Age of Autism Midweek Mashup: "You Sound Like A Group of Very Angry People."
So many things pile up during the week that I've decided to do a Midweek Mashup from time to time to make sure I get to all of it. Some don't require a lot of words but are nonetheless worth noting. For instance, the vending machine at the left? That is in the waiting room of my doctor's office in a large health maintenance organization. Very large. Obese. Bloated. Not much left to say, except perhaps to call it an ill-health maintenance organization. These are the folks that want me to get a shingles vaccine stat!
I get a lot of e-mails. A lot of them I ignore, because I don't wish to pass my time in a state of low-grade irritation. Here's one from this week:
BALTIMORE, May 13, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- A new peer reviewed paper was published in a recent issue of Molecular and Genetic Medicine (s1:025)(s1:2014) that presents convincing evidence that the rapid increase in the number of vaccines given to US children has now created a state of immune overload in the majority, or close to the majority, of young US children and that this is being manifested by related health issues including epidemics of obesity, diabetes, and autism. The new paper is authored by immunologist J. Bart Classen, MD.
"We have been publishing for years that vaccines are causing an epidemic of inflammatory diseases including diabetes, obesity and autism. However the number of vaccines given to children has continued to rise to a point where we have reached a state of immune overload in roughly the majority of young US children. The new paper reviews the evidence of immune overload and the plethora of different health effects the children are developing because of the immune overload," says Dr. J. Bart Classen, MD.
Dr. Classen's research indicates that the large number of vaccines given to patients is leading to an epidemic of chronic inflammation resulting in epidemics of autoimmune diseases, allergies, and a comprehensive inhibitory response manifesting as obesity and metabolic syndrome.
"The best data indicates that vaccine induced chronic disease is now of a magnitude that dwarfs almost all prior poisoning of humans including poisoning from agents like asbestos, low dose radiation, lead and even cigarettes. Most patients don't even realize that they are suffering from the adverse effects of vaccines. Even more concerning, patients and or their parents are being harassed, accused of practicing poor dieting and exercise habits leading to development obesity and diabetes when in fact they suffer from vaccine induced obesity and diabetes," says Dr. J. Bart Classen.
Copies of many of Dr. Classen's papers can be found on the website
Classen Immunotherapies
SOURCE Classen Immunotherapies, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2014 PR Newswire. All rights reserved
On Saturday I wrote about vaccines and pesticides as two vectors that implicate each other, and organic mercury, in the roots and rise of autism and other disorders. Recently Mark Blaxill and I wrote about a mysterious cluster of cases in California in which children suddenly suffered permanent partial paralysis. The medical "experts" were focused on a viral cause, but as we reported, the high-profile family featured in press accounts had strong ties to agriculture -- owning and managing vineyards near San Francisco. What's more, the child ate raspberries the morning of her illness, and the mom kept mentioning it to the "experts," who ignored this important clue.
The other day I was flipping through People mag, which featured a second child in the cluster. Lucian Olivera of Moorpark, California, got a runny nose and cough at age 10 months. A few days later, he started dragging his left leg as he crawled. Now the leg is paralyzed.
Moorpark is one of those Los Angeles exurbs that has sprawled into what used to be agricultural country. There's an apricot tree named for it. The likeliest explanation for these paralyses is the same as for polio outbreaks, which also began in agricultural centers -- a normally benign enterovirus potentiated by pesticide exposure. (That's an idea Mark and I put forward three years ago.) Interestingly, the CDC is emphatic that these paralysis incidents do not raise the threat of an epidemic. Makes you wonder what they know or suspect.
Another population points to the same etiology: honeybees, whose colonies are collapsing around the country, threatening not just our morning tea-with-honey, but the interdependent ecoystem they support. The Christian Science Monitor reported: "The exact mechanism behind these collapses remains dauntingly unclear, but they have been linked with pathogen infestation, malnutrition, and pesticide exposure. This week's report strongly indicates that two neonicotinoid insecticides that are widely used on crops can decimate honeybee colonies' winter survival rates, whether or not mites or parasites are present.
"The two chemicals, imidacloprid and clothianidin, both block insects' central nervous systems, killing them by paralysis."
So insecticides that wreck the central nervous system and cause paralysis are implicated in the collapse of honeybee colonies. How about in seemingly random cases of infant paralysis in heavily agricultural California? How about in children with neurological conditions like autism and ADHD? How about it? And how about vaccines, which also contain substances that affect the nervous system, and which thousands of parents report immediately preceded their child's problems?
