The Vaccine Truth Loudly Whistled
It is a fundamental fact that vaccines have become a topic of monumental concern. Those of us who have witnessed a decline in health and functioning, a frightening regression of skills after our children were vaccinated, are a driving force in THE TRUTH. AUTISM, is what it was then called when repetitive behaviors, tics and loss of typical language emerged. We now have Dr. William Thompson, a senior CDC researcher who has gone public on regression and the MMR vaccine:
….There has been a lot of controversy surrounding MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccinations and whether or not they are linked to autism. While the CDC assured the public that there was nothing to worry about with the vaccination, senior scientist Dr. William Thompson claims the CDC has been lying for years, according to The Examiner. Dr. Brian Hooker was doing research for the Focus Autism Foundation and requested some information via the Freedom of Information Act about a 2004 study that claimed MMR vaccinations were perfectly safe. According to Thompson, those results were false. The Examiner reported that Thompson, who has been with the CDC for more than a decade, admitted to Hooker that he and several other authors behind the study manipulated and hid data that proved Black babies were more than three times more likely to develop regressive autism if they were given the vaccine before the age of 3.
Dr. Thompson also has implicated Thimerosal, the mercury preservative, used since the 1930’s in millions of doses of vaccines and still today in most flu vaccines, and how research shows it produces tics:
"There is biological plausibility to say right now that thimerosal causes autism-like features."
New Vaccines But What About The Old Ones?
As the truth continues to emerge on the role of vaccines and autism, I wanted to point out that there may continue to be areas that need to have a light shown upon them. A growing idea is PERSONALIZED VACCINES and the concept of “VACCINOMICS and ADVERSOMICS":
Vaccines as we know them are on the way out. On the way in are personalized, precision vaccines, created through a new discipline called vaccinomics that promises to protect a higher proportion of the population at far lower cost and without the real and potential harms that mass vaccination programs inflict on some people.
“The old paradigm isn’t working anymore,” Dr. Gregory Poland, head of the Mayo Clinic’s Vaccine Research Group explains matter-of-factly…
….. Vaccinomics — vaccinology informed by genomics — turns the traditional vaccine model on its head by making the individual the starting point, rather than the end point, in the vaccine creation process. Vaccines work — or don’t — on the basis of cumulative interactions in our bodies driven by a host of immune response genes and other factors.
For reasons such as this, the vaccine research team at Mayo Clinic — one of the world’s largest, most respected and most prolific — promotes the growing discipline of “adversomics,” which aims to understand the adverse effects that can come of vaccines. The science here is daunting, since the variables that could cause a vaccine to do harm involve “a complex interaction of past exposures and infections, current physical and emotional health, and the individual’s genome and microbiome,” or the countless microorganisms that reside in our bodies.
Vaccine Expert But Could There Be Conflicts?
Dr. Gregory Poland is quite an expert on vaccines and has an extensive history of involvement:
1. Dr. Poland is no vaccine denier. Not only is he among the harshest and most outspoken critics of the “irrationality of the antivaccinationists,” he is also one of the strongest proponents for vaccines and the good that they can do. As Professor of Medicine and founder and leader of Mayo Clinic’s Vaccine Research Group, one of the world’s largest vaccine research organizations; as editor-in-chief of the peer-reviewed scientific journal, Vaccine; as recipient of numerous awards; as chair of vaccine data monitoring committees for pharmaceutical giant Merck; as patent holder in various vaccines processes; as someone who enjoys special employee status with the Centers for Disease Control and the U.S. Department of Defense and as someone who has sat on every federal committee that has dealt with vaccines, no one can accuse him of seeing vaccines from a narrow perspective.
