Dachel Media Review: The "Mystery" of Autism
Dachel Media Review: Nobel Prize

Autism - Infection Leads To Illness Of The Mind – Chicken, Egg, or Mercury?


James Frye Faces
Fractal Faces by Artist James Frye
The Many Faces of Autism

Consider these scenarios:
1-    The teen is taking a Chemistry test, smiling and talking to himself.  He repeats the teacher’s directions over and over out loud. He has an autism diagnosis.
2-    The parents have been in the ER for 8 hours trying to get help for their teen son.  He is biting himself, raging, spitting and is restrained. He is non-verbal. He has an autism diagnosis.
3-    The girl keeps running back and forth, touching all of the pillows in a certain order. She has no speech.  She has an autism diagnosis.
4-    The toddler has rashes, ear infections, constipation or diarrhea and has temper tantrums daily. He has not used any new words in months. He has an autism diagnosis.
5-    The young man is fascinated with trains, repeating all facts, schedules, and histories of the enormous collection he owns. If one is out of place or missing, he will scream and rage. He has an autism diagnosis.

All of these children show signs of “autism” based on behaviors that define it.  Can one really “have” autism or can one be “autistic” based on these defined behaviors?

I have been writing about my experiences with Megan, my daughter, who was diagnosed in 1995 with autism.  That diagnosis was based solely on behaviors.  Since then, Megan has developed seizures and an autoimmune diagnosis.  She, like thousands of others, really has what is known as “regressive autism.”  They were developing normally and then after vaccination or illness, they became either acutely dysfunctional, or a gradual and insidious loss of language, connection to the world around them, and an increasing demand for obsessions and compulsions.  Megan’s regression was subtle after each vaccination then, accelerated after her MMR vaccine.  She developed a full body rash, fever and stopped talking. Vomiting, diarrhea, and reflux then began.  Her life has never been the same.  She was then to be diagnosed with Pervasive Developmental Disorder.

"Different” Autism - Different Microbial Populations and Locations?

Regressive autism was described well here, and it’s my springboard into the background of Meg’s autism diagnosis – her regression:

“Some cases of late-onset (regressive) autism may involve abnormal flora….Fecal flora of children with regressive autism was compared with that of control children, and clostridial counts were higher. The number of clostridial species found in the stools of children with autism was greater than in the stools of control children. Children with autism had 9 species of Clostridium not found in controls, whereas controls yielded only 3 species not found in children with autism. In all, there were 25 different clostridial species found….different types of autism and/or different degrees of severity of the process may be different in terms of whether there is an abnormal flora either in the colon (reflected in the feces) or in the small bowel, and perhaps these factors may even be associated with different specific flora and/or sites or degrees of abnormal colonization.”

Autism, the “brain” disorder, has a multitude of research showing exactly this – abnormal gut pathogens. The degree of severity of the behaviors in autism may be compared to what and where it is, in the GI and thus how it affects the brain:

Gut Reaction: Environmental Effects on the Human Microbiota

“Living with each of us—on our skin, in our mucosa, and in our gastrointestinal (GI) tract—are microorganisms whose numbers dwarf the number of our own cells and genes. Although some of these microbes are pathogens, most are harmless or even beneficial. The body’s assortment of microorganisms, collectively called the microbiota, is similar to an organ in that it performs functions essential for our survival. Some microbes produce vitamins and other essential nutrients. Many metabolize food that we can’t digest on our own. They also break down drugs and toxins, and regulate many aspects of innate and acquired immunity, protecting the host from infections and chronic inflammation, as well as possibly many immune-based disorders. And just as with the heart or the lungs, when an environmental agent alters the function of the microbiota, the result can be disease…..


