HPV Vaccine: A Strong Criticism from Leading Israeli OBGYN Doctor
Dachel Media Review: Vax Attacks



Geier & Geier: Autism, Mercury, Thimerosal & The VSD / CDC Visit
I can not find it.
I put it in my favorites - and my whole entire list of favorites is gone.

I googled the above and still cannot find it.

I tried your link and it goes to Mark Blaxill's interview for the Carnary Party but not Geiger and Geiger.

Do you think you can find it for me?
I wanted to show it to my daughter this weekend.


"Meruvax II .. A preparation of the Wistar Institute RA 27/3 strain of live attenuated rubella virus .. adapted to and propagated in WI-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts (fetal tissue. This vaccine also contains sodium chloride, sodium phosphate, sucrose, sorbitol, hydrolyzed gelatin (an animal protein usually derived from cows or pigs), neomycin, and human serum albumin. Produced by Merck and given in 2 dose"

Let us take a brief look at one of these ingredients. The BASE one

o A preparation of the Wistar Institute RA 27/3 strain of live attenuated rubella virus

Please take a look at the role of the Wistar Institute in the genesis of AIDS


The Wistar Institute's record with children and the injection of KNOWN toxic substances while KNOWINGLY breaking laws and moral standards makes them the LAST "people" I would trust with my children's or any child's life.

Jeannette Bishop

Thank you, Mr. Blaxill and all those in the Canary Party who advocate so well for our children and our health!


Theresa 66 Thanks for the link!
So, 1 out of 5 that are okay -- are only okay - so far -- but ethyl mercury is there in their brains making lower threshholds of significant health problmes of run ins with mercury in the environment---- as in more darn vaccines given - in which is being encouraged with more Hep Bs, more DTaPs, more flu vaccines.

It has been another bad summer guys -- since some one already damaged by vaccines got yet another DTaP last fall.

The cycle here -- that we have gone through now three different times lately are - immediate reactions (depending on the vaccine - Hep B-have been high SED rates, stiffness; DTAP a whooping like cough for months: Flu severe leg aches.

About three or four months later deep depression inspite of those psych meds. They up the psych meds and in about 8 months to a year we get high cycling of mania and depression. No even stevens at all.

Theresa 66

Mis-posted the proper link to the Geier's below... a 200 page application, a $3,200 fee, and they are given DOS based software to use with an operation that has a 4 Billion dollar budget...

Geier & Geier: Autism, Mercury, Thimerosal & The VSD / CDC Visit


Fraud and arrogance usually go together, which is what the Center for Disease & Corruption is all about.


From Evidence of Harm by David Kirby pages 280 - 283

In October of 2003, Dr. Mark and David Geier were given access to the CDC vaccine injury database at the CDC's Center for Health Statistics.

With the "inside help of a CDC staffer" with an affected child in her family, they compared Autism rates for children who had received "three DTaP shots with Thimerosal" and those that had received "three Thimerosal free" DTaP shots.

The CDC vaccine injury records of thousands of children, showed Autism rates 27 times higher in the Thimerosal / mercury group.

Similar "off the chart vaccine issues" were noted by CDC epidemiologist Dr. Verstraeten, which led to the June 2000 vaccine industry meeting in Simpsonwood, Georgia.


"I would seriously question whether or not this particular vaccine is somehow more "safe and necessary" than any other "unavoidably unsafe" vaccine these toddlers are recommended to take."

Since this is obviously so each family MUST have the completely UNFETTERED right to decide if they WANT to so poison their children with "vaccines" and "vaccination".

CDC and pedeoquacks butt out!


I don't know Bob Moffitt- there was a little boy that - well a blue baby at our church as we were growing up and rubella to a woman that has some kind of immune problems - or never had rubella it is a bad deal.

It might be worth the risks.

I personally am tired of gambling with kids lives.

If we never had a vaccine court - then vaccine makers would either get out of the bussiness - (not likely if government was willing to help fund research) or got up off their hind ends and actually worked for a living --other than throwing alum and Hg into everything.


Thanks Mark great clip.

Had not seen this excellent clip with the Geier's, (that followed Mark Blaxill's clip)


One would think that two Americans trying to help solve a problem 100 times more common than polio would be given so much crap by the CDC, just trying to look at some vaccine data.

Endless hoops to jump through, DOS based software to use when they arrive on the CDC site in 2003....

There are probably 100 people who need to be in prison for their elite medical fraud conduct.

Bob Moffitt

First of all .. I want to extend my great appreciation and admiration for Mark Blaxill and all he has done to pave the way for the thousands of families .. such as my own .. who leaned heavily on Mark to learn what may have happened to our own children who "regressed" following vaccinations.

God bless him and all those who work so tirelessly along side of him in his quest to make our world a whole lot safer for generations to come.

Having said that .. I must admit I can no longer pretend that "some" vaccines are worth exposing toddlers to the "unavoidably unsafe" risks inherent in all vaccines.

That includes the Rubella vaccine that Mark commented on.

From the book "Make an Informed Vaccine Decision for the Health of Your Child" by Dr. Mayer Eisenstein:

"Meruvax II .. A preparation of the Wistar Institute RA 27/3 strain of live attenuated rubella virus .. adapted to and propagated in WI-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts (fetal tissue. This vaccine also contains sodium chloride, sodium phosphate, sucrose, sorbitol, hydrolyzed gelatin (an animal protein usually derived from cows or pigs), neomycin, and human serum albumin. Produced by Merck and given in 2 dose"

"The drug company that produces the rubella vaccine publishes an extensive list of ailments known to have occurred following the rubella (or MMR) shot. These include arthritis, arthralgia, myalgia, encephalitis, GBS, thombocytopenia, leukocytosis, polyneuritis, polyneuropathy optic neuritis, anaphylaxis, and death. Numerous studies and frequent reports filed with the FDA's Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) confirm these and other afflictions following rubella (or MMR) vaccinations."

I believe the list of ingredients pertains to the single rubella vaccine .. but .. I am confused as to whether the adverse reactions are the same for the single ruebella vaccine as when combined with the MMR.

However .. either way .. I would seriously question whether or not this particular vaccine is somehow more "safe and necessary" than any other "unavoidably unsafe" vaccine these toddlers are recommended to take.

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