Recently I wrote about a cover story in The Nation, "Pesticides and the Young Brain." Here's a further observation from that article: Studies of both migrant farm workers' children in California, and inner city kids in New York "exposed to pesticides used to control cockroaches," found those with the highest exposure to the organophosphate pesticide chlorpyrifos "were more likely to have lower IQ's." Other studies of such pesticides have also found "associations between in utero exposure and birth defects or childhood cancers. Other research, meanwhile, has linked childhood exposure with asthma, ADHD, early puberty and obesity."
This reminded me of the theory, put forward by the CDC and others, that cockroaches cause the higher rate of asthma in inner city kids. I wonder: Could it be the pesticides used to kill the cockroaches?
One more intriguing link: Obesity.
"Early evidence from animal studies suggests pesticides might play a role in promoting obesity," The Nation reported. The article says that children of migrant workers in pesticide-drenched California produce fields are especially overweight -- "off the charts" -- but researchers still think "the kids are showing the effects of too much junk food (common when money is tight and hunger presses), not enough physical activity (gang violence in their neighborhoods keeps many indoors), and a cultural attitude in which calling a baby gordo is considered a compliment."
Wow, these are some pretty ingenious explanations for off-the-charts obesity in migrant farm workers' children! More likely, they've just been hanging out in my doctor's waiting room.
Dan Olmsted is Editor of Age of Autism.
I'm an RN in a BSN/NP type program that I'm taking far too long to complete for the same reasons all of you have. Not all nurses buy the party line. Some nurses watch the interview between Paul Offit and Boyd Haley a million times. Some nurses watch the federal response to autism hearings. Some nurses read Baker and Pangborn's 250 page thesis. Some nurses have noticed all these nurses that have autistic kids. This nurse would like to thank you for all you do. My son is doing very well, too. I'm glad for both sons, but the epidemic breaks my heart and makes me angry. Yes, you can count me in with the very angry people.
Posted by: Caroline McIlhenney | June 08, 2014 at 07:38 PM
I think she knew the answers and was attempting to inform Dan that they were inappropriate from her perspective.
Posted by: Linda | May 18, 2014 at 07:59 AM
Her biggest problem like many students nowadays is she was being lazy. Half the questions she asked you could have been answered if she took 5 minutes to look over the site. For example, the advertisers are clearly shown on the left. Anyone with any sense can tell those are SPONSORS. She wanted YOU to do her work for her. She should have answered as many of those questions as she could with a bit of reading on the site and then asked the couple she could not. I really don't have much use for the nursing profession anymore. If they can't think for themselves, then I sure as he'll don't want any of them "helping" me...
Posted by: MelissaD | May 17, 2014 at 10:59 PM
So apparently this RN will never be allowed to refer anyone to a parent or patient run support group? Interesting.
I would also love to know what website she/he has found that meets her criteria that she would refer people with vaccine induced injuries to?
One assumes she ( or he) checks the potential side effects and contraindications of all medications including vaccinations before giving them.
So , if/ when side effects happen (that are listed on the information sheet that she/he is supposed to have read and be familiar with), where does she plan on sending the parents for support?
It would be interesting to know. Or are these parents not allowed to have support at all?
Just asking for her professional opinion here. What website or resource should parents of children who have been injured by vaccines go to for support?
Posted by: Hera | May 17, 2014 at 12:39 PM
That should be "from many of those..."
Posted by: jen | May 16, 2014 at 09:38 PM
Maureen, thanks for the lol.
Vaccine Information, re. the tipping point- pharma didn't want to get the hint about adding certain vaccines like chicken pox to the schedule and that's what all the multi-dose shots are about- it forces parents to have to do all or nothing but the safety record of MMR-V and Pediarix shows us that they are not a good trade off in terms of safety.
I agree that vaccine uptake must be down more than they even say, which is why the aggressive measures such as Dorit working out forced vaccination measures. So many people seem to give only one of the combo shots, where two are recommended or they really delay the shots until school age when they can just give a few and play it safer. I really see an anger at many of those who vaccinated and bitch about anyone that doesn't do the same- it comes off as a kind of "buyers remorse."
Posted by: jen | May 16, 2014 at 05:43 PM
Barry says:-
"Credentials of the authors": Even though one wouldn't ask that question about a general interest website, many articles on AoA make medical claims."
There's a great deal of expertise on this site; the 'credentials' of the authors are usually stated below the articles. Most authors also have internet profiles which can be accessed easily. Links to medical and scientific evidence, and other sources are usually provided. So - What's to criticise?