Some research suggests the microbiota may also be implicated in neurologic conditions. There are multiple interfaces where the microbiota could impact our nervous system…The microbiota also produces metabolites that are absorbed into the bloodstream, and some of these metabolites can cross the blood–brain barrier…..research has suggested that ASDs may be related to an altered microbiota”

Autism and PANS

A good description of what seems to be happening in those who have an autism diagnosis and infections related to brain behaviors. Here is more:

Impact of innate immunity in a subset of children with autism spectrum disorders: a case control study 

“Among patients with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) evaluated in our clinic, there appears to be a subset that can be clinically distinguished from other ASD children because of frequent infections (usually viral) accompanied by worsening behavioural symptoms and/or loss/decrease in acquired skills…In addition to behavioral symptoms, co-morbid clinical conditions such as gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms are frequently noted in ASD children…Specifically, our results revealed increased tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) production against cow's milk protein…. Apart from FA [Food Allergies], we have also encountered a number of ASD children who suffer from recurrent infection (typically viral syndromes) accompanied by exacerbations of behavioral symptoms (hyperactivity, temper tantrums, irritability and self-stimulatory behaviors)… Such behavioral changes were pointed out by teachers/therapists/care takers independent of parents. Immune insult via microbial infection caused by various pathogens appears to counter-act beneficial effects of behavioral, dietary, and other intervention measures in these ASD children…..Thus our findings indicate that children in the ASD test group may be less capable of controlling microbial infection in the initial stages, leading to ineffective signalling to the brain..”

So we can see how the pathogens in these children affect the brain. This may also be what is now being calling PANS - Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome,

a disorder also affecting children who may not have an autism diagnosis, but the increasing similarity of a dysfunctional immune system.

Treating the Gut - Treating the Autism

So what can be done to help these very sick kids attached to these very dysfunctional immune systems?  One important treatment and one which can be done very simply is to add daily probiotics.  Doing some research into how that could help yielded some pertinent information:

“..treating disease with probiotics or prebiotics is one of the most promising frontiers in microbiota research, says Mélanie Gareau, a postdoctoral fellow training at The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. Her work, published in the November 2007 issue of Gut, has shown that treating stress-induced gut abnormalities with Lactobacilli probiotics not only reestablished normal gut function and bacterial behavior but also reduced stress hormone levels.”

Now there may be more cutting edge treatments out there but probiotics are relatively inexpensive and can be purchased OTC.  Here’s how they can help in autism ie. gut issues and the immune system:

The Potential Role of Probiotics in the Management of Childhood Autism Spectrum Disorders

“Probiotics can influence microbiota composition and intestinal barrier function and alter mucosal immune responses. The administration of probiotic bacteria to address changes in the microbiota might, therefore, be a useful novel therapeutic tool with which to restore normal gut microbiota, reduce inflammation, restore epithelial barrier function, and potentially ameliorate behavioural symptoms associated with some children with ASD…Probiotics are living nonpathogenic microorganisms, which beneficially affect the host's health, when administered in adequate amounts as food ingredient or supplement.. Probiotics have been used safely in the fermentations of food products for decades.. . Gastrointestinal difficulties such as antibiotic-associated and acute infectious diarrhea, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) have been shown to be responsive to probiotics… In addition, probiotics have also shown activity in influencing the host's immune system [11, 12]. With the growing research on probiotics and the integral part they play in the health of not just the GI tract but the body as a whole, their inclusion as an integrative treatment may be of use for children with ASD.”
How Mercury Matters In Autism and the Microbiota

Interesting and now consider this:

Gastrointestinal Microflora Studies in Late-Onset Autism

“There has been much speculation about the role of mercury in autism, particularly in relation to the use of mercury-containing compounds in vaccines administered to children. In vitro studies have shown that the bowel microflora can transform mercury, sometimes to more toxic compounds such as methylmercury (by methylation of mercuric salts), and, in other cases, to less toxic compounds (by demethylation of methylmercury), but such metabolism seems to be of significance to the host only in the case of demethylation. Elimination of the bowel flora by antimicrobial administration in the rat leads to increased mercury content in tissues and a greater proportion of the total mercury as methylmercury [45]. Thus, an intact bowel flora is protective.”
So it’s very possible that mercury, found in vaccines and in our air and food, is the immune insult that robs these children of a normal flora and prevents the body in fighting live viruses, pathogenic bacteria, parasites and infection correctly. 

