Dachel Media Review: Top Story Mother Kills Two Children - 1 with Autism
Read Anne's comments after the jump.
TOP STORY: Mother kills two children--one was autistic
Sept 14, 2013, ABC 15 Scottsdale, AZ: 2 children found dead in Orange County, California hotel room
Sept 15, 2013, ABC 15 Scottsdale, AZ: Marilyn Edge charged in deaths of two children at California Hampton Inn & Suites hotel
Sept 16, 2013, ABC 15, Scottsdale, AZ: Marilyn Edge: Documents shed light on what murder suspect was going through
Sept 15, 2013, UK Daily Mail: Arizona mother Marilyn Edge 'killed autistic son, 13, and daughter, 10, before trying to kill herself'
An Arizona mother killed her children, one of whom was autistic. He was 13. It seems she had a case in Vaccine "Court."
Daily Mail: "The doting mother sued the Secretary of Health and Human Services in 2004, alleging a vaccination gave her son autism, court records showed. The case was dismissed only last year.
"Citing a lack of medical records supporting Ms Edge's claim, and the lack of a valid medical opinion to further bolster it, Chief Special Master Patricia Campbell-Smith dismissed the suit for 'insufficient proof.'
"Ms Edge was awarded a judgment in the amount of $7,692 to settle legal fees owed for the suit. It is not clear if or when she ever received that money."
ABC 15 said, "In 2012, Chief Special Master Patricia Campbell-Smith dismissed the case."
Aside from the horror of the events in Orange County, this also sheds light on how our vaccine injury compensation program works. For eight years, she waited for a decision.
Sept 15, 2013, 5 new rules to improve your child's sleep habits - Health & wellness -
Sept 15, 2013, Welland (Ontario) Tribune: Anti-vaccination movement should be accountable
Sept 15, 2013, Livingston Daily (Howell MI): Parents should have kids vaccinated
Sept 15, 2013, Newsworks: A.J. Drexel Autism Institute boosts research on adults with autism
Sept 14, 2013, MILive: Autism anguish: Does sympathy for Kelli Stapleton put people with autism at risk?
Sept 13, 2013, Cape Coral (FL) Daily Breeze: Free autism screenings
Sept 12, 2013, Gianelloni.wordpress.com: Why all the measles outbreaks?
Boston Globe
"As more kids are diagnosed with autism and ADHD, parents need to deal with their unique sleep problems. Prescription stimulants to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder have contributed to sleep problems in children. Sleeplessness is a common side effect that often occurs either from the drugs themselves or as the drugs wear off at night, which triggers more hyperactivity."
This was by Deborah Kotz at the Boston Globe. Four years ago, in this U.S. News report, she expressed her concern over vaccines and side effects like autism. The AAP didn't like her doing that. She ended up holding a discussion with then AAP president, David Tayloe, and president-elect, Judith Palfrey, along with Dr. Bernadine Healy.
Both Tayloe and Palfrey were adamant: Vaccines don't cause autism. It seemed that they weren't happy that she was pursuing the subject in her stories. Healy brought up things that were concerning about vaccines but neither of the AAP execs were interested in discussing them.
That was in 2009. The AAP still isn't interested in autism. They still deny a link. Back in 2009, the autism rate was one in 110. Today, it's one in 50. Deborah Kotz isn't asking if the case is closed anymore. She merely writes, "As more kids are diagnosed with autism..."
She's got that right.
Welland (Ontario) Tribune
"Now, think we could have anti-vacers put onto a rocket ship with faith healers, homeopaths and psychics and launch it at the Sun.
"Why would I waste millions of tax payer dollars to rid the planet of this cohort of madness in such a dramatic fashion? Because new research shows the debunked ideas of the anti-vacers has lead, directly, to the return of measles - which had been all but wiped out - in the United States.
"The consequences of the anti-vaccination movement - based largely on the fraudulent claims of a UK doctor named Andrew Wakefield (who lost his medical license when the extent of his faker was exposed)- have already been dire. In England, children have died from preventable diseases because their parents bought into Wakefield's unsupported notion that vaccines cause autism."
I usually never read Canadian stuff as there's way too much fraudulent reporting right here in the U.S. Most of this is about Wakefield and the CDC.
So "health care professionals" are making anti-vaccine claims?
What does that tell us?
I posted two comments. (No links allowed.)
Howell MI
"Medical science has become, in a sense, a victim of its own success.
