vaccine must be working? When vaccinated people have been infected with the illness they were supposedly immune to, the vaccine isn't working. I would rather give power to the immune system than the monster mash the pharmaceutical companies have ginned up.


Here's a way out thought. I noticed in one of your comments it stated:
Group B predominates in Sub-Saharan and Central Africa, group G in Southeast Asia, and group H in China and Southeast Asia.

In the Sub-Saharan and Central Africa are the countries of: Sierra Leone, Senegal & Liberia-said to be the epic-centers of the Ebola outbreak. People were in and out of those countries for weeks or months-CDC, other government officials, missionaries, military etc. Since the B genotype is specific to that area, is it possible that it could have been imported to the US through those people? How can the Health Dept of California and the CDC be so sure that the outbreak began in Disney or even California?

Any of the people onsite in Africa could have been infected and either chose not to disclose the illness to anyone because they didn't know they had the measles or they were asymptomatic and it got transmitted that way. Many of the reports I read stated the symptoms people were experiencing mild. Maybe the CDC did know some of the people were ill when they got back and throwing measles into the mix on top if Ebola and EV-D68 would give the population that impression they were more incompetent than they came off being. Illness is one thing that is not in short supply on the African Continent. Just thinking outside the box.

cia parker

I think you'd have to consider how many vaccinated people at Disneyland and exposed to measles at that time GOT measles to arrive at a vaccine failure rate. Every day there are tens of thousands of people at those parks, if what they tell us is correct (big if), then most of those tens of thousands didn't get measles because the vaccine was working for them. I'm obviously not recommending the vaccine, it's better for nearly everyone to just go ahead and get the measles, but I don't think the vaccine failure rate is high, just higher than expected.

Laura Hayes


Thank you very much for your comments about vaccines and the military. It breaks my heart and angers me greatly that our service men and women are not allowed to exercise their rights to utilize vaccine exemptions. The irony is too huge to miss...those charged with defending and fighting for freedom have their freedom stripped from them with regards to forced and dangerous medical procedures, i.e. vaccines. Not only does that negatively impact their own health and well-being, but clear generational effects are seen, too, as you mentioned, in their negatively-impacted offspring.

I know of many young people who continue to have their future career choices limited daily by ever-increasing vaccine mandates and exemption restrictions/eliminations. Some of our best and brightest will no longer be choosing to go into the military, medicine, or even teaching, for that will most likely be the next target group for vaccine mandates.

Wonder when enough Americans are going to wake up to these egregious violations of fundamental human rights, known as vaccine mandates? Not soon enough.

Thank you again for chiming in, Danita.

Jenny Allan

@ Eindeker "Have some information re vaccination status of Disney measles cases: only 4 of the 52 cases were known to have received 2 MMR doses: the majority were unvaccinated."

Thank you Eindeker. 4 fully MMR vaccinated cases out of 52 represents a current vaccine failure rate of 7.6%. This is disgraceful, considering parents were and are promised a near 100% immunisation status after administration of 2 MMR vaccine doses. I note another 2 cases were known to have received one measles vaccine dose.

Of the other measles cases, (quote) "28 (55%) were unvaccinated, 17 (31%) had unknown vaccination status, and 6 (12%) were vaccinated. Of the 6 cases vaccinated, 2 had received 1 dose and 4 had received 2 or more doses. Among the 28 unvaccinated cases, 5 were under age for vaccination."

The 17 cases with unknown vaccination status, (i.e. no documentation), might well have been vaccinated in infancy or later. It is wrong to assume they are unvaccinated, just because the 'paperwork' is missing.

The 5 cases too young to be vaccinated, were babies younger than one year old, and no blame attaches to their parents for their babies' becoming infected. It's a pity vaccination has now destroyed the maternal placental/ breast feeding conferred immunisation, which previously protected babies for their first year of life.

It's no use blaming 'unvaccinated' persons for vaccine failures. If you remove the babies from the 28, stated unvaccinated cases, then we are left with 23, less than half of confirmed cases, and there might well be good reasons for them being unvaccinated, i.e. immune compromised etc. Some will have chosen not to vaccinate, preferring a transient disease conferring lifelong immunity, to the dangers of vaccinations.

In particular, it seems the vaccine is particularly ineffective against measles genotype B3. (quote) "During the last 6 months, identical genotype B3 viruses were also detected in at least 14 countries and at least 6 U.S. states, not including those linked to the current outbreak."

The vast majority of these countries, including the UK, Netherlands, Japan and Russia and yes - The Philippines, have child vaccination schedules which include measles vaccinations. The present vaccine is failing to protect against certain strains of this disease and I am inclined to agree with Danchi, when he states "people being duped into injecting their children".

Jeannette Bishop

re measles genotypes:


"..., some MV genotypes are associated with a specific geographic region while others are more widely distributed. Group B predominates in Sub-Saharan and Central Africa, group G in Southeast Asia, and group H in China and Southeast Asia. Group D, however, is more widely distributed and is found in East Africa, parts of Europe and the Indian subcontinent."


"In the years before general use of the vaccine and up to
2005, there was no joint information on the genotypes circulating in Europe that could associate the appearance of the same genotype in different European Region countries.
The evidence for this period allows few conclusions to be drawn. Between the 1960s and end of the 1990s, genotype A was
detected in the former Czechoslovakia, Finland, Russia and
Denmark. In 2001-2002, genotype A was detected in Belarus. Since all current vaccines belong to this genotype, after
the introduction of the vaccine, the complete sequence of the
H gene and/or the vaccination history must be studied to
determine whether these cases are due to the wild virus or
are vaccine induced."

Ate there human genetic reasons why some genotypes operate regionally and would that possibly make the type A vaccines more of a risk for some groups than others, as the findings of William Thompson/Brian Hooker suggest for African-Americans (boys) receiving MMR and autism?


One of the tragedies of vaccines and service members is how disproportionately the families of armed service members are affected by vaccine mandates. Service members lose their right to be exempt from vaccines the moment they sign up, and their subsequent families pay the price twice-over. The soldiers are first affected by the initial onslaught of shots, and children born afterwards are documented by our own DOD to be TWICE AS LIKELY as their civilian counterparts to be autistic. Worse yet, children of military families who are on military insurance plans receive significantly less funding for therapeutic services than their civilian counterparts. There are a mind-blowing number of families with 3 or more generations of distinguished military service, where there are now no more children in the family physically capable of continuing service to our country. This is absolutely criminal.


Dr. Ianelli,
Wonderful! I'm glad that the measles at this time is being caused by the natural and not vaccine-strain virus.

The problem with this is parents are taking their children to get shot up with the A genotype measles virus and I've read where people are being re-vaccinated. Not really sure what that means, maybe already have had what is considered adequate MMR according to the schedule. I for one don't consider people people being duped into injecting their children and themselves with toxins that are not beneficial to their health. In my book, this is called fraud.


Measles is a vaccine-preventable disease. The 'controls' part is that people are told to get vaccinated before traveling out of the country. This isn't new. In the 1990 guidelines that introduced the MMR booster for kids, it says that adults who travel should get one too.

Measles is a illness of the vaccinated according to Dr. Gregory Poland of the Mayo Clinic. You have not responded to my post about if you wanted to rebuttal anything of Dr. Poland's comments of 2012.

Please provide INDEPENDENT studies or data that confirms that measles is a vaccine preventable illness.


Have some information re vaccination status of Disney measles cases: only 4 of the 52 cases were known to have received 2 MMR doses: the majority were unvaccinated
"For cases with age reported, the age of case-patients range from 10 months to 57 years (median = 16.5 years). To date, 8 (15%) case-patients were hospitalized. Of the 52 outbreak-associated cases, 28 (55%) were unvaccinated, 17 (31%) had unknown vaccination status, and 6 (12%) were vaccinated. Of the 6 cases vaccinated, 2 had received 1 dose and 4 had received 2 or more doses. Among the 28 unvaccinated cases, 5 were under age for vaccination. Measles genotype information was available from 9 measles cases; all were genotype B3 and all sequences linked to this outbreak are identical. The sequences are also identical to the genotype B3 virus that caused a large outbreak in the Philippines in 2014. During the last 6 months, identical genotype B3 viruses were also detected in at least 14 countries and at least 6 U.S. states, not including those linked to the current outbreak.
Similar % of cases to the European data I gave earlier: it's the unvaccinated responsible for spreading this disease which kills 1 in every couple of thousand or so of people infected

cia parker

How about a green bracelet with stickers on it for every natural disease you've had and gotten immunity to? Those would be the only people who couldn't transmit the diseases.

cia parker

Dr. Ianelli,
Wonderful! I'm glad that the measles at this time is being caused by the natural and not vaccine-strain virus, it makes its effects on the immune system cleaner and less worrisome. It would have been good for political points if it had been vaccine-strain, but it's best for the people's health if it's natural.

cia parker

Dr. Ianelli,
Who cares if people entering the U.S. are up on their vaccines? The important take-home point is the measles is very rarely serious, and none of the cases in the U.S. in recent years has had a bad or fatal outcome.

Jenny Allan

Let's not forget the Philippines has a child immunisation schedule, similar to the UK and US schedules, including two doses of MMR vaccine.
Dr Iannelli - Can you explain why the MMR measles vaccine component is apparently failing to protect from measles genotype B3 in a significant proportion of the Disney and Orange County cases?