Lactobacillus and Mercury

Bioremediation and Tolerance of Humans to Heavy Metals through Microbial Processes: a Potential Role for Probiotics?

“Although heavy-metal exposure and contamination are not a recent phenomenon, the concentration of metals and the exposure to populations remain major issues despite efforts at remediation. The ability to prevent and manage this problem is still a subject of much debate, with many technologies ineffective and others too expensive for practical large-scale use, especially for developing nations where major pollution occurs. This has led researchers to seek alternative solutions for decontaminating environmental sites and humans themselves. A number of environmental microorganisms have long been known for their ability to bind metals, but less well appreciated are human gastrointestinal bacteria. Species such as Lactobacillus, present in the human mouth, gut, and vagina and in fermented foods, have the ability to bind and detoxify some of these substances. This review examines the current understanding of detoxication mechanisms of lactobacilli and how, in the future, humans and animals might benefit from these organisms in remediating environmental contamination of food.”

Lactobacillus then, appears to be able to “detoxify heavy metals

 “Certain members of the gut microbiota, such as lactobacilli used in food applications, may potentially be an adjunct for reducing metal toxicity in humans. This is because they have resistance mechanisms which are effective in preventing damage to their cells (98) and they can bind and sequester heavy metals to their cell surfaces, thus removing them through subsequent defecation (81). Heavy-metal and antibiotic resistance genes are often encoded together on the same plasmid, so a selective pressure exists to keep the plasmid in the intestinal tract (22).
Lactobacilli have a long history of safe use in food (43) and, more recently, as probiotics (27). Of importance is the ability of lactobacilli to reduce oxidative stresses caused by metal toxicity in vitro (12, 51) and detoxification abilities against other dietary toxins (104). The ability of lactobacilli to bind and sequester metals depends on the strain's resistance mechanisms. In coping with arsenic and mercury, the main method of resistance is through active expulsion of toxic metals from the cytosol….Unfortunately, no published scientific data on the ability of lactobacilli or gut bacteria to bind and absorb mercury exist. Preliminary studies in our laboratory have shown that certain strains of lactobacilli appear to sequester mercury and may also have mechanisms for its degradation.”

Probiotics, especially the Lactobacillus strains, including fermented foods, demonstrate a true and meaningful treatment for autism and immune dysfunction.  Not surprising to see that this important bacteria is often missing naturally in those with an autism diagnosis, thus they have less ability to detoxify:

Intestinal microflora of autistic children

“Autistic behavior is often accompanied by numerous disturbing symptoms on the part of gastrointestinal system, such as abdominal pain, constipation or diarrhea. These problems are often connected with deregulation of physiological microflora in intestine. The aim of this study was to determine differences in intestinal microflora of autistic and healthy children. Strains of Clostridium spp. and enterococci were isolated more frequently from stool samples of autistic children and rarely lactobacilli.”

Many who have a diagnosis of autism have numerous and painful symptoms that correlate to the dysfunction of their immune system.  Environmental causes, like mercury in the environment  and mercury in vaccines, play a large role in that as vaccination and infections then cause regression. More research into immune treatments and autism are imperative.

Teresa Conrick is Contributing Editor to Age of Autism.


Karen G

@AussieMum, I had my children's pyrole levels tested and they were very high. In addition to adding zinc the doctor said to not give them food high in copper like chocolate.
Karen G


Yes breastfeeding matters a great deal.
The GI/ bowel system can develop healthier and stronger;
The baby receives the right kind of nourishment for brain development and growth.
Less likely that the baby gets infection (ear,cold,flu),as baby receives lot of maternal antibodies.
Their intelligence is much higher and the structure of their brain shows significant difference.
There are less colic,discomfort,inflammations or allergy with breastfed babies.
The babies immune system will be stronger with less infections down the road.There are many more reasons,but these are the important ones that I can remember at the moment.


