Another Winner! Finding Lina A Mother's Journey from Autism to Hope from Skyhorse Publishing
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Dachel Media Review: Parental Healthcare Choice, Charter Schools

Online newsBy Anne Dachel

Read Anne's comments after the jump.

Sept 18, 2013, ABC15 Phoenix AZ: Arizona Autism Charter Schools ensure kids affected by autism get education they need

Sept 18, 2013, KPBS-TV San Diego: CA Shot Delays: Alternative Vaccine Schedules Mean Fewer San Diego Students Are Fully Immunized

Sept 18, 2013, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia launches new mobile vaccine app

ABC15 Phoenix AZ

"With autism, there are no answers"
Reporter: "So what happened at 15 months?"

Diana Diaz: "He stopped looking at me. He stopped responding to the little games I would play with him. He was very distressed, irritable, crying, not able to be consoled--just not himself.

"Nobody knows why children regress around that time.

"I wish I knew what the trigger was. I wish I knew what took away my joyful, engaged, communicative baby."
This is simply heartbreaking to watch. The mom said, "Nobody knows why children regress around that time."

YES, THEY DO! They know perfectly well and they don't care how many children suffer. I put up four comments. Links work.
KPBS-TV San Diego

"A trend toward giving children fewer shots at one time, combined with continued skepticism about vaccines' safety, means more kindergarteners than ever in San Diego County were not fully immunized when they started school last year.

"Much has been made of the "personal belief exemptions" parents use to allow their unvaccinated children to attend school. But a movement to delay or spread out vaccines for children is also lowering the county's immunization rates for kindergarteners.

"Nearly 90 percent of the county's schools had kindergarten classes with at least one student who was not up to date on vaccines at the start of the 2012 school year, the most recent year data was available from the California Department of Public Health...."

This was refreshing. It's actually balanced. I posted a plethora of my comments.

"A new mobile app could allow parents and doctors to stay up-to-date on reliable information about the safety and science of vaccines, the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia announced on Friday.

"The hospital's Vaccine Education Center launched Vaccines on the Go: What You Should Know, an app meant to assist parents and doctors with vaccine decisions. The app provides parents with extensive resources from the VEC website that they can access anywhere to find immediate answers to questions related to childhood immunizations.

"The app, which is available for the iPhone, includes comprehensive information about vaccines and the diseases they prevent, vaccine safety topics like autism, vaccine schedules, thimerosal and too many vaccines at once, recommended immunization schedules for teens, children and adults and the types of vaccines and how they're made."

I'm sure this is first and foremost for DOCTORS. I've talked with enough of them who know nothing about vaccines. It's kind of a cheat sheet when parents ask about things. "Excuse me a minute....I have to check something."
Good luck with this. It's is a reaction to all of our voices that never stop. So will CHOP be coming up with an autism app anytime soon? They could provide links to Paul Offit slamming the autism community, Coleen Boyle testifying about the study the CDC refuses to do, and all the worthless research linking autism to mom's bad behavior--drinking, eating, smoking, not getting folic acid, having bad genes, living too close to freeways and marrying old men.



I had the same impression from the 1 in each kindergarten class claim. They're trying to stir up an angry mob the size of the US population. It's this week's tactic. It would make a great Twilight Zone episode except, hard to believe, it's what we're living. Thanks for the link.

I was thinking about Japan also - about how they start later and have stopped recommending HPV. That would look good on a chart, wouldn't it? The UK doesn't give Hep B at birth? How many other countries do or don't? A detailed global analysis comparing vaccine intervention by product and outcome (morbidity and mortality) by country, including whether vaccines are mandated or voluntary, would snap a lot of people out of their government/media/medical industry imposed ignorant local mentality. It would give perspective to alternate vaccine schedules aggressively declared irresponsible and dangerous by Offit, et al. and to the suggestion that parents who do not vaccinate their children according to the CDC's schedule should be held liable for communicable disease outbreaks. I would also include (this would be a big chart :o) for each vaccine, the length of time that the immunity is known/believed/thought to last, referenced of course.

