CONTEST! Food and Nutrition Workshop with Julie Matthews (Tampa and Miami)
Win Free Attendance and Learning Tool
Food and Nutrition is Fundamental for Autism
For every disease or disorder: from diabetes to heart disease, celiac or matters. I cannot think of a single condition where diet is irrelevant. Can you?
It is no different for children with autism. They need good food and nutrition. They need to avoid foods their bodies can’t digest or that can create inflammation and other negative reactions. They, just like all of us, need to eat foods rich in nutrients to support cellular and body functions.
In the 12 years I’ve been researching the science of autism and nutrition there have been dozens, dare I say hundreds, of studies that support that autism is a physiological (whole body) disorder— research support that there are gut issues, genetic mutations to folate chemistry, nutrient deficiencies, food intolerances, and other studies supporting nutrition and diet intervention for autism.
Yet, we still hear in the media that “diet” for autism is not founded in science. While I find this infuriating, the truth is, science is on our side. We don’t need to wait for mainstream to catch up—in fact, that is one of the wonderful things about the biomedical autism community and groups like The Thinking Moms, Autism Mothers, and the Canary Party, you don’t sit around waiting for “official approval” by the mainstream.
Here is the simplest overview about how food and nutrition affect autism:
- Children with autism have problems with certain foods that affect their behavioral, cognitive, and physical symptoms. 1, 3, 5
- Food has a direct effect on the gut, intestinal inflammation, and digestive capacity - which in turn affects physiology and brain function. 2, 4
- Nutrient deficiencies are common with autism.6, 7, 8
- Gut problems and insufficient digestive enzyme function are common.9
- Digestion, detoxification, and immune function are often affected. Dietary intervention influences these disordered systems seen in autism.
o The gut is considered the “second brain” and the “gut-brain connection has been studied in autism.10
o Healing the gut positively influences the brain.
o Addressing digestive issues increases nutrition absorption. As nutrient status improves, systems function better - including the brain.
o Removing foods containing toxins (such as artificial additives) that adversely affect brain chemistry relieves a burden on the liver and detoxification system, and affects improvement in brain function and behavior.11
o By avoiding inflammatory foods we support in immune and digestive systems.
I love sharing the science in order to help families understand why food and nutrition choices matter, and how to make helpful changes.
Next month in Tampa and Miami, I will be leading food and nutrition workshops. You’ll learn the scientific rationale and “how to” of special diets—becoming better able to help your child through this approach, and to debunk any “naysayer” trying to convince you not to care what you feed your child. Autism/ADHD can improve.
At the event, I will be sharing the science and research of how foods and nutrients are important for supporting biochemistry and the role of food choices regarding: oxalates, salicylates, amines, gluten/dairy, grain-free diets.
It is my mission to empower parents with knowledge about the science of nutrition, so moms on the front lines, can discover more ways to help your children, and effectively lead their healing team. I hope you join us! More details at Nourishing Hope.
Coupon and Giveaway
Thanks in advance for sharing this with families in Florida. Share this information and our special discount code—you’ll save $20 off the workshop fee. Use code – AofA. We are also giving away two free passes and learning tools to each event.
“Food and Nutrition That Helps Autism/ADHD” Workshop
Tampa, FL - Oct 6th
Miami, FL – Oct 12th
There will be one winner for EACH location. The winner will receive: Two free passes for the event: plus a set of Julie's learning tools - Nourishing Hope for Autism, Cooking To Heal, and The Nourishing Hope Food Pyramid. ($200+ value per winner).
More on the event details at: Nourishing Hope..
Comment below (include the city of the event you’d like to attend) and Age of Autism will choose a winner. Please only respond if you can attend the workshop live (winner will receive learning tools at the event).
1. Jyonouchi H, Geng L, Ruby A, Zimmerman-Bier B. Dysregulated innate immune responses in young children with autism spectrum disorders: their relationship to gastrointestinal symptoms and dietary intervention. Neuropsychobiology. 2005;51(2):77-85.
2. Knivsberg AM, Reichelt KL, Hoien T, Nodland M. A randomised, controlled study of dietary intervention in autistic syndromes. Nutr Neurosci. 2002 Sep;5(4):251-61.
3. Lucarelli S, Frediani T, Zingoni AM, Ferruzzi F, Giardini O, Quintieri F, Barbato M, D'Eufemia P, Cardi E. Food allergy and infantile autism. Panminerva Med. 1995 Sep;37(3):137-41.
4. Millward C, Ferriter M, Calver S, Connell-Jones G. Gluten- and casein-free diets for autistic spectrum disorder. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2004;(2):CD003498.