Since it is the vaccines and is a vaccine injury - I don't think it matters about if you breast feed or if you did not.

Amish breast feed - I dare say.
I breast fed and still he reacted to the DPT shot.
And you yourself had your own example.

There was some study back a couple of years ago that thought that a Mother whose own immune system had turned to the dark side - that her milk full of IgMs could be not a good thing for the baby.

But Katzs is really fun to watch, and maybe even inspire you , give him a couple of tries and see if you don't catch the fever.


Just happened to see this. This expert talks about how glyphosate kills and alters gut bacteria:

Toxicology Expert Speaks Out About Roundup and GMOs
October 06, 2013


maurine meleck

Another first-rate article by Teresa. who has taught me so much about immune disorders.


I did not read through all of these studies, so forgive if this was addressed. But I would like to know what those with autism found to have no or low gut lactobacilli were fed in the first several years of life. Of course, "lact" is milk, and human milk is full of lactobacilli. I would like to know if there is a correlation between the type of feeding and the type and severity of autism. Do autistics who were breastfed have less or no gut problems? If so, for how long (the breastfeeding and the gut problems)? If so, how much, in terms of months or years, is protective? Is there a dose relationship in terms of fully or partially breastfed, and is there a correlation with the various types of formulas? Do babies fed on their demand fare better than those on more spaced out scheduled or complemented feedings? (more frequent provides a continuous flow of milk with it's live cells into the babie's GI tract, as nature intended). Do children fed "x" brand either solely or as a complement to mother's milk have more or less autism or more or less severe autism (in other words, not only looking at the breastfeeding, but also on the formula)? Do breastfed babies have an advantage over formula fed with respect to tolerating vaccines (or vice versa)? If so, which ones, and is there a tipping point in vaccination, either because of timing or quantity, where it doesn't matter? Is there a correlation between early feedings and ability to later recover with various treatments?

Archeologists tell us that the human suck reflex can persist for 7 years, so that's a good indication of how long humans may have evolved to require ingestion of the nutrients and all the live cells in human milk (almost as many as in human blood). World wide average age of weaning used to be 4 years in the 90's (don't know what it is currently). In our culture, well, I don't have to tell you.

I did know a woman whose baby was breastfed on demand and had a severe reaction to the whole cell DPT back in the 80's when only a few months old. He was later institutionalized. It may sound like I'm answering my own question, but I'd like to see more analysis along these lines. Not holding my breath though, as like with vaccines, there is an industry that stands to lose (actually, the same one - Pharma makes both vaccines and infant formula).


This is an excellent article on autism, much closer to the truth than what you usually read. I wish it could be used to educate the general public on autism. It shows that autism can manifest in many different ways and can be very debilitating and goes on to look at the underlying biomedical issues and solutions. Unfortunately, although gut imbalances are a big underlying cause of autism, simply giving lactobacillus will not help all children on the spectrum. It is a lot more complicated. We desperately need more research to help figure out how to rebalance the guts of all our children successfully and free them from their medical discomfort.

If you are a parent of the severe child in case 2 of this article you want answers desperately because watching your child suffer is horrific and inhumane. It is not a matter of being patient.


Sandor Ellix Katz,Wild fermentation and lots of U tubes are fun to watch. Kind of gets you excited about it all.

And as for kefirs-- Wow - it has 20 + differnt kinds of bacteria/fungus living on and producing this gelatin like rope thing and it is 5000 years old is just amazing.


I don't know if it means anything to anyone else but for me the earth shook when Alessio Fasano spent 20 years researching and developing a cholera vaccine -- only for it to "CAUSE" celiacs.

This was a vaccine that was shot in the arm and affected the stomach.