Didn't we read some time back (last year?) that pregnant women should be vaccinated for pertussis at the end of their pregnancy, because if inoculated at the beginning, the protection would wear off by the time they gave birth? That kind of information would be good to see on a chart. Would wake a lot of people up. I would hope.

Cherry Sperlin Misra

Linda- That is a very good idea. It would certainly surprise people who imagine that vaccine schedules are made using some kind of scientific criteria. If that were so, all the schedules would be fairly similar. One of the ones that I would like to see is that of Japan- I have heard that they give most or all vaccines after age 2, but are being pressured by pharma to give more at a younger age.(Actually, I too was one of such people about a decade ago- Its just one of those preconceived ideas one has after a lifetime of brainwashing)
Anne- I cant help but feel that all the reporting on people not fully vaccinating children is helping some young parents to have confidence in their thoughts of protecting their baby from too many vaccines.


"Has anyone made a chart comparing the vaccination schedules of the developed nations? That would be interesting to see."

According To CIA Statistics: As Shots Increase, U.S. Lifespan Is DECREASING


"All the worthless research linking autism to mom's bad behavior"

I have not researched it but I would bet most of these unsmiling females from the CDC that parade before us telling us autism is no big deal and it "is not connected to vaccination" are NOT mothers. How can they be?

We do know most medical professionals avoid the "flu shot" like a dirty toilet bowl on party day.


"Nearly 90 percent of the county's schools had kindergarten classes with at least one student who was not up to date on vaccines at the start of the 2012 school year, the most recent year data was available from the California Department of Public Health...."

What a fear mongering statement!

Lets look at it.

Say an average class size is 30. This means if but one kid lacks a single "vaccination" of the two or three dozen "vaccinations" required of each student this ridiculous 90% figure is met.

So out of the 900 or so "vaccinations" required of the 30 poor pincushion kids if just ONE is lacking this ridiculous 90% figure is met.

Honestly these "people" make me sick. But we must remember the only reason "vaccination" can exist is FEAR and AUTHORITY.

Think do not "vaccinate".

Vaccine Information

Posted to KBPS
It is a scientific fact that multiple vaccines in single visit and combination vaccines increase the rate of reactions.
The slides below are from a Vaccine Safety Datalink study about the addition of the Chicken Pox (Varicella) vaccine to the schedule. They detail an increase from the normal 1/3500 MMR febrile seizures to 1/2500 when a Chicken Pox shot is added to the same visit. The seizure rate increases to 1/1250 when the “Pro Quad”, 4 in 1 MMRV combination vaccine is used. The final slide is from a CDC presentation confirming that administering the PCV13 and Flu Shot in the same visit provokes a seizure every 1/2250. These documents speak very clearly against the idea that vaccines, because they are given to prevent illness, are somehow magically exempt from the normal rules of pharmacology and the occurrence of drug interactions and complications.
Is a parent unscientific if he can dramatically reduce his child’s risk of a seizure by dose timing or product selection? Particularly if the risk increased is in possibly contracting Chicken Pox? Chicken Pox was considered a routine childhood illness, and not even a reportable infection prior to the development of the vaccine. The US is one of only 15 or so countries worldwide to recommend universal Chicken Pox vaccination, (The UK and most of Europe does not).
This article accurately describes that most parents exercising exemptions do so selectively, and are not abandoning the entire schedule wholesale. What it does not address is that exemptions rise in response to an ever-increasing schedule. Oregon is “blamed” for a high exemption rate, but the most exempted vaccine is Hepatitis A, which is only required by 15 states, not casually transmissible but passed by fecal oral contamination, prevented by proper hygiene, and rarely results in serious health outcomes.
The fact is vaccination rates are higher than they have ever been, and exemption use is a response to a bloating schedule which is adding vaccines for infections that are not commonly dangerous and / or easily contractible in the school setting.


Has anyone made a chart comparing the vaccination schedules of the developed nations? That would be interesting to see.


"Vaccine Education Center launched Vaccines on the Go: What You Should Know, an app meant to assist parents and doctors with vaccine decisions"

What does it say to parents about their doctor's knowledge base and insight into decisions about vaccination that the doctor has to read the same material that is meant for them, in laymen's terms? This is a desperate attempt to market products and services that the public has lost faith in.

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