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Dachel Media Review: Johns Hopkins Odds Bodkins

Online newsBy Anne Dachel

Read Anne's comments and view the links after the jump.

Dec 2, 2013, PBS: New research links autism and air pollution

Dec 1, 2013, Johns Hopkins Gazette: Autism experts join forces in new center at Johns Hopkins School of Public Health

Nov 30, 2013, Wausau (WI) Daily Herald: Some schools leave out details in reports on seclusion, restraint of students

Nov 29, 2013, The Guardian: My autistic child receives great social services. Adulthood is another story


New research from the University of Southern California shows air pollution increases the risk for autism among those who carry a genetic disposition for the disorder.

Heather E. Volk, a scientist at USC's Keck School of Medicine, said the research showed children with a risk genotype and high air pollution exposure were at an increased risk of autism spectrum disorder.

The study's senior author, Daniel Campbell, an assistant professor of psychiatry and the behavioral sciences at the school, called the research "the first demonstration of a specific interaction between a well-established genetic risk factor and an environmental factor that independently contribute to autism risk."

Campbell and Volk's team studied 408 children between ages 2 and 5. Of those, 252 met the criteria for autism or autism spectrum disorder. The researchers determined air pollution exposure by examining past residences of the children and their mothers, local traffic-related sources, and regional air quality measures.

The scientists will next study the link between the gene and air pollution in mothers during pregnancy.

This will, I’m sure, get a flurry of coverage. It’s bound to. It cites an environmental factor we all know is bad for us and it lets vaccines off the hook. BUT the only way it makes any sense is if there’s a significant difference in the autism rates in places like downtown L.A. and rural and small town areas, far from major roads. I’m sure this will be short-lived.

I posted two comments.

Johns Hopkins Gazette

We do know this: Very little about autism is straightforward.

The numbers of those touched by the developmental disorder seem to be snowballing, but how much can be attributed to the fact that we're looking harder, or is there truly an epidemic at hand?

According to figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in 88 children in 2008 was identified as being on the autism spectrum. That's up from one in 110 just two years earlier and one in 150 in 2002.

Boys are four times more likely to have autism than girls, yet why that is remains the million-dollar question. Some with autism do not speak, but the disorder varies greatly from person to person, with no two cases quite alike. Perhaps most importantly, we don't know how or when autism manifests, though it appears to develop earlier than previously thought and generally emerges before the age of 3.

Even testing remains largely subjective and cumbersome, requiring multiple trained people and examinations-the questioning of parents and direct observations of the suspected individual-to draw a diagnosis. You can't scan for autism, biopsy it, or have it show up in a blood test or genetic screening-yet. But we know autism is there, a disorder typically characterized, in varying degrees, by difficulties in social interaction and verbal and nonverbal communication, and by repetitive behaviors.

Through the pioneering work of scientists at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, a handful of others scattered throughout the university, and colleagues at the nearby Kennedy Krieger Institute, Johns Hopkins has a leg up in solving autism's many riddles, and health and societal consequences. Now the university has a single place to unite that expertise: the newly created Wendy Klag Center for Autism and Developmental Disabilities. . . .

Seriously, experts at Johns Hopkins ARE STILL ASKING IF THERE ARE ENVIRONMENTAL TRIGGERS. 'We're not sure.'

"Autism experts join forces" . . . to do nothing but pretend to look into autism.

Where's the alarm over autism? Where's the demand for answers?

Johns Hopkins, like everywhere else, is a place that's willing to watch more and more kids march off a cliff into a bottomless pit.

I posted several comments, including this one:

There was no mention of the Johns Hopkins study published in 2008. It was called Developmental Regression and Mitochondrial Dysfunction in a Child With Autism.

The subject was Hannah Poling and her father, Dr. Jon Poling, was one of the researchers. Hannah gained national attention back in 2008 when it was announced that the federal government had conceded her vaccine injury case that resulted in her having autism.

All but one comment have been removed.