In contrast, we have medically and scientifically unqualified persons, like Brian Deer and Fiona Fox, CEO of the influential Science Media Centre, being given unlimited press and media coverage. These persons have been permitted to publicly spew their anti Wakefield rubbish completely unchallenged.
Brian Deer's BMJ article 'Does autistic enterocolitis exist' was quite ridiculous for someone with no experience or training in histopathology. Of course Deer 'found' the Lancet children had no bowel problems at all and the well qualified and experienced histopathologists who co-authored the paper had faked up the evidence!! He has had to change his tune now that a well respected US paper confirms the autism/bowel links. But the Deer and the Fox are both masters in the art of semantic cartwheels.
Age of Autism is a website of 'choice'. If you don't like it or agree with the content, you are perfectly free to go elsewhere, perhaps to Matt Carey's 'Left Brain/Right Brain' or Gorski's 'Respectful Insolence'. Both these sites are devoted to discrediting the Age of Autism site and denigrating its authors and posters, but it's 'dog eat dog' out there.
AoA articles are not, and do not claim to be, scientific papers. Much of the content is opinion, allowed in a so called 'free speech' democracy. Polite argument and debate is welcomed in these comment threads, but what's NOT acceptable are those persons who engage with this site with the sole objective of undermining its authors and posters. Please leave us alone!!
Posted by: Jenny Allan | May 16, 2014 at 04:24 AM
If I thought she was actually someone who cared, I'd suggest
somebody send her a link to what happened when they tried to force the doctors to accept mandatory flu shots a couple years ago. Was it Pennsylvania where the doctors' special interest group protested and the effort was dropped?
Hmmmm, why wouldn't doctors want to have flu shots?
Posted by: Jenny | May 15, 2014 at 10:44 PM
How dare you accuse me of doing exactly what I am doing!!! Wait... How dare you not act as a pawn in my little exercise designed to trap you!!! Wait... How the hell did you see right through me. That's not Fair!!!!!!
Posted by: Nancy | May 15, 2014 at 10:09 PM
Thanks for the heads up on pesticide research, plus!
"Reputable site?"
I suppose that would be a website which recommends practices apparently responsible for "a state of immune overload in the majority, or close to the majority, of young US children?"
What's going to happen with 50% of future parents in the U.S. entering that age with chronic conditions that suggest a higher risk for autism? Are these parents going to be able to vaccinate their children at all, at any age, without seriously injuring them?
Posted by: Jeannette Bishop | May 15, 2014 at 09:43 PM
Ms. BSN kind of reminds me of a corporatocratic version of Princess Unikitty. In "The Lego Movie," Unikitty sets aggressive rules to battle "negativity" and buries not-so-happy ideas "deep inside where you'll never, ever, ever, EVER find them." Then she runs amok at the end and gores the enemy in an unhinged killing rampage.
I remember the anger-as-pathology campaign started in the 1980s as an industrial astroturf pop psych movement, probably to kill whatever was left of activism. Everyone getting in touch with their "inner child" and accepting their "responsibility" for "manifesting" injustice,etc. But there may finally be signs of a shift in the idiotic wellness paradigm. In the UK, where eco activists have sometimes been arrested hundreds of times for defacing signs or holding vigils and battle harassment from a vast British informant and surveillance network, they've started a sort of "activism therapy" movement to protect dissident mental health.
The new form of therapy probably won't involve chanting to chase away negative thoughts about Monsanto and the TransPacific Partnership haha.
Posted by: Positive thinking | May 15, 2014 at 09:13 PM
Even though her tone was rude, she does make a couple of legitimate points:
"Credentials of the authors": Even though one wouldn't ask that question about a general interest website, many articles on AoA make medical claims. In fact the main tenor of the site is that vaccines can cause autism, which is a medical claim. So asking about credentials is warranted. Again this is no excuse for her hostile tone.
"Does the site have sponsors": what she is really asking is whether you hold your views because of a financial interest in promoting your advertisers' products. Even though that sounds insulting, I've noticed that authors and commenters on this site often brand vaccine advocates as shilling for Big Pharma, which is the mirror image of what she's accusing you of.
Posted by: Barry | May 15, 2014 at 08:48 PM
AOA is the wrong site for you. Autism is medical. It's a neurodevelopmental and metabolic disorder affecting every organ in in the body. It is not primarily a mental issue.
Does BSN stand for Bull-shit nurse?
