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Welcome Tim Welsh "Tanner's Dad" To Age of Autism

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Managing Editor's Note: We are pleased to announce that Tim Welsh, whom you know as Tanner's Dad is now a contributing editor.   Please follow him on Twitter @TannersDad.

Welcome.....  KS

By Tim Welsh

We are advocating during a time of great stress and strain on our families. Some advocates are stepping away to refuel, retool and reset their priorities. I have chosen to dig  deeper, push harder and go back to my roots of blogging the issues that face families, fathers and folks who are dealing with individuals with the greatest deficits due to Autism. It is not an easy road but I believe Age of Autism is the vehicle that is blazing a trail that history will show is the right one to follow.

Writing an introduction to the community is difficult. I have been an advocate for the community for over a decade now. I know that I have been blessed to be surrounded by amazing teams and witnessed a few miracles. I hate to sound boastful at the rehashing of the accomplishments. Suffice it to say, if you want to revisit history Google: TannersDad Autism Tim Welsh. I have over 1000 bylines and more than 120,000 tweets to my credit. I believe in general twitter can be a waste of time but for our families it has produced many grants, a few vehicles, money, and a movie. Even a rock anthem "Vaccine Epidemic" thanks to The Refusers written about Tanner and I.

I approached Mark, Kim and Dan with a request to join the team. I have taken two years off from blogging. During the last two years I was active on twitter and helping promote and coordinate showings of the documentary "The United States of Autism". This film features many of the Age of Autism family. I believe our message and story will reach the masses in this travel log visiting many individuals with different points of view of Autism. Even though I requested that I join this spring they graciously welcomed me with open arms and asked me to join in a New Years announcement.

I hope I can research and present stories you are interested in. Tanner is now 16 still non verbal and level 3 needing care around the clock. We have had a year of dealing with seizures and epilepsy. We are still trying to understand and address gut issues in the wilderness of downstate Illinois. I have always tried to stay above the fray of community politics but I am not afraid to confront, question and demand respect and services for our loved ones. I am married to Cheri approaching 30 years. She keeps me grounded and always points out there is so much more to do for Tanner and our loved ones.

Finally I just want to praise you in how ever you have chosen to fight. I pray daily for your family and the community. I hope that 2014 is a year of growth, results and action. I believe we have seen enough of the color blue and puzzle pieces. It is time to see action and results. Please feel free to call, tweet or email me with any concerns, questions or story ideas or feedback. Happy New Year and God Bless - TannersDad Tim Welsh Autism and Health Advocate.

Tim Welsher TannerTim Welsh, is one of the most active and influential Parent Advocates for Autism. Avid Speaker, blogger, and Tweeter (@TannersDad). Tim works to build unity within the Autism community, Gain Insurance coverage reform, End Restraint & Seclusion, Advocate for services, prevent wandering and much more. Tim & his wife Cheri have one son Tanner (16).

Favorite tweet…
“I have a son he has autism, but, I also have dream. I dare dream of a world where profound regressive autism is not only treatable, but is also preventable”



Congratulations! Wonderful to see you here Tim.



Welcome to the dark side. They have cookies...And Waldorf salad. ;)

So glad you're on board (and don't even have to drive this time like in Chicago). Saludos!


Michael Belkin of the "Refusers"
Great work and thank you so much.

Appendix to Lyrical Ballads

William Wordsworth (1802)
"It is indeed true, that the language of the earliest Poets was felt to differ materially from ordinary language, because it was the language of extraordinary occasions; but it was really spoken by men, language which the Poet himself had uttered when he had been affected by the events which he described, or which he had heard uttered by those around him."

You Set those words to music and it is a great blow in a serious fight


Looking forward to more posts from a great advocate father!

The Wessels

Congratulations, Tim!! Very happy to see you here! You have so much to offer!!

Michael Belkin - The Refusers

Here's a link to the song Autism Epidemic about Tim and Tanner by the Refusers.

Free listen and download.


Since it is the beginning of the New Year and we have touched base with Tim -- it would be a good time also to know how Kent is doing -- we have not heard from him in a while. I would love an up date on how the ketogenic diet is going????


Oh this will be great Tim!
Thanks for inviting us into your house in the movie "The United States of Autism"

May this year see the den of vipers get scared of a growing number of angry parents.

May this year bring knowledge to the masses -


Wonderful to see Tim Welsh officially posting here at AoA! He's certainly one of the hardest-working men in autism -- observant, analytical and caring.

Congratulations, Tim, and thank you!

Cathy Jameson

Great news! Congratulations, Tanner's Dad! xo, Cat and Crew

Teresa Conrick

Welcome, Tim! I am with you hoping 2014 is a better year for both Megan and Tanner, and all in our community.

Dan Burns

I too have an older son. Just received my DVD of "The United States of Autism." Welcome, Tim, fellow traveler.

John Stone

Welcome Tim, John

Maurine Meleck

Hello Tim and welcome. Although I know you are a great advocate for autism. in my mind, you will also be remembered for your out of sight strip tease.

Michelle B

Welcome, Tim!

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