5. Reichelt KL, Knivsberg AM. Can the pathophysiology of autism be explained by the nature of the discovered urine peptides? Nutr Neurosci. 2003 Feb;6(1):19-28.
6. Tapan Audhya, presentation at the Defeat Autism Now! conference, San Diego, October 2002.
7. MA Landgreme and AR Landgrebe, Celiac autism: calcium studies and their relationship to celiac disease in autistic patients, The Autistic Syndromes, Amsterdam: North Holland; New York; Elsevier, pp. 197-205
8. Alberti A, Pirrone P, Elia M, Waring RH, Romano C Sulphation deficit in "low- functioning" autistic children: a pilot study. Biol Psychiatry 1999 Aug 1;46(3):420-4.
9. Horvath K, Papadimitriou JC, Rabsztyn A, Drachenberg C, Tildon JT. Gastrointestinal Abnormalities in Children with Autistic Disorder. J Pediatr. 1999 Nov;135(5):559-63.
10. MacFabe, et al., Neurobiological effects of intraventricular propionic acid in rats: Possible role of short chain fatty acids on the pathogenesis and characteristics of autism spectrum disorders. Behavioural Brain Research. 176 (2007) 149–169
11. McCann D, Barrett A, Cooper A, Crumpler D, Dalen L, Grimshaw K, Kitchin E, Lok K, Porteous L, Prince E, Sonuga-Barke E, O Warner J, Stevenson J. “Food additives and hyperactive behaviour in 3-year-old and 8/9-year-old children in the community: a randomised, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial.” Lancel. Published Online, September 6, 2007. DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(07)61306-3.
Carolyn - contact us about attending the event! You can have your choice of Tampa tomorrow or Miami next week. The Nourishing Hope team - [email protected]
Posted by: Julie Matthews | October 05, 2013 at 01:40 PM
Hi Benedetta
Autism Speaks posted an analysis on the topic of the manuscript on non link with CD and the new manuscript on Gluten sensitivity and more are cited
the no link with celiac disease as such has been reported several times before
Posted by: ML | September 29, 2013 at 07:16 AM
Its not only gluten, milk is a factor too, and in this study it shows ;))
"Conclusions. Immune system of a subgroup of ASDs is triggered by gluten and casein; this could be related either to AGA, DPG, and Casein IgG elevated production or to impaired intestinal barrier function."
Really interesting, often overlooked: this study has a clever design but is not to be found under "autism" and "celiac" you have to surch for "autistic" and celiac.
Research Article
Antibodies against Food Antigens in Patients with Autistic Spectrum Disorders
Laura de Magistris,1 Annarita Picardi,2 Dario Siniscalco,3 Maria Pia Riccio,4 Anna Sapone,1 Rita Cariello,1 Salvatore Abbadessa,5 Nicola Medici,5 Karen M. Lammers,6 Chiara Schiraldi,7 Patrizia Iardino,8 Rosa Marotta,9 Carlo Tolone,10 Alessio Fasano,6 Antonio Pascotto,4 and Carmela Bravaccio11
Posted by: D. L. | September 28, 2013 at 08:15 AM
We could attend either event in Miami or Tampa. Would prefer Tampa though.
Thank you for the opportunity.
Posted by: Carolyn | September 28, 2013 at 01:34 AM
Miami October 12 we can make it. Please enter us. Thank you for the opportunity.
Please let me know ASAP if possible.
Posted by: Carolyn | September 28, 2013 at 12:37 AM
First; I maybe commenting but I am not entering this contest.
I wish some young parent the very best on this.
Nkohanen - Visitor earlier this week posted this study over at the article "Inflammation Highway".
My mind has been racing around and around every since.
It was a study done in Sweden.
Not far from Denmark -- maybe that is where Thorsen has fled to and is in hiding there. : )
It says this in the results.
Results: A prior ASD was not associated with CD (OR, 0.93; 95% CI, 0.51-1.68) or inflammation (OR 1.03; 95% CI, 0.40-2.64) but was associated with a markedly increased risk of having a normal mucosa but a positive CD serologic test result.
So with that last statement how did they reach the conclusion in their study?????
Posted by: Benedetta | September 27, 2013 at 10:37 PM
Any comments on this week's "no link" GI study?
A Nationwide Study of the Association Between Celiac Disease and the Risk of Autistic Spectrum Disorders
Jonas F. Ludvigsson, MD; Abraham Reichenberg, PhD; Christina M. Hultman, PhD; Joseph A. Murray, MD
JAMA Psychiatry. Published online September 25, 2013. doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2013.2048
Posted by: nhokkanen | September 27, 2013 at 03:44 PM