Dr Iannelli,

The answer probably depends on who you are asking. A wide variety of opinions here.Me? No. I don't want people from the Phillipines to be forced to vaccinate. I think they are also entitled to religious and philosophical exemptions, and to protect vulnerable children from vaccine injury.

Others; each has their own opinion. I'm pretty sure that Steve and Lynzi, for example are all for it.

Did hear of a talk show that recommended that unvaccinated should wear a 'yellow bracelet." Personally, I think they should also wear a Star of David. After all, isn't that the historically traditional way to identify people whose religious or philosophical beliefs you disagree with, and whom you wish to humiliate and vilify?

I notice that people with ACTUAL CURRENT transmissible diseases; HIV, Hep B,herpes etc; we don't identify them and protect them through HIPA for fear of them being stigmatized or judged. Perhaps people will argue for that to change soon, too. After all it is the next logical step.


Some good points. I definitely do not want to see people barred from traveling based on vaccination status. I'm sure that's what the fanatics are working feverishly on.

I have a friend who had titers tested before she got pregnant and she was advised to get the MMR because her titers were low, even though she had been previously vaccinated (probably many years before). She got the shot and then got pregnant and thank goodness all has gone well. Her boy is a healthy grown man now. But it's interesting that they never tested her again to see if the MMR was effective before she got pregnant. I guess they don't follow up because if she was one of those who do not respond there is nothing they can do about it anyway?

Vincent Iannelli, MD

"So it seems the WHO was previously very well aware that travellers, infected with measles genotype B3, were permitted to travel to other countries and presumably spread measles infections, without any kind of official sanctions or controls."

Measles is a vaccine-preventable disease. The 'controls' part is that people are told to get vaccinated before traveling out of the country. This isn't new. In the 1990 guidelines that introduced the MMR booster for kids, it says that adults who travel should get one too.

Do you want sanctions for those who don't?

Why are people permitted to travel while they are sick with measles? Measles has a very long incubation period, so often they are not sick when they travel. They develop symptoms after they return home. And remember that you can be contagious for up to four days before you develop the classic measles rash, so some travelers may just have a fever, not know they have measles, and expose others while traveling.


Time for the "troll" distraction. BTW, are you up on all your adult boosters. Seeing that you can't believe what you're reading I'm sure you wouldn't want to let the herd down: http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/downloads/adult/adult-schedule.pdf. It's even in color. Don't forget to remind your local health authorities that you need to "catch up" on all the shots you've missed since adolescents.


A request -- I think we can do without comments from the likes of 'Steve' that have nothing to add to the conversation and only post here to insult and ridicule. Can the editors please refrain from printing comments like these?


@Christina Waldman look at slide 7 here: https://www.scribd.com/mobile/doc/120430481#fullscreen .
This graph shows a febrile seizure rate associated with the Varicella vaccine singly.
The MMR alone provokes a seizure every 3500 doses, adding a Varicella shot to the visit increases the rate to 1/2500, using the MMRV Pro Quad 4 in 1 results in a 1/1250 seizure rate.
The increasing febrile seizure rates of the MMR, MMR & V, and MMRV demonstrate that one of the vaccine industries' major assertions- that combination vaccines are no more reactive than single vaccines, and that multiple vaccines in a single visit do not increase reactivity, is simply false. Of course one of the challenges with tracking this type of information is that since the vast majority of the infant to 18 month old pediatric population is always 30 to 60 days since their vaccine administration, who knows what the actual baseline seizure rate without vaccinations and only natural infections would be. This vaccine reaction is a real driver of vaccine questioning- today for many children the most serious course of illness they experience is not from a natural infection but from vaccine reactions. For parents whose children have gone through this experience, there is nothing far fetched about the idea of even more serious reactions being a possibility.


I can't believe what I am reading. The reason we are seeing the diseases is because you quacks aren't getting your kids vaccinated. You are putting others at risk, shame on you!! Ignoring scientific proof and buying into conspiracy theories makes me wonder about the overall IQ of the country.

Christina Waldman

I loved the article. I laughed out loud at paragraphs 11 and 13. Would like to add Dr. Tetyana Obukhanych Talk at Aligned Chiropractic in Kelowna B.C. March 2013 youtube video to the conversation. A Stanford-trained immunologist, she realized when she immigrated that she had been vaccinated twice for measles, yet had had measles when she was eleven. That started her questioning what she was being taught (i.e., thinking for herself). I think her video is good at explaining why vaccination does not always provide any immunity and giving parents more information in weighing the pros and cons.

Also, from what I have read, adding chicken pox vaccine to the MMR doubles the risk of febrile seizure, or adds one febrile seizure per 1000. Many may not know that. The risk is lessened even when both MMR and chickenpox vaccine are given on the same day but at different injection sites. Why would this be when the varicella vaccine alone is usually not harmful? There seem to be a lot of things we do not know yet about how live viruses interact, as Dr. Wakefield suggested.


"I wonder, why Americans are the most aggressively vaccinated and vaccine damaged population in the world. I came to conclusion that this is a result of general illiteracy of Americans (quality of US school education is below III world countries), their lack of scientific knowledge, lack of ability to think independently and pathological trust in media and govt propaganda. This probably is a direct result of brain damage by toxic vaccines and food. Only a small % of Americans are still neurologically healthy and they are fighting medical terror. But the nation is doomed, IMO."

Couldn't agree with you more...


I wonder, why Americans are the most aggressively vaccinated and vaccine damaged population in the world. I came to conclusion that this is a result of general illiteracy of Americans (quality of US school education is below III world countries), their lack of scientific knowledge, lack of ability to think independently and pathological trust in media and govt propaganda. This probably is a direct result of brain damage by toxic vaccines and food. Only a small % of Americans are still neurologically healthy and they are fighting medical terror. But the nation is doomed, IMO.


Dr Iannelli:
The measles vaccine has failed, he explained two years ago in a prescient paper, “The re-emergence of measles in developed countries.” In that paper, he warned that due to factors that most haven’t noticed, measles has come back to be a serious public health threat. Poland sees the need for a major rethink, after concluding that the current measles vaccine is unlikely to ever live up to the job expected of it: “outbreaks are occurring even in highly developed countries where vaccine access, public health infrastructure, and health literacy are not significant issues. This is unexpected and a worrisome harbinger — measles outbreaks are occurring where they are least expected,” he wrote in his 2012 paper, listing the “surprising numbers of cases occurring in persons who previously received one or even two documented doses of measles-containing vaccine.” During the 1989-1991 U.S. outbreaks, 20% to 40% of those affected had received one to two doses. In a 2011 outbreak in Canada, “over 50% of the 98 individuals had received two doses of measles vaccine.”
Paper: The Re-Emergence of Measles in Developed Countries: Time to Develop the Next-Generation Measles Vaccines? http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih (dot) gov/pmc/articles/PMC3905323/

-Arch Intern Med. 1994 Aug 22;154(16):1815-20.
Failure to reach the goal of measles elimination. Apparent paradox of measles infections in immunized persons.
Poland GA1, Jacobson RM.
The apparent paradox is that as measles immunization rates rise to high levels in a population, measles becomes a disease of immunized persons. Because of the failure rate of the vaccine and the unique transmissibility of the measles virus, the currently available measles vaccine, used in a single-dose strategy, is unlikely to completely eliminate measles. The long-term success of a two-dose strategy to eliminate measles remains to be determined. http://archinte.jamanetwork (dot) com/article.aspx?articleid=619215
Dr. Gregory Poland is Professor of Medicine and founder and leader of Mayo Clinic’s Vaccine Research Group.

Lawrence Solomon: Vaccines can’t prevent measles outbreaks

I love it when professionals call me a conspiracy theorist or say I am engaged in a conspiracy. You obviously don't know the origins of that phrase.

I assume you know who Dr. Gregory Poland is? He states in a report in 1994 that "The apparent paradox is that as measles immunization rates rise to high levels in a population, measles becomes a disease of immunized persons." In his 2012 paper "The measles vaccine has failed", Poland sees "the need for a major rethink, after concluding that the current measles vaccine is unlikely to ever live up to the job expected of it".

Would you care to challenge Dr. Poland's papers? If so please provide independent data that support your position.


""A" strain vaccine-B3 strain circulating virus. No wonder there have been outbreaks of measles in highly vaccinated populations. It does work. Just not for the populace. "

"That's not how it works, but congrats on trying to gin up a new conspiracy theory."

What an intelligent, sincere and mature comment...

Have to say, after reading the above comment by a 'professional,' it is extremely difficult to control my rage. I can still remember what happened to our beautiful baby boy when he was reacting to his whole cell pertussis vaccination. I can still remember my absolute horror, with my heart in my nostrils when I called our baby's pediatrician's office, exclaiming through tears what we were witnessing with our baby, as my husband gently tried to soothe our SCREAMING infant.

I was told to hold out the phone and when I did...waited...and got back on the phone, our pediatrician admitted our son was having a vaccine reaction.


John Stone


I don't know of any time when AW would have been in a position to influence vaccination rates in the US. I think one also has to mark the essence of this business which is to mount unreasoned, ill-informed hate attacks against any who does not step into line - it is fascism pure and simple, and pays no regard for the messy business which vaccines really are.

The best Vincent Iannelli can do is accuse people of being conspiracy theorists. Since when did we have governments that didn't conspire?

Jenny Allan

Dr Iannelli - You can't blame folks for being confused, regarding the high number of circulating measles strains. It was you after all, who pointed out the prevalence of the B3 measles genotype in the Disney cases. For the record, the measles vaccine uses A genotype strains, and yes the vaccine 'works', since measles cases have become rare since the vaccine's introduction during the 1960s.