Wausau (WI) Daily Herald 

Some schools leave out details in reports on seclusion, restraint of students

A sample of a dozen school districts from central through eastern Wisconsin showed half didn't meet a Department of Public Instruction recommendation for reporting detailed information about the number of students who are being secluded or restrained in school. . . .

Appleton reported that students with disabilities accounted 85 percent of total incidents. There were 637 incidents district-wide, but the district did not provide numbers for individual school buildings. .

It has been about 20 years since Jim Schingen's son, Justin, came home from school with a broken elbow. Justin, who has autism, was put in a physical hold by a teacher trying to prevent him from banging on the roof of a van during a class field trip, recalled Jim Schingen, of Fond du Lac..

Becky Kostopolus, whose 15-year-old son has autism, said he was both secluded and physically restrained while attending schools in Appleton. Her son changed classrooms and education levels in the district numerous times, and eventually the family negotiated to have therapists who don't use either method attend school with her son. . . .

I remember the education courses I took way back in college...no one ever talked about dealing with out-of-control students. No one.

When I started teaching, I never saw kids like we have today. How come no one seems to notice? Why doesn't anyone demand to know what's happening to our children?

The two students talked about here both have autism. New disorder.new behavior.What's wrong here?

The Guardian

With Charlie getting older (and Jim and I too), a gnawing anxiety has taken root in us. In the US, children with disabilities are "entitled" to receive services until they are 21 years old under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. It's a different story for adults. With this in mind, we are taking him out of the school he loves in December and moving him 3,000 miles away to California.

So why isn't there a future for these children? Why will there be waiting lists? Why is there this huge dearth of services and housing?

Why can't young autistic adults go where autistic adults have always gone? (Where is that, by the way?)

Why do parents have to come up with their own resources?

Do parents of children who have other disabilities like Down Syndrome also struggle like this? Are their children also on endless waiting lists as adults?

Is the United States guilty of decades of neglect of a disabled population in their midst with a disorder currently affecting one in 50 children, one in 31 among boys alone?

Someone needs to explain this to me. If autism has always been around, labeled as something else, we would still, as a compassionate and resourceful society, have had to provide for them. So where are all the forty, fifty, and sixty year olds with autism? Why is the rate ALWAYS based on studies of CHILDREN?

This growing crisis of a lack of adult services is absolute proof that autism is a new and manmade epidemic that officials and medical experts have spent the last twenty years denying.

Chew plans to move to California with her son.  Things are not looking very good there.

2009, President Pro Tem of the California State Senate, Darrell Steinberg announced the establishment of the Senate Select Committee on Autism (ASD). Steinberg said that their intention is to make autism a "public health priority."

Rick Rollens of the MIND INSTITUTE spoke:

"Autism is epidemic in this state as it is throughout the country."

"Autism population is skewed dramatically toward young children."

"Eight-four percent of the autism population is under the age of 21."

"More six and seven year olds in the system than all the adults with autism combined."

We were given the mindboggling numbers: There were "14,000 students with autism a decade ago" in California, and "46,000 students today, and growing."

Anne Dachel is Media Editor for Age of Autism.



"Solve the "mystery" .. kill the GOLDEN GOOSE."

Yep and I will let you in on a BIG secret, a LOT of major "disease" has this aspect to it. Some a lot more than others.

Cancer is NO mystery.



"As if to say, "We know what causes autism -- depressed moms, fat moms, older moms, moms that live near freeways, moms who live in rainy locations, moms who have C-sections or pitocin . ." and so on, "but not vaccinations."

How about moms and dads who TRUST the UNTRUSTWORTHY "vaccine" pushing CDC and the friendly UNTRUSTWORTHY "vaccine" pushing men and women in white coats. Not quite it but much closer to the truth.


"Two molecules of glutathione are permanently lost for every atom of mercury that is removed and millions of atoms could be removed daily."

The common "flu shot" contains 100 billion atoms of mercury. A low mercury "flu shot" contains about 10 billion atoms of mercury. How many billion atoms of mercury do you want in your child?

Most "no mercury vaccines" contain at least hundreds of millions of atoms of mercury. How many hundreds of millions of atoms of mercury do you want in your child?