"Vaccinations have been so effective at eliminating horrifying diseases that many people have forgotten the terror of the illnesses themselves.
"Today, more and more parents are declining to have their children vaccinated. This year, the Livingston County Department of Public Health pointed out, one in seven kindergartners entered school without the required vaccinations. Their parents instead filed medical, religious or philosophical waivers.
"In Livingston County, four out of five of those waivers cite philosophical objections, county health officials said. And interestingly, the county's rate of kindergartners going to school without vaccinations, 13 percent, is much higher than the state's overall rate of 5.5 percent....
"Sixty years later, many have forgotten the disease and remember only the scare linking vaccines to autism. In 1998, a British doctor published a study claiming there was a connection between the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine and autism.
"But now that study has been thoroughly discredited. The Lancet, the medical journal which originally published it, has withdrawn the article and said it never should have been published in the first place. Multiple additional studies have been conducted and found no link between vaccines and autism. The doctor who did the study is no longer allowed to practice medicine in Britain. And the British Medical Journal published a series of reports accusing him of falsifying data.
"Nonetheless, regulators in the United States and vaccine makers here have almost completely eliminated the suspect ingredient, Thimerosal, from vaccinations just to be safe."
Whenever anyone trashes Andy Wakefield and links thimerosal to the MMR, it's clear they don't know what they're talking about. I ended up posting 15 comments---all links working.
"Autism research tends to focus on the causes of this developmental disorder, and on early interventions for children affected by it. Philadelphia's A.J. Drexel Autism Institute is now making an effort to better understand how to help adults with autism.
"Experts estimate that 50,000 people with autism turn 18 every year. Many of them are having a very hard time finding employment, college or housing opportunities after high school.
"Researcher Paul Shattuck, who has focused his career on adults with autism, has just joined the Drexel institute to further advance the knowledge base and science in this area. Young adults with autism have worse outcomes than peers with other disabilities, for example, when it comes to something called 'total disengagement,' he said.
For years we've been told that all the autism everywhere is nothing new. It's simply "better diagnosing" of a disorder that's always been around. If that were really true, there wouldn't be this problem. Autistic young adults would go where autistic adults have always gone. The only problem is no one has ever been able to find all the supposedly misdiagnosed, undiagnosed adults with autism at a rate even remotely close to what we see in our children.
The current autism rate of one in 50 is based on studies of CHILDREN. So where are the 30, 50, and 70 year olds with autism? Maybe the next research project at the Institute could be to find where they are---and if no one can find them, maybe we should honestly and thoroughly address what's happening to a generation of children.
"Does sympathy for one group constitute hurtfulness toward another?
"That's the question at the heart of an unhappy conversation in the autism community in the wake of attempted murder charges against a mother, a Kalamazoo College alumna, accused of trying to kill her daughter, who has autism."
Isn't it interesting that there's a public discussion like this when the topic is parents attempting to (and actually) killing their autistic children BUT ABSOLUTELY NO WORDS WHEN IT COMES TO AUTISM ITSELF.
We are the most complacent people when the subject is yet one more gigantic leap in the autism rate.
We say nothing when officials happily tell us there's no way to prevent autism since they have no idea what causes it. (Except that vaccines don't do it.)
When children stop talking, lose skills, and regress into autism, we don't demand to know why.
All kinds of people readily admit that THERE'S NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING FOR THESE KIDS AS ADULTS, yet no one raises a voice about this lack of preparedness.
But acts of desperation we will debate. I'm happy to see concern for the child in these situations, BUT WHY AREN'T WE EQUALLY VOCAL ABOUT WHAT'S HAPPENING BECAUSE OF THIS EPIDEMIC?
Cape Coral (FL) Daily Breeze
"Golisano Children's Hospital of Southwest Florida, in partnership with Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southwest Florida, offers a free monthly autism spectrum disorder screening for toddlers 18 months to five years of age."
Twenty years ago, when my son John was first diagnosed as a second grader, the school district had to get someone from Minneapolis (about 100 miles away) to diagnose him. I remember being told IT WAS A VERY RARE DISORDER and he was probably the only child in Chippewa Falls who had the disorder. .............How times have changed!
NOW, they screen for it at monthly screenings in a Ronald McDonald Care Mobile.
This must be more of that better diagnosing we hear so much about!
