Dachel Media Review: Aging Out, Golden Hammer, Odds
By Anne Dachel
Read Anne's comments and view the links after the jump.
Nov 28, 2013, Washington Times: Golden Hammer: Autism research gets federal aid not once, but twice
Nov 27, 2013, Columbia (SC) Metro: One in 88--The odds of having a child with autism
Nov 27, 2013, Baton Rouge (LA) Advocate: New service for autistic children could cost $30 million
Nov 27, 2013, Middletown (NY) Record: Schumer: Autism doesn't 'age out' at 22
In the sometimes disorganized and overlapping world of the federal government, different agencies will occasionally end up paying for the same thing, leading to double the cost to taxpayers - or more.
The latest case of duplicative spending is the roughly $1.4 billion the government spent on autism research from 2008 to 2012. But investigators at the Government Accountability Office, Congress' watchdog arm, are concerned that as much as 84 percent of that money was spent on redundant research. . . .
For unnecessary duplication, the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee and the agencies involved with this week's Golden Hammer, a distinction awarded by The Washington Times to examples of fiscal redundancy, waste and abuse.
Congratulations, Dr. Insel on your winning the Golden Hammer! Will you be receiving the award in person or will you be sending Peter Bearman?
I posted several comments. Not only is their research repetitive, it's also worthless.
Autism is a developmental disorder marked by impairments in a person's ability to communicate and interact socially and by the presence of repetitive behaviors or restricted interests. In South Carolina alone, there are more than 52,000 people with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. There are varieties of ways the autism disorder can affect someone, including Asperger's Syndrome and Pervasive Developmental Disorder, and it knows no racial, ethnic or economic boundaries.
Several key indicators have been established that can help a parent recognize whether evaluation by a professional is needed. Many of the indicators are based on the general behavior present at a certain age. According to Kim Thomas, interim director of the South Carolina Autism Society, key indicators include: a lack of facial expressions such as smiling at 6 months or earlier; a lack of reciprocal sharing of sounds, smiles or other facial expressions by 12 months; no pointing, showing, reaching or waving by 12 months; no words by 16 months; no meaningful, two-word phrases (not including imitating or repeating) by 24 months; and any loss of speech, babbling or social skills at any age. . . .
Casey believes that because of Ryan's Law, which is a South Carolina law that requires most state-regulated group insurance policies to provide coverage for the treatment of autism spectrum disorder in children up to 16 years old, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder waivers, more families are getting the insurance coverage necessary to provide their children with ABA therapy. "Without this type of help, parents have to pay out-of-pocket for this therapy, which can run several thousand dollars a month," Casey says. "I believe that more can and should be done to assist parents with the costs."
Image if there were 52,000 people in SC with autism.
The title says "The odds of having a child with autism." The whole article is about CHILDREN WITH AUTISM.
If anyone really believed there were all these adults out there, we'd be talking about them. There'd be a huge call to get them diagnosed and get ABA for them. People would be on the news showing us how they found the 40, 60, and 80 year olds who never got a diagnosis. NO ONE DOES THAT. Instead we keep pretending that they're out there somewhere because the truth is something we really can't handle.
I posted a comment.
There are only two children enrolled and a handful of medical providers yet the state health agency is projecting it will cost $30 million to provide a new service for autistic children between now and June 30 - the end of the state budget year.
The Jindal administration alerted legislators earlier this month of the potential need for the additional funding in Medicaid, which provides health coverage for the poor, because of the expanded services.
The $30 million cost "is the best projection we could do at the time," said state Department of Health and Hospitals Undersecretary Jerry Phillips. He said it will be updated prior to DHH asking formally for extra funding.
Nell Hahn, a lawyer for the Advocacy Center, said she hoped the state could get sufficient care providers and children enrolled "so they can start spending some substantial resources on it. But at the rate they are going, it's certainly not going to cost $30 million."
This is a strange story. Medicaid funded ABA is now ordered in Louisiana and hundreds of kids would qualify. (The suit was filed sixteen years ago. The wheels of justice do turn slowly in Louisiana.)
It sounds like a mess with licensing and funding up in the air. Good luck kids with autism in Louisiana. No one is in a hurry to help you.
As patients on the autism spectrum reach adulthood, many of the school-based support services they have come to rely on disappear. This leaves thousands at risk of diminishing the progress they've made and hindering their ability to live a fulfilled and independent life, Sen. Chuck Schumer said Tuesday.