"That is the people who take 120 days to remove half of the mercury in their blood stream as compared to most people who take 30 to 100 days. If anyone here has more information on this topic or disagrees with me, Id like to hear from them."

Yes IMO you are completely correct. Glutathione is KEY to removing mercury from any child suffering from it; autism, the ASDs and all the diseases of "vaccination".

"Mercury can't be "broken" down, and the body must physically remove it. In the process, two molecules of glutathione are permanently lost for every atom of mercury that is removed and millions of atoms could be removed daily. This accounts for the depletion of glutathione" Doctor Tom McGuire, DDS, book "Mercury Detoxification"

"Mercury poisoning is a double-edged sword. The direct damage is caused when mercury attaches to proteins and enzymes (anything with a sulfhydryl group is fair game), altering their function and ultimately killing cells. Indirectly it can severely weaken the immune system and significantly deplete the body's most essential antioxidant, glutathione (GSH), weakening the body's ability to deal with other toxins and free radicals." Doctor Tom McGuire, DDS, book "Mercury Detoxification"


There are NUMEROUS excellent methods, both direct and indirect, to increase glutathione in the child's body, IMO ALL should be employed to the MAXIMUM extent you are able.

“Whey protein appears to be unique among proteins in its ability to improve immune function, elevate cellular glutathione levels and extend life span.” Life Extension

”Low magnesium is associated with dramatic increases in free radical generation as well as glutathione depletion.” Doctor Russell Blaylock

“Overly high iron levels not only increases the oxidation process but also reduces antioxidants including glutathione.” Young et al

“Whey protein isolate dramatically raises glutathione levels.” Micke et al

”Curcumin offered kidney protection by suppressing oxidative stress and increasing kidney glutathione content and glutathione peroxidase activity.” Venkratesan et al

“SAMe acts as a precursor to glutathione production.” Lieber et al



To Cherry - I agree that all these studies are being done to deflect attention away from any consideration of vaccine causation. As if to say, "We know what causes autism -- depressed moms, fat moms, older moms, moms that live near freeways, moms who live in rainy locations, moms who have C-sections or pitocin . ." and so on, "but not vaccinations." The problem is that all of our studies are done on the highly vaccinated population since that's what we have. I think it's still above 90%. These factors all seem to have some significance in this highly vaccinated group. In the non-vaccinated population, I'll bet that most of these factors would not be statistically significant. I would love to see a further breakdown in these studies showing vaccinated vs non-vaccinated and indicating whether each group had the same percentage of autism. But we might as well ask for a new study of vaccinated vs non-vaccinated without regard to other factors. Ha - I wonder why that one hasn't been done (sarcasm intended).

John Stone

The probability is that you are going to get worse health outcomes across the board for people living in polluted areas. It is probably not saying very much. I was unable to locate a copy of this paper but I could not from the abstract or the reports see what the actual statistical bottom line was, although it seemed quite likely that if the results had been more dramatic they would have been given greater prominence.

Cherry Sperlin Misra

The study of air pollution and autism is interesting to me at least, because it probably points to one of the crucial elements involved in autism- the inability to throw mercury out of the body. The glutathione proteins that remove mercury from the body, have other jobs to do as well- They remove other toxins and they fight off viruses. A person who constantly breathes polluted air might have depleted level of glutathione proteins On top of this , it appears that about 10% of the population have a genetic decreased ability to excrete mercury. To learn about this, see the youtube videos of Chris Shade, PhD, biochemist, showing what he refers to as the "plain out of luck people" - That is the people who take 120 days to remove half of the mercury in their blood stream as compared to most people who take 30 to 100 days. If anyone here has more information on this topic or disagrees with me, Id like to hear from them.

Cherry Sperlin Misra

To Betty, Rheumatoid arthritis is another disease that has been linked to mercury (at least in some cases ) and it is on the list of disorders that have improved in some people after they removed the mercury from their dental fillings. Now , whether it is autism or Alzheimers, or any other common disorder on the list I have mentioned, you are going to see media articles about " scientific" research , with some sort of conclusion that distracts attention from the mercury. Watch and see for 3-4 years- You will have a nice little collection of articles , none of them mentioning mercury. It's so simple- Just blame the plastic drinking cups, the lack of vitamin D, the genes, the air pollution, and everyone is happy that science is on the move- well not exactly everyone, because those with the disorder continue to suffer.