The question is asked and answered. Lots of news outlets are talking about measles, measles, measles and blaming non-vaxers. CBS News announced, "The CDC says 99 percent of children get vaccinated," in their story about measles outbreaks.
Shouldn't everyone ask what's going on here?
Are they trying so hard to restore confidence in the vaccine program that they're making up stats or is there really almost total compliance? Parents would certainly have more faith in vaccines if nearly everyone were vaccinating.
Still, it's not enough. It seems the fragile vaccine program is threatened if even 1 percent of us don't comply.
When did vaccines get to be the cornerstone of children's health?
It must have been around the same time health officials closed their eyes to soaring rates of childhood obesity, asthma, autism, diabetes, seizures, allergies, learning and behavior problems.
"How do special masters expect parents to obtain medical proof of vaccine injury from the doctors who vaccinated their kids?"
A malicious deadly "game" has been set up for us with "vaccination". If we choose to play (with our and our children's lives) we should not expect to win.
I could explain in great detail each player; his ostensible purpose; real part and the utter impossibility of a mere parent of changing even the slightest mote of any of it. But I am sure each of us has about figured it out by now.
Only the parent has the possibility of winning the "vaccination" game; winning for himself, his children and society.
Do not play. Do not "vaccinate" for anything, no time for NOTHING.
Feel not the slightest twinge of guilt for the "herd"; each INDIVIDUAL stands or falls on his immune system and his immune system alone. "Vaccination" is immunosupressive and immunodestructive besides being a deadly deception and part of the depopulation agenda.
Posted by: Lou | September 18, 2013 at 07:45 PM
How do special masters expect parents to obtain medical proof of vaccine injury from the doctors who vaccinated their kids? Most doctors would feel threatened if asked to provide such proof besaudes the fact they are brainwashed to think vaccines have no link to autism. The only proof I have is my sons well baby visit reports which were all "normal" up until about 18 months. The vaccine court is a joke.
In the case of Marilyn Edge:
"The doting mother sued the Secretary of Health and Human Services in 2004, alleging a vaccination gave her son's autism, court records showed. The case was dismissed only last year. Citing a lack of medical records supporting Ms Edge's claim, and the lack of a valid medical opinion to further bloster it, Chief Special Master Patricia Campbell-Smith dismissed the suit for 'insufficient proof.'
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2421077/Arizona-mother-Marilyn-Edge-killed-autistic-son-13-daughter-10-trying-kill-herself.html#ixzz2fCPkAjKU
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook"
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2421077/Arizona-mother-Marilyn-Edge-killed-autistic-son-13-daughter-10-trying-kill-herself.html#ixzz2fCPkAjKU
Posted by: SarahW | September 17, 2013 at 08:41 PM
Chief Special Master Patricia Campbell-Smith dismissed the suit for 'insufficient proof.'
My son was had his claim denied after an 7 year wait and the way the sleazy, slimy vaccine court works it is virtually impossible to have enough proof unless you are Hannah Poling.
Then the records get sealed and the claimants have to sign documents saying that will never utter a word.
It is a political courtroom not a justice courtroom with political hacks making the decisions.
This woman probably thought justice would prevail and went mad when she saw the complete hypocrisy of a system that forces you to get vaccinated and then leaves you on your own and demonizes you when your child gets vaccine damaged even when you can provide mountains of proof from world renown experts saying that vaccines caused autism.
Posted by: Rich | September 17, 2013 at 06:02 PM
The skeptics have a cult mentality.
Posted by: Linda | September 16, 2013 at 07:38 PM
So now we have Canadians Grant Lefleche and his "Grant rants", Joel Rubinoff and Rob Breakenridge who are obviously enamored with Scienceblogs and use it as their sole " research" for health topics- pathetic. Pathetic and lazy. I imagine these guys think they're really cool but they seem like slick arseholes to me, in the same kind of way as sleazy, entitled frat-boys. Actually they'd be flattered by that description, I think. No they're just lazy, superficial arseholes.
Posted by: jen | September 16, 2013 at 06:44 PM
Grant Lafleche- sounds like he's an Orac wannabe and who would wannabe like Orac? Grant has no info in his bio, just that he's a health reporter. Oh and if "burning stupid" and some other juvenile phrases were removed he really doesn't have anything of substance to say. Canada is in fact lacking a no-fault compensation for victims of vaccine side effects/injuries and even Kumanan Wilson has spoke out about the unfairness of this.
Posted by: jen | September 16, 2013 at 06:29 PM