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Age of Autism Welcomes Jim Thompson as Contributing Editor

WelcomePlease join us in welcoming Jim Thompson to our roster of Contributing Editors.  Jim has provided great content for us for several years.  Jim is our first autism Grandfather.   You'll find his posts under the Contributors pull down menu and below.

TaylorJim Thompson is a registered professional engineer.  His first granddaughter (pictured) was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, epilepsy, verbal apraxia, motor disorder, and sensory integration disorder. Her loving memory has influenced his family’s decision to help protect children from vaccine injuries.

Mercury, Simpsonwood 2000, and an Elementary Cover-up.9.8.2014

CDC--More Evidence of a Mercury Cover-up.2.12.14

The CDC Buys and Distributes Heavy Metal Mercury Preserved Flu Vaccines for Children.8.28.2013

A Proposed Laboratory Neuron Toxicity Test Model for Thimerosal.June.25.2013

Industry “Scumbag” Scientist and Mercury Shill.May.16.2013

Vaccines and Absence of Evidence of Safety.March.23.2010

Q & A - How About a Half Cup of Mercury Hazardous Waste?.December.26.2009

Newspeak Version of Safe (or) efaS s'tI yrroW t'noD.May.3.2009

The fable of “Over 2,000 Pregnant Women”.April.25.2009





Welcome, Jim! I've enjoyed your many contributions.

Denise Anderstrom Douglass

I will be so happy to follow this gentleman's contributions. One seldom hears about "Autism Grandparents." I am one, and I know that there are a lot more out there. When Autism hits hard, some parents bail out, and some grandparents bail out. So the ones struggling to "hold the fort" are warriors. Warriors fight back, even when marginalized, called "crazy, paranoid, killers of vaccinated children," and worse.

As someone old enough to have had childhood friends who had no extended family and whose parent/s had "a number" tattooed on their forearm/s -- yes, I fear for the future! Now is the time to take a stand. Now.

Jeannette Bishop

Thank you, Mr. Thompson, for so often clearly spelling out the math that demonstrates the significance of the toxic exposure of a TCV.


Welcome, Jim -- your scientific contributions are immeasurably useful.

Angus Files

Superb Jim



Cherry Sperlin Misra

Jim, Your work has been very meaningful. We appreciate your staying the course with the issue of autism.

beth johnson

We look forward to more, Jim!

John Stone


Good to have you,


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