Dr. Paul Offit Tells Jon Stewart That Caucasian Upper Middle Class Educated are....
Irish Children Subjected to Vaccination Experiments in 1930s

Dachel Media Review: Conversation with Authors of Plague

Online newsBy Anne Dachel OurKids ad 2013

Read Anne's commentary and view the links after the jump.  The Dachel Media Update is sponsored by Lee Silsby Compounding Pharmacy and their OurKidsASD brand. 

June 6, 2014, Voice of America: Air Pollution Linked to Autism, Schizophrenia, Study Finds

June 6, 2014, Cincinnati.com: Mumps, measles return with 400+ Ohio cases

June 5, 2014, The Daily Signal: Full Disclosure: Parents Fault Medical Research Study for Putting Preemies in Harm’s Way

June 5, 2014, Boston.com: N.J. Court Rules for Nurse in Vaccine-refusal Firing

June 5, 2014, MY FOX TULSA: City leaders, businesses declare Tulsa an autism-friendly city

June 4, 2014, MY FOX NY: Some NYC theaters, museums offer autism-friendly days

June 1, 2014, Youtube: A Conversation with the Authors of PLAGUE

Voice of America

There's new evidence of a link between air pollution and some mental disorders, including autism and schizophrenia, say researchers who exposed mice to pollutants and found telltale changes in their brains.

In initial studies, the researchers exposed certain mice to air pollution and then gave them behavioral tests.

Today's autism guess is AIR POLLUTION.  Tomorrow's will be HAIR SPRAY.


The outbreaks come as health officials deal with what they say are unfounded but lingering questions about the safety of vaccinations. Sometimes parents have fears – rooted in the work of a discredited scientist more than a decade ago – that the MMR vaccine contributes to autism.

STILL blaming Wakefield, still pretending autism is nothing important. I posted two comments.

The Daily Signal

In May 2007, Carrie and Shawn Pratt agreed to sign up their severely premature daughter, Dagen, for a government-funded study being conducted at Duke University Hospital. The Pratts say they were told that researchers simply were gathering information to help other children.

“We never understood the study to be based on manipulating her oxygen level to meet [researchers'] needs,” Carrie Pratt says. . . .

Sharyl Attkisson continues her investigation of the government experimentation on the use of oxygen with premature babies. "HHS has yet to issue conclusions about what occurred during the multiyear experiment on preemies," according to Attkisson. 


A New Jersey appeals court says a nurse was unfairly denied unemployment benefits after she was fired for refusing a flu shot.

June Valent was working as a nurse at Hackettstown Community Hospital in 2010 when the company began requiring employees to take the flu vaccine unless they had medical or religious reasons not to. Anyone who refused would be required to wear a mask.


We live in a country where our children have to follow a mandated vaccination schedule in order to attend school and where vaccines are also being foisted on adults. Moves are happening everywhere to eliminate exemptions. What we're not told here is that no doctor or vaccine maker is liable for damage from a vaccine. They've been protected by federal law. Instead injured parties have to appeal to a federal compensation program where they're up against government lawyers defending a government program using government money. Few people ever get their day in court, and those that do report that it took 7 to 14 years before they received compensation.

The court's ruling is welcome change. Like any medical product or procedure, vaccinations carry risks. No one has the right to force citizens to have potentially dangerous ingredients injected into their bodies.


 There is an effort to bring something invisible into clear view for many local families, and some say that what happened Thursday at Tulsa City Hall was a milestone.

It's a simple sticker that could be the answer to something that's far from simple.

"And I want this to be out there so that when we're gone someday my daughter can take him out, friends can take him out, and it's for them too so they don't have to get the stares that we've had to endure," Jennifer Miller said.

So are we to believe that Tulsa has previous turned its back on autism? "A-OK" stickers better be EVERYWHERE: every store, church, synagogue, theater, park, playground, school, library, skating rink, tennis court, county fair, golf course, restaurant, petting zoo, hair dresser, barber shop, bank, ... EVERYONE is going to have to learn how to deal with autism because it's everywhere and it's not going away. WE BETTER PLAN TO MAKE AMERICA "A-OK"...."Autism is Okay" 'cause there's nothing we can do about it.


The theater has an activity area where children can color or sit on a bean bag, which is comforting and calming. The theater also provides pinwheels and bubbles. The deepbreathing can alleviate anxiety. The theater also gives parents special cards. Some people with autism cannot speak, so if they have to go to the bathroom, they point to it on the card. Or if the music is too loud, they point to the card to let someone know they need to get out of the theater. . . .

In the world of the autism epidemic, we seem to be adjusting quite well.

Museums, restaurants, and theaters are learning to adjust the lights, and lower the sound. The hope is that amusement parks and vacation destinations can also be made "autism friendly." The really scary part about this is that no one asks why we're having to do it. What's wrong with kids today?  Notice that this report is about children with autism---so what are we doing for adults? Where are the "autism friendly senior centers"? I guess we're just not supposed to ask.


