Dachel Media Review: NIH's "Tuskegee Preemie" Experiments
Autism And The Microbiome: Knock-Knock-Knock Penny And The Increasing Observations Of OCD

Book Event in Long Beach NY: Lou Conte's Thriller "The Autism War"

The Autism War_revised coverAutism Action Network presents a reading by novelist and autism dad Louis Conte who will read from his recently published medical thriller “The Autism War”
“Compelling and controversial. You know that saying about truth being stranger than fiction? This is the truth. I couldn’t put it down.”
--Sharyl Attkisson,  CBS News investigative reporter
Monday, June 9, 7 pm
Long Beach Public Library,
111 W. Park Avenue
Long Beach, NY 11561


Brett Daniels

Sounds like a good book to pick up, especially after the one I’m reading now. I’m in the middle of “Hypocrisy” by D.M. Annechino; it’s a medical thriller about cancer research. His website, www.dmannechino.wordpress.com has more insight into the book. It'd be great to read another medical thriller after I finish this one, so thanks for the quick review and book idea.

Denise Anderstrom Douglass

This book was a wonderful read, and very entertaining for someone like me (Autism Grandmother) who has been intently following this since 2003.

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