Vaccine Indoctrination: Get Them While They’re Young
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Autism and the Microbiome:Can Vaccination Cause Molecular Mimicry?

MicrobiomeBy Teresa Conrick

My daughter, Megan, has both a diagnosis of autism and an autoimmune disease.  She entered the world a healthy neonate but began to have illness and regression of skills after her infant vaccines. Her health and behavior forever changed after each one, but was especially noticeable after her MMR vaccine, when she broke out in a full rash, developed fever and stopped eating and talking.  Diarrhea and constipation then became a daily nightmare. She received a diagnosis of AUTISM based on observation and not ONE medical test, lab or immune workup.

As the years have gone by, Megan rarely gets a “normal” illness.  No fever. No colds, no drippy nose, and rarely a cough.  What she does get, is autoimmune, neuropsychiatric symptoms. Tics, physical and vocal. Obsessive and compulsive behaviors that disrupt her life from the moment she awakes until she is able to relax and fall asleep. Strep for her is not lying on the couch, under a blanket feeling ill.  It is hourly urinary incontinence, vocal tics, anxiety, irritability, self-injurious behavior and often not being able to eat for days. PANDAS and PANS symptoms describe her well.

And she has no voice, no ability to speak words or communicate at this time.  She is unable to tell of her plight.  There is pain, trust me.  Much pain. Can vaccines do this? Why yes, they can.  

As I read medical literature, I always see lines of research that go back to autism and to Megan.  This is a good example of that and should alarm us all:

…..since the early investigations of Koch, Metchnikoff, Pasteur, Von Leeuwenhoek, and others  on the microbial basis of pathogenicity and disease transmission, Westernized societies have very successfully reduced the incidence of microbial-borne infectious disease, while an environment of autoimmune, cardiovascular, metabolic, and neuroinflammatory diseases continues to flourish.

Beware Of What Lies Ahead

Dr. Paul Offit plays many roles in the world of vaccines.  To the average American, he is the guy who comes on your TV every once in awhile to remind us all how vaccines have kept us all alive and to thank God for them.  In reality, Dr. Offit is a vaccine patent holder, a multi-millionaire, a spokesperson for Merck and the Chief of Infectious Disease at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. It has always interested me that he made this comment:

Addressing Parents’ Concerns: Do Vaccines Cause Allergic or Autoimmune Diseases?” PEDIATRICS Vol. 111 No. 3 March 2003 :

Autoimmune diseases might occur after immunization because proteins on microbial pathogens are similar to human proteins (“molecular mimicry”) and could induce immune responses that damage human cells.

As you can see, that article is almost twelve years old.  It is obsolete.  Science is showing that autoimmune diseases are very much involved in the microbiome, the mitochondria, and that molecular mimicry from vaccines can very much be involved. So let’s see what research has been saying about molecular mimicry:

Molecular mimicry of bacterial polysaccharides and their role in etiology of infectious and autoimmune disease” - Knowledge on the phenomenon of molecular mimicry is important when new conjugate vaccine has to be constructed, because great care should be paid not to induce autoantibodies with synthetic immunogen.

What that means is that it is possible for bacteria in vaccines (synthetic immunogen) to produce molecular mimicry. How about viral vaccines?

Acquired autoimmunity after viral vaccination is caused by molecular mimicry and antigen complimentarity in the presence of an immunologic adjuvant and specific HLA patterns.” - Acquired autoimmunity syndromes occur after viral vaccinations. Molecular mimicry is involved in these phenomena as is the necessity for the presence of two chemically complimentary antigens and an immunologic adjuvant… This can be supplied by the adjuvant present in the vaccine (mercury).   I have written about mercury and its effect on the microbiome .         

Why more than one type of autoimmune disease occurs is explained by the fact that specific autoimmune T-cells have been shown to develop clones that attack multiple human tissues.

Does Molecular Mimicry Originate in the Microbiome?