So that mst mean that it has damaged the hypothalamus.
But if you see the success that people suffering from seizures have on the ketogenic, modified Atkins diet, MCT oil and Low Glycmeic Diet -- it must mean that what we can eat -- could heal the hypothatalamus.

Or perhaps - we were never suppose to eat all the carbohydrates -- we were suppose to have help - bacteria eating them and now we are absorbing more than ever before.
So we now have far to many and it is carboydrates that run the immune system - inflammtion of the glia in the brain. THat is what Dr. Blaylock was saying.

I hope to know.

Meanwhile: Today -- my best friend in highschool -- her 20 year old nephew -- her brother's son -- was found dead in his home. They do not know what happened.


Kidney stones were once thought to be caused by calcium, but it is the oxalates found in all vegatables, that combined with calcium.

Research showed that Deficiencies in the intestinal bacteria Oxalobacter formigenes, that breaks down oxalate; were probably the cause. There was a push to get this bacteria in pill form like the bottle of acidophilus pills I found at Wal Mart.
But more research show that this L. Acidphilus will also eat up oxalates too.


1898;Henry Tissier form the Pasteur Institute found when this Lactobaccillis bacteria was present it was in healthy babies. that suffered less with diarrhea. It was not found so much is sicker babies. He was a ped. I did not know they had peds way back in the late 1800s.

The bacteria resist being crowded out by gram negative pathogens and helps break up the carbohydrates.


Oligosaccharides present in Human milk has been a puzzle to scientist for a long while. Because the human gut has no way to digest it. So what is there.
Apparently Oligosaccharides was not meant to feed the baby but feed certain types of bacteria in the very lowest part of the intestinal track - the many types of lactobaciilus bifidobacteria.


"Lactobacillus then, appears to be able to “detoxify heavy metals”

This article cautions that while Lactobacilli can bind with mercury it can also "recycle" the mercury in the gut back into the organism...

Interesting, but raises a lot of questions...


"observational studies" do not prove anything...

WHERE have we seen dozens and dozens of these studies that are quoted as being the "science is so strong..."

http://health.clevelandclinic.org/2013/09/coffee-and-the-link-to-premature-death/?utm_campaign=paid+syndication&utm_medium=link&utm_source=outbrain&utm_content=desktop&dynid=outbrain-_- paid+syndication -_-link-_- outbrain-_-desktop

researchers found that drinking 4 cups of coffee per day may increase the risk of premature death by 21 percent. Among deaths of people in the study, 32 percent of them were related to heart disease.

Does this mean you should put down that cup of coffee? Not so fast, says Dr. Gillinov.

“This is an interesting study, but keep in mind that it is an observational study,” Dr. Gillinov says. “Observational studies cannot prove causality. They suggest something, but they don’t prove cause and effect.”

Diane W Farr

My son's labs noted that his clostridia level was so high that it could cause neurological problems. We used a lot of fermented coconut water. My son is cured and if I had to pick the three treatments that we saw the biggest improvement from, they would be probiotics, cranial sacral and interactive metronome. I recall reading an article that microflora was used to clean up a toxic oil spill in the ocean. I also heard from a dentist in Germany that was using young green coconut water to chelate his patients of mercury. He explained that the trace element of gold in the coconut water was binding with the mercury. Something else I found out was yeast protects your body from mercury; maybe why it is so difficult for some to battle bad bacteria. Great article!


Six weeks ago I had my severely Autistic, non-verbal eleven year old's pyrrole levels tested.


A normal reading would be 10 and 15 is considered high. My sons level was 23.5

To rectify the amount of pyrrole he was losing I have had to increase his zinc intake over the next 12 weeks. We are half way through the treatment and his cognitive development is slowly improving (still no language) but he is more aware.

I would like the pro-vaxers to walk 24 hours in my shoes and see what we parents have to do for our sick children. Although, I dealt very much that they could handle 2.4 hours!

Elizabeth Gillespie

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