Posted by: maurine meleck | May 15, 2014 at 08:10 PM
How original of her to play the "angry (i.e. irrational) parent" card. As if having your child profoundly disabled or even killed by a member of the medical establishment does not warrant a response of anger.
Hate to tell this woman, but I don't know a single autism parent who couldn't pick their child's vaccinating nurse out of a line-up...and some day I hope we get to do just that.
Posted by: Donna L. | May 15, 2014 at 06:25 PM
In an age when iatrogenic error is the third leading cause of death, and two NEJM editors and other scientists have written books on research fraud, how can anyone naively believe that a site "peer reviewed by medical resources" is automatically trustworthy and educationally current?
Critical readers assess the content of everything their eyes peruse, regardless of its source. Biases are not declared outright; they require effort to locate. Field reports from autism parents come with a stated point of view -- as firsthand witnesses to their children's health status. Which they investigate with an energy and determination generally not found in pay-for-hire health care workers.
As for some parents of high-functioning kids with ASD, there's a smug subset who seem to think they're somehow anointed, rather than merely the recipients of dumb luck because their child didn't get too hard a whack from the vaccine stick.
Posted by: nhokkanen | May 15, 2014 at 05:13 PM
Angry people -- well she is right -
But dang is angry a bad thing?
Jesus was angry at the money lenders and traders coming into the house of worship --
If someone shouts out a racial slur - we are suppose to be angry or there is something wrong with us -- right?
If someone is sexual abusing a child we are suppose to be angry
if not then there is something wrong with us -- right?
Well; I an angry they are poisoning people
And I thank the woman for informing me that I am angry because it is morally right!
From Sharyl Attkisson's article
"There’s “convincing evidence” that the rise in autism and immune-related disorders in children is related to the “rapid increase in the number of vaccines given to children in the U.S.,” according to noted immunologist Dr. J. Bart Classen."------------------------
"Autoimmune diseases such as lupus, allergies, cancer (e.g. acute leukemia and myeloid leukemia), rheumatoid arthritis, eczema, type 1 diabetes, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis and celiac disease have been on an alarming rise in children at the same time autism rates have climbed. For example, 1 in 133 people in the U.S. are now affected by celiac disease, in which the body’s immune system attacks the small intestine."
Posted by: Benedetta | May 15, 2014 at 02:16 PM
Angry ?
It is always fun to visit the happy AAP "well baby visit site" until it turns into the "what the hell did you do to my baby"...
Seems there might be a "read this first" link on the AoA site to recap where we are coming from and briefly what has happened the past 20-30 years.
Maybe three or four paragraphs that could be quickly read by someone new to AoA.
Posted by: cmo | May 15, 2014 at 01:39 PM
The turning of the tide in parent attitude towards vaccination is why there is a full court press to eliminate non-medical exemptions nationally. There is a plan to continue expanding the vaccine schedule, with more shots for less and less serious and very rare infections.
When the Chicken Pox requirement doubled the school attendance exemption rate in many states (from 1-2% to 2-4%), it was a wake up call for the vaccine industry that there is a tipping point when parents will stop supporting new additions.
They are working to create a legal framework within which opt outs will not be possible.
Please review the Vermont push back information to be prepared for when they come after your state.
Posted by: Vaccine Information | May 15, 2014 at 12:23 PM
Hi Dan,
I could not agree more with your and John's assessment that more people than even reported believe that vaccines do indeed cause autism, and are thus more than likely saying NO to vaccines (Amen to that!). Those controlling the message are in a real bind these days (love that!). When they report the numbers of those not fully compliant with the CDC-recommended vaccine schedule, they want to make it as high as they can to scare people into both vaccinating and ostracizing/marginalizing/attacking those who choose not to vaccinate. YET, there is a fine line to toe. If they report it as too high, then those vaccinating will seriously question and begin to wonder what the rest of the populace knows that they don't know. I just love this current predicament that Big Pharma, government regulators, vaccine-pushing doctors, and the ignorant/apathetic/corrupt media are in...puts a big smile on my face. Quite a little pickle they presently face :)
The good news is that Americans are FINALLY on to the fact that vaccines are NEITHER safe nor effective. As a matter of fact, they are immune-system, nervous-system, and GI-system DESTROYERS. And as we see over and over again, they don't work! But for one example...if the DTaP worked, why would it need to be given 5 times by age 4-6? (Not to mention that those who have received all of those doses STILL get pertussis during "outbreaks"!)