It sure looks to play a significant part:

Evidence linking gut microbes, adaptive immunity, metabolic syndrome, allergy, and autoimmune disorders has emerged.22,23 For example, linkages between immune responses to the HM [Human Microbiome] and multiple sclerosis have been defined,23 as have links between microbiota and autoimmune diseases of the gut.24,25 Exposure to a diverse array of gut microbes may reduce susceptibility to autoimmune diseases and allergy (the so-called “hygiene hypothesis”). 22,23,26  This may be attributable to direct interactions between the microbes and the human immune system (due to not-yet-defined factors) or to modulation of immune responses to self and other potential pathogens.24,27-29 In addition, there is a growing body of evidence that the gut microbiome shapes adaptive immune responses.27,30,31 Notably, post-thymic educated gut CD4+ T cells differentiate to become inducible Treg by training on commensal antigens.32 This finding is significant because it establishes the existence of T cells with specificities for commensals, which may cross-react with pathogen-or vaccine-derived sequences. Since the gut microbiome is both vast and highly variable, it is likely that commensal-shaped immune responses are highly diverse and vary from person to person due to individual variations in the microbiome (related to diet or geography) and to genetic differences in HLA. In published33 and yet-to-be-published34 work, Sztein and VerBerkmoes have established the uniqueness and commonalities between individual microbial and human proteomes............T cells activated by vaccination can also have cross-reactivity with self-antigens.45,46 This can lead to the breakdown of tolerance mechanisms and subsequent autoimmune reactions..........

…While it may be impossible to predict all immune response influences, the availability of sequence data from the human genome, the human microbiome, and an array of human pathogens and vaccines has made computationally–driven exploration of the effects of T cell epitope cross-reactivity now possible…..sequences and the distinct patterns of cross-reactivity associated with T cell phenotype may have important implications for the development of vaccines and for vaccine safety and efficacy, as T cells activated by cross-reactive HM epitopes can exhibit differential ability(ies) to respond to vaccine antigens.

We’re Not in Kansas Anymore

As the pages of the calendar continue to fly by, we see autism as not some mystery DSM diagnosis but a serious immune disease with roots to both microbiome and brain.  Vaccines, implicated by many parents for decades, can cause this cascade of events but  many in medicine continue to chase “disease transmission” (or the money selling it) instead of seeing the bigger picture here. The fact that the microbiome in autism is vastly altered, speaks to the picture parents report after vaccination.  The puzzle pieces begin to fit:

...abundant evidence suggests that human mitochondria originated from bacteria via endosymbiotic relationships from very early in the evolutionary history of eukaryotes, so cross-reactivity of mitochondria and host immunological responses to selective bacterial GI constituents may have deleterious effects on human mitochondrial function through molecular mimicry (4, 12, 42). This is evidenced by multiple findings in common autoimmune, inflammation-linked systemic, and neurological disorders including ALS, anxiety, diabetes, epilepsy, metabolic disease, obesity, rheumatic fever, schizophrenia, Sydenham’s chorea, PD, AD, and other age-related pathologies, including transgenic animal models for these diseases (2, 4, 12, 23, 44–46, 50–54).

Each of these is devastating and increasing, but autism is in the lead

Research keeps showing us these connections and we must include autism.  Though maternal immune activation keeps being reported as “the answer” for why the children have immune dysfunction, please do not pay attention to the MAN behind the curtain as the true origin for too many children stricken is that MAN is destroying the microbiome of mankind.

Autism’s Gut-Brain Connection, National Geographic, November 14, 2014

This two-way relationship may be an unlikely key to solving one of medicine's most pressing—and perplexing—mysteries: autism. Nearly 60 years after the disorder was first identified, the number of cases has surged, and the United Nations estimates that up to 70 million people worldwide fall on the autism spectrum. Yet there is no known cause or cure.

But scientists have found promising clues in the gut. Research has revealed striking differences in the trillions of bacteria - collectively known as the microbiome—in the intestines of autistic and healthy children. But the gut bacteria in autistic individuals aren't just different. Researchers at the California Institute of Technology have shown for the first time that they may actually contribute to the disorder……….

Teresa Conrick in Contributing Editor to Age of Autism.



From a paper quoted in the article: "Acquired autoimmunity syndromes occur after viral vaccinations. Molecular mimicry is involved in these phenomena as is the necessity for the presence of two chemically complimentary antigens and an immunologic adjuvant…This can be supplied by the adjuvant present in the vaccine."

Perhaps molecular mimicry and aluminum adjuvant toxicity don't need to be competing hypotheses for the etiology of autism.

For Jason


"Antibiotic abuse has a much more drastic effect on your microbiome than vaccines"

An assumption. Not known. But for sure, the HPV vaccine definitely alters the microbiome. That is what it is designed to do.

"Also if the vaccine causes molecular mimicry chances are so will the actual disease. "

"Chances are"? More assumptions. That is not science, at least not the kind that proves anything. Remember that injecting bits of genetically modified microbes including cells from other animals and human fetal tissue is NOT how natural infection occurs.

