Dachel Media Review: Vax Attacks
Dachel Media Review: Las Vegas and Forbes Yet Again

Warnings Ignored

By Brooke Potthast

“Mental health warnings ignored”…”Checks failed to flag past”…and the final headline,“Lost Opportunities”. Front page headlines, The Washington Post September 18, 19, 22. So last week we have another horrible, horrible shooting rampage that boggles the mind and leads us another step closer to what President Obama said is a creeping resignation There-Are-None-So-Blindto a “new normal” of homicidal massacre. The absolute worse part of the last week’s evil, tragic shooting is that with any semblance of government competency it could have been PREVENTED.

And therein lies the similarity with the autism epidemic. This incredibly horrible, horrible epidemic could have been prevented or at least halted and seriously lessened if warnings were not ignored, checks had not failed and the government had reacted appropriately to the red flags that have showed up over and over in the last 15 years since the recommended childhood vaccination schedule has quadrupled.

I mean who can ignore that American children are getting sicker and sicker? Who can ignore the skyrocketing rates of autism, asthma, allergies, and ADHD? Who can ignore school systems that are overwhelmed with students that need special education? The United States government can ignore it and they have. In fact, it seems they not only specialize in ignoring signs but they are good at covering up facts as well.

And I don’t think I will ever understand why the media is letting them continue with this charade. I first realized the connection to the Navy Yard shooting and the autism epidemic when I saw an extremely agitated television talk show host flipping out over the fact that there were so many red flags prior to the tragedy. This TV person was going nuts over how obvious it was that the shooter was a risk and a potential threat and that there were so many advanced warnings that no one picked up on. Well trust me TV personality, that is exactly how we parents feel when we read that the government decided maybe it was a good idea to remove thimerosol from vaccines just as a precaution in 1999 but it took almost 5 years for that to really happen and oh by the way if you had a child in May of 1999, like I did, he got shot full of mercury for the first two year of his life and oh sometimes I feel like his life is one big LOST OPPORTUNITY. And oh why in the world would they allow that very same mercury preservative to be in the maternal flu shot and infant flu shot? Because they are desperate to hide the fact that thimerosol in vaccines causes autism.

It always has and it always will. It just depends on how much you get, how old you are when you get it and and how well your genetics help you detoxify.

So God bless those families who have to live every day with the fact that there loved ones did NOT have to die at the Navy Yard that day if the government agencies who had multiple warnings had responded appropriately. And God bless the children and families who have to live every day with a serious dehabilitating illness that did NOT have to happen if the government agencies who are charged with our children’s health and safety had responded appropriately to the facts on thimerosol.

Brooke Potthast



I am glad that hasn't happened to anyone I know. Good luck to those of you that had it happen.


I feel overwhelmed too. What brought this to my attention is that I have over the years become electrosensitive. I am convinced that others are being affected without realizing what is bothering them and are being misdiagnosed, and that as with the autism epidemic, where malfeasance has led to a crisis, the same thing is unfolding with electrosensitivity as we are exposed to more and more of these technologies unleashed on the public. And I am really concerned about young people's exposures, especially during pregnancy. Pregnant women on cell phones, using laptops and living in homes with wi-fi and wireless security systems, and near cell phone towers. Cell towers in school parking lots.

Here's another link to expert's quotes re EMF/RFR: http://electromagnetichealth.org/quotes-from-experts/

I hope your husband feels better, Cherry.

Cherry Sperlin Misra

To Kurt's mom - cynical of me, but I would say that if there was a report that "too much mercury was accidentally put into vaccines in 1999", that simply means that someone is trying to con the public into thinking that "Its all in the past- no problem for babies today" - as they look at the expiry date on some vaccines with mercury and the date is 2005 and they nod and say "Oh that's ok, they have to be used up"

