Emily Willingham and the CDC Criminal
Immune Treatments For Autism

Dachel Media Review: Special Drivers License for Autism?

Online newsBy Anne Dachel

Read Anne's comments on mainstream newscoverage after the jump.

Sept 10, 2013, Augusta (GA) Chronicle: Stop calling it autism

Sept 9. 2013, WFAA Dallas/Fort Worth: Outbreaks make a case for vaccinations

Sept 9, 2013, Forbes: Is Texas A Hotspot For Outbreaks Of Vaccine-Preventable Disease?

Sept 9, 2013, Medical Daily: Jenny McCarthy Debuts On 'The View': Sympathy Aside, Is She A Believable Spokesperson On Health?

Sept 9, 2013, NY Daily News: Autistic girl makes 'miracle' recovery after alleged murder-suicide attempt by mom

Sept 9, 2013, Fithcburg (MA) Sentinel & Enterprise:Bill seeks designation for autism on licenses

Augusta (GA) Chronicle

"Every day we can read stories and studies about autism in newspapers across the country. Autism, meaning self-absorption, was a word used decades ago to describe certain types of autistic behaviors.

"However, over the past two decades so much more has been learned about autism that the term no longer fits the illness.

"Autism is not a mental disorder, even though psychiatrists and psychologists have chosen to place it in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the book that describes mental disorders. ..."

More from the unstoppable Maurine Meleck!  (She's also the "Vaccines Cause Autism" T-shirt lady!)  I posted two comments.

WFAA Dallas/Fort Worth

"The MMR vaccine has nearly eradicated measles in the United States, but a persistent myth linking the vaccine to autism has led some communities to resist vaccination. For example, Texas has seen a rise over the last five years - to 0.57 percent from 0.23 percent - in parents seeking exemptions for children from immunizations required to attend public school."
I posted comments.  Of course the concern is for measles, never for autism.

"Like parents across the country, Texas parents are in some instances falling victim to non-evidence-based claims about vaccines, such as the persistent rumor that vaccines cause autism (they don't) or that the vaccine schedule is 'too much, too soon.'  That is not the case; indeed, the current schedule is more like "orders of magnitude less" than previous schedules and-as experts point out repeatedly-much less than an infant encounters out there in the microbe-riddled world-or from the caregiver with pertussis."
I've noticed that on Willingham's stories, there's always a couple of supportive comments up first....

She slams me for saying the same thing every time, when in actual fact, IT'S HER! I only put one comment up this time---about the Canary Party video!
Medical Daily

"After much public outcry, Jenny McCarthy finally made her debut on The View today when the show began Season 17. Since July 15, when the actress and best-selling author was officially named co-host (along with Barbara Walters, Sherri Shepherd, and Whoopi Goldberg), many individuals and publications have issued protests. Why object to the likeable McCarthy? For years now, McCarthy has been claiming that her son developed autism due to vaccinations received as a baby.
"'Jenny McCarthy, who will join The View in September, will be the show's first co-host whose dangerous views on childhood vaccination may-if only indirectly-have contributed to the sickness and death of people throughout the Western world, ' wrote Michael Specter in The New Yorker".
Still slamming Jenny and calling for censorship. I posted comments.
NY Daily News

"Issy Stapleton, 14, is up and about after being unresponsive and removed from life support. Charged with attempted murder, mom Kelli Stapleton remains behind bars in northern Michigan. ...
"Her family had long struggled with Issy's lashing out. Her mother had been hospitalized twice following beatings by Issy, according to The Status Woe blog site maintained by Kelli Stapleton, whose musings about caring for an autistic child vacillated from despair to hopefulness to just plain fed up....

"Last week, on the day she picked up Issy to take her home for the first time in months, Kelli Stapleton sounded distraught as she recounted a recent argument with a school teacher who told her Issy could not return.

"'So less than a week before school is to start, she is uninvited,' the mother wrote on her blog. 'I am devastated. My husband is gutted. I have ruined everything.'"

The mother was put in the hospital TWICE by violent 14 year old daughter. Which symptoms is that? Lack of communication skills or inability at social interaction?
 Fitchurg (MA) Sentinel & Enterprise
"Someone with social-interaction issues might do something that would cause a police officer to think something was wrong," Charter said. "We're hoping to lower the chances of something bad coming out of it. The bill would increase safety for everyone involved."

"The bill would put into effect a special designation on a license that would alert dispatchers that the carrier has an autism-spectrum diagnosis. The placing of such a designation would be completely voluntary, Charter said.

"'It wouldn't necessarily come back saying that the person has Asperger's, but it would alert the officer that they might not handle interactions normally," she said. "And the bill would also require officers to undergo training on how to proceed. The aim is to make things as safe as possible.'
"The bill will be heard Tuesday by the Joint Committee on Transportation. Charter is hoping to get volunteers to speak on the subject at the hearing."

Autism is here to stay. We just have to get used to it. In Massachusetts they want to have a designation on driver's licenses. Police officers would get more training about autism too. It's so nice that we're all so aware after 1,000s of years of ignorance about autism. I have no words. No one ever cares why we're doing this.


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