Dachel Media Review: Aging and Autism
Combatting Autism

Weekly Wrap: A Win for Andy, a Loss for Lariam, Beating Up on Bobby

AofA Red Logo Ayumi YamadaBy Dan Olmsted

The cynically named Autism Science Foundation -- created to exclude scientific examination of the root cause of the autism epidemic, namely excessive vaccinations -- has been forced to apologize to the Devil himself.

Its Web site now says: "On a previous version of this page, the allegations contained in a lawsuit brought by Andrew Wakefield were inadvertently mischaracterized as conclusions of the court.  We regret this error."

ASF factotum Alison Singer also sent Andy an e-mail this week: "As you know, we previously removed the content about which you complained.  We have also posted a statement on our website apologizing for the error.  We trust this brings the matter to a close.  Alison"

The backstory is explained HERE. Needless to say, anything that makes Andy look bad is good for the Singer/Offit crowd. Unfortunately for them, the truth is a different matter.

And the truth is this: The bloated U.S. vaccine schedule harms kids far worse than the diseases it purports to prevent. That includes the MMR, as Andy has demonstrated.


Another bit of good news this week: Army Special Operations has finally pulled the plug on a drug the Army invented that has caused its soldiers to kill civilians -- right before they kill themselves.

The document, USASOC Mefloquine Instruction, orders its medical personnel to "immediately cease the prescribing and use" of Lariam for malaria prevention. The order cites recent changes from the FDA in the drug's product label that warn of long-term psychiatric and nerve problems. It also tells personnel to be on the lookout for such long-lasting problems, which can be mistaken for PTSD. (In other words, a significant percentage of "PTSD" is actually longterm Lariam toxicity, a manmade problem from hell if there ever was one.)

This is unalloyed good news, another day of reckoning for what retired Army Major Dr. Remington Nevin warned could be "the Agent Orange of our Generation." . But it also represents a systemic and deliberate failure by the FDA, CDC and military to respond to more than a decade of convincing evidence that the drug was doing that and much worse, including triggering homicidal behavior and suicide.

In September 2004, Mark Benjamin and I at UPI wrote an article about Special Operations soldiers  titled, "Malaria drug links elite soldier suicides." It began: "A startling pattern of violence and suicide by America's most elite soldiers has followed their use of a controversial anti-malaria drug," an investigation by United Press International and CNN has found.

Based on our reporting, Sen. Dianne Feinstein said: "The Department of Defense, and all other agencies that give this drug, should immediately reassess their decision to use this drug and look for alternatives."

"Immediately." The same word the military has now used -- nine years and many, many casualties later.

At the time, it droned on about "no data" linking the drug to severe adverse events and blamed suicides on "failed personal relationships, financial crises, legal difficulties, and mental problems like depression and psychoses" -- in other words, they blamed their own soldiers  rather than truly supporting our troops.

It was always clear to me that this drug would have to go. The only question was how long, and, for Special Operations -- Rangers, Green Berets, Delta, psyops, etc. -- the answer was a decade or so after the truth was obvious.

Based on that, I give the vaccine-autism coverup another decade -- although we should all work to hasten the day.


Anyone trying to hasten the day had better expect a sound thrashing. Just ask Bobby Kennedy, whose personal diary from a decade or so ago was stolen and parts were published in the execrable Murdoch id outlet, the  New York Post.

The real measure of all this is evident on the cover of People this week. There are three cover blurbs. One is about Bobby, and another is "Autism, Violence and Despair -- A Mother's Breaking Point."

I'm sure no one at the mag made the connection.


Dan Olmsted is Editor of Age of Autism.


Sunny Day

I see the topic of the "mefloquine toxidrome in clinical and forensic psychiatry" is on the schedule at the psychiatric association's big conference next week.

Just looking at their conference program guide is quite interesting. http://annualmeeting.psychiatry.org/scientific-program/topical-tracks


From above:

"The document, USASOC Mefloquine Instruction, orders its medical personnel to "immediately cease the prescribing and use" of Lariam for malaria prevention."

In the news:

CBS/AP/ November 11, 2013, 4:43 PM
Military suicides drop 22 percent; unclear why


Jeannette Bishop

"And the truth is this: The bloated U.S. vaccine schedule harms kids far worse than the diseases it purports to prevent."