The concerns expressed here are not about whether or not the measles vaccine 'works', but the overall efficacy of the vaccine. The Disney cases have revealed an alarming proportion of vaccinated persons amongst those infected measles cases. This is surely a matter for public concern, since parents were initially promised lifelong immunity from measles after only ONE vaccine dose. The boosters were introduced to 'mop up' the 5% or so admitted cases where the initial vaccinations failed to 'take'.

The Disney cases are just one example of measles outbreaks occurring in highly vaccinated populations. There have been outbreaks in highly vaccinated populations all over the world. It's time to stop blaming Dr Wakefield, for measles outbreaks happening more than 15 years after the publication of the Wakefield et al Lancet paper, which only caused a temporary dip in vaccinations, which soon recovered to previous vaccination levels of >90%.

Yes there IS a conspiracy - an official conspiracy of misinformation and silence about the REAL causes of these measles outbreaks. The WHO monitores measles outbreaks worldwide and the spread of individual measles genotypes. So why were we NOT told in the UK about those 10 persons from the Philippines who arrived on our shores infected with B3 measles, and presumably caused at least some of the much hyped measles outbreaks. What did this have to do with Dr Wakefield? - a doctor who always strongly advocated measles vaccinations, albeit with single measles vaccines.

If the MMR measles vaccine component is failing, like the mumps component, to protect against these diseases long term, then a complete re-think about measles immunisation is necessary and long overdue. It won't 'do' to tell people to get an MMR jab every time they visit a theme park. People are not stupid, and these recent measles outbreaks, in Disney, Wales, Japan and elsewhere, are revealing what my generation has always known. The vast majority of healthy children soon recover from measles, with lifelong immunity.

Vincent Iannelli, MD

""A" strain vaccine-B3 strain circulating virus. No wonder there have been outbreaks of measles in highly vaccinated populations. It does work. Just not for the populace. "

That's not how it works, but congrats on trying to gin up a new conspiracy theory.


Dr Iannelli Vincent pointed out that the measles viral strain is genotype B3 virus. Researching the link that Jenny Allen provided to the WHO, genotype B3 measles cases appears to be the circulating strain in travellers returning from the Philippines since late 2013, including Australia, Canada, Italy, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States.” BTW, the title page on the WHO webpage is:
Ongoing increase in measles cases following importations, Japan, March 2014: times of challenge and opportunity.

Yes the opportunity to terrorize more people into getting this jab and the pharmaceutical companies, which I'm sure members of WHO have substantial stock in, more profits.

I went to the CDC's webpage on Measles and these are the 19 genotypes detected since 1990:
A*, B2, B3, C1, C2, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, G2, G3, H1, H2

B3 is in this series so I imagine that since they have been able to type the genotypes all of them may be in circulation, theoretically of course.

Here are the Vaccine Strains:
*Vaccine strains Moraten, Edmonston, Zagreb are all genotype A.
There were 2 putative wild-type cases of measles identified as genotype A in 2008.
-During 2011, 8 genotypes were identified by global surveillance:
B2, B3, D4, D8, D9, D11, G3, H1

"A" strains are in the MMR that they have been pushing since who know when but at least since 1990 it's been know by the WHO & CDC that other strains were more than likely circulating. It's been know since 2013 that the strain was B3. If B3 is the strain circulating why is the WHO & CDC pushing a genotype A strain vaccine onto people?

I look at like this: If you want to create a global pandemic than what you do is give people the wrong vaccine knowing it would not stop the circulation of the illness and most likely will mutate into another form which will enhance the urgency of:
1.convincing more people to take the jab which will increase profits and add to the continuing decline of the public health overall but increase the financial bottom line of the profiteers.
2.convince the populace that more government control over the health care choices of it's citizens should be left in the hands of government officials who would make all vaccines mandatory.
3.convince the uninformed that "unvaccinated" people are a threat to the public health which would continue to polarize the Vaccinated against the UnVaccinated. This is a divide and conquer tactic because the media is in the back pocket of the government and big pharma so opposing information is suppressed. The Vaccinated would become the champions for the government, CDC, and the pharmaceutical industry- as they have become over the last 5 years. Boon for the poison makers-these people are doing it for free.
4.it will give big pharma a firmer foundation to ask for more government money to research a "definitive or universal measles vaccine" under the guise of maintaing the public as well as the global health.
5.it will open the doors for big pharma to acquire more state & US congresspeople and senators onto their payrolls. OOPS- I mean give more campaign donations and possibly the opportunity to become a pharma lobbyist once they leave their government job. (think of Eric Cantor on Wall Street now. He has been well rewarded for his services. Another that comes to mind-Julie Gerberding) What government official wouldn't want to be seen as a hero to their constitutes as one of the people that supported the eradication of a terrible horrifying killing childhood illness such as measles.

What we are witnessing is Henry Kissingers plan in action.

Dr. Gregory Poland stated in his two papers in 1994 & 2102 that the present and apparently past vaccines for measles doesn't work. (It never worked and there is no scientific data to confirm that it did). Poland is Professor of Medicine and founder and leader of Mayo Clinic’s Vaccine Research Group
1994: Arch Intern Med. 1994 Aug 22;154(16):1815-20.
Failure to reach the goal of measles elimination. Apparent paradox of measles infections in immunized persons. Conclusion: The apparent paradox is that as measles immunization rates rise to high levels in a population, measles becomes a disease of immunized persons. Because of the failure rate of the vaccine and the unique transmissibility of the measles virus, the currently available measles vaccine, used in a single-dose strategy, is unlikely to completely eliminate measles. The long-term success of a two-dose strategy to eliminate measles remains to be determined.
2012:Poland- "The measles vaccine has failed", he explained two years ago in a prescient paper, “The re-emergence of measles in developed countries.” In that paper, he warned that due to factors that most haven’t noticed, measles has come back to be a serious public health threat. Poland sees the need for a major rethink, after concluding that the current measles vaccine is unlikely to ever live up to the job expected of it: “outbreaks are occurring even in highly developed countries where vaccine access, public health infrastructure, and health literacy are not significant issues. This is unexpected and a worrisome harbinger — measles outbreaks are occurring where they are least expected,” he wrote in his 2012 paper, listing the “surprising numbers of cases occurring in persons who previously received one or even two documented doses of measles-containing vaccine.” During the 1989-1991 U.S. outbreaks, 20% to 40% of those affected had received one to two doses. In a 2011 outbreak in Canada, “over 50% of the 98 individuals had received two doses of measles vaccine.”
Paper: The Re-Emergence of Measles in Developed Countries: Time to Develop the Next-Generation Measles Vaccines? http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih (dot) gov/pmc/articles/PMC3905323/

"he warned that due to factors that most haven’t noticed, measles has come back to be a serious public health threat"
-First, I don't believe that measles is a serious health threat. I think if you're a researcher and you're firmly in the pro-vaccine camp and you want to stay on their good side, you continue the "con" in your paper by stating that childhood illness are a health threat. Dr. William Thompson stated that he fully support vaccines BUT this is the fraud that the CDC committed stating that the vaccines cause damages. It's the basic CYA.

When Poland wrote: "he warned that due to factors that most haven’t noticed", he never stated what those factors are. Why? Might it be he knew prior to 1994 that the circulating strain of measles was not what was in the vaccines being given around the world? If's he's the best of the best as I have read I'm sure he knew. It's pointless to mull over why he remains silent but guilt has a way of seeping out and I think Poland has been saying it without saying it.

"A" strain vaccine-B3 strain circulating virus. No wonder there have been outbreaks of measles in highly vaccinated populations. It does work. Just not for the populace.

Don't forget:
Merck is sued by former virologist employees for deliberately falsifying mumps vaccine efficacy studies.

Judge: Lawsuit Against Merck’s MMR Vaccine Fraud to Continue
Merck is the only manufacturer licensed by the FDA to sell the mumps vaccine in United States, and if it could not show that the vaccine was 95 percent effective, it risked losing its lucrative monopoly, according to the complaint. (court document at webpage)

That’s why Merck found it critically important to keep claiming such a high efficacy rate, the complaint states.

Under Protocol 007, Merck did not test the vaccine’s ability to protect children against a “wild-type” mumps virus, which is “the type of real-life virus against which vaccines are generally tested,” the complaint states.

Instead, Chatom says, Merck tested children’s blood using its own attenuated strain of the virus.

“This was the same mumps strain with which the children were vaccinated,” the complaint states.

That “subverted” the purpose of the testing regime, “which was to measure the vaccine’s ability to provide protection against a disease-causing mumps virus that a child would actually face in real life. The end result of this deviation … was that Merck’s test overstated the vaccine’s effectiveness,” Chatom claims.

Merck also added animal antibodies to blood samples to achieve more favorable test results, though it knew that the human immune system would never produce such antibodies, and that the antibodies created a laboratory testing scenario that “did not in any way correspond to, correlate with, or represent real life … virus neutralization in vaccinated people,” according to the complaint.

You have a 3 part injection that suppose to work in "harmony" with each other. Measles strain is not working says one scientist. Mumps strain not working says other scientist. 2 part out of 3 don't work. This is like putting a 1930 carburetor into a 2015 car.


