Dachel Media Review: April Awareness Brings Vaccine Injury Denialists
The Vulnerable And The Vile: Two Tragic Stories On Children With Autism

Documentary in the Works "Vaccines: Are They Safe And Effective?"

Movie reel redIndieGoGo campaign to fund a new documentary from Richard Milner.

Help us complete this documentary! You can be a part of ensuring that this groundbreaking video on vaccine safety is completed. Featuring a discussion between Boyd Haley and Paul Offit, the documentary offers important insights on what can happen when industry profits, rather than human health, drive government vaccine recommendations.

Dr. Offit appears often on national television as an expert on vaccination. By not inviting any of his many critics, the mainstream media gives the impression that he has none. This false impression leaves the public uninformed on the very real threats posed to children’s health through an overly aggressive vaccine program that now recommends children receive an astounding 48 vaccines by the age of six.

Your donation of $10 to $15,000 will allow us to complete the project. In return, you’ll receive:

• A complete bibliography of 145 published scientific studies proving the danger of mercury in vaccines.

• Dr. Offit’s full interview transcript with color-coded comments from six of his critics with disease mortality charts and links to more information.  

The six critics are:

• Boyd Haley, PhD • Brian Hooker, PhD • Russell Blaylock, MD • Suzanne Humphries, MD • Sherri Tenpenny, MD and • David Ayoub, MD

Organization mission statement

Public Affairs Media, Inc. (501c3) was founded on the premise that if democracy is to succeed, the public must be informed and leadership made accountable through a free press, and that freedom of the press depends on the freedom and duty of the individual journalist to identify, explore, and explain the important issues of the day in a fair, accurate and complete manner.  Thus our goal is to inform and educate the public on substantive political, scientific and social issues of national and international importance.

About Richard P. Milner

Richard P. Milner is an award-winning documentary filmmaker with over thirty years' experience in film and television.  Milner is the co-founder and executive director of Public Affairs Media, Inc.

Recent television projects Milner has produced and/or directed include ABC Network News Good Morning America, This week with George Stephanopoulos, and World News Tonight with Peter Jennings.

Staff series work has included Crazy for Food (PBS); Navajo Rodeo Cowboys (PBS); Geography in U.S. History (PBS); A Personal Story (TLC); and Science Times (New York Times TV and National Geographic).  Milner also originated and co-produced the PBS Frontline documentary on endocrine disrupting chemicals entitled, Fooling with Nature.

At NBC-TV, New York, Milner developed story ideas, edited and directed post-production on more than twenty documentary specials for NBC White Paper, NBC Reports and NBC Magazine on health, economics, science, and public affairs with such correspondents as David Brinkley, Marvin Kalb, John Dancy, Lloyd Dobbins, and Edwin Newman.

Milner’s documentaries have won the Christopher Award and the WorldFest Houston Gold Award for Best Continuing News Story.  To donate to the film please visit the IndieGogo site.



For Ursula


Whatever the timing of the documentary it will surely have to take account of legal protocol.

Presumably, also, what has been reported from Dr Krigsman, and not denied by him, is already confirmed.


About the Wakefield documentary, when will it happen. Won't it be a problem to put it out when the trial of Alex's mother is not complete? It could be considered an attempt to bias the jury, I'd think.

Does anyone know about Alex's autopsy results? Those might be very interesting if they confirm the findings of Dr. Krigsman regarding his gut problems.


I think the "debate" with Drs. Haley and Offit is revealing and effective. I believe it was said that Dr. Haley was filmed via Skype which explains the sound quality, but he is still heard and it really doesn't matter to me if the sound would win an award. He comes across strong and communicates well. Dr. Offit should be challenged and confronted in person, but if he knows what he's getting himself into, he won't do it. He knows he can't defend his bizarre position with someone who is educated, especially a scientist.


I love you Boyd. Thank you so very much!

 Bob Moffitt

Maureen .. I agree ..

"Not knowing anything about making films I just want to say I listened to the video awhile ago and found it very compelling."

Having said that .. can someone explain to me why NO ONE in the main-stream media .. ever asks WHY .. someone so adept as Offit at presenting his strong opinions on the "safety and effectiveness" .. hasn't .. EVER .. demanded the opportunity to publicly discredit someone like Dr. Haley .. Dr. Wakefield .. or .. even the "play boy bunny" .. Jenny McCarthy .. jeepers .. pick ONE .. to CONFRONT AND CHALLENGE on a major .. mainstream media outlet .. say .. CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, FOXNEWS .. or .. PBS .. ?

The film should have .. at the very least .. asked the question main-stream media refuses to ask: Why not?

In other words .. instead of answering "soft-ball" questions he has been "ask and answered" for DECADES .. HE should have been given the opportunity to view Dr Haley's comments .. FIRST .. and .. THEN .. been asked to discredit them.

In my humble opinion .. the film should have BEGUN with a film of Offit refusing to publicly CONFRONT AND CHALLENGE the questions and criticisms raised by Dr. Boyd Haley.

In any event .. this video .. like ALL OTHERS before it .. simply allowed Offit to do what he has done for DECADES .. win a debate with an "empty chair"

Whatever happened to the other movie?

Actually I thought the compare and contrast format was great. Dr. Haley sounded great- sharp and interested while Offit sounded like he was just repeating tired old lies. No matter how high quality, the trouble is the media attention (or lack thereof) or outlet possibilities, as Maureen mentioned. What ever happened to One more Girl (I out money towards that and have not heard a word about it!


Not knowing anything about making films I just want to say I listened to the video awhile ago and found it very compelling. I don't remember audio problems. My questions aren't whether or not a great documentary can be made, but whether, once it has been made, whether there is any outlet for it to be seen and get any media attention. In my mind there is no doubt about what has happened to our children and the only explanation for the media silence is that it is controlled by powerful money interests. The only way I see a breakthrough is if one big money interest decides that it needs to cause a stink and embarrass another big money interest.

Jeannette Bishop

re Dr. Wakefield's documentary, I received an email update that it is going to happen.

@ Jacky, it a sort of circular conundrum I think, at least I understood the crowd sourcing campaign is for the purpose to complete a more professional video with an in person interview. I'm not personally involved though, but do hope to be able to support this effort.


I agree with Jacky. This is not compelling. The narrator is terrible, and the interview with Boyd Haley is bad. We are asked to contribute all the time to these efforts, and nothing ever comes of them. We were asked to give to Dr. Wakefield's documentary about the death of Alex Spouradikis, which raised $9,532 out of $200,000 goal. What happened to that money? We were asked to contribute to the Canary Kids film project a year ago, and on my yahoo groups were asked to contribute again a couple of days ago. Let's make one good movie rather than all these bad ones.


Just watched a snippet of the video and if they want donations, that have got to fix the audio problem with Dr. Boyd Haley. Why does he sound like he is in a bathroom giving the interview???

Come on. We are trying to convince people and we need to make it as effective as possible.

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