Dachel Media Update: Just Put Your Lips Together...
Knock-out Blow Needed: Dr. Thompson Must Speak Out on MMR African American Autism Connection.

CDC Frauds: Connections Between the DeStefano Paper and the Thorsen Affair.

Frank Destefano

By John Stone

Last week a Centers for Disease Control employee, William Thompson, came forward as whistleblower to admit that a 2004 study led by Frank DeStefano, of which Thompson himself was co-author was fraudulent, disguising the fact that incidence of autism was three and a half times higher in African Americans vaccinated with MMR before 36 months. In this light it is interesting that another co-author of the study, Marshalyn Yeargin-Allsopp, also liaised with Poul Thorsen over commissioning the equally fraudulent Madsen MMR/autism study. Thorsen who coordinated a series of studies between the CDC and Aarhus University/Staaten Serum Institut, Denmark was indicted in 2011 in the US on 13 counts of wire fraud involving the CDC and 9 of money laundering , but no attempt has been made to extradite him from Denmark.

None of the studies coordinated and co-authored by Thorsen have ever been retracted. At a congressional hearing in 2012 Coleen Boyle, another CDC employee and another co-author of the fraudulent DeStefano paper, failed to give straight answers when questioned by congressman Posey about Thorsen. Boyle could only recall two studies co-authored by Thorsen when in fact there were at least 21. On that occasion Congressman Posey memorably referred to Thorsen as “a humongous scum bag and one of the most wanted men on earth” .

If Cochrane 2005 smelt a rat with DeStefano 2004:

The conclusion, however, implied bias in the enrollment of cases which may not be representative of the rest of the autistic population of the city of Atlanta, USA where the study was set.

it actually stated there was a rat in the case of Madsen:

The follow up of diagnostic records ends one year (31 Dec 1999) after the last day of admission to the cohort. Because of the length of time from birth to diagnosis, it becomes increasingly unlikely that those born later in the cohort could have a diagnosis.

To put it more bluntly Madsen had included in the vaccinated group children who were too young to be vaccinated and children who were too young to have been diagnosed. The data was subject to review in two articles published Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, one by Goldman and Yazbak, the other by Stott, Blaxill and Wakefield    with differing results but both detecting a hoard of missing autism cases among the vaccinated implicit in Cochrane (actually published afterwards). Notable was the suppressed 2002 letter to NEJM from Prof Suissa, an epidemiologist from McGill, published in the Stott article which recalculated the Madsen data to suggest that autism was 45% higher in the vaccinated group. Brian Hooker also contributed to the correspondence in the following issue.

We may never know exactly what was the surplus of autism cases in the vaccinated group, except that it was evidently going to be substantial.

But also we need to bear in mind the conspiratorial circumstances in which the Madsen study was commissioned, which involved co-author of the DeStefano study Marshalyn Yeargin-Allsopp who wrote in an email (May 30, 2000 2.36pm) to Jose Cordero , at the time deputy head of the National Immunisation Program (NIP):


As we discussed on Friday, we have become aware through Poul Thorsen of an exciting opportunity to study the role of MMR vaccine and autism using several registries/existing studies and the repository of biologic specimens and laboratory capabilities in Denmark. Attached below is a proposal for such a study. Poul will be leaving on Thursday to travel to Denmark where he will be meeting with the PIs (Principle Investigators) for the proposed study on June 6th. We would like to be able to have Poul say whether it is likely that CDC (NIP) can fund the study, if NIP is interested. The proposed budget is included; there may be additional sources of funding (in addition to NIP) but we are not certain at this time. Unfortunately, the DD Branch does not have much (if any) $$ to fund the study, but we do have the expertise that we have developed due to the autism surveillance in Atlanta and the MMR/autism casecontrol study. I will be out of the office tomorrow, but you may contact Diana or Poul if you have questions. Thank you so much for considering this proposal.


There would be no sense in Yeargin-Allsopp approaching the vaccine compliance division of the CDC – which had no remit to research the causes of autism - to fund the study unless the conclusions were already guaranteed to be favourable to the program. Today, Cordero who funded the Madsen paper via Thorsen and Yeargin-Allsopp sits on the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee along with Coleen Boyle, although Yeargin-Allsopp seems to have recently retired from it.

These events were subject to meticulous scrutiny in articles by Ed Yazbak  ‘The CDC finances, writes and helps publish Danish research: another useless CDC-supported autism study’  and ‘The CDC, Spinach and Autism’  .

