An Article for Independence Day: the American Revolution and Health Tyranny
Weekly Wrap: Pray For the Religious Exemption

With Liberty and Justice for All?

Health Choice SquareManaging Editor's Note: Excerpted from the site.

By Sylvia Pimentel

Our nation’s Pledge of Allegiance – most school kids learn those words at a very early age. We in the United States are taught to appreciate living in a country that has liberties many people around the world can only dream about. We are taught that we have a voice in public discourse. We are taught that we are part of a political system that allows for justice for everyone, not only the elite few.

But over time, many of us learn that one unfair exception to personal liberty exists in this country within health and medical choice. Regarding vaccines, freedom does not necessarily apply.

If you or your children are injured by a vaccine, you no longer have a voice. And in many instances you may not even have a choice. Not only are parents ignored when they say their child suffered an adverse event from a vaccine, they are also ridiculed, bullied and belittled – though victims’ families feel ethically compelled to speak out in the hope that vaccine injury will not destroy others’ lives. 

Parents are told by industry, government and society that they only imagined the vaccine injury, or that it was a coincidence that their child became ill and regressed developmentally after the vaccination appointment. Parents are shouted down by vaccine bullies, and told that by speaking up about vaccine injuries they are harming society because other parents may fear getting their own children vaccinated.

So especially when it comes to vaccines, America is no longer the Home of the Free. To the contrary: Free speech is not only discouraged, it is vilified. It is attacked. It is muzzled.

All this public hostility and censorship comes as a great shock to average folks who have grown up with the secure feeling that they live in a free and just society. As taxpaying citizens we expect truth, transparency, fairness and service from our government agencies. But the reality is a much different story when your child is injured by one or more government-mandated vaccines, and your family now faces multimillion-dollar expenses for a lifetime disability.

You promptly discover that you cannot sue a vaccine manufacturer, or the medical staff that administered the vaccine. You must petition an arcane government department called the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). Parents soon find out that the VICP is incredibly adversarial toward families, and despite its initial charter has become primarily concerned with preserving consumer faith in the U.S. vaccine program. Eighty percent of vaccine injury claims to the VICP are dismissed, and the few cases compensated take years of struggle before they’re grudgingly settled by government. 

Parents of chronically ill vaccine-injured children are left with no just legal options for covering the enormous expenses from unavoidable medical bills, therapies and education. Financial devastation is a common story, with families not only losing homes and retirement income but going deeply into debt. Despair, broken homes and suicides are increasing

It’s another tough blow for families to realize that they allowed their child to receive dozens of vaccinations without knowing about potential side effects, or realizing that in the process they were being cheated out of their judicial rights. Read the full post at


H. Kovac

Excellent article, Sylvia! Thank you for taking the time to write it. It is truly frightening to see what people now accept as "good health". Side effects to vaccines and pharmaceuticals are either not questioned or connected to their source. Those of us that have experienced the dreadful side effects of vaccines or drugs or have done our research and decided against them need to speak up whenever we can to protect our health freedom...what's left of it.

Laura Hayes

Well said, Sylvia!

Vaccine mandates must be abolished. They are not founded on truth, need, evidence, or liberty. They are tyrannical and have nothing to do with health. If our government regulators actually cared about the health of our children, they would have noticed a LONG time ago that vaccines are neither safe nor effective, and worse, that they are destroying the health, development, and well-being of our children...not to mention that mandates are destroying the fabric of freedom upon which our nation was woven. They would not permit these toxic and damaging vaccines under any circumstances, they would never allow our food supply to be poisoned as is currently happening with chemical additives, GMO crops, and pesticides, they would not allow toxic flame retardants on products destined for infants and toddlers, etc. And back to vaccines (or chemo, or antibiotics, or surgery, etc.), it is NEVER okay to force or require ANY medical intervention as each carries risks, and with vaccines, those risks include permanent disability, chronic illness, and death.

Vaccines are barbaric. Mandates are tyrannical. Our government regulators are corrupt in recommending and mandating vaccines. Big Pharma is greedy with zero regard for the afflictions and deaths that result from their products...just the cost of doing business to them...and they are after lifelong customers, customers who are somewhere between ill and dead, from fetus to grave, and they are creating them then reeling them in by the millions.

Americans are under the illusion that they live in a free country. With regard to vaccination, that couldn't be further from the truth. To my fellow Americans, I say fight for your medical choice freedom or watch it continue to be usurped before your very eyes.

Jeannette Bishop

Thanks, Sylvia. Knowing a truth in isolation is or has been an added burden on the vaccine injured. I've been a little surprised at how much of a burden. Many around me are clinging to the "liberty" to not see how much of our freedom is illusion.

Sue Morgan

Great article, Sylvia. I'm thrilled you have been published on AoA!

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