For any newbies to AoA reading this, ask yourselves this question (after reading a couple of vaccine package inserts): Would you allow someone to feed your baby a bottle filled with the ingredients found in vaccines? (e.g. mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, polysorbate 80, antifreeze, human viruses, animal viruses, aborted fetal tissue, monkey cells, chicken embryo cells, and goodness knows what all as not all ingredients are required to be listed as some can be considered "proprietary", and thus, you the consumer apparently have no need or right to know). I suspect that if a babysitter fed your baby a bottle with these ingredients, you'd be calling 911 to have them arrested. Well, ironically, your baby would stand a better chance of not being harmed by all of these dangerous and unhealthy ingredients if they entered via the GI tract versus being injected directly into muscle tissue and the bloodstream. And keep in mind that the human vascular system has no means to break down proteins...that is to be done in the GI tract prior to entering the bloodstream. YET, vaccines contain proteins, which cause an inflammatory response because the bloodstream has no means of dealing with them. To make matters worse, we don't know exactly when the blood-brain barrier closes (although it truly never completely closes), but researchers don't think it happens before age 2. Thus, all of those neurotoxic heavy metals in the vaccines have unfettered access to your baby's brain, where they might just like to take up permanent residence and do a world of harm.
Thanks, Dan, for being a true investigative reporter who is not beholden to corrupt and evil agendas that are destroying the health, well-being, development, ability to work/function, and longevity of our entire population.
Posted by: Laura Hayes | May 15, 2014 at 12:16 PM
A tip for the nurse: to find the mission of AoA click on "About Us". Duh.
As far as privacy policies, such policies are mainly required for companies which collect, store, and release personal information. There are federal laws which apply, for example, to financial institutions and medical providers. A privacy policy informs clients/patients/customers what specific information is collected, and whether it is kept confidential, shared with partners/ vendors, or sold to other businesses. AoA does not collect and store personal information.
Posted by: Twyla | May 15, 2014 at 11:12 AM
I've been in (adult) medicine for decades. I can say from my experience that many of us in healthcare are becoming disillusioned. It's becoming clear that pharmaceutical companies manipulate science, control medical practices and even control governmental policies that affect our practices. One would have to be blind to not see the corruption. And it's not just about the vaccines. There was a recent article in Medscape entitled 'The Reasons Behind the Rise in Autism'. (You can only access it if you have an account.) While the article had blaring omissions, I found the comments section enlightening. Many doctors and nurses/NPs chimed in on their theories, with vaccines and other environmental triggers being discussed. Schools of Nursing and Medicine still control the message, but once she's out in practice her observations may re-educate her.
Posted by: CD | May 15, 2014 at 10:24 AM
Great mid week report. It makes sense that the vaccination rates are not nearly what the establishment claims. If it was 99%, there would be no need to saturate the population in expensive propaganda. The poll results make sense. Now to harness the power of the people to stop the machine from its plans to end choice.
Thank you for posting the latest from Dr. Classen.
It is pathetic how far medicine and nursing has fallen.
Posted by: Linda | May 15, 2014 at 09:32 AM
First she said that she couldn't access the information on AoA then, in a huff, she said she read the site and we sound angry. Dan, you had her number and she didn't like it. The intent was to put AoA on the black list - that was the reason for this little sleuthing assignment. Too bad they dont teach students to think critically in nursing school.
Posted by: autismmom | May 15, 2014 at 09:24 AM
From above:-
"What is the credentials of the authors?" (This should be 'are' not 'is', due to 'credentials' being a plural word.)
"Is the information on the site peer reviewed by medical resources?" (This should be 'sources', not 'resources', but she is correct in one way. 'Medical resources' presently fund all the pharma/medical denials and misinformation.)
"I was unable to access this information from your site and wondered if I missed it." (From Dan Olmsted's reply:- 'Our mission is clearly stated. The web site is updated every day which you could determine without asking. Our sponsors are clearly listed. Etcetera.')
Perhaps this lady needs to learn some rules of grammar and literary presentation, in addition to being able to read and understand the 'blooming obvious', in order to eventually pass her course subjects. It's a pity her university was not named. The tutor/instructor stated to have 'assigned this web site', might be interested in her statement, AoA is an 'example of a web site that does not meet the criteria as a reputable site'. (What 'criteria' might those be?)
As for the 'credentials of the authors?' I repeat Dan Olmstead's disgusted comment 'Huh?'
Posted by: Jenny Allan | May 15, 2014 at 07:05 AM