"Getting the disease or the vaccine will make memory t-cells with the same antigen receptor."

From medscape re the failure of the pertussis vaccine in the baboon study extrapolated to the increase in human cases (the T-cells stimulated are known to be different in natural vs. vaccine induced immunity):

"While all groups possessed robust antibody responses, key differences in T-cell memory suggest that [acellular pertussis] vaccination induces a suboptimal immune response that is unable to prevent infection," the study authors write. "These data provide a plausible explanation for pertussis resurgence and suggest that attaining herd immunity will require the development of improved vaccination strategies that prevent B. pertussis colonization and transmission."

"Not to mention the fundamental life style differences between an autistic person and someone else can cause the change in the microbiome."


"Basically antibiotic abuse is more of a problem than a vaccine for your microbiome and the antigens in the vaccine mimic the antigens from the microbe or actually come from the microbe, so the actual disease would have the same immune response but more severe (why you get sick), because antigens are used in the vaccine they can give you an immune response (sniffles, cough etc) but the actual disease is worse."

That's the sales pitch, but it doesn't pass scientific scrutiny. The vaccine isn't JUST the dead or weakened microbe, it comes with a long list of other junk that the body responds to and must deal with, sometimes unsuccessfully - like aluminum, mercury, polysorbate 80, formaldehyde and foreign proteins from other species and from our own species (fetal cells). DNA transfer has been shown to occur from vaccine DNA into recipient's DNA. Some of the cells used are deliberately tumorigenic. A very reputable scientist released results of a study showing that fetal cells in vaccines were strongly associated with the development of cancer and autism. It just isn't that simple. That's just the tip of the iceberg of the problems. See Suzanne Humphries' online lecture series She explains in detail.

"Also autism is being diagnosed more because of awareness and advancements in medicine. "

No. Autism is being diagnosed more because there are more cases.

"Advancement in medicine also coincides with more vaccines, again correlation does not equal cause. "

No. There are more vaccines because they are a liability free product that Pharma is using medicine to sell. $30 billion a year last I heard. I think it is more than that now. There are over 200 vaccines in the pipeline and if Pharma has its way, they will all be mandated. It's about money, not about advancements in medicine, very unfortunately.

"The vaccine scare is why we now get whooping cough and mumps outbreaks..."

The pertussis vaccine not only does not work, but for the first 35 days after vaccination, the vaccinated can SPREAD pertussis unknowingly, including to newborns and young at risk children. Re the increase in mumps cases, Merck, who holds the patent and monopolizes the market for the mumps vaccine, in the MMR, is being sued by its own virologists who came out as whistleblowers in 2010. The virologists claimed, among other things, that they witnessed the deliberate tampering of specimens to inflate the efficacy of the mumps vaccine. Rabbit antibodies were added to the human test samples to make it look like the vaccine was more effective than it was, because in order to keep selling the vaccine to the US gov't, the gov't demanded that the vaccine be at least, I think 95% effective (I may be off a little, but it was in the 90's%, I'm sure). The vaccine was no where near that effective. Those are the reasons why we are seeing increases in pertussis and mumps cases.

Some links:

From the Arizona Board of Health (I like this reference because it gives the actual results instead of a summary):

"At 7 months, all four groups had BP inoculated into their noses.
1. The unvaccinated baboons became sick and had nasal shedding of BP for 30 days.
2. The previously BP-infected baboons did not become ill and did not shed BP.
3. The DTwP-vaccinated baboons did not get sick, but shed BP for 18 days.
4. The DTaP-vaccinated baboons did not get sick, but shed BP for 35 days, and readily transmitted BP to unvaccinated baboons.

Pertussis vaccination prevented symptoms of BP infection, but did not stop colonization and transmission. It is possible that the switch from DTwP to DTaP in the U.S. may be contributing to the current increase of BP infections.

For the abstract and figures, see Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United
States, January 14, 2014."

Here are some other links:


Linda and Grace;

No don't do that our human kids catch everything bad coming and goind as is. It sounds like a good idea, but it is not. Without the good bacteria in the gut to begin with it is a big, huge possibility that what human kids - not goat kids will pick up from unwashed peeled potatoes is a type of tetanus - a type of botulism or other bad microbes for us. They will find an empty niche or a thinned out niche and move in.