Thanks again Laura.

re Measles strain: Clade B, genotype B3 is endemic in Africa and has much similarity to the Edmonston strain. The current MMRII and MMR have attenuated versions of the Edmonston strain.

link 1: http://content.schweitzer-online.de/static/content/catalog/newbooks/978/354/070/9783540706168/9783540706168_Excerpt_001.pdf

link 2: http://jid.oxfordjournals.org/content/204/suppl_1/S514.full.pdf

While one perhaps can tie things to the Philippines outbreak, I would guess that there's more to the story than that.

Jenny Allan

Cia says :- "Gareth may have had atypical measles, possibly because he HAD been vaxed, which often presents with no rash and is a lot more serious than normal measles."

Yes possibly Cia, but to be blunt I simply don't believe a single word put out by the Welsh Health Authorities about those Jan-May 2013 Welsh measles cases, including those statements about Mr Colfor-Williams' medical case. They were quite DESPERATE for a measles death, having spent months spreading doom and gloom about measles, including certain death predictions, and ridiculously overhyped false measles statistics.

Some healthy looking Welsh children were interviewed on TV saying how terrible their measles experiences were, but statistically less than a fifth of those notified measles cases were actually lab confirmed, and I'm suspicious about those too. If these children DID have measles they will be immune for life, and the girls will be able to protect their future babies during their first year of life with placental/ breast milk conferred measles immunity. I found it significant, but utterly reckless on the part of the Welsh Government, to recommend MMR vaccinations for ALL babies over 6 months old (contraindicated on vaccine inserts), the babies were STILL to get another MMR vaccination at the normal 12-18 months period. Those so called 'measles victims' were advised to get MMR vaccinations too.

Gareth had been in hospital for a week, being treated for severe asthma, before being discharged. A week or so later he was so seriously ill, his worried Mum, took him to the local NHS primary care doctors (GPs), begging for him to be readmitted to hospital. His Mum says then there was no rash, and the doctors just sent him home and advised Paracetamol to ease his symptoms. He died shortly afterwards, from respiratory failure caused by overwhelming pneumonia. The GPs apparently failed to notice this, or how ill this young man was at the time. I think most people would regard this as medical negligence. If Gareth had been admitted to an intensive care unit at his local hospital, he might have survived.

Later Gareth was stated to have had measles, by the Welsh Authorities, who have manipulated this death as a measles death in official statistics. (The Coroner recorded, the measles MIGHT have caused the pneumonia, but the severe asthma and Gareth's weakened immune compromised state were just as likely causes). The Coroner did not ask for a lab measles confirmation at the Inquest, but took the Health Authorities word as gospel. Maybe he shouldn't have.

If -and for me still an IF- Gareth had measles at the time of his death, then the time scale strongly indicates he was infected during his week in hospital being treated for asthma. Again we were told in the press and media, other 'measles' cases had been 'hospitalised'. I would like to know what steps were taken to protect other patients from cross infection in the hospital, particularly extremely vulnerable patients like Gareth.

Of course, we will never get answers to any of these questions, but I sincerely hope and pray Gareth's family members have been properly compensated by the NHS for the deficiencies in his medical care. I also felt Gareth and his family members were 'smeared' by a very nasty Press and Media at the time. Remember, Gareth's Mum stated she had him vaccinated against measles when he was a child. I would believe her word over those Welsh spokespersons any day!


JohnQPublic :they do it because an immunized child is healthier, and costs them less money per year than a non-immunized one.

Please provide data on that substantiates the above claim.

1976: 1 child in 30 was learning disabled
→2013: 1 child in 6 is learning disabled.

1980: 1 child in 27 had asthma
→2013: 1 child in 9 has asthma.

1990’s: 1 child in 555 developed autism
→2013: 1 child in 50 develops autism.

2001: 1 child in 500 had diabetes
→2013: 1 child in 400 has diabetes.

1953: CDC recommended 16 doses of 4 vaccines (smallpox, DPT) between two months and age six.
1983: CDC recommended 23 doses of 7 vaccines (DPT, MMR, polio) between two months and age six.
2013: CDC recommended 49 doses of 14 vaccines between day of birth and age six and 69 doses of 16 vaccines between day of birth and age 1.

Over 50% of children have a chronic condition and 1 in 6 have a neurodevelomental disorder (aka vaccine caused brain injury). Autism and autoimmune disorders are skyrocketing. Injecting aluminum, mercury, aborted fetal tissue, formaldehyde, MSG, diseased monkey kidney, etc. does not bring health.
Trends in the Prevalence of Developmental Disabilities in US Children, 1997–2008

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To fill gaps in crucial data needed for health and educational planning, we determined the prevalence of developmental disabilities in US children and in selected populations for a recent 12-year period.

PARTICIPANTS AND METHODS: We used data on children aged 3 to 17 years from the 1997–2008 National Health Interview Surveys, which are ongoing nationally representative samples of US households. Parent-reported diagnoses of the following were included: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; intellectual disability; cerebral palsy; autism; seizures; stuttering or stammering; moderate to profound hearing loss; blindness; learning disorders; and/or other developmental delays.

RESULTS: Boys had a higher prevalence overall and for a number of select disabilities compared with girls. Hispanic children had the lowest prevalence for a number of disabilities compared with non-Hispanic white and black children. Low income and public health insurance were associated with a higher prevalence of many disabilities. Prevalence of any developmental disability increased from 12.84% to 15.04% over 12 years. Autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and other developmental delays increased, whereas hearing loss showed a significant decline. These trends were found in all of the sociodemographic subgroups, except for autism in non-Hispanic black children.

CONCLUSIONS: Developmental disabilities are common and were reported in ∼1 in 6 children in the United States in 2006–2008. The number of children with select developmental disabilities (autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and other developmental delays) has increased, requiring more health and education services. Additional study of the influence of risk-factor shifts, changes in acceptance, and benefits of early services is needed.

The CDC refuses to do a study comparing the health of unvaccinated children to vaccinated children so where are you getting the information that immunized children are healthier? Wishful thinking? There are some independent studies from other countries and a few in the states that all have clearly shown that unvaccinated children are far healthier than vaccinated children.

Studies on Vaccinated Vs Unvaccinated
-The comparison of vaccinated verses unvaccinated http://www.vaccineinjury.info/vaccinations-in-general/vaccinatedunvaccinated.html

-Unfortunately, there are not very many studies in today’s literature that compare the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated children. However, the few do indicate that unvaccinated children suffer far less in today's "normal" diseases such as eczema, asthma, ADHD, etc., as vaccinated children. Within the existing studies one must also consider that parents, who do not vaccinate their children, often use alternative therapies such as homeopathy.

-Studies Prove Without Doubt That Unvaccinated Children Are Far Healthier Than Their Vaccinated Peers: http://www.whale.to/vaccine/studies_prove.html

-Studies comparing vaccinated to unvaccinated populations: http://www.vaxchoicevt.com/science/studies-comparing-vaccinated-to-unvaccinated-populations/

-LARGE SCALE STUDY CONCLUDES: UNVACCINATED CHILDREN HEALTHIER THAN VACCINATED GENERATION: http://www.fhfn.org/large-scale-study-concludes-unvaccinated-children-healthier-than-vaccinated-generation/

-NIH cancels massive U.S. children’s study: http://news.sciencemag.org/funding/2014/12/nih-cancels-massive-u-s-children-s-study

New Study: Vaccinated Children Have 2 to 5 Times More Diseases and Disorders Than Unvaccinated Children

by David Michael Augenstein
Journal of Natural Food and Health

A German study released in September 2011 of about 8000 UNVACCINATED children, newborn to 19 years, show vaccinated children have at least 2 to 5 times more diseases and disorders than unvaccinated children.

The results are presented in the bar chart below; the complete data and study results are here. The data is compared to the national German KIGGS health study of the children in the general population. Most of the respondents to the survey were from the U.S. http://healthimpactnews.com/2011/new-study-vaccinated-children-have-2-to-5-times-more-diseases-and-disorders-than-unvaccinated-children/

I look forward to reading the data that substantiates your claim.

cia parker

Gareth may have had atypical measles, possibly because he HAD been vaxed, which often presents with no rash and is a lot more serious than normal measles.

cia parker

The other day Vox had an article about the outbreak, saying that 42 people had caught measles at Disney land, six of them were infants too young for the shot, more than 80% of the total were unvaxed. That means that 8 of the 42 were vaxed, 6 babies, and 28 were unvaxed. Yay! And all are well now, with permanent immunity.


Posted by: Barry
thousands of people hospitalized for measles???

Please provide the data for that statement. Where do you get your information? I have every childhood illness cases, hospitalizations and deaths since 1940 from the Center For Disease Control National Vital Statics Reports. Which is why I know there have only been 9 deaths from measles in the United States of America since the year 2000.

Measles Deaths:
2000: 1
2001: 1
2002: 0
2003: 1
2004: 0
2005: 1
2006: 0
2007: 0
2008: 0
2009: 2
2010: 2
2011: 1
2012: 0
2013: 0
2014: 0
Source National Vital Statics Reports-CDC.

I look forward to reading your sources.

Jenny Allan

Eindeker's link to European measles cases makes interesting reading and is worthy of some discussion:-
"During the most recent 12-month period (January 2013 to December 2013) the 30 EU/EEA countries conducting measles surveillance reported 10 271 cases. Twenty-five of the 30 contributing countries reported consistently for the 12-month period. Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Romania and the United Kingdom accounted for 91% of the cases in this period."

My comment - Again these are notifications, not confirmed cases. The UK notifications amounted to around a third of these cases.

"Sixty per cent of the cases had a positive result in a measles laboratory test (serology, virus detection, or isolation)."