Anne Dachel, Questions can be very powerful. Thank you for continuing to ask questions. You are an angel!
It would be interesting if someone did a thorough study of the institutions in the US serving adults with autism over the past 100 years and also what their clients were like and the numbers. There must be an agency somewhere that keeps a record of this.


"Though it [autism] appears to develop earlier than previously thought and generally emerges before the age of 3."

Try NOT "vaccinating" until the child is four and the autism may wait a few more years more before "showing up" and IMO since the child's brain and nervous system are more mature there may be far less autism, the ASDs and all the diseases of "vaccination"

Or better yet just do NOT "vaccinate" and be rid of the whole CDC mandated mess.

“The MMR vaccine was not adequately tested and should not have been licensed.” Journal of Adverse Drug Reactions Jan 2000, Note how in heavens name are we supposed to "trust" these people?

"The refusal by governments to evaluate the risks properly will make this one of the greatest scandals in medical history. There are very powerful people in positions of great authority who have staked their reputations on the safety of MMR and they are willing to do almost anything to protect themselves." Doctor Peter Fletcher Chief Scientific Officer at the UK Department of Health

“Giving the MMR live virus shot at age 12 months; giving the MMR and chickenpox live virus shots on the same day at age 12 months; amping by a factor of seven the amount of chickenpox virus in the combined MMRV shot and giving it at 12 months; putting toxic metals like mercury and aluminum in shots administered at 12 months or earlier to infants or in utero; using pesticides that studies suggest contribute to autism and ADHD, and in earlier formulations triggered poliomyelitis epidemics -- these all seem like not the best ideas if you were trying to cut down on neurological and developmental risks to infants. Or, for that matter, if you had a lick of common sense.” Do MMR + Hg + SSPE = ASD?



Heidi N

Truth is that all toxins contribute to autism because they don't detox well. So -- why are we lacking in tolerating toxins today as compared to 30 years ago? I suspect it's more than the total amount of toxins, but more likely specific damage or disruption to the body is hindering it from tolerating toxins.


I recently saw research about rheumatoid arthritis where they tried to show that particulate matter pollution increased the chances of developing RA in people with a genetic predisposition (close relatives with RA). They did not show a statistical connection. One way to look at risk factors for autism is to include vaccination status as well as genetics. Since most kids are vaccinated, it's a given that any set of kids you study will fall into the highly vaccinated group. So, in this highly vaccinated group of genetically susceptible kids, pollution seems to be a statistically significant factor. Twenty years from now, the same Rheumatoid Arthritis research will probably show a statistically significant connection for pollution because the sets being studied will all be heavily vaccinated. Maybe you could make that ten years from now?


I could not get on to comment, I never have with John Hopkins Gazette.

So this time I did write a letter to the editor and assistent editor.
I have written so many letters - that it should have filled up this rabbit hole. It seems to be bottomless. Maybe it is not a rabbit hole but a hole in the morality of the medical profession.

Bob Moffitt

PBS: "New research from the University of Southern California shows air pollution increases the risk for autism among those who carry a genetic disposition for the disorder ... a risk genotype and high air pollution exposure were at an increased risk of autism spectrum disorder."

Okay .. air pollution exposure increases the risk for autism for children who carry a "risk genotype". Has that very same "risk genotype" been studied,using the exact same "environmental research method", to see if those same children are at increased risk following vaccines? If "air pollution" can be studied ... why not "vaccines"?

Anne comments on John Hopkins Gazette report of "new center":

"Autism experts join forces" . . . to do nothing but pretend to look into autism.

It is probably the cynic in me .. but .. I suspect the reason these "experts" are "doing nothing but pretending to look into autism" .. because they only get paid MILLIONS of dollars as long as autism remains the baffling "mystery".

Solve the "mystery" .. kill the GOLDEN GOOSE.


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