2. Dr. Poland is the chair of a Safety Evaluation Committee for non-rubella vaccine trials being conducted by Merck Research Laboratories. Dr. Poland offers consultative advice on vaccine development to Merck & Co. Inc., CSL Biotherapies, Avianax, Sanofi Pasteur, Dynavax, Novartis Vaccines and Therapeutics, PAXVAX Inc., and Emergent Biosolutions. Drs. Poland and Ovsyannikova hold two patents related to vaccinia peptide research. These activities have been reviewed by the Mayo Clinic Conflict of Interest Review Board and are conducted in compliance with Mayo Clinic Conflict of Interest policies. This research has been reviewed by the Mayo Clinic Conflict of Interest Review Board and was conducted in compliance with Mayo Clinic Conflict of Interest policies.
3. "Dr. Poland chairs data monitoring and safety committees for Merck Research Laboratories that oversee the safety of clinical trials for novel, non-measles vaccines. He holds a patent for the discovery of measles virus-derived peptides but has not received royalties for this work."
4. The measles-derived peptide seems to be for a vaccine.
Safe Vaccines Without Considering The Microbiome And The Virome?
As we realize that the MMR vaccine research has been falsified and tainted as Dr. Thompson has admitted, and also that "There is biological plausibility to say right now that Thimerosal causes autism-like features," it is important that our children become the most important focus and not the future of vaccines.
Dr. Poland and others who want to develop “safer” vaccines need to consider some important facts. Let’s take a look:
1 - Dr. Poland has done recent research on the MMR vaccine:
“African-Americans Respond Better To Rubella Vaccine, Study Shows
Date: February 26, 2014
Source: Mayo Clinic
Summary: Somali Americans develop twice the antibody response to rubella from the current vaccine compared to Caucasians in a new study on individualized aspects of immune response. A non-Somali, African-American cohort ranked next in immune response, still significantly higher than Caucasians, and Hispanic Americans in the study were least responsive to the vaccine.
"This is fascinating," says Gregory Poland, M.D., Mayo Clinic vaccinologist and senior author of the study. "We don't know why these groups reacted so differently to the vaccine -- that's a subject for further studies -- but this new information will help us as we design the vaccines of the future.”
Since it is now known that “Black babies were more than three times more likely to develop regressive autism if they were given the vaccine [MMR - Measles, Mumps and Rubella] before the age of 3,” this study may have new meaning.
2- The microbiome has been implicated as quite possibly the epicenter of Autism but Dr. Poland just briefly mentions the microbiome connection to vaccines with no research from his team. Consider this , and note the, “CHILDREN UNDER 3 YEARS OF AGE”:
…..we focus on how early-life changes in the microbiota can alter susceptibility to neurological disease, specifically autism-spectrum disorder (ASD). ..A potential mechanism behind ASD symptoms could be neuro-active metabolites mediated by or produced by the microbiota, which could disseminate systemically and penetrate the blood–brain barrier. .. Not surprisingly, the microbiota in children under 3 years of age fluctuates substantially and is more impressionable to environmental factors than the adult microbiota (9). Modern changes in lifestyle, including improved sanitization, cesarean sections, antibiotic usage, and immunizations are among some of the factors that can shift the microbiota, and are being studied as potential drivers of the sudden increase in immune-mediated diseases in the developed world. It has been hypothesized that there is a “critical window” early in life during which the microbiota can be disrupted in a way that may favor the development of disease later in life (10).
3- Dr. Poland has blamed Dr. Andrew Wakefield for measles outbreaks:
Date: August 30, 2011
Source: Mayo Clinic
More than 150 cases of measles have been reported in the United States already this year and there have been similar outbreaks in Europe, a sign the disease is making an alarming comeback. The reappearance of the potentially deadly virus is the result of unfounded fears about a link between the measles shot and autism that have turned some parents against childhood vaccination, says Gregory Poland, M.D., of Mayo Clinic.
In the September issue of Mayo Clinic Proceedings, Dr. Poland urges doctors to review extensive scientific research that has found no connection between the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine and autism. (Dr. Poland may want to send out an update that the “extensive scientific research” was falsified and then repeated in many, many other studies, tainting all of them.)
