You Get What You Get, Part 2 - Consequences and False Promises
My previous post You Get What You Get, Part 1 – Mistruths and Muddied Reporting included a memory of the use of an expression that I’d heard years ago when I worked as a camp counselor at a very exclusive beach club. In my post I retold the story of why our summer camp motto, “You get what you get,” was stated. Saying it when one of our campers was about to complain about something that really didn’t need to be complained about, a quick reminded of “You get what you get,” was usually all it took to redirect their attitude. The saying didn’t work all the time for everyone one of our campers, but, if a child chose not to respond politely, they knew that there would be consequences for their behavior.
A lot of people, including the mainstream media, which has inaccurately published stories about the recent vaccine-induced measles and mumps “outbreaks”, have forgotten that vaccines come with consequences. Some of those consequences are immediate and short lived while others are detrimental and can last a lifetime. That information, which I think is important, has been missing in some reports, so I thought now would be a good time to remember what vaccines can do and what they cannot do.
First, a pop quiz.
Please answer the following:
True or False: Vaccines provide immunity.
True or False: Vaccines provide better health.
True or False: Vaccines provide the eradication of disease.
The answers:
If you answered False to all three questions, you are correct!
And here’s why: when someone opts for a live-virus vaccine, such as the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine, viruses in the vaccine are injected into their body. The viruses then, in a process called viral shedding, can be exposed to others. Exposing others can happen if the vaccinated do not stay away from other people during the shedding process. Worth noting, and quite likely why the recent “outbreaks” continue, is that vaccinated people are finding that they too are coming down with the diseases that they thought a vaccine would ward them against. The consequence, and the potentially dangerous nature of this situation, is that instead of immunity, more people are getting sick from vaccinated individuals who may be unknowingly spreading the very diseases that they were vaccinated for.
So, because vaccines themselves are doing something else while not offering immunity as many are made to believe, and because vaccines can affect one’s health in an assortment of negative ways, and because they have not eradicated diseases as many insist, more should be probed:
When vaccines don’t work, can I _____?
be directed to a Customer Service representative.
lodge a complaint.
cash in on a money back guarantee.
The answers, which I think should be divulged to all vaccine consumers prior to vaccinations but fear they are not, are:
Nope. *
And, nope again.
Here’s why:
It would be nice if an unbiased customer service rep manned a 1-800 line to discuss the many aspects of vaccines, including vaccines reactions that get glossed over or neglect to be mentioned in the news, but I have yet to personally hear of one that meets those needs.
Lodging a complaint about a vaccine or a vaccine reaction is tricky and doesn’t follow the same guidelines as one would take to return an item bought at a store. But, before finding out what can be done about that, a good first step would to be to get swift medical attention if it’s needed. Notifying the medical provider who administered the vaccine is of utmost importance next. Then, considering following up with legal recourse is an option. A provider must document the reaction in the patient’s medical file and is then required to register it in the *Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).
Getting that documentation is critical should someone wish to pursue action about the vaccine reaction(s) with the US Court of Federal Claims (Vaccine Court). It should be noted that even though an excise tax is charged on many of the vaccines listed on today’s vaccine schedule, there are no guarantees that filing with Vaccine Court will result in any compensation as vaccines do not come with a money back guarantee. In fact, only some vaccines, and only certain adverse reactions from those vaccines, are recognized. Unfortunately, filing a lawsuit against the pharmaceutical manufacturer who made the vaccines is a likely dead end for vaccine consumers, too. Not widely known yet terribly important to understand is that pharmaceutical companies have been granted with a no product liability clause from the US government. That basically means that you can’t sue them when their vaccines don’t work or when they cause injury or death.
That’s all basic info to someone who’s been research vaccines, but I am finding that information missing in news reports. Instead of making those facts clear, something else gets incorrectly overstated—that the “outbreaks” are the fault of the unvaccinated. Falsely accusing a group of people who’ve thoroughly informed themselves about vaccines can be bothersome to hear, but what troubles me more is that those basic vaccine facts, like the ones mentioned above, are not being discussed in ways that would be beneficial to the public. Because of that, I believe that it’s imperative that people learn how to educate themselves about vaccines and to educate themselves before they’re faced with consequences from vaccines that they didn’t expect.
If someone does chose to do some further reading, I’d suggest they look for resources not generally associated with the mainstream media at the moment. Sure the media keeps talking about vaccines, but they just haven’t been as accurate as they could be. Once the media jumps aboard the truth train and does a better job assisting its audience to raise an eyebrow about the consistent problems that are the result of today’s vaccines, then by all means, go to the mainstream news for information. I just wouldn’t go there myself anytime soon.
Cathy Jameson is a Contributing Editor for Age of Autism.
Go to the San Diego Regional Center Facebook to see them supporting the studies that show no link to vaccines and autism. Isn't this a government agency that helps autistic kids? Why are they pushing pro-vaccine?
Posted by: Roland | May 25, 2014 at 05:32 PM