I recently heard a piece of an advertisement regarding asthma in children on a drive with my daughter. Between my daughter changing CDs, a task extremely foolish to interrupt if one wants peaceful driving conditions, I got to hear two appalling statistics: that 1 in 13 children suffer from some type of asthma today and that asthma accounts for 1/3 of emergency room visits. I don't know if that second statistic was general or for children only and I didn't catch the point of the ad/PSA, but either way, if true, it is astounding to think about how dependent upon vaccine induced/contribution disorders our "healthcare" system is at this point, and how little we really know about whether "the benefits outweigh the risks" and "vaccine save lives" type dogmas are true.


Yes, semantics counts. I see that yesterday the ADA held their nationwide "Walk to Stop Diabetes". Notice they don't say "cure" or "end", they say "stop". Stop, as in control with expensive drugs and treatments, stop as in not stopping anyone's job or career connected with diabetes that would be the result of an actual cure. They mean stop as in manage, control, by them, for a fee, as in milked for all it's worth. They mean stop, the way that Autism Speaks or the Autism Science Foundation is going to stop autism. The ADA website says it takes in $24 million from these yearly walks, 73% of which goes toward "research, information and advocacy and public awareness activities", which, considering the semantics, could include just about anything. But, even though they're "accounting" for 73%, that leaves 27% unaccounted for. 27% of $24m is $6,480,000 of public raised funds going yearly towards...what?


Here's a frightening sentence: "ASF President Alison Singer, along with Stuart Spielman of Autism Speaks, met with key leaders at the American Academy of Pediatrics and representatives of over 20 children's health care groups..."



I've been thinking that Kennedy might not have much new, but now I'm starting to wonder.


Bob's question about the news.

There is just no space for this story - they just can't fit it in-- with all the shootings in Navy Yards, and bringing the judgement of army trials of a psychologist that shot up a base as he yelled about God being Great -- I wonder about him too

Joan Campbell

Nice one Andy
I am still getting parents sending me stories of vaccine injury and they are on the main mostly children regressing after the MMR Mothers must resist. Add your voice to http://followingvaccinations.com/


as always shoot the messenger...pharma rule no1

Bob Moffitt

Just to follow up on the media's unconscionable avoidance of reporting the FDA and CDC have FINALLY recommended the removal of Lariam as an approved medication for military personnel.

6:00 PM .. NYC channel five .. lead story on last night's "news" was report on a restaurant in New York City that is being held responsible for an outbreak of HEP A .. apparently due to a worker in the restaurant who was infected .. and .. affecting around ten people at this time.

This "news-breaker report" urged ANYONE who has eaten in the restaurant to get themselves vaccinated .. IMMEDIATELY. The camera showed a long line of people who were already lined up to receive their "free vaccine" and the reporter stated more vaccines will be made available on Monday because so many people are terrified of getting HEP A.

A doctor stated that HEP A can be fatal due to liver damage .. but .. most people recover after six months of being made very uncomfortable.

Obviously HEP A is not a good disease to contract .. but .. then again .. why this HEP A warning .. and .. NOTHING to warn the thousands of our courageous servicemen and women they are at serious risk of suffering "long term pyschiatric and nerve problems" associated with the Lariam they received .. as ordered by their military commanders.


Wasn't Bobby Kennedy writing about about the cause of
Autism? Is this the industry's game plan-character assassination to question the creditability of the author?


@ Bob Moffit -

Do you mean aside from the possibility that military personnel are already working under government controlled medical policy and recommendations without much medical freedom and that correlations might be drawn by the public, at a time when Obamacare is front and center, that this is what government medical care could lead to under under the system of public/private corporate-determined profit-based partnerships in which our government is involved?

One scandal involving BOTH the military (funds republicans) & the medical industry (funds democrats) working together toward health care with no health freedom or fully informed consent ending in disastrous results means no media outlet will touch the story if they are either right leaning OR left leaning. Makes bi-partisanship look inviting, by comparison. Which is too bad, because since it involves both parties, any major media that covers it could not be accused of being partisan and would recoup a sizable chunk of trust from the general public.

In the meantime, very happy to hear about this drug being removed from use.


Right Bob,
It's worthy of the same media attention that vaccine injury gets.