Fears about the MMR vaccine were sparked in 1998 by researcher Andrew Wakefield, M.D., in the British medical journal The Lancet……
Then a year later, we see this, with no apology to Dr. Wakefield:
Vaccine, Jan 5, 2012. Gregory A. Poland, MD, MACP, Editor-in-Chief, VACCINE and Robert M. Jacobson, MD, FAAP, Professor of Pediatrics
… measles is reemerging as a serious public health threat, and outbreaks are occurring even in highly developed countries where vaccine access, public health infrastructure, and health literacy are not significant issues. This is unexpected and a worrisome harbinger - measles outbreaks are occurring where they are least expected. As illustrated in the Table, since 2005 these outbreaks have also occurred in the U.S.— with surprising numbers of cases occurring in persons who previously received one or even two documented doses of measles-containing vaccine… Receiving less attention, however, is the issue of vaccine failure….. The ideal vaccine would require only one dose to be given at or soon after birth;…..
AT or SOON after birth? We have Dr. William Thompson blowing the whistle on MMR, especially before age THREE and thousands upon thousands of parents who have witnessed their child regress into Autism. The microbiome in Autism is altered and abnormal. Vaccinations are a prime suspect.
4- The microbiome research continues to show how both bacteria and VIRUSES could cause many of the increased epidemics - diabetes, asthma, autism and many more. As data on regression and MMR continue to unfold, this may be key:
…he and others are now amassing data about which viruses live in the human body, how they differ between sick and healthy people, and how the virome changes over time…..Viruses, in contrast, have so far been the forgotten siblings of the microbiome family. But a growing cadre of researchers argues that the human virome is probably at least as important to human health as our bacterial inhabitants. ….Some viruses infect human cells, cause diseases, and then disappear; others leave lingering genetic signatures in the cells; and some can infect cells without causing symptoms at all. But many viruses found in the human body aren’t hosted by our cells. Instead, they’re renting rooms from the body’s bacteria. “The great majority of viruses in the human body are going to be viruses that infect bacteria,” says microbiologist Frederic Bushman of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia,“And many of those are probably impacting humans by influencing the bacteria’s functioning or abundance.”
5- There seems to be a connection to mercury exposure and later regression into autism. Much evidence shows that mercury can alter the microbiome. Thimerosal is a known culprit but --- is it also possible that babies born of women with dark skin who have used skin lightening creams with mercury are more at risk to MMR damage? “This is not practiced by only Somali women,” said Adawe, a health educator at St. Paul-Ramsey County Department of Public Health. “It’s widely used by Hispanics, Asians and African-Americans.“
6- Dr. Poland et al discussed the Vitamin D Receptor (VDR) and interestingly, its relationship to measles and rubella:
For example, we have observed polymorphisms/haplotypes in the vitamin D receptor (VDR) that influence the immune response across two different live viral vaccines—measles and rubella [77,78]. Genetic variations in the VDR influence the subsequent immune response.
That could apply to African-Americans or others with light skin. Research on melanin, VDR, autoimmunity and Autism should be examined. It has been estimated that vitamin D levels are significantly lower in non-Hispanic Blacks.
Vaccinomics vs Adversomics?
The “Adversomics” of vaccination have never been more ignored by those with positions of power and finance. New vaccine development will offer little comfort to families who have been harmed by a vaccine, especially when researchers and government officials purposefully changed data and lied, as Thompson has divulged. Knowing black, male babies are at significant risk to MMR damage and then receive a subsequent autism diagnosis --- investigating that process should be a top priority in research at Mayo , “one of the world’s largest vaccine research organizations.”
The race for more vaccines seems to be too much of a concern while tens of thousands of very ill and affected children languish. It is time for preventing Autism and developing treatments for so many stricken by this painful and debilitating disease.
Teresa Conrick is Contributing Editor for Age of Autism.
is the story getting out..
Posted by: barbara | September 26, 2014 at 10:06 PM
Yes Jenny we must act NOW. At the schools, the teaching staff seem to seriously be at breaking point (there was an article on the Canadian teacher who recently quit). No country can afford this. At a recent, informal discussion by professionals, the "why" of all these kids being neurologically impaired was brought up. Someone else actually brought up immunisations. Most adults in the field seem to think children are getting far too many of them. Of course other environmental factors like pesticides, foods were mentioned.
