Dachel Media Review: Vax Attacks
Read Anne's comments and links to the articles after the jump.
Sept 25, 2013, 1011-TV Lincoln, NE: VIDEO: Three Siblings Living with Autism
Sept 25, 2013, Portland (OR) Tribune: Your kids get no easy escape from those dreaded shots
Sept 24, 2013, Huffington: I'm Coming Out... as Pro-Vaccine | JJ Keith
Sept 24, 2013, Huffington: The True Cost of Not Vaccinating Your Children: Reviving a Dead Disease | Elijah Wolfson
Sept 24, 2013, 1011-TV Lincoln, NE: VIDEO: Pediatrician Studies Autism, Inspired by Son
1011-TV Lincoln, NE
"A mother of three children, Stephanie Hervey, is frequently overwhelmed: three of her children have autism, a social and communication disorder.
"'Some days are so hard. They will cry for hours and hours. And there's nothing you can do. You start to wonder, did we do something and could we have prevented this?' said Hervey."
Portland (OR) Tribune
"'I think that would be good, because that education will address some of their concerns about preservatives and autism,' Grainger said. 'There is no good evidence that the MMR vaccine causes autism, and every effort has been made to have minimal preservatives in vaccines. I feel comfortable giving these same vaccines to my own children.'"
Articles like this give me the opportunity to post videos of Louis Conte and Mary Holland and Sharyl Attkisson and Bernadine Healy and to challenge the trite denial. It would be nice if doctor like the one cited here took even a fraction of their pro-vax energy and looked into autism.
"The ideas of anti-vaccine advocates have been allowed to spread because vaccinating parents tend to not be radicalized enough to bother with arguing with them. However, this tendency for vaccinating parents to stay out of the discussion is what's causing vaccination to lose its bandwagon appeal. Anti-vaxers are loud. The rest of us need to be loud too, because there's nothing crunchy about a resurgence of polio.
"So I'm writing here not to the anti-vaccine activists, but to other people like me. People who vaccinated their children but avoid saying too much about it because it seems like it's hopeless or none of our business. Even if it feels like we'll never change the mind of anti-vaccine advocates -- and we might not -- we can do our best to head off new recruits to their movement. Vaccines are different from every other parenting issue in that the choices that parents make affect everyone else as well. Vaccines are everyone's business.
"Remember that third camp of anti-vaccine advocates that I mentioned? Many of them are parents of children with autism who badly want an explanation for why their child is atypical. Science doesn't know why, except that the link between autism and vaccines has been repeatedly disproven. All parents -- myself included -- want to believe we can protect our children from everything, but we can't. We just friggin' can't."
"The link between autism and vaccines has been repeatedly disproven." Do you mean all those pharma-funded, easily manipulated population studies from the agency that runs the vaccine program? They haven't proven anything.
"Back in 1998, the Lancet published a study connecting the MMR vaccine to the development of autism spectrum disorder. But by 2004, the journal had retracted the paper and soon after, the author of the study, Andrew Wakefield, was stripped of his medical license for falsifying data. In the years since, dozens of studies and reports have found no link between MMR vaccine and autism....
"The question of the MMR vaccine remains one of the most controversial subjects in health and medical science."
I posted lots of comments.
1011-TV Lincoln, NE
"With one in 88 children diagnosed with autism, researchers have long been looking at the cause and different therapies to treat the disorder.
"Dr. Akhtar Niazi has been a pediatrician for the last 30 years, but he spent most of that time helping children with autism and inspired by his own son, Harris who has autism.
"'When my son Harris was born, he was on a spectrum that needed a lot of help for daily function,' said Dr. Niazi. 'At an early age, we knew something wasn't right.' ...
"Dr. Niazi is researching autism and the different therapies. Still, there are no known causes for the disorder.
"'Most research has been toward genetic factors,' said Dr. Niazi."
I posted comments. It's stunning to listen to a doc who's been working with autistic kids for 30 and still thinks it's genetic. AND HE HAS AN AUTISTIC SON!
It's a gut feeling that vaccines injured our boys. Had we spread them out I think they would have been ok.
I think the government has a huge stake in vaccine makers and vaccine makers have a huge stake with doctors. So I don't think we will ever get the truth.
If you think about the chaos that would happen if the truth came out, millions of people would probably stop getting shots or at least postponing them. This would be a huge hit to the government to the vaccine industry and to all the medical doctors. So if you look past whether or not vaccines cause autism or celiac disease or allergies and look at how they push this, it's no wonder why the truth can't come out.
Nobody ever surveyed us as we started to notice signs in our kids but they were relatively close to when they were first vaccinated.
I just hope the government doesn't force parents to have their children vaccinated. I would rather take a risk with other disease than to deal with autism but that is my personal opinion.
Posted by: Jake | September 26, 2013 at 12:06 PM
I wonder if Dr. Niazi is studying genetic causes because of guilt. Not too fun when Your child gets autism from a vaccine, Horrible when You give them the vaccine.
Posted by: Theresa 66 | September 26, 2013 at 07:26 AM
re: "All parents -- myself included -- want to believe we can protect our children from everything, but we can't. We just friggin' can't."
That is the very problem with vaccines! Yes, some vaccines for a few especially dangerous communicable diseases - great. But we can't keep adding more and more vaccines for every single disease with the slightest chance of causing harm.
Posted by: Twyla | September 25, 2013 at 11:21 PM