Cherry Sperlin Misra

To Linda, Thankyou for posting this comment. Im going to check out the references which you have given. However, I am not surprised in the least that people dont pay attention to this. I dont really feel like doing so either. It has reached the point that there are so many things wrong with our "environment", from vaccines to food products, to medications to the health authorities who wont warn anyone about anything till people are falling dead in the street as you walk by - that one feels overwhelmed. Nevertheless, I plan to tackle them one at a time and see what I can do. I am sad for the young parents, however, who are often too busy to do the required research. by the way, I live in India and recently I told my daughter in the US that my husband is having side effects from his new diabetes med. Her reply was that this med is the one they give first in the U.S. and she had wondered why it had not been given earlier. I think this was meant to reassure me, but in fact it had the opposite effect. My first thought was "Oh no- what pharmaceutical agenda is driving this!? I suppose that anyone who has watched autism unfold , believes no one in authority any longer.


I want to comment on this, but I don't want anyone to get the wrong impression. When I heard what the shooter said was affecting him, it made me wonder. I am not in any way saying that I know what happened or that he wasn't psychotic or that his claim that radiation was causing his problem is true and was not a delusion. But with regard to heeding warnings, very prominent scientists, including Dr. Martha Herbert, have been warning that there are bioeffects from electromagnetic fields and radio frequency radiation. They are warning that standards need to be revised and are not nearly protective enough. There is clear scientific evidence showing that people are effected by cell phones, wi-fi, etc. A child's brain function is changed after only a few minutes on a cell phone.

Some people are electrosensitive and can't tolerate being around these devices or in wireless environments. Reportedly heart, immune and nervous system function can be adversely affected (adverse effects include anxiety, insomnia, depression, irritability, dizziness, memory loss, headaches). Some people are so intolerant that they've had to move to a 13,000 sq. mile area in West Virginia where wireless isn't allowed. Experts are warning that with the increasing use of these technologies that more and more people, especially those exposed as kids, will become electrosensitive. Exposures are cumulative.

Even the American Academy of Pediatrics in 2012 has written to both Congress and the FCC http://www.scribd.com/doc/104230961/American-Academy-of-Pediatrics-letter-to-the-FCC expressing concern that the standards have not been revised since 1996 and that wireless has never been tested, especially in kids, the way it's being used now. The WHO said in 2011 that cell phone radiation is a possible human carcinogen.

I know I've posted about this before, but I don't think most listen. Some good places for information are EnvironmentalHealthTrust.org and BioInitiative.org. The safest thing to do is to use wired computer connections, and minimize kid's cell phone use, not to have wi-fi at home and to fight not to have it in schools. Magda Havas, Phd, a Trent University environmental health professor, has done research on this for years and says that having wi-fi is like having a cell phone tower in your home or school. She says wi-fi is "high tech and low intelligence". Those websites have more info on ways to heed the warnings and be safe.
Maybe this comment doesn't fit here, but I feel strongly that RFR/EMF standards are not protecting the public, and that few are paying attention.


Here's a warning- the school I worked at today (large- the population is anywhere between 500 to 700 kids) had quite a huge 'medical alert' poster- 55 kids on it, with, of course:
terrible nut allergies requiring epi pens, asthma, seizures, diabetes. A teacher who had been there quite a few years (school is 25 years old) says they have to keep making the kids' pictures smaller to fit them all on!
In the last few days I have become quite worried about all the boys- 7 out of 9 boys today in special Ed class, yesterday 5 boys- which was the entire class (special school for severely disabled) and the other day 6 boys and 1 girl in a severe behavior class. Lots seem to be recent immigrants but I'm not positive. What is happening to so many of our boys?? (not forgetting the girls, too, of course).


Yes and will "Obamacare make this all any better? Maybe not! I recently saw a study (JAMA MassGenral, 2010) where they found that chronic disease in children has gone up from 12 % in /94 to 26% in 2007. Something is just not right!


Well, like autism, the epidemic of psychotic mass civilian violence mostly comes back to pharma's tainted door again: http://www.infowars.com/state-of-connecticut-refuses-to-release-adam-lanzas-medical-records/

'Louise Tambascio, a family friend of [Adam Lanza] and his mother, also told 60 Minutes, “I know he was on medication and everything….I knew he was on medication, but that’s all I know.”...