Another very interesting influence someone mentioned was the fact of many of today's parents being too focused on social media to the exclusion of the interaction with their baby or child- sort of like a lack of attachment/bonding similar to children raised in orphanages. This needs to be studied too as it sadly may be increasingly pertinent. Some daycare/ preschool teachers have mentioned this. I'm not saying this is most parents but this is significant and occurring.
Posted by: jen | September 24, 2014 at 10:19 AM
Perverse-onomics is what sprang to mind after reading this article.
The staggering hubris and strange vision now proposed by this industry seems morally offensive and unrealistic. That, after 60-70+ yrs of globally imposing vaccines as a disease control strategy, the answer now is to assess everyone's metabolic and immune genome and 'upload' a personal vaccine inventory.
How about constructively addressing issues related to the old public health paradigm first (ie, neurological havoc caused by vaccine schedules, chronic disease, waning immunity), followed perhaps by solving some issues that may be more related to disease outbreaks in the first place (ie, access to clean water, exposure to anthropogenic chemicals, unrelenting war), and then providing adequate educational/sociological resources to the planet's inhabitants?
I'd guess that the true costs for addressing these latter issues alone would be an order of magnitude less annually and have far greater benefits than a personalized disease-control library residing in one's gut.
Posted by: flahute | September 24, 2014 at 08:37 AM
For your interest. Here's an article about the latest research into antibiotic resistance and the development of new targeted antibiotics which protect the microbiome. I have always believed in a link between vaccine damage and a depleted or disrupted microbiome.
From above:-
"Antibiotic resistance: Genome editor could provide the cure
Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have now developed a gene-editing technique, details of which were published in Nature Biotechnology, that may prove capable of ridding even the most evasive bacterial strains of their resistance.
Called CRISPR, it works by targeting and disabling the specific genes that confer resistance to the bacteria. Sections of the drug's gene-altering software are built to look for and alter these genes.
When they put the new technique to the test, they found that it was able to specifically target and kill more than 99 per cent of the resistant bacteria, while antibiotics to which the bacteria were resistant did not induce any significant killing.
In addition, the researchers showed that the CRISPR system could be used to selectively remove specific bacteria from diverse bacterial communities based on their genetic signatures, thus opening up the potential for "microbiome editing" beyond antimicrobial applications."
Posted by: Jenny Allan | September 24, 2014 at 04:19 AM
Yes Jen - It's happening. In the case of antibiotics, the World Health Organisation recently issued a stark warning about superbugs, mostly evolved via antibiotic resistance. According to the WHO, most of the antibiotics we presently use will soon be ineffective due to antibiotic resistance. Finding new ways to tackle infections is not a choice. It's a necessity.
Much the same thing is happening with vaccines. Whooping Cough is a bacterial infection and mass vaccination has resulted in the evolution of a very nasty strain, in much the same way as antibiotic resistance evolved for other infections.
Recent measles and mumps outbreaks worldwide, are becoming far more common and widespread. Furthermore, these outbreaks are happening in mostly VACCINATED populations. Blaming Dr Wakefield and THAT Lancet paper,(now retracted but still cited),is looking ridiculous. This WAS 16 years ago and the temporary 'dip' in MMR vaccination, soon recovered to very high levels, more than enough for so called 'herd immunity'. New generations of parents would never even have heard of Dr Wakefield, without the medical deniers and their trolls continuously dragging him up for more vilification, but their arguments are looking threadbare and these days are just adding to significant public disquiet about childhood vaccinations.
Yes we need a rethink NOW and as Jen says it should initially concentrate on the diseases presently being vaccinated against, and whether vaccination is actually causing more illness and debility than the diseases themselves. As a child in the 1950s I caught all those childhood illnesses, as did all the other children. In fact, our parents actively made sure little boys caught mumps and little girls rubella. It's acknowledged my generation were far healthier as children than children are today. Again we DON'T have a choice. We MUST act NOW.