Think of a pasture - you want fescue, clover, orchard grass, and you don't want Johnson grass, iron weed, little cedar trees, and sage grass.

They say we can change gut microbes by what we eat.

Jesus said to fast and pray. Fast to change the populations of gut bacteria and praying to God that what should be there will return.

I spent all summer making fermented veggies, and we take them like medicine with our meals. That might not be a bad idea - again it is all left to chance, nature, God.

Grace Green

Yes. Goat kids in their first days eat soil, and I always allowed them to do this as I was advised it was necessary for their health.


I will not have young parents coming here and getting confused.
And I will not put up with correlation/causation -- you take those too words and that saying that I have had to put up with for the last 30 years after my entire family has repeated vaccine injuries and stick it where the sun don't shine.

It sounds like you are scared, cause at last we are starting to see. .

On top of that Your statements does not bear up to what the studies are showing.

The studies are showing that you give antibiotics - and it reduces good microbe populations for a bit until they return to normal or the way they were before -the antibiotic was given--- but they

We have an appendix that little thing that for years all the doctors said was some useless ancient left over -body part when - really it was not. The appendix is there for a purpose and that purpose is to store our good microbes in a safe place if an emergency arises such as antibiotics or when some kind of pathogen tries to outgrow and out do them. They are that important that they have their own little Panic room to run to and be safe.

On the other hand Vaccines actually turns the immune system against our own good microbe -Those good microbes will not be returning to normal because our immune system will forever more or for a long time make sure it fights off those good microbes. Meanwhile no niche is ever left unfilled so other things come in to fill the niche but can not do as good of job in making those B vitamins our of our food or shifting hormones. Yes, I have those pill boxes full of the B vitamines.

Just as you said Jason Vaccines has antigens, just like the wild disease does, or rather what HUMAN KIND has decided upon. - not hardly the same thing.

Let us return to a sweet speech that Tom Insel gave back several years ago. Tom Insell said long ago diseases worst out come was mental retardation. He was stating that - cause he already knew what the vaccines were doing and thus was saying these kids with autism were probably the ones that would have had trouble anyway from the real disease. So, No, real lose. End of story - all finished.

But the way I see we had gained nothing either except a screaming dark, pitch black, silence on research to solve the problem all cause they were pretending we had solved this problem already. A nasty little secret that disgust me to no end.

BUT WAIT have the numbers of kids hurt by this mimicry of vaccine stayed the same as those hurt by the mimicry of a the real diseae???

So the whole thing comes down to statistics.

Okay; let us talk about statistics. For get about autism since you want to think it is better diagnosis, even though it has gone from 1 out of 11,000 in 1970s to 1 out of 56 today. Let us look at other stuff. 1 out of 4 college students has some kind of mental health issue. And by the way how are we doing on that War on Drugs. Mental illness is co morbid with drug use. Eastern Kentucky that was given the three in one typhoid vaccine - to their kids every two years while the rest of the Nation did not was the epicenter of the drug use - but it has spread has it not????. 1 out of 20 Americans have bipolar and it is still rising, 1 out of 5 kids has a learning disability. Obesity is rising through out the world, as is diabetes, which involves the hormones. Speaking of hormones there is a rapid rise of mood disorders too which includes not just bipolar, but depression, which they are linking for sure to the gut microbes. . Recent studies tie the microbes to shifting hormones around to where they belong in the body and thus controlling hormones.

Jason; Again you have mentioned that in nature that could cause a disease to mimic a good bacteria, so now we are safer because there are some really, really smart human beings that have decided on what would be the best -antigen out there BUT on top of that they hooked on AL or Hg or both to make sure the immune system pays attention.. They have put it in oils to make sure the antigen hangs around for a long time too. They have included MSGs which is in all of our foods, They have put in human aborted fetal cells -- hmmm??? .

And then we have Brian Hooker, Geiger and Geiger, Dr. Thompson, Dr. Andrew Wakefield telling us that the CDC is guilty as hell at changing numbers to hide the stats.

Jason you dare write the two C words to parents and insult them that they should believe that and not their own two lying eyes as they witnessed their kids reactions to a vaccine..


Elizabeth Quant:

Restoring VDR function seems to be key in restoring the bodies ability to deal with pathogens such as mycoplasma. Here is an article that gives a good theory of the Vitamin D/VDR situation related to these pathogens and promotes Olmesartan as a possible drug to restore this funtion. Dr. Marshall is the one who I find originated this concept and Olmesartan has worked very well for us without antibiotics. My wife no longer takes it as it appears her VDR function is restored and the pathogens are subdued. This is thoeretical and experimental, but it works. It is likely that only a certain group with Autism have problems that intrinsically tied to, or partially related to these areas, but that is a gut observation.

