Dachel Media Update: A(ttack) Jenny to Z(ambia) Questions Vaccines
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Winner: QR Code iD Wandering Scan Code System


Congrats to Sandi Saponaro - our winner.

Every so often I get an email that really grabs my attention and boy, did the email from QR Code ID stop me in my tracks. They make a scan code that you can read with a phone app or enter on their website - that has your child's safety information in case of wandering or another separation incident. Genius or what?  The custom scan code costs $29 dollars a year (a year!) to keep "live" and you can order all sorts of items with the code on it at their shop.

Erin and Bruce Wilson have kindly agreed to give one lucky AofA reader a free code for a six months and two free T-shirts.

Please take a look at the QR Code ID website which explains the product and browse the store. 

From their site:

About: Bruce & Erin Wilson

"Our Son might run so Child Safety is a big concern"

We have started QR Code iD to help people that face the same fears we do. We are the proud parents of two children: our witty daughter Grace, and energetic son Jay who has moderate to severe Autism.

Jay's language is poor, so with the many other worries that go along with having a special needs child, we are afraid of what will happen to him if he runs off. QR Code iD stems from our desire to protect Jay.

One day when I went to pick Jay up from school another