My comment -OK we are now down to 6162 so called confirmed measles cases, Europe wide.

"Of the 10 268 cases for which information on vaccination status was available, 88% were unvaccinated. In the target group for routine childhood MMR vaccination (1–4-year-olds), 80% of the cases were unvaccinated."

My comment -OK we are back to gross notifications, all very confusing, since only 60% of these are ACTUAL measles cases. They don't say what proportion of these gross cases had vax documentation, only that 88% of those with documented vax evidence were unvaxed?? Basically this tells us NOTHING about actual numbers of vaxed/unvaxed CONFIRMED cases. The 1-4 age group is even more confusing, since MMR vaccine is normally administered between 12-18months, so one year olds would not normally have received MMR vaccine anyway, and a large proportion of 15 month olds won't have received it either.

"Three measles-related deaths were reported during the period January 2013 to December 2013, and eight cases were complicated by acute measles encephalitis. Anthroposophic schools were involved in two 2014 measles outbreaks in Austria and Finland. A new outbreak was reported in Wales in October 2013, in the same area as last year’s outbreaks."

My comment -I assume ONE of these measles deaths reported was Welshman Mr Colfor-Williams. This 2013 death was officially caused by pneumonia which MIGHT have been caused by measles, but this young man also had serious co morbidities, including severe asthma and alcohol dependency. He was turned away by the doctors at his NHS health clinic and sent home to die. His mum insisted he WAS measles vaccinated as a child. The October 2013 Welsh measles outbreak is news to me!! The Jan-May 2013 measles outbreak was declared over during the summer of 2013.

"The UK has seen ten measles cases in returning travellers from the Philippines where there is an ongoing outbreak. The measles outbreak in the Netherlands is still ongoing but is showing signs of slowing down. Of the EU neighbouring countries, Russia reported several large outbreaks which are still ongoing."

My comment
In view of my previous comment in response to Dr Iannelli's links re- measles B3 genotype, the strain prevalent in the Philippines outbreak and claimed to be the strain prevalent in the Disney US outbreak, this measles strain was apparently brought to the UK by 10 infected travellers from the Phillipines. Were 'travellers from the Phillipines' also responsible for the US Disney measles outbreak??

Jenny Allan

Eindeker- Pre measles vaccine 'historical' measles notifications and deaths are at best mainly estimates, and most of these cases will not have been lab confirmed, including the 'deaths' which will not have been from measles, but complications assumed to have arisen from it. I lived through the 40s and 50s and remember virtually EVERY child contracting measles then. Parents were far more concerned about diptheria, polio and TB, and were relieved to have us vaccinated. Scarlet fever, was also rife, but newly introduced antibiotics, penicillin and streptomycin, dealt with that. I don't remember any measles disabilities or deaths amongst the hundreds of children in my schools.

There's no question measles vaccinations, introduced into the UK in 1968, have kept down the numbers of measles infections. The link you provided is for NOTIFIED measles cases in England and Wales. These numbers are far higher than lab confirmed cases.

The two UK measles deaths post MMR vaccine (1988) were children who could not be vaccinated due to immune deficiencies caused by very serious co morbidities. Measles does not kill healthy children, although this disease requires careful nursing. Dr Wakefield was very unfairly accused of 'murdering' these two children, by putting parents off the MMR vaccine, (remember that CNN Anderson Cooper interview?) One child was 13 years old when he died in 2006. His first MMR vaccination would have been due around 1994-5, at 12-15 months old, a booster around 3 years later, pre-dating the 1998 Wakefield et al paper. These children were unlikely to have caught measles from other children, since single measles vaccine was already part of the UK child immunisation schedule prior to MMR vaccine intro 1988. The extract below makes it clear the reason for non vaccinations in both cases was immune deficiencies. Dr Wakefield has ALWAYS advocated vaccinating against measles, but suggested a return to single vaccines pending more MMR vaccine safety studies:-

Extract "Prior to 2006, the last death from acute measles was in 1992. In 2006, there was 1 measles death in a 13-year-old male who had an underlying lung condition and was taking immunosuppressive drugs. Another death in 2008 was also due to acute measles in an unvaccinated child with a congenital immunodeficiency, whose condition did not require treatment with immunoglobulin."


And what do you think makes big Pharma more money, a cheep vaccination, or thousands of hospitalizations with high medication consumption?


.... thousands of people hospitalized for measles???

Where the hell did you grow up ... on Mars?

david m burd

@ Vincent Iannelli, MD

How rational is it to inject obvious toxic chemicals and foreign cells into fragile infants????

You, sir, need to rethink. Any chance?

For JohnQPublic

Mr Public

What do you think makes Big Pharma big money? More than 50% of children with chronic diseases and six in a hundred with a developmental delay - while NIH and the CDC just shrug (and of course systematically ignore serious adverse reactions to vaccines as a matter of policy).


Interesting, the one fact you miss is the most important. Before the vaccine, measles numbered up to 800,000 documented cases. 4 years after the vaccine became available, it dropped to less then 10,000, and in the year 2000, down to 650.


Your telling me that we had a person with measles, in disneyland, with a extreemly contagious disease, and only 60 people were affected? If no one was vaccinated in that park nearly half the people would have that disease. Measles does not just follow the person, it lingers around for hours, with over half the people that are exposed are infected without if they are not immunized.

And what do you think makes big Pharma more money, a cheep vaccination, or thousands of hospitalizations with high medication consumption? Why do you think insurance companies pay for vaccinations? You think an insurance company would do it out of the goodness of their heart? No, they do it because an immunized child is healthier, and costs them less money per year than a non-immunized one.


http://ecdc.europa.eu/en/publications/Publications/measles-rubella-monitoring-february-2014.pdf Here's some facts, not speculation on the measles situation in Europe please note >10000 cases from 30 countries in 2013, 60% of cases were laboratory confirmed and in the 10000+ cases where vaccination status was known 88% were unvaccinated, there were 3 measles related deaths
It's the same old story people die from measles 1 in every 2-3000 cases, outbreaks focused on unvaccinated populations, and David just look at the records, about 100 people died from measles every year in the UK in the pre-vaccine era https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/measles-deaths-by-age-group-from-1980-to-2013-ons-data/measles-notifications-and-deaths-in-england-and-wales-1940-to-2013 corresponding figures from the US were several hundred, hardly "virtually zero" David Burd

Jenny Allan

Welcome back Dr Iannelli - Yes us guys (and gals) are still 'at it', asking questions, demanding answers and transparency, and making nuisances of ourselves, to the corporate pharma industries, and their paid up medicos and politicians.

We try not to spread 'misinformation' and Laura Hayes merely asked a question in her above article. I am sure she won't mind my repeating it:-
From above "Has there been any laboratory confirmation of even one case of the supposed measles related to Disneyland? If yes, was the confirmed case tested to determine whether it was wild-type measles or vaccine-strain measles? If not, why not? These are important questions to ask. Is it measles or not? If yes, what kind, because if it's vaccine-strain measles, then that means it is the vaccinated who are contagious and spreading measles resulting in what the media likes to label "outbreaks" to create panic."

So thank you Dr Iannelli for your information about measles genotype B3, categorised as a wild measles strain. I'm not sure that 9 measles cases out of what is now claimed to be more than 50 connected to Disney World, is conclusive evidence, but I am personally convinced that a wild strain of measles is responsible for many of these cases, including the 'source' of the Disney outbreaks. The following two papers shed more light on this:-

1.Oxford Journals
Global Distribution of Measles Genotypes and Measles Molecular Epidemiology
(extract circa 2009))
“Another lesson learned is that, if large measles outbreaks are occurring anywhere in the world, the viruses are soon detected almost everywhere. Measles transmission can occur anywhere, and molecular techniques are often the only method for identifying the source of an outbreak or isolated case when standard case reporting fails to identify a source. Exposures can occur in airports or other areas frequented by international travelers, such as amusement parks, conferences, and sporting events. In 2005, sequence information was used to link cases that occurred in the Netherlands to an exposure in an airport in the United States [25], whereas in 2007, sequence data were used to link cases that occurred in Texas and Michigan to an imported case at an international youth sporting event in Pennsylvania [26, 27].”

2.The World Health Organisation
Ongoing increase in measles cases following importations, Japan, March 2014: times of challenge and opportunity
“Among the 41 cases with recent travel history to the Philippines, 39 were B3, one D9 and another unknown. Based on the available epidemiologic and genetic information, the recent increase since late November 2013 appears to be linked to the Philippines.4,6,7 Other countries have also reported genotype B3 measles cases in travellers returning from the Philippines since late 2013, including Australia, Canada, Italy, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States.”

Interesting isn't it? Let's just repeat that last WHO bit:-
"Other countries have also reported genotype B3 measles cases in travellers returning from the Philippines since late 2013, including Australia, Canada, Italy, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States.”

So it seems the WHO was previously very well aware that travellers, infected with measles genotype B3, were permitted to travel to other countries and presumably spread measles infections, without any kind of official sanctions or controls. Some infected persons who visited Disney World were vaccinated against measles, but still contracted the disease. We are all entitled to ask WHY!

For Vincent



It is interesting but also very selective information, and btw so far unsourced. Approx 70 cases were said to have been "confirmed" but you are only talking about 9. Were they vaccinated, were they unvaccinated, what about the other "cases"? Do we believe it anyway give that whole exercise has been shrouded in dishonesty, incompetence, and political manipulation?