Kent Heckenlively and Dr. Judy Mikovits discuss the scientific investigation into retroviruses and human health

Plague: One Scientist’s Intrepid Search for the Truth about Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Autism, and Other Diseases. Buy at Amazon.


Lee Silsby logo 09 The Dachel Media Update is sponsored by Lee Silsby Compounding Pharmacy and their OurKidsASD brand.  Lee Silsby Compounding Pharmacy is one of the largest and most respected compounding pharmacies in the country. They use only the finest quality chemicals and equipment to prepare our patients’ compounded medications and nutritional supplements. Customizing medication and nutritional supplements for our customers allows them to achieve their unique health goals.

Anne Dachel Book CoverAnne Dachel is Media Editor for Age of Autism and author of  The Big Autism Cover-Up: How and Why the Media Is Lying to the American Public, which goes on sale this Fall from Skyhorse Publishing.


Jenny Allan

Godfrey Wyl says (about the Valent case):- "the news reports suggest that the net effect will be for employers to be on notice not to attempt to write in religious exemptions to personnel policy."

Yes- I am sadly sure Godfrey may be proven correct in this assumption. Where you have compulsory vaccine mandates for children, then adult health employees too must be 'forced' to have whatever vaccines are decreed necessary by employers. In the Valent case, there was presumably no contractual agreement binding employees to undergo vaccinations they didn't want.

It is up to health workers and their unions to stand up against any 'compulsory' vaccines. Otherwise where will this end? Will hospital and care home patients be forced to have vaccinations? Eventually adult members of the public?

No one can be FORCED to undergo vaccinations, or any other unwanted medical procedure. Threats of employment dismissal and denial of school and nursery places, would be empty threats if large numbers of persons simply REFUSE to comply with unfair and unsafe government demands.

Godfrey Wyl

This is the first I've heard of the Valent case, but the news reports suggest that the net effect will be for employers to be on notice not to attempt to write in religious exemptions to personnel policy.


Love hearing about the ruling in New Jersey, but when I first read it I was worried that the ruling was based on the fact that she agreed to their terms (she would wear a mask), but they fired her anyway. That doesn't appear to be the case:

"Thursday’s appellate ruling concluded that the hospital violated Valent’s right to freedom of expression by endorsing the religious-based exemption while denying her secular choice."

 Bob Moffitt

The Daily Signal:

"In May 2007 .. a government-funded study being conducted at Duke University Hospital .. told (parents) that researchers simply were gathering information to help other children .. never informing parents the study was based on maniuplating oxygen levels to meet RESEARCHERS needs"

The article states the "friendly sounding acronym SUPPORT stands for "Surfactant, Positive Airway Pressure and Pulse Oximetry Randomized Trial". The word SUPPORT sounds so harmless .. indeed, beneficial .. which is precisely why it was chosen. After all .. a "friendly acronym" is a critical part of the deceptive narrative that "researchers" employ to gain parental and legislative support.

Inconceivably .. about half the "academics" attending the HHS forum defended SUPPORT's "consent process". Some went so far to make the case that in some instances, study subjects (that's you, me and ours) should be told less, not more.

According to these "academics" .. if the process of informed consent becomes too off-putting, they argued, not enough patients would sign up for studies intended to advance what researchers consider the "greater good".

The obvious question: The "greater good" for whom .. the patients or the researchers?

Dr. John Lantos, director of pediatric BIOETHICS at Children's Mercy Hospital of Kansas City, said: "consent forms that make it sound like death lurked at every corner are counterproductive". Again .. "counterproductive" for whom .. the patients or the researchers?

Speaking in true Orwellian language .. Lantos stated .. "they are not empowering people to make informed choices, they are scaring them into making uninformed ones". Ah yes .. War is Peace .. Good is Evil .. less information is more information.

Apparently, scientists and other researchers face "such incredible pressure today to advance research and their own position and standing in the research community .. as a result .. a lot of rationalization can take place .. on the question of what to tell human test subjects.

Again, "rationalization" for the benefit of whom .. the patient or the researchers?

I was not surprised that Dr Michael Carome, a FORMER leader of the HHS ETHICS office .. who now directs health research for the consumer watchdog group Public Citizen .. said "talk of withholding more information from test subjects is dangerous.

Unfortunately, though I am not surprised .. the "academic" that should have made that statement .. is the PRESENT leader of the HHS ethics office.

Dr. Carome further stated he "considers it highly unlikely that many, if not most, parents would have refused to enroll their babies in the NIH-financed study had they been "appropriately informed about the nature of the research and its risks". But the answer, Carome argues, "isn't to hide the risks". He says .. "some experiments maybe just can't be done".

Which explains why Dr. Carome is the FORMER leader of HHS ETHICS.

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