As we have repeatedly documented, psychiatric drugs have been a common theme in hundreds of murders and mass shootings over the last three decades.

The most recent example, Navy Yard gunman Aaron Alexis, was taking the anti-depressant drug Trazodone, which has been linked to numerous murders and a mass shooting at a beauty parlor in 2011.

Despite it being reported that prescription drugs were found in the apartment of ‘Batman’ shooter James Holmes days after the Aurora massacre, it took nine months to find out exactly what those drugs were. Like Columbine killer Eric Harris, Holmes had been taking Zoloft, another SSRI drug linked with violent outbursts...'

The truth is, our society likes magic bullets-- against disease, against sadness, against stress and hardship. It's hard to admit to the side effects of all forms of wishful thinking.

I'm aware that these drugs can cause formerly sane people to commit heinous acts and I'm aware that many people ignore these warnings in preference for prescribing doctors' false reassurances and transparent industry PR. But there are now black box warnings on these medications stating that they can cause violence and suicide; the warnings are even listed on DTC advertising. So if a consenting adult takes the meds or gives them to their children and this results in violence against others, ignorance is rapidly losing steam as a defense.

Jeannette Bishop

For some time, on the subject of vaccination, I thought the value or widely perceived value of vaccination got most of the credit for the inaccurate coverage in the media who overall had good intentions, but watching other coverage such as in the past election more from the perspective of hoping that an outsider with other "non-mainstream" positions could get a fair shake, also learning more about some of those positions has made it clear to me we are being shepherded for the interests of a few on more than one subject, maybe every subject of any importance. I'm not even sure good intentions aren't a major liability in a media career today, and I don't like this position, but I'm always wondering now what the media is not reporting that we would want to know, or I'm wondering why they happen to be telling us whatever they do "report" on.


For the parents of kids born in 1999, I saw an article in my local paper, a simple press release, really.

It said that too much mercury was accidentally used in vaccines in 1999. That was the year my son was born.

Thought it would make huge news.

Won't even come up in google.


I will never agree with the NRA but I don't think you'll find a mass shooting incident where the shooter wasn't on some psychotropic drug. The navy yard shooter was on Trazodone according to reports.

I had two relatives that were put on medications after trauma and both became psychotic. Meds induced tardive dyskinesia in a relative on my husbands side. For those reasons, and the fact that I could never trust the pharmaceutical companies because of their role in my child's autism, we have never given our child medications.


Brooke you hit the mark... a loss of potential for all of society when all the warning signs were there... what a web of lies for profits.

barbara j

Take note around you, they ARE enlisting our kids!! My nephew was picked up in high school, we thought it was just a passing thing, and were all dumbfounded when he graduated and was sent to boot camp to serve in the Army reserves. A vaccine damaged child, he has no idea what this is all about, only a fringe understanding. What will be the effects of loading him with vaccines, and perhaps Lariam, I shudder to think. Surely, silence and following instructions won't out him, he's good at that, yet I'm certain there will soon be a discharge of some kind, and he will take it as a failure.


The mainstream media is using the shootings to stigmatize people with mental illness...I see a dangerous pattern emerging. NRA seems want to desparately divert the issue off of gun control and onto MI. We still dont have all the facts on the shooting such as whether this man was on any medications? Maybe meds and guns don't mix.


Wow--this really hit home. My first child was also born in 1999. I trusted while pregnant that the PTB had IMMEDIATELY removed the mercury from the vaccines (why wouldn't they?!) so was ONLY concerned about the MMR. Thankfully, I put the MMR off and then stopped the shots altogether after my second son (born in 2002) regressed into full-blown autism after a mercury flu shot/mercury DTap at 15 mos!! For unknown reasons, my first son was "only" mildly affected--never got a diagnosis "except" borderline ADD, anxiety, and migraines, but we didn't do biomed with him because there was no information at the time about the benefits of biomed for ADD, etc. With our second son, we implemented diet and detox. via DAN doctor fairly soon after his regression and he made a full recovery. (The diet was gf/cf/sf and rice-free--so almost a GAPS diet.) All of this supposedly AFTER the "mercury was removed from vaccines".