Tina Aguilar

Excellent article, Laura (as always). Is there a way to share this on to Facebook directly from this page or do I just have to copy and paste the link? Thank you for always keeping us informed and educated.

Vincent Iannelli, MD

Oh my. You guys are still at it?

To answer your first point of misinformation:

"Measles genotype information was available from 9 measles cases; all were genotype B3 and all sequences linked to this outbreak are identical. The sequences are also identical to the genotype B3 virus that caused a large outbreak in the Philippines in 2014. "

cia parker

OK, she can leave out yours, but speak for my vaccine-damaged, fourteen-year old, autistic daughter. She likes to sit several rows behind me when we go to Mass, and the day before yesterday we went and even at the quietest moments of prayer, I could hear her chirping Cat food! Harley! Trash can! Harleyhungergames! several rows behind me. On Christmas Eve we went and Father Richard greeted us at the door, saying Merry Christmas, I'm glad you could come! And she looked away from him and said very clearly and loudly Cat food! We've worked on what it is appropriate to say and why, and that people are taken aback when she says such off-the-wall things. If she had not gotten the vaccines to which she reacted, she would have been healthy and normal and have a life ahead of her. But as it is, she doesn't.

cia parker

I completely agree with you! The febrile diseases were necessary to train the child's immune system to do its job well and efficiently, and there is no replacement for measles, mumps, rubella, and chickenpox carrying out that function. The alternative, vaccines, not only often causes vaccine encephalitis and brain damage in the immediate excessive inflammatory reaction to the vaccine assault, but sensitize it to vaccine ingredients, creating allergic reactions to them and substances resembling them forever after. At least one in five children has a disabling reaction to vaccines, autism, allergies, and asthma being the most prominent. It's much better to refuse vaccines and learn appropriate ways of treating dangerous symptoms and complications, when they occur, with vitamins, homeopathic, or naturopathic remedies. Most people now have no idea how healthy, well-behaved, and happy most First-World children were in the sixties. There were no epidemics of deadly disease, even though very few vaccines were given then. And almost no autism or autoimmune disease among them.

mary w maxwell

The word "sheeple" does not do justice.

Bill K

excellent piece. FYI - i was listening to Ground Zero / Clyde Lewis radio program this evening. the 2hr show was devoted to the Disneyland Measles out break / vaccine debate. main themes (1) bad batch of vaccines or (2) Premeditated PSYOPS bio-terror attack. many of the points / comments above were raised during broadcast including: China MMR compliance & apparently lack of efficacy, probable ineffective vax, anti-vaxxer bulling by the powers that be (gov't, b&m gates, msm, etc..), obama admin...fill in the blank, some good old conspiracy theories, msm failure to objectively do their job, no legal recourse if injury / death results from a vaccination was strongly voiced on several occasions...plus listener comments / questions from around the country

it is not uncommon for Ground Zero, Coast to Coast, Art Bell to take on the vaccine debate. always thought provoking & interesting. can listen via podcast if interested

Laura Hayes

The excellent comments below were sent to me in response to my article today. I have asked the author for permission to post them here on AoA, and permission has been granted. This person is an advocate who has worked with hundreds of families who have children with disabilities to help them make their own choices for treatment with ABA and other necessary medical treatments. Here are the person's comments:

For me the most important aspect is “Why should I disable or kill my child to possibly prevent yours from getting a disease that may disable or kill him?” “Why mine and not yours?”
The question for parents to answer must be with the risks in either direction of outcome taken as a certainty to be sure that the consequences are tolerable. It is gambling, so the player must be able to tolerate the loss of the entire bounty used for a wager even if odds seem good.

A 1 in 2500 chance just for a seizure from MMR, or seizure that develops into a chronic disorder, is one child in a packed high school gymnasium for a school rally. Which one will it be and how will we choose who? Does it matter that the number may change to 1 in 2000 or 1 in 500? What is the correct number of intended consequences of the decision to vaccinate every student? Vaccine injury is an intended, unavoidable consequence of a mass vaccination program.

No one can routinely identify what measles is, yet the mainstream insist on mass vaccination for it as a belief system that is impervious to intellectual analysis of risk versus reward using data. Everyone should know exactly what each disease is prior to making a decision about how to prevent it with a potentially toxic or deadly medication.

If new parents don’t know that children under two have immature immune systems that may not be resilient enough to withstand common infections, then please begin the education campaign to teach about disease prevention and personal responsibility. Going with a baby to Disneyland and the airports to travel to Disneyland, which are international petri dishes, is a protected civil right, but so is the responsibility to make the decision about the risks in doing so.

And the big message for all healthcare providers and government agencies is GIVE US THE UNADULTERATED TRUTH so we can make our own decisions whatever they may be. Don’t lie to us and patronize us like small children who should not hear the details of how the sausage is made.

Any doctor who tells an individual patient that all vaccines are “safe and effective” is lazily parroting the CDC, being coerced by health employer quotas and peer pressure, or is a believer of a philosophical construct of any means to reach an end, as the government’s own data on public databases clearly states that vaccines are neither safe nor effective when the commonly understood definitions are applied.

The end state by all roads is that parents must gamble, use healthy lifestyle practices, and then hope that it all works out. That is the best that any of us can do.

These questions and serious concerns remain valid in the most desired hypothetical event that there never was a disorder called autism.


Posted by: Vincent Abramsen
"I discover that it is only another place that lets only one biased filtered point of view in ("Comments are moderated, and will not appear until the author has approved them"). How sad. How hypocritical."

Nice try! I believe comments are moderated on just about 80% or more of the internet comment boards. If you've been reading comments for a length of time you should have discovered that from the Pro-Vaccine Cabal and their hired "trolls" vitriolic commentary in addition to a healthy dose of name calling is the norm for that ilk. Most people on comment boards would like to exchange information and move towards viable solutions to reveal the criminality and dangers imposed on the public by the government and the vaccine industry. The purpose of trolls or people who are just psychopathic and want to cause trouble is to disrupt the flow of this information exchange. Comments are moderated to ensure civility. Also, I imagine to stay on topic.

If you want to experience real censoring go to the LA Times, Huffington Post, Fox, ABC or any of the MSM sites. Try and post on comments on vaccines that doesn't follow the status quo and your comment falls into an abyss.


Are you kidding? All the VACCINATED people are spreading not only measles but any other live virus illness including the flu right now. That's the problem. Also, people, specifically children are contracting the illness from the vaccination they have been given. It's interesting what family members in the medical community that work in clinic will tell you. My nieces tell me when pediatricians see kids with the exact same symptoms, labs and history, they would diagnose the un-vaccinated kids with the apparent disease, e.g. "measles," but the vaccinated would be diagnosed as "viral syndrome, NOS." This was on the basis that they assumed the vaccinated kids could NOT possibly have the disease! I'm told this is standard practice. So the percentage of vaccinated children who get the diseases may in fact be much higher than what we are told.
Here are examples of measles outbreaks in fully vaccinated populations:
-NY Measles outbreak: 26 cases total. 14 adults and 12 children. Patient Zero is a 22 year old VACCINATED young lady who contracted measles in 2011. Vaccination status of the adults all vaccinated with at least i shot. The children, 4 were too young to get the MMR, 6 were vaccinated and 2 unvaccinated. Statically that means at least 90% were vaccinated.
-PLoS study: "Difficulties in eliminating measles and controlling rubella and mumps: a cross-sectional study of a first measles and rubella vaccination and a second measles, mumps, and rubella vaccination," has brought to light the glaring ineffectiveness of two measles vaccines (measles–rubella (MR) or measles–mumps–rubella (MMR) ) in fulfilling their widely claimed promise of preventing outbreaks in highly vaccine compliant populations.

China has one of the most vaccination compliant populations in the world. In fact, measles vaccine is mandatory. So why have they had over 700 measles outbreaks from 2009 and 2012 alone? "The reported coverage of the measles-rubella (MR) or measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine is greater than 99.0% in Zhejiang province. However, the incidence of measles, mumps, and rubella remains high."
Zhifang Wang, Rui Yan, Hanqing He, Qian Li, Guohua Chen, Shengxu Yang, and Enfu Chen,*
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih (dot) gov/pmc/articles/PMC3930734/
-Major Measles Epidemic in Quebec Despite 99% Vaccination Coverage
Boulianne N, De Serres G, Duval B, Joly JR, Meyer F, Déry P, Alary M, Le Hénaff D, Thériault N. Département de santé communautaire, Centre Hospitalier de l'Université Laval. [Major measles epidemic in the region of Quebec despite a 99% vaccine coverage] [Article in French]. Can J Public health. 1991 May-Jun;82(3):189-90.
-Vaccine. 2002 Feb 22;20(11-12):1541-3.
Detection of measles vaccine in the throat of a vaccinated child.
Morfin F1, Beguin A, Lina B, Thouvenot D.
Author information

1Laboratory of Virology, Hospices Civils de Lyon, Domaine Rockefeller, 8 avenue Rockefeller, 69373 Lyon Cedex 08, France. [email protected]

Measles vaccine is widely used, most often in association with mumps and rubella vaccines. We report here the case of a child presenting with fever 8 days after vaccination with a measles-mumps-rubella vaccine. Measles virus was isolated in a throat swab taken 4 days after fever onset. This virus was then further genetically characterised as a vaccine-type virus. Fever occurring subsequent to measles vaccination is related to the replication of the live attenuated vaccine virus. In the case presented here, the vaccine virus was isolated in the throat, showing that subcutaneous injection of an attenuated measles strain can result in respiratory excretion of this virus. (This means this child is contagious)
-J Infect Dis. 2001 Feb 15;183(4):532-8. Epub 2001 Jan 18.
Prolonged measles virus shedding in human immunodeficiency virus-infected children, detected by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction.
Permar SR1, Moss WJ, Ryon JJ, Monze M, Cutts F, Quinn TC, Griffin DE.

A reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction assay was used to detect measles virus RNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cells, urine, and nasopharyngeal specimens from Zambian children during hospitalization and approximately 1-2 months after discharge. Of 47 children, 29 (61.7%) had prolonged measles virus shedding, as defined by detection of measles virus RNA in > or =1 specimen obtained 30-61 days after rash onset. Ten (90.9%) of 11 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected children had prolonged measles virus shedding, compared with 19 (52.8%) of 36 HIV-uninfected children (P=.02). Prolonged measles virus shedding did not correlate with levels of measles virus-specific antibody. HIV-infected children with measles may have a prolonged infectious period that potentially enhances measles virus transmission and hinders measles control.
-Rash in a 15 month old girl: A 15 month old white girl became unwell on the day after she
received her MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) and
pneumococcal vaccinations. These had initially been booked
when she was 13 months old but were postponed twice owing
to minor illnesses. Conclusion: The rash showed the
characteristic morphology, distribution, and progression (fig 1)of a measles rash.

Excretion of small amounts of the live attenuated rubella virus from the nose or throat has occurred in the majority of susceptible individuals 7 to 28 days after vaccination.

Dr. Gregory Poland stated in the conclusion of a paper he co-wrote in 1994:
The apparent paradox is that as measles immunization rates rise to high levels in a population, measles becomes a disease of immunized persons. Because of the failure rate of the vaccine and the unique transmissibility of the measles virus, the currently available measles vaccine, used in a single-dose strategy, is unlikely to completely eliminate measles. The long-term success of a two-dose strategy to eliminate measles remains to be determined.
Arch Intern Med. 1994 Aug 22;154(16):1815-20.
Failure to reach the goal of measles elimination. Apparent paradox of measles infections in immunized persons. http://archinte.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleid=619215
Poland GA1, Jacobson RM.

What does De. Poland say about the measles outbreaks that are occurring all over the world:
Poland confirms the vaccine is failing and his answer is “we need a new measles vaccine“.
Professor Poland’s paper from 2012: The Re-Emergence of Measles in Developed Countries: Time to Develop the Next-Generation Measles Vaccines? quote: To make matters worse, even when the vaccine takes, the protection quickly wanes, making it unrealistic to achieve the 95%-plus level of immunity in the general population thought necessary to protect public health.
*The Re-Emergence of Measles in Developed Countries: Time to Develop the Next-Generation Measles Vaccines?
Why is Dr. Professor Polands comments so vital? Poland is Professor of Medicine and founder and leader of Mayo Clinic’s Vaccine Research Group.

Vaccinated people are contagious.


MIBE measles vaccine death


1st post?


Angus Files

If pharma says "it`s to good to be true",it is to good to be true.

If pharma says "one size fits all" it doesn't fit anyone.

We believe not pharma but ourselves.

Great article Laura


Sandy Gottstein

VaccineInformation - the second link isn't working for me. Can you check it out, please? Thanks.


It is interesting that the American medical term SIDS did not come into use until after the DPT vaccine in the 60's...

SIDS is still a mystery today for some people...


Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

Prior to the introduction of organized vaccination programs, 'crib death' was so rare that it was not mentioned in infant mortality statistics. In the United States, national immunization campaigns were initiated in the 1960s when several new vaccines were introduced and promoted. For the first time in history, most U.S. infants were required to receive several doses of DPT (diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus), polio, and measles vaccines.[6]

By 1969, an ...alarming epidemic... of sudden unexplained infant deaths impelled researchers to create a new medical term -- sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).[7] By 1972, SIDS had become the leading cause of post-neonatal mortality (deaths of infants from 28 days to one year old) in the United States.[8]

In 1973, the National Center for Health Statistics, operated by the CDC, created a new cause-of-death category to document deaths due to SIDS.[9,10]

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/042727_infants_sudden_death_vaccines.html#ixzz3PxEWBzqD


Statements like that represent an ignorance of vaccination history. There was no "Golden Age" in the past when vaccination rates and acceptance were higher than they are today. There are more children getting more shots for more infections than ever, anywhere.
Please see the CDC document linked- measles vaccine coverage never broke 90% until the mid 90's. This was a convergence of primarily 2 programs- the NVICP- which largely indemnified manufacturers and doctors, and VFC- a payment scheme requires insurance coverage and government payment and provision of vaccines.
Unremarkable decades with 30% unvaccinated yet today we are being told that a drop from 94 to 93% is the tipping point for disaster?
An ever expanding schedule of recommended and "required" vaccines has resulted in conditions where we can have both record vaccination coverage, and an increasing exemption rate. In CA the highest exempted vaccine is for Chicken Pox- which in and of itself is responsible for half or more of all the exemptions in the country. In Oregon the most exempted vaccine is Hep A- a fecal / orally transmitted infection with virtually no complication rate. Want to lower the exemption rate? Get Chicken Pox off the schedule, like most of the rest of the world. https://www.scribd.com/mobile/doc/120430481#fullscreen
Ca Rates https://www.scribd.com/mobile/doc/107086647#fullscreen
Oregon exemption rate in response to new requirements https://www.scribd.com/mobile/doc/150190637#fullscreen
This propaganda exercise surrounding the measles outbreak is trying to paint parents who are simply being thoughtful and selective and trying to paint them as reckless refusers.


It's extraordinary that Rep. Henry Waxman (D-California), who spearheaded this disaster by sponsoring the 1986 legislation which relieved vaccine manufacturers of all liability, retired quietly just this month without a word of public blame ever attaching to him.

Sandy Gottstein


While the original study that showed measles occurring in a 100% vaccinated population (http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/00000359.htm)occurred at the time when there was only 1 vaccine recommended, we are now seeing it among twice (fully) vaccinated people.

According to vaccinologist Dr. Gregory Poland, "...eradication (complete elimination of the global spread and transmission) of measles is unlikely as modeling studies suggest that herd immunity of approximately 95% or greater is required to eliminate persisting measles endemicity [10]." Elsewhere he said, "...measles vaccine has a failure rate measured in a variety of studies at 2–10%, and modeling studies suggest that herd immunity to measles requires approximately 95% or better of the population to be immune [12]." http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3905323/

According to Moss and Strebel, "A review of 69 published studies of measles vaccine effectiveness from 1969 to 2006 found an overall estimate of measles vaccine effectiveness of 90% [13]. Median measles vaccine effectiveness was estimated to be 77% when administered between 9 and 11 months of age, and 92% when administered at 12 months or older. These findings are consistent with immunogenicity studies." http://jid.oxfordjournals.org/content/204/suppl_1/S47.full This is an even lower estimate for measles vaccine effectiveness than provided by Poland.

Poland also noted "In an October 2011 outbreak in Canada, over 50% of the 98 individuals had received two doses of measles vaccine. The Table shows that this phenomenon continues to play a role in measles outbreaks. Thus, measles outbreaks also occur even among highly vaccinated populations because of primary and secondary vaccine failure, which results in gradually larger pools of susceptible persons and outbreaks once measles is introduced [8]. This leads to a paradoxical situation whereby measles in highly immunized societies occurs primarily among those previously immunized [8]."

And now for the first time a major outbreak, in fact, was traced to a fully vaccinated person. http://news.sciencemag.org/health/2014/04/measles-outbreak-traced-fully-vaccinated-patient-first-time

In other words, even in a 100% fully vaccinated population, a 95% herd immunity cannot be reliably reached.

For these and other reasons it is hard to justify blaming the unvaccinated for outbreaks.

Blaine W

"If you still are not getting the picture, then please hotfoot it over to your nearest elementary, junior high, or high school and ask to see the special education classrooms (that's right, plural, classrooms). Notice how many kids are in each one. Notice how oddly behaved they are. This is our new normal. Vaccinate your child, and you'll stand a good chance of experiencing firsthand what I'm talking about."

While we can agree to disagree on how we perceive vaccinations and the benefits vs risks, I find the above excerpt to be incredibly insulting and inflammatory. Please do not presume to speak for my beautiful son, how you feel he behaves "oddly" or what the root cause of his challenges may (or may not) be. Speak for your own kids, but not mine.


@Laura Hayes,

I hope you don't mind that I cut and pasted your article and sent it to a KSRO Morning News Producer who, for some odd reason, wanted to interview me for their morning show. I forwarded his email to the folks at the National Vaccine Information Center, with no response from myself, to him. He stated he wanted me to call in for a 2 to 3 minute statement regarding the measles outbreak at Disneyland.

When I emailed him this morning, I told him that it should only take him 2 to 3 minutes to READ your article, the same amount of time he wanted to give to me to respond to this so-called outbreak.

I'm not 100% convinced that 59 or so cases of 'measles' in CA are really measles cases. Have they all been lab confirmed? I'm gathering this information has been somewhat hard to come by by those calling our state health department, asking questions.

GREAT article. Thanks so much for posting...


david m burd

Cia, Lynzi, All --

Historical records by England, Wales, and the U.S. show measles mortality went essentially to zero before the measles vaccine was widely employed. Clearly due to virtually universal knowledge & availability of good nutrition and clean public water, utilities, etc.

