Two Surveys On National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program
The below surveys are being conducted by Beth Clay, Hawk International.
The purpose of the first survey is to compile opinions about the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) from petitioners who have filed claims in the program. Your participation is needed in order to more fully understand how the program is working, what messages legislators should receive, and what messages those working in the program at the Department of Justice, the Federal Court of Claims, the Department of Health and Human Services as well as the lawyers who represent petitioners should receive.
Any identifying information will be kept private and not connected to your responses. (Your state and email will be collected in order to (1) insure we do not get spammers in the petition, (2) share opinions with legislators specific to their state, (3) be able to email you a copy of the report when it is finished.
Neither the government, nor the attorneys involved in the NVICP will see identifying information connected to your responses.
Petitioners Survey
The purpose of the second survey is to compile opinions about the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) from the professionals who work in the program (lawyers, life planners, expert witnesses, etc.) Your participation is needed in order to more fully understand how the program is working, what messages legislators should receive, and what messages those working in the program should receive.
Any identifying information will be kept private and not connected to your responses. (Your state and email will be collected in order to (1) insure we do not get spammers in the petition, (2) be able to email you a copy of the report when it is finished.
Neither the government, nor the attorneys involved in the NVICP will see identifying information connected to your responses.
Holly; I had one child - like you said that was sudden - black and white -- it took 20 years to find a lawyer that would file -- but along the way I spent money left and right to try to get it filed. Unbelievable.
When this last lawyer filed 20 years too late then called to tell me the autism part of it just did not work-- I still thanked him for filing.
I was grateful that it was filed!
Posted by: Benedetta | July 15, 2014 at 09:46 AM
I think we need a third survey. The group would be parents of children with autism who have pursued biomed. The questions would be:
1. Do you believe that your child has been injured by one or more vaccines?
2. Did you pursue compensation from the vaccine injury compensation fund?
I'm a 1. yes and 2. no -and I'm sure there are a lot of us! We learned from other parents about how difficult it is to get compensation, and since our case was not sudden or black and white (by their standards anyway, I have no doubts), we chose to invest our precious time, money and energy into recovering our son. Still not there (many health issues!), but I don't regret NOT fighting for compensation. I'm sure there are thousands of families like mine who chose not to seek compensation. That also speaks to the broken system.
Posted by: Holly Riley | July 14, 2014 at 11:54 PM