To address the problem, Schumer introduced legislation that would provide funding to help organizations conduct research and aid young adults with their education, careers and health care.
"Autism doesn't age out at 22," he said Tuesday at a press conference at the Center for Discovery in the Town of Thompson. "Neither should the support services that help our young adults."
The Assistance in Gaining Experience, Independence and Navigation Act would boost federal funding to support people with autism and other developmental disabilities once they are no longer eligible for most school-based services. About 50,000 people with autism lose these services each year throughout the country, said Schumer. . . . .
Schumer sounds like an active politician concerned about the needs of disabled constituents. Who would dare criticize that? In reality, he's like all the others, he's not looking at what's really happening here. Autism is no longer just a health care issue to be lied about and hidden in official denials--it's turning into an economic crisis. This is one that will matter to everyone because we're all going to have to pay the bill.
Schumer needs to ask one simple question: Why is there this growing need? He is quoted saying, "About 50,000 people with autism lose these services each year throughout the country." When we talk about autism, we're almost always talking about CHILDREN WITH AUTISM. This is going to be one of the most critical economic issues we face in this country. We have an autism rate of one in 50 U.S. children. That rate is never based on studies of adults because no one has ever been able to show us a comparable rate among adults. That simple fact should be scaring everyone. Senator Schumer needs to do more than call for services. He needs to demand to know what's happening to our children. A once rare disorder is now so common that everyone knows someone with an autistic child and officials can't tell us why. No health official has ever called autism a crisis.
Imagine the next ten years as 500,000 disabled young adults with autism age out of school and become dependent on the taxpayers for their support and care. Maybe when that happens we'll finally recognize autism for the health care emergency it clearly is.
"Imagine the next ten years as 500,000 disabled young adults with autism age out of school and become dependent on the taxpayers for their support and care. Maybe when that happens we'll finally recognize autism for the health care emergency it clearly is."
Obama Care is designed to deal with members or our society that are not "cost effective". The "death panels" are real and are in operation NOW.
Please I do not mean to be cold hearted but things do not just happen. These creeps have it all figured out. The object is to get rid of people.
"It’s never too late to start aborting babies. Never too late at all. And nationalized health care means frantically cutting costs by deeming some life to be… in the classic National Socialist phrase… unworthy of life."
Posted by: Lou | December 01, 2013 at 03:55 PM
"The whole article is about CHILDREN WITH AUTISM."
So why is society being visited with autism? We should know by now the continuation of autism is NO ACCIDENT. New cases of Autism could be ended TOMORROW. Instead after being perfected in the USA autism is being introduced through "vaccines" heavily laced with mercury into India, Africa and this whole poor world.
"The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has endorsed the World Health Organization's (WHO's) Strategic Advisory Committee (SAGE) recommendation that thimerosal, a preservative used to prevent contamination in multidose vaccine vials, be exempted from a pending international treaty aimed at reducing global health hazards by limiting exposure to mercury, according to a statement published online December 17 in Pediatrics."
Autism is here for a reason.
IMO one reason we have autism is so that they never have to worry about this headline. ...
"The whole article is about GRANDPARENTS WITH AUTISM."
They are not just taking our children; they are stealing EVERYTHING from us; they are stealing our progeny. IMO this is their EXACT intent.
Please give these "people" no quarter folks we are dealing with pure evil.
Posted by: Lou | December 01, 2013 at 03:33 PM
"The latest case of duplicative spending is the roughly $1.4 billion the government spent on autism research from 2008 to 2012. But investigators at the Government Accountability Office, Congress' watchdog arm, are concerned that as much as 84 percent of that money was spent on redundant research."
Well deserved recipient .. Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee .. for "coordinating" the millions of scarce federal dollars through "fiscal redundancy, waste and abuse". These "agencies" couldn't have wasted so much money on their own .. they needed the IACC to help them in that task.
I know .. the IACC cannot spend any money to promote that pending federal legislation that seeks to create a scientific, independent study of "vaccinated v. unvaccinated" populations .. that would FINALLY prove .. either vaccines are as "safe, harmless and effective" as those "agencies" insist they are .. or .. far more likely .. prove vaccines are not as "safe, harmless or effective" those "agencies" insist they are.
Just can't do it .. too hard .. too complex .. too risky .. much better to continue winning Golden Hammer awards for "fiscal redundency, waste and abuse" .. not to mention .. outright FRAUD.
Posted by: Bob Moffitt | November 30, 2013 at 12:17 PM