Posted by: Jenny Allan | September 24, 2014 at 03:44 AM
Jenny, I hope you are right. Disease management and prevention is important,but that doesn't just involve vaccines. It may well be that some diseases are not so bad to have (like chicken pox). We have even heard that some diseases may serve some protective function for the human body. Overall, I definitely feel they are giving children too many and some are just not sensible in terms of risk benefit (like hep b at birth). They need to be studied more physiologically rather than just epidemiologically (and no, 4 week checks in a study trial on only healthy individuals doesn't cut it).
It's very sad that Dr. wakefield's research has been so maligned since it has cost a lot of time in helping children who may be suffering.
Posted by: jen | September 23, 2014 at 08:51 PM
Eureka! Amazement! What a discovery!
"The Cause Of Autism Could Be Found In Digestive System, Researchers Say"
From above article:-
"Despite numerous studies and millions of dollars spent on research, we have no real evidence about what causes the developmental disorder. Researchers at the California Institute of Technology have a theory. It could be related to bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. There literally are trillions of bacteria in the gut, and an alteration some of the bacteria may actually be leading to the way autism impacts the brain.
The researchers believe 90 percent of children with autism have stomach problems." now when was that Wakefield et al Lancet article published? The year was 1998, sixteen years ago, and the article identified a 'novel'(new) syndrome, namely an apparent link between autism and bowel disorders in children. The PARENTS of these children expressed concerns about the MMR vaccine, and Dr Wakefield, only one of no less than 13 co-authors of the paper, was brave enough to suggest a moratorium on the MMR vaccine, pending further research.
At that time, in the UK, single measles vaccine was available on the NHS as was rubella vaccine, normally only administered to girls. Mumps vaccine had previously been considered unnecessary, since mumps rarely caused any long term problems in children, but could cause sterility in adults. There would have been no threat to immunisation, by reverting to a previous vaccination schedule, in use for 20 years prior to MMR vaccine.
We all know what happened to Dr Wakefield, and indeed several other clinicians who dared to question vaccine safety or efficacy. We are now landed with a situation where measles is running riot in China and parts of the US. Mumps is now admitted to be endemic amongst young adults in our universities and colleges. Whooping Cough is back with a vengeance, apparently now vaccine resistant and much nastier than before. Mostly, these outbreaks involve VACCINATED persons. As for autism, at this rate everyone will be autistic within a few decades and survival of the human race could well become untenable, since these persons mostly lack necessary survival skills.
Those "millions of dollars" spent on so called autism research have been hideously, and often corruptly, wasted. Even now, when it is abundantly clear Dr Wakefield and the multidisciplinary team of Royal Free researchers and clinicians were perfectly correct, and the first to identify the bowel/autism link. There has been NO acknowledgement and NO apology. Instead their near 20 year old discoveries, (it takes time to carry out research and publish), are now being spun as something new by other researchers.
In her above article, Teresa posted several quotes from Dr Gregory Poland, "an expert on vaccines" with "an extensive history of involvement"
It seems a vaccine re-think is now underway, and Dr Poland is now talking about a more 'holistic' approach, and not before time. This, often mandatory, one size fits all approach is dangerous and old fashioned. It may suit the clinics and vaccine manufacturers to shoot up a baby with nine vaccines at one time, but aliens observing us from other far away planets would regard this as ...stark, raving MAD!!
There are also proposed profound changes to antibiotics and the way these are prescribed. Broad spectrum antibiotics, which kill off the bacterial microbiome are to be replaced with more specifically targeted antibiotics, also not before time.
We have all been spin doctored, vilified if we disagree, and generally worn down, by a medical/political 'establishment' which refuses to listen, far less budge an inch from their entrenched positions, bolstered by corporate profits, sponsorship, research 'fellowships' and pharma paid for research, which MUST NOT find fault with any medications or vaccines.
Posted by: Jenny Allan | September 23, 2014 at 08:05 PM
This is possibly more about the external to internal viral biome, but is this framing a valid representation of ebola origins?
"The mother of ebola is the marburg virus that first broke out in three vaccine production facilities in three different parts of the world simultaneously in 1967..."
I haven't heard anything regarding the above.
But, even without the above and all the rumored links of other outbreaks to disease labs, with the new whooping cough strains, SV40 contamination, hib vaccine leading to superbugs... I'm wondering if we are only accelerating the evolution of the microbiome faster than we can keep up and simultaneously inhibiting or even perverting (with mercury, alujinum etc.) what ability we might have to deal with the artificially created new immune challenges.
Posted by: Jeannette Bishop | September 23, 2014 at 03:10 PM
I just LOVE your comment!
Yet another excellent and thorough article by you. I wish that I had the power to appoint you to run the CDC, most especially their much-needed "Vaccine Elimination Division," whose goal it would be to immediately cease all vaccinations!
Thank you both :)
Posted by: Laura Hayes | September 23, 2014 at 01:56 PM
A bit off topic I know but since genetics was raised, I think the blueprint for medical treatment in the future will be defined by our genome. Unfortunately, with so many diseases being traced to flaws in our DNA this has tremendous conquences in terms of health care, treatment options, insurance coverage, insurance claims, lawsuits against industry including vaccine injury lawsuits, prenatal screening and reproduction. If parents elect genetic screening, genetics may define who gets born and who does not. A GATTACA future realized.
I often look at the news on SFARI and sadly SFARI is totally on the genetic bandwagon with regard to autism research which leaves other promising research like that of the late Dr. Paul Patterson and Dr. Sarkis Mazmanian on the margins. It's like the genomic sector is trying to monopolize autism research
"California universities to come together for autism research" - SFARI by Sarah DeWeerdt; 22 September 2014
Posted by: autism mom | September 23, 2014 at 01:29 PM
The problem is that the factors which may lead to an adverse reaction to vaccines, are, as was noted, so many and so varied, many of which are still unknown or unpredictable, that it would never be poaaible to be sure that it would be safe. How could you ever tell the immune system that it may mount its required inflammatory reacton to the vaccine to an inflammatory level of 5 but not a smidgen more, since otherwise permanent damage from the excessive inflammation of encephalitis may ensue. Even vaccine encephalitis for as little as three hours may cause autism or other permanent damage. Vaccines sensitize the immune system to react with inflammation and symptoms of autoimmune disease to future exposures to substances resembling the vaccine ingredients sensitized to. ANY substance injected into the body may provoke an allergy to that or similar substances. ANY substance, the pathogens, chemicals used to preserve or adjuvant, foreign proteins from the call culture, even a stray molecule of plastic, may create powerful, even deadly, allergies, when injected into the body. How could you ever tell the immune system that this is just a little aluminum, or just a little chicken protein, nothing to get alarmed about?
It is not enough to say, well, we just won't vaccinate children who have any close relative who has any neurological or autoimmune disease, or any who are currently sick, stressed, or not thriving for whatever reason. What if the child has a great-uncle who has the gene which predisposes to vaccine reaction, and the child got that recessive gene? What is it worth taking the huge risk of vaccinating for? OK, IF polio came back here, possibly (but not certainly) polio. All the vaccine-preventable diseases are usually mild or rare: everyone was perfectly happy in the early '80s before the raft of new vaccines were developed. Everyone was perfectly happy in the '60s before the MMR, we just got the diseases, and no one worried about it. Sweden did not give the pertussis vaccine from 1979 to 1996, because it killed or caused severe brain damage in so many babies there. Pertussis came back there, but caused so few deaths that they were considered statistically insignificant. Pertussis has become a usually mild disease except in the youngest newborns.
The new paradigm needs to be a vaccine-free world, with vitamin, naturopathic, and homeopathic remedies used to treat disease when it occurs. No fever reducers. And then we can build a strong, healthy new population of children who are going to need to work hard all their lives to pay for the care of the millions of autistic people caused by our age of vaccine autism.
Posted by: cia parker | September 23, 2014 at 12:34 PM
Someone recently told me about their sister who works in a "DNA lab" in SoCal. He said she would not sign off on many of the test results but her boss has no qualms about doing so. It is difficult to understand how one can be a party to such practices. Are people that desperate for work that they knowingly compromise themselves where others' health is concerned?
Posted by: CW | September 23, 2014 at 12:23 PM
The denial, corruption and protection of vaccine program at the expense of public safety goes back to the early days of vaccine discovery. I just listened to a very interesting lecture given by Dr. R.E. Tent in which he goes into the history of vaccines particularly the polio vaccine. The polio virus strain was grown on monkey kidney cells which contmainted the vaccines. It turns out the monkey cells contained a cancer causing simian virus called polyoma or SV-40. One of the original researchers Bernice Eddy cautioned other researchers about this virus saying it caused cancer and tumors but she was rebuffed and the vaccines was dispersed to millions of children. She correctly predicted cancer would one day be epidemic in the US and she was right. A great deal of effort was made to cover this up. This information became classified.The government continued administering the vaccines.
Here is the lecture by Dr. R.E. Tent. It's long but well worth watching.
"The Exploding Autoimmune Epidemic" - Dr. Tent:
Posted by: autism mom | September 23, 2014 at 10:18 AM
I'm sure the plan is to usher in these "new and improved" vaccines without ever actually admitting anything. Just like removing thimerisol was just a "precaution". The public really needs to increase the pressure/demand for hearings into this disaster. Unbelievable that vaccine injury is still going on daily!
Posted by: Anne J | September 23, 2014 at 09:43 AM
“The old paradigm isn’t working anymore,” Dr. Gregory Poland, head of the Mayo Clinic’s Vaccine Research Group explains matter-of-factly"
Okay .. Dr. Poland .. please explain when .. exactly .. the "old paradigm" actually worked? And .. while you are at it .. please explain what YOU mean by "working"?
In my humble opinion .. the "old paradigm" never worked .. as evidenced by the Supreme Court's apt description of vaccines being "unavoidably unsafe".
Webster's defines "utilitarianism" thus:
"the doctrine that the purpose of all action should be to bring about the greatest happiness of the greatest number".
If deliberately injecting "unavoidably unsafe" vaccines into perfectly healthy toddlers .. knowing some will suffer life-threatening, life-long disorders .. in order to "protect the herd" .. is not "utilitarianism" .. I don't know what is?
It is one thing to knowingly use "unavoidably unsafe" vaccines .. but .. it requires callous disregard to then deny the injuries suffered by those toddlers who were sacrificed in order to "protect the herd".
Posted by: BoB Moffitt | September 23, 2014 at 09:11 AM
Funny how NONE of these 'experts' can ever produce scientific proof that vaccines even work.
Lots and lots of condescending behaviour, scolding us all for having the audacity to speak about what we KNOW vaccines did to our children.
And lots and lots of rambling nonsense from stethoscope draped strangers, desperate to whitewash the fact that vaccines they've administered, have poisoned generations of children.
I mean come, medications for babies that are unavoidably unsafe??? What kind of an idiot would even think something like that, much less say it out loud.
Posted by: Barry | September 23, 2014 at 07:21 AM
Hi Teresa,
I was rather proud of the line I originally posted on a disingenuous Forbes blog of Steven Salzberg:
"The unwelcome news is that the “cruise missiles and drone helicopters” of the war on disease often hit the wrong the target, and the more cruise missiles and drone helicopters you unleash the greater the risk."
But perhaps a nearer truth is that we do not even have "smart bombs" yet, we simply have blanket bombing. Even introducing the context the notion of "smart bombs" begs significant questions about what we are presently doing and presently telling people is safe and effective. We may also find that if we get the "smart bombs" at great public expense they still won't be as safe as all that.
Meanwhile I think Greg has a marketing problem because of what it implies about current practice. How does he show that the exciting new products are safer than the ones that they are supposed to replace except by highlighting the terrible damage that these do? Might we finally get some real statistics?
PS I can scarcely wait for Greg Poland's "Shock and Awe" on disease.
Posted by: John Stone | September 23, 2014 at 06:53 AM