We must certainly consider that these frauds are part of the same story.

John Stone is UK Editor for Age of Autism.



In an email from Coleen Boyle to Frank DeStefano regarding thimerosal and autism (reported in AoA in 2012) Boyle poses the question:

... "2. Since most of the dx's are generally not picked up until the 2nd or 3rd year of life had you considered eligibility criteria of at least 18 months or 2 years?? What happens if you do this?" ....

It is interesting to note that this is exactly what they did with the Madsen (MMR) paper which was well into the planning stage when Yeargin-Allsopp wrote to Cordero just five weeks later. It looks as if this had already been identified as a way of hiding the effect. An advantage of carrying out such a study in Denmark was that diagnosis was generally much later than in the United States.

Boyle Memo


Cherry Sperlin Misra

Excuse me, but I havent lived in the U.S. much in the last 46 years, so I was wondering if its still ok to hang people in effigy? _ or is that not politically correct any longer? - Just wondering.....

Jeannette Bishop

Thank you for this helpful tie-in!

Primum Nocere

Hi Max and Leo,

Yes, just like you two guys: insure against the failure of the show which is bound to flop and the world is at your feet: "Springtime for Hitler!"

I didn't realise the new Metropolitan Opera House was already there in 1967.


John Stone

Thanks Trevor. Done.

Trevor de Koekkoek

Please fix the first sentence: "that a 2004 study of led by". Not meaning to be a grammar nazi, but it's just a little disconcerting. Thanks! Please feel free not to post this comment.

Max and Leo

Is anyone else thinking of The Producers? Sounds like some at the CDC were tired of their gray little jobs and wanted everything they ever saw in the movies.


Julie Penny

At Congressional hearings Boyle and Gerberding can just obfuscate and lie and evade. No. Boyle and Gerberding should be PERSONALLY sued by the parents of black children who got autism following the CDC's vaccination timetable. They knew and actively thwarted the revelation that there was a 340% increase of autism in this group according to the research--i.e. before the study was watered down to look insignificant. Boyle had a chance to actively come clean at the Congressional hearing a couple of years ago when she was questioned. She didn't. She committed yet another mortal sin against these kids. She, and, Gerberding, the later of whom never answered Congressman Weldon's letters to her. Dr. Thompson begged her in his letter to her asking that answer Weldon's question and to make her response public. She didn't. Dr. Thompson has redeemed himself. Boyle and Gerberding are business as usual...

to Linda1

SES= Socio-economic status.


Looks like to some extent they've already done the vax unvax study, but didn't like the results.

Angus Files

workmates soon to be cell mates...



Linda1, looks like that vaccinated VS unvaccinated study has become more important than ever considering they have revealed themselves to be completely incompetent (mostly on purpose) in studying the effects of vaccines- that and they need to study vaccine's physiologically, not epidemiologically.


"There seem to be small numbers in the none and low exposure groups - how do the characteristics of these groups differ from the high exposure groups"

She is saying that they found fewer cases among children less or not exposed to thimerosol. Where is that in the final analysis they presented? Doesn't that directly contradict what she later said when asked in Congressional hearings?

What is "SES"? She says (caps, my emphasis): "Not sure if SES is related to thimerosol, but SURELY compliance with vaccination schedule."


I believe Verstraeten also diluted his thimerosal study results by including children too young to be diagnosed.


Ugg, its obvious there was an effort to dilute the study results. Boyle is such a snake and a kiss ass. Now she will live to regret it.


More, more, more. Keep it coming so that hopefully some of the other news agencies will pick up this story. I have yet to see any mention of a whistle blower on anything but Autism related, or independent channels and I find that so very disappointing - though as an Autism Mother not surprising.

Heather White

DeStefano also was in the roll call at Simpsonwood. We all need to write our reps and urge the termination and criminal charges filed against these individuals.

Jim Thompson

John and Ed:

Julie Gerberding, then the Director of the CDC and now the President of Merck Vaccines should sit right beside Colleen Boyle in a special congressional hearing to answer for their involvement in this vaccine study fraud revealed by the co-author Dr.William Thompson.

See http://www.naturalnews.com/images/CDC-Gerberding-Warning-Vaccines-Autism.jpg

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julie_Gerberding .


I knew DeStefano was evil. Ever study with his name on it, concerning vaccines and autism has been created just to combat our children's experiences

Ed Yazbak


Thank you for your excellent and succinct review of this complicated saga that seems to have no end in sight.

God help the Children.

Ed Yazbak

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