THE present problem is today's Public Health authorities are in concert with the Vaccine Industry and have flagrantly mis-represented measles as a dangerous childhood disease. Nature actually intended humans, in their childhood years, to be tempered and strengthened by the litany of "diseases" we are now lied to as being dangerous.

We older contributors here on AoA did indeed easily coast through all the childhood diseases without vaccines, and have been the healthiest in history (except for such as lung cancer connected to heavy smoking).

Those concerned such as Lynzi, if I might hazard a guess, are quite young and know little about generations having excellent health WITHOUT vaccines. Propaganda from CDC and their Pharma buddies really does work, unfortunately.

Vincent Abramsen

The government conceals things from us and filters out information based on lobbyists dollars. But then just when I thought that this was a place where unfiltered information could be freely exchanged, I discover that it is only another place that lets only one biased filtered point of view in ("Comments are moderated, and will not appear until the author has approved them"). How sad. How hypocritical.

Sandy Gottstein

Brilliant article, Laura. Thank you.

A couple of caveats, however. I, too, take issue with the use of the word sheeple and appreciate that you are changing that.

Second, because VAERS does not prove causation and is a record of vaccine-associated reports, I don't think it is correct to say, as you did in #5, that "Many more people in the U.S. have died from this vaccine (and from the MMR-Varicella quadrivalent vaccine) than from the measles in the past 2 decades". While it is certainly a concern, until and unless well-designed, long-term, retrospective studies comparing the vaccinated to the never-vaccinated are conducted, we simply will continue to be shooting in the dark about all vaccine effects, including death. I think it hurts our arguments when we don't recognize the limits of VAERS. However, it is the very limitations of VAERS that should drive the "experts" to insist on conducting such studies. Yet the are not.

I wonder why.

PS Don't forget Vaccination News http://www.vaccinationnews.org is there to help us all keep up.

PPS The FDA recognizes that without "unvaccinated" comparisons, there is no "control group". http://www.fda.gov/NewsEvents/Testimony/ucm115050.htm Yet they are not calling for studies using a control group.

I wonder why.

PPPS For those of you unfamiliar with and interested in a partial history of my efforts to get never-vaccinated studies, see Seeking The Truth About The Never-Vaccinated http://www.ageofautism.com/2007/12/seeking-the-tru.html

cia parker

I think sheepie is an acceptable term: parents must realize that by just obeying authority they are permitting their precious children to be irrevocably damaged by industry-serving lies. Using the term sheepie makes them pay attention: the image of sheep patiently standing in line waiting to be slaughtered first insults them, then makes them wake up and wonder: "Is that me? Is that what I'm doing? I thought I was being civic-minded and trusting modern science to do its job in figuring out how to make life better for everyone. But am I really just turning off my mind from laziness and complacency?" They need to be woken up, and I think this now-familiar term is one way to do it. And anti-vaxxer? Let's tell it like it is. You can be a decent person and accept the whole schedule (from laziness and complacency, however), or you can be selective in the vaccines you think are safe and necessary, if you're open to new information that might make you modify your original opinion. But being an anti-vaxxer is a positive term, regardless of how the shills mean it. You're against provoking the immune system to extreme inflammation and sensitization to vaccine ingredients by injecting foreign proteins and toxins into it. Refusing them prevents all vaccine damage. This is a good thing.


Anti-vaxxer and waker of sheepies

cia parker

That's not true, there have always been outbreaks of measles, in many schools from the '70s on there have been outbreaks even with 100% vaccination coverage. I agree that the measles vaccine has historically been very effective, but it has caused hundreds of thousands of cases of autism, bowel disease, and other complications, and many deaths too. It was much better when everyone just got natural measles. Women who've had natural measles protect their infants with placental immunity and breast feeding, women who've only had the vax offer them much less protection, if any. Natural measles gives permanent immunity and a stronger immune system, and protection against a number of chronic diseases and cancers in later life. The death rate is very low, and could be made even lower by teaching people how to deal with measles when it occurs. Rather than try to vax everyone, we need to go back to not vaxing anyone.

cia parker

It is a great piece! I would go beyond the premise that it is probably an instance of the vaccinated spreading vaccine-strain measles virus to all and sundry. That might be the case, but I think it's more probable that it's going to turn out to be natural measles infecting all these people. Maybe it's mutated a little so that the vaccine no longer protects against it. While everything you said about live virus vaccines being possibly contagious is true, I think it is more important not to even worry about the vaccine's role, and instead ask people to look at the outcomes and decide whether it is even worth getting a dangerous vaccine to attempt to protect against such a mild disease. Apparently the outbreak at Disneyland started in December, so that's been plenty of time to do the body count of the myriad people killed or permanently damaged by getting natural measles. What? None? Are you sure? Are the media just not doing their job, and they're somehow letting the dozens of deaths or cases of encephalitis go unreported? I don't think so. I think the REALLY important thing here is to tell people to watch. One person after another sick with a high fever for several days and then? Well, gosh darn it, they get well and go back to work or school, how are we going to spin that to keep people in the vaccine lines?


Are you joking? Let me remind you that you need to actually read some VALID scientific journals and realize that when everyone was getting vaccinated, like they should, NO ONE HAD MEASLES

Timothy sean

I love the article. I have been visiting different media sites for days and have read comments with doctors bullying anybody that has an alternate view, I have yet to see a rational discussion. Why are there 59 infected and yet nobody knows the full vaccination of all of those 59 since they were in the original outbreak? How can any scientist come to a rational conclusion without all of the data.

Anne McElroy Dachel

Thank you, Laura. You summarized exactly what's happening. So where is the "Typhoid Mary" responsible for the outbreak at Disneyland? Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of stories, new ones everyday, all linking measles to the irresponsible, selfish individual who came to Disneyland and started a national epidemic (80 cases now).

Are all these cases really measles?

Why is the press universally promoting this vaccine as safe?

Why isn't a single measles vaccine available?...And lots more questions need to be asked...

There isn't a national panic over measles, despite efforts by health officials and the media to create one.

Anne Dachel, Media


Lab confirmed Vaccine breakthrough infection documented here

Lab confirmed vaccine strain sibling transmission documented here

Laura Hayes


Thank you for the helpful comment...good point. I have asked that "sheeple" be changed to "parents, or anyone for that matter."



Hi Danchi,
My understanding is that measles was declared eradicated in the US, not worldwide, and yes, we still had cases, but I think the rationale was that those cases were brought in from outside, so they didn't count, or something like that.


The WHO declared Measles eradicated in the year 2000 from what I've read but I can't find an information on what the criteria was to declare the eradication. One comment I read stated the criteria was in the year 2000 there were no measles cased around the world so the WHO declared them gone. If this is so why hasn't any reporter researched the CDC's National Vital Statics Report which shows there were 86 cases? Since this is the CDC I am assuming lab confirmed in 2000. I know for Polio the diagnostic criteria was changed which is why TPTB are not calling EV-D68 what is is - Polio so perhaps the same thing happened with measles? If anyone has any information on the WHO criteria for eradication of a illness or disease please post it. I'd be very interested to research it further.


Thank you very much Laura- well done. I'd guess that, with reference to #1 above, the CA/etc public health officials know which strain is responsible for the current outbreak. As several researchers have pointed out, the problem in using attenuated live virus in these vaccines and their inadequate clearance from the body is likely to become worse and perhaps result in Disneyland-like outbreaks.

Also, vaccine-impaired maternally conferred immunity is likely a key issue (has been for awhile) here. Thanks for bringing this out- I've not seen this recently. Most of the recent stridency seems to revolve around the irresponsibility of parents exercising informed choice rather than the irresponsibility of the willfully ignorant.

PJ Carroll

Laura -

This is a fantastic summary of the crazy situation we are in. Those that DO think for themselves can plainly see that the crap fed to us by pharma-funded media is demonstrably false!

An anchor on NBC stated last week that the MMR vaccine has "virtually no side effects". Really??

Even if you didn't take into account all the deaths and brain damage (including autism) that the U.S. government has CONCEDED were caused by the MMR, you only need to look at the package insert to see the side effects Merck observed during clinical trials.

Here some of the side effects listed on the package insert:

Panniculitis; atypical measles (yep, the vaccine can give you the disease!); Vasculitis; Pancreatitis; diarrhea; parotitis; Diabetes mellitus; Thrombocytopenia; purpura; regional lymphadenopathy; leukocytosis; Arthritis; Encephalitis; encephalopathy; subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE); Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS);
acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM); transverse myelitis; febrile convulsions; ataxia;

Oh yeah - and death.

John Stone

Also, just to point out that justication for having vaccines has alway been on the tenuous claim that serious adverse reactions are less than one in one hundred thousand. But what is the risk of the schedule if several dozens of vaccines are given over a single childhood? (And that is only treating them as individual risks - leaving aside cumulative risk and bad synergies).


To add one more observation to the Disneyland Farce: We need to ask why nobody was fussing about the possibility of acquiring measles at Disneyland from 1955, when it opened, until 1967, which is when measles were SUPPOSED to be wiped out by the vaccine (but weren't).


BRILLIANT article, Laura!

I have one request.

Please edit out the word "sheeple."

I find it really offensive when the vaccine supporters use the word "antivax," and I really think the word "sheeple" is even more offensive. It's unnecessarily demeaning and insulting, and therefore detracts from what is otherwise an extremely professional article.


John Stone

Great piece Laura - covers a lot of ground. Yes, the whole concept of the modern vaccine program is intellectually risible. They complain it is the educated who are holding back. Of course it is!


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