So great, Dan, that your research and reporting on Lariam eventually bore fruit. To mix metaphors, so great that you started the ball rolling. Congratulations! Glad this problem is finally being recognized and change is happening. Those poor soldiers and their families. For those already affected, at least perhaps they can now recognize the source of their problems - maybe even develop treatment (besides antidepressant drugs!)

That's great that Dr. Wakefield stood up for himself with ASF, even though their apology again uses words that twist the truth. Good for you, Dr. Wakefield!!


How disgusting that RFK Jr.'s stolen diary was made public -- I hope the publisher and the thief are brought to justice.

If anything good could come out of it, maybe now Kennedy will feel compelled to release his vaccine/autism book. The sooner, the better.


From George Orwell's book 1984:
the "Ministry of Peace" wages war,
the "Ministry of Plenty" deals with rationing and starvation,
the "Ministry of Love" uses torture to enforce laws,
the "Ministry of Truth" creates propaganda and lies

In 2013:
the "Autism Science Foundation" is devoted to suppressing scientific research on the true causes of autism

Bob Moffitt

"The document, USASOC Mefloquine Instruction, orders its medical personnel to "immediately cease the prescribing and use" of Lariam for malaria prevention. The order cites recent changes from the FDA in the drug's product label that warn of long-term psychiatric and nerve problems. It also tells personnel to be on the lookout for such long-lasting problems, which can be mistaken for PTSD. (In other words, a significant percentage of "PTSD" is actually longterm Lariam toxicity, a manmade problem from hell if there ever was one.)"

Can someone tell me why this is not the lead story in every newscast today .. or .. why retired Army Major Dr. Remington Nevin .. who warned this could be "the Agent Orange of our Generation." .. was not invited to appear the Sunday morning talk shows? Why not have Dr. Nevin confront the FDA, CDC, Dept of Defense military experts .. asking what is the compelling evidence they now have to implementing the "immediate ban" on this dangerous substance?

We are talking about hundreds of thousands of brave volunteers in our military forces .. who have been exposed to "long term pyschiatric and nerve problems" at a time when the military is reported to be mystified by their report of 22 suicides EVERYDAY within retired and active members?

Is that not worthy of MEDIA ATTENTION???????


Great! So deserved for Dr. Wakefield and nice job on making a difference for the families suffering from the mistakes of our government's decisions. A day for lightness in the heart, for sure.

It begs the question, will the military follow up with an examination of how much time elapses before the violence-inducing side effects of Lariam start to wane, if there is a pattern there to find at all. What have been the time frames between prescription-taking and violent tendencies? Will those suffering the effects eventually be able to see a light at the end of the tunnel and a return to their previous personalities? I assume we shan't be told to celebrate their newly-found neurodiversity?

Will the decisionmakers look for biochemical similarities in the brains of those who have shown reactions, so that those suffering could get tested, similar to what Dr. Walsh has done in prisons? Could nutrient support and antioxidants help these poor people?



Exactly! I thought the same thing! That is NOT acceptable as a public apology. Nice try, Alison--the matter is not at all "settled".


..."the allegations contained in a lawsuit brought by Andrew Wakefield were inadvertently mischaracterized as conclusions of the court..."
Ya, sure they were! With a few lawyers and business types on this Autism "Science" board this either shows their serious ineptitude (who would hire these guys?) or just how friggin' desperate they are. It is extremely instructive as to how these people operate. They are beyond desperate! Thank you for reporting on this.

Sheri Nakken, former RN, MA, Homeopath

Good news on the first 2. Lariam is a terrifying drug - I had a students father have a terrible reaction to it and I referred to a homeopath and he was cured very fast...........so if you know anyone who has not been the same since taking please contact me


"... the allegations contained in a lawsuit brought by Andrew Wakefield were inadvertently mischaracterized as conclusions of the court. We regret this error."

This is a cunningly phrased "apology". To those unaware of the back story, it would imply that it was Andy Wakefield's allegations that were mischaracterized as conclusions of the court -- in other words, his error, reported by them, instead of their error in representing allegations against him as facts. Big difference.

tara mcmillan

That's wonderful news about Dr. Wakefield, and Lariam... I am going to tell my friend today about lariam. Her husband has had to take it while in Afghanistan.

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