Bob Moffit you are right on that one!
Nothing is counted until the kid turns 8.
They depend on schools to do the monitoring - really though we can't depend on the doctors in the community to do it any earlier though. None wants to be a Dr. Wakefield. Tough choice for doctors that are borderline moralist which is the majority of people, I suppose. .

But 8 does give us a fuller view of what is going on, and 20 plus years would give us even more of a view. Since vaccinated kids are out there from 30 years ago already - an even better view could be given if they were looked at; my community has lost a great many of these young adults by the way.. .

Personal note here and you all can take what you will from it:

Barbara J - warning of what to look for and hope it helps you---

My husband's has very regular visits to a neurologist nurse practioner.

That nurse practioner has a 30 year old son the same age as my daughter that had Kawasakis some 25 years ago.

it is not going very well for him. She commented yesterday that she thinks he was just born irritable.
He is very under employed for the education he has -
Plus she thinks there have been on going drinking problems for a number of years.
She is lucky it is just alcohol and not some of the harder drugs, so far.
There are also different levels- or types of bipolar. Bipolar is not easy to recognize- especially in the early years -- for we as a society have come to think it is normal for teens to be moody, and then get up and have a ball with fellow teenagers. As a matter of fact can be and are often the life of the party. I think as a society we have once again shown our ignorance on that one. Teenagers and hormones we say.

But the early signs of bipolar is called hypomania-- with high energy, moodiness, and impulsive or reckless behavior (kids that love the most scariest of amusement park rides) . Hypomania may feel good to the person who experiences it, so that he or she will deny that anything is wrong (heck a parent can easily dismiss it too) . In early stages, symptoms may appear as what society thinks of as other problems: alcohol or drug abuse, or poor performance at work or school.

My take on it is -- It may or may not lead to more severe episodes of mania or depression--depends on how lucky you are, how vaccine injured you are. Maybe a person can go through out life as a functioning alcoholic - I don't know.

Stuart are you taking notes? The zombies are here!


Stuart, I appreciate your input and POV. I would hope people would read a full article. The post is indeed about the two topics - the more people who click in to read the article the better. I was on a CBS radio NY after Newtown disassociating the two as a rule. But I see your point, and it's duly noted. Thanks. KIM


Why on Earth do you link mass shootings and autism in your headline? These now appear on Google and add to the growing frenzy of idiotic, ill-informed rubbish in the media linking violence with autism.

I really would have expected better from The Age of Autism which is both widely read and a highly visible advocate.

Bob Moffitt

I have to give our government credit .. aided and abetted by a very compliant main-stream media .. if they do something horribly wrong .. .. they are experts at covering it up by all sorts of bureaucratic-political macinations.

When these cover-ups happen .. and .. they happen more frequently than not in certain areas ... such as .. public health (vaccines) and the environment (GMOs) .. the cover-up is always a "bi-partisan" effort.

It must be me .. but .. I believe public health officials should have begun monitoring the rate of autism immediately after thimerosal was supposed to be removed by counting those children born somewhere in the 1990's .. since those were the children who inexplicably "regressed" in such rising numbers that parents immediately began to suspect the vaccines may be linked to their child's "regression".

Instead .. public health officials began counting backwards from about ten years out .. which always seemed a little disingenious to me .. because .. most parents could have told them the numbers will risen steadily the closer and closer they came to the years when amount of thimerosal exposure was the greatest.

Indeed, if you are trying to ascertain if removing thimerosal from the vaccines reduced the numbers of autistic children .. why would you count backwards towards those years .. instead of counting going forward from the moment they removed thimerosal so any reduction in autism would have been easily identified?

To me .. they appear to be monitoring the after effects of removing thimerosal through their "rear-view" mirror .. instead of looking through the windshield as they moved farther and farther away from any significant decrease following thimerosal's removal.

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