Inflammation and vitamin D: the infection connection


Antibiotic abuse has a much more drastic effect on your microbiome than vaccines. Also if the vaccine causes molecular mimicry chances are so will the actual disease. Getting the disease or the vaccine will make memory t-cells with the same antigen receptor. Not to mention the fundamental life style differences between an autistic person and someone else can cause the change in the microbiome. Just because there is a correlation does not mean it is causal. Basically antibiotic abuse is more of a problem than a vaccine for your microbiome and the antigens in the vaccine mimic the antigens from the microbe or actually come from the microbe, so the actual disease would have the same immune response but more severe (why you get sick), because antigens are used in the vaccine they can give you an immune response (sniffles, cough etc) but the actual disease is worse. Also autism is being diagnosed more because of awareness and advancements in medicine. Advancement in medicine also coincides with more vaccines, again correlation does not equal cause. The vaccine scare is why we now get whooping cough and mumps outbreaks...

Elizabeth Quant

I have to go back and slowly read article again. And then add studies to my vast collection of "maybe this is going on with my family" files. (there are a few swear words that also go along with that title, but trying to keep it clean here!)

Before I do, i wanted to see if you have explored possible underlying infections like mycoplasma. We (my father, sister, me, my children) have ben working with Dr. Franco in Riveerside California for a few years. I'm just going to start my kids there, after successful treatment (not cures, but alleviating many symptoms) for autoimmune disease. We also have generations of autism, along with auto immune disease. From what we understand, our bodies can't clear out a low lying bacteria called mycoplasma, which, in turn, keeps our immune system freaked out, and sending hoards of inflammation everywhere. my littlest one had a seizure after the MMR, and he got very, very sick. Then the auto immune shit came along. We believe that genetically, our immune systems were vulnerable, then the shots were the trigger in causing our bodies to not be able to clear out infections. thus, auto immune disease, and autism. The UC Davis has very interesting studies that show the autoimmune autism connection.

Anyway, here is Dr. Francos website for anyone interested in treatments for autoimmune disease that are not immune suppressants and steroids.


I was scrubbing potatoes for dinner and laughing to myself that things are so crazy that soon we'll probably be told not to wash the dirt off because it's good for us and then it hit me - is pica a child's attempt to fix an out of whack microbiome?

Teresa Conrick

Thank you for your comments and support. Yes, Jeanette. It is the flora and whole microbiome that is in jeopardy.

Denise Anderstrom Douglass

Thank you, Teresa. I can actually grasp a lot of this, and it makes sense, it really does.


Thanks Teresa. Please keep up the good work. Your reports are invaluable and have had a huge impact on my understanding. Now when I shop for food, when I see that jug of apple cider with chemical preservatives added to kill any bacteria or mold that should attempt to grow as it sits on the store shelf, I wonder what those preservatives would do to the microbes in my family's intestines as they drink a cup of chemical laced apple cider. And, that's only one product. It's mind boggling the changes that need to be made.

To add to your article, for anyone interested, Dr. Suzanne Humphries talks about how vaccines cause autoimmunity in her youtube lecture .

Truth is hard to come by

Very interesting article, Theresa. I think you are on to a very important aspect of the situation.

Bendetta's link:

is well worth watching. The parallels between Whitaker's report on psychiatric medical history/mental illness and that of vaccine history/autoimmune disorders are striking--as well as the virulent reaction he got to publication of his findings. More hopefully, it appears that at least some in psychiatry may be listening to the information his research (as a journalist) uncovered.

Sadly I think Bendetta's experience/situation may lie ahead for many with kids on the higher end of the spectrum--we can keep our injured children away from more vaccines, and psychiatric drugs, when they are young, but when they come of age and can make their own decisions regarding their own healthcare--the psychiatrists, the skeptics, and the medical centers are all waiting with open arms and quick fix (albeit false) promises. Sadly most kids go through a stage when rejecting parental advice is par for the course--many will only learn the hard way--if they live long enough, and their brains still work well enough, to learn.

We all (citizens everywhere) very urgently need the truths about the dangers of vaccines and psychiatric drugs to be revealed and widely recognized and honestly confronted.

