Dachel Media Update: Passing the Buck(nell) to Genetics
By Anne Dachel
Read Anne's commentary and view the links after the jump. The Dachel Media Update is sponsored by Lee Silsby Compounding Pharmacy and their OurKidsASD brand.
June 5, 2014, Cleveland Plain Dealer: Autism spectrum disorder Q&A: Health Chats
June 5, 2014, Bucknell University (Lewisburg, PA): Taking on Autism
June 3, 2014, UK Guardian: Autistic boys exposed to higher levels of hormones in womb, study finds
In a live chat online at cleveland.com yesterday, readers shared their questions about autism with a panel of experts from the Cleveland Clinic, University Hospitals, MetroHealth Medical Center, Milestones Autism Organization and the Autism Society of Greater Cleveland. Here are their answers.
I would like to have joined in this live chat. Incredibly, there wasn't one question about THE CAUSE OF AUTISM. We're given the rate and the annual cost: $9 billion, but nothing about where all these CHILDREN ARE COMING FROM. GFCF diets don't really help. If regression continues, be sure there aren't seizures happening too. The others questions were about services. I guess autism is such a part of kids today, we don't have to talk about the cause. I tried to post a comment.
Autism is a diverse disorder with a multitude of genetic causes and just as many manifestations.
"There are estimates that around a thousand different genes could cause autism, and we're not going to be able to provide really effective treatments until we understand what those causes are," said center Director and Senior Investigator Christa Martin. . . .
There's no place for comments here. It's depressing to see this indoctrination going on at a university. Bucknell Professor David Evans believes it's all greater awareness. Someone else says a thousands different genes could cause autism. Children are born with autism--it's official.
The real message here is that no one really cares. Autism is presented as such a complex disorder we just can't give you an answer. MOST OF ALL, it's nothing to worry about. And the good news--all of us are on the spectrum. Our only job is to diagnosis it early.
The work does not aim to produce a prenatal test for autism, Asperger's syndrome, or milder, related conditions. In the study, some boys exposed to high levels of testosterone in the womb developed perfectly normally, while others exposed to low levels were diagnosed with autism. The results cannot indicate whether an individual will go on to develop autism or not.
Even if a test could predict autism, it would raise serious ethical issues. "A prenatal test that is used to make a decision to terminate a pregnancy could effectively be a form of eugenics. A prenatal test that is used for early detection, with a view to starting intervention in early postnatal life may be less ethically contentious, and would need to be evaluated for its benefits. But we are a long way from that at present," said Baron-Cohen.
One more effort to pretend that children are born with autism. This only works if we pretend there is no such thing as regressive autism--and of course they do.
The Dachel Media Update is sponsored by Lee Silsby Compounding Pharmacy and their OurKidsASD brand. Lee Silsby Compounding Pharmacy is one of the largest and most respected compounding pharmacies in the country. They use only the finest quality chemicals and equipment to prepare our patients’ compounded medications and nutritional supplements. Customizing medication and nutritional supplements for our customers allows them to achieve their unique health goals.
Anne Dachel is Media Editor for Age of Autism and author of The Big Autism Cover-Up: How and Why the Media Is Lying to the American Public, which goes on sale this Fall from Skyhorse Publishing.
By : Khawar Nehal
Date : 5 March 2014
This is a summary of what I have learned about autism. If you need supporting resources, all you need it to place the point into the search engines of your choice and you shall find many resources to guide you.
What it is :
Autism is a developmental disorder of the brain. It has multiple causes.
They include but are not limited to the following :
1. Chemicals regressing development. (before being born, right after birth, and after being born (any age).
2. Genetics. (I do not know much about which genes cause it. If you know, then please tell me.)
3. Brain injury. Physical injury to the brain.
4. Lack of nutrients reducing development.
Generally the middle part of the brain is affected. This reduces communication between the left and right halves. This causes autistic people to have to use their outer parts of the brains more to accomplish tasks. This can be understood from brain scans. In some cases you shall find similarities in alzheimers and autistic brain scans.
I classify autism based on the amount of damage to the brain as follows :
1. Neurotypical. No damage.
2. Mild. Some symptoms not all.
3. Aspergers. High functioning. Aspie.
4. Alzheimers. Not commonly considered autism now, but more people shall see the link later.
5. Low functioning severe. More commonly called autism.
6. Major. Commonly called retarded.
7. Complete. No brain at all. I do not know what people call this.
To understand autism better, it is best to diagnose the brain instead of the genes. This shall tell you more about what is causing the brain to not develop or in some cases to develop normally.
Something new. The rate of development changes from normal to low depending on the situation the autistic person is in. The person can be born normally, then regress then get better and regress again. This is due to the lack of understanding of the causes of and coincidental reduction of the root causes.
If the root causes of each case are identified, then the regression can be stopped and in a few years the person can be closer to neurotypical. The earlier age at which the root causes are found, the better the results of brain development which can be achieved.
In most cases, the brain develops normally until chemicals are introduced and diets cause deficiencies. These cases can be fixed by finding out the chemicals which are accumulating like pesticides or looking for evidence of secondary chemicals which are the result of the primary chemicals.
In case the diets are causing a deficiency, the diets can be changed to see if improvements can be made.
In many cases, the autistic person (or child) would prefer to not chew. I do not know the reason for this yet. But it ends up causing the care givers to think they like the mushy or liquid foods like pasta or milk. What you can do is blend the low carbohydrate, low gluten and beneficial to their brain diets and train them to eat that.
If the autistic person has a high amount of morphine in their blood, they might have been given high doses of antibiotics. The morphine causes them to sometimes sleep for 18 hours straight. Also they may break their bones during play and not feel it. It is better to get an xray done just to be sure. They also might not inform you that they might have broken something because they really do not feel any pain with so much morphine running around in their blood.
Autistic people generally have higher levels of mercury, lead, arsenic, antimony and cadmium in their hair samples. And less calcium, copper, chromium, manganese, iron and cobalt, as compared to normal people. Also low sulfur and glutathione levels are not good.
After so many years of covering up, it has finally come to light that the US government along with the medical industry was shoving mercury into the people and causing autism. They knew about it as early as 2005 or maybe even earlier.
Things to check for
High levels of antibodies to gluten.
Food allergies like dairy, eggs, yeast, soy and more.
Check for a leaky gut losing iron.
Taking away gluten and other food allergens
Fix the leaky gut with the following
Getting rid of his yeast with anti-fungals
Killing off the toxic bacteria in his small intestine with special antibiotics
Replenishing healthy bacteria with probiotics
Helping him digest his food with enzymes
Check for deficiencies of zinc, magnesium, and manganese, vitamins A, B12, and D, and omega-3 fats.
Check for lack of energy creation by mitochondria cells.
Solve deficiencies by providing foods with zinc, magnesium, folate, and vitamins A, B6, B12, and D, omega-3 fats. Blend them if you have to get them through without needing to chew.
Low amino acids levels are indicated in autism. Amino acids are required to get rid of dangerous chemicals.
Low levels of homocysteine indicate problems with folate metabolism. This is related to a biochemical function called methylation to make normal neurotransmitters and brain chemicals.
High levels of methylmalonic acid indicate signs of problems with B12 metabolism
Look for high levels of oxidative stress or free radical activity, which inflame the brain due to free-radical fire.
Estimated times of solution :
You shall see some changes in a few days to weeks. Mainly in the language and behavior. Also in the aggressiveness.
Smoother language in 4 months.
Gut fix can take 10 months.
Almost neurotypical by 2 to 5 years depending amount of regression of brain development that happened.
This would help in causes 1 and 4 mentioned above. For causes 2 and 3, you can send me any solutions available that you know of.
Posted by: Khawar Nehal | June 06, 2014 at 08:23 AM
"There are estimates that around a thousand different genes could cause autism, and we're not going to be able to provide really effective treatments until we understand what those causes are," said center Director and Senior Investigator Christa Martin. . . .
Thats a pretty bold statement to make, considering they have yet to conclusievely identify even one.
Posted by: Barry | June 05, 2014 at 06:42 PM