Maurine Meleck

I always have to read your posts 2 or 3 times-complications have set in regarding the difficulty. You never cease to amaze me. I learn so much. Thank you.

Jeannette Bishop

Thank you, Teresa, for compiling this research. Am I over-simplifying or way off to think the research suggests that vaccination may be training the immune system in some of us to destroy beneficial gut flora?

Jeannette Bishop

@Benedetta, I've probably seen some of these drugs make bad (and some not so bad) situations worse for people I care about. I've seen them prescribe these drugs simply someone "felt a little sad" and because a family member was on them. I've seen them attempt to prescribe these for crippling back problems, instead of looking for the physical source of the problem.

People with "mental disorders," usually iatrogenic IMO, sometimes do pretty well despite the "help" they are given and it makes me see red to see people who prescribe these poisons take credit and resources they do not deserve. I think there could be some mental diagnoses added to the DSM related to prescribing "treatments" and falsely evaluating the outcomes, but I'm sure big pharma would only make things worse if they treated these conditions.

I wish I could help more than by feeling "mad" too. The only thing I know about getting off such meds is that it often takes a far longer, gradual tapering to do it safely than is officially recognized. It seems like Dr. Peter Breggin wrote about this?


Pure Science;corrupt people:

It says that the NIH is having another bunch of meetings on microbiome Nov. 19th -- I assumed that is this year.

My Father in Heaven; I will wait for two days -- that is not bad. Let the science speak loud and clear and for once corrupt people lose a major battle.

Science is pure.  People are corrupt

Although correlations have been noted between the composition of the gut microbiome and behavioural conditions, especially autism1, neuroscientists are only now starting to understand how gut bacteria may influence the brain. The immune system almost certainly plays a part, Mazmanian says, as does the vagus nerve, which connects the brain to the digestive tract. Bacterial waste products can also influence the brain — for example, at least two types of intestinal bacterium produce the neurotransmitter γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)2.


Like many here - I wax and wane with worry. Lots of times I -- just live in the moment and then other times - like the past few days - I pray a lot.

To know your enemy -- first when it is your own people, your government, your trusted officials of health it takes a lot bad things happening to know they are the enemy.

That is a big step and then after that; Oh then, it is getting to know your enemy.

"Always be sure to take your medications," we all have heard that quote again and again.

Paul Offit is more of an enemy than any of us have the ability to phantom.

Oh sure; we know his quote that a baby could take 10,000 vaccines and be fine and his stance on vaccines but he is as Tereasa said in this article in deeper than even that.

We all may recall his new found cause-- last year - that vitamins are bad. He gets himself quoted and embedded in everything coming and going on the internet - esp the wiki stuff about the worthlessness of vitamins - gets his hospital to ban them. Oh yes that evil vitamin C, and that stupid Nobel Prize winner Paul Linnaeus.

But to know your enemy brings us to" Freedom of speech". Paul Offit needs to be TV and On TV a lot, and let him talk a lot. Muse a lot too.he needs hours to muse. Because maybe is not so much for the little guy to do the talking as it is for the little guy to be able to listen to what "the enemy" is saying.

Tom Insels talk on TED - he says in a politically correct way that psych drugs work well short term but not long term

but he never says why.

Well the reason is because in the long run or "LONG TERM" they all SHRINK THE BRAIN.

Robert Whitaker "Mad in America"

Oh, God what am I going to do -- I have three of my dearest ones all on pysch drugs - there is no way that the system they are in will help them get off of them or look at other ways.

But a lot of people know they shrink brains and the amount of Ambein prescribed to women have been reduced, they are cracking down on some of these high powered prescription drugs. No, not through the medical society but through our state senators on their war on drugs.

But there is still nothing in main medicine about orthomoecular medicine - and diet discussed at all unless it is Paul Offit's saying, pushing, speaking, demanding that vitamins are giving false hope and stealing money from the poor masses - more like stealing it from Merck.

Will Merck allow answers that leads to real health? What would be the lengths they would go to make sure that no answers are every found other than out of a bottle and the long term effect is brain shrinkage which calls for more drugs???

If not for Paul Offit's efforts I would have thought that Merck would not go to that length - now I am sure they would. .

Ohhh, God - the brian volume shrinks 10 percent with only 2 years of use. Please My Father in Heaven find us all answers -- Today - not even tomorrow. Please Father in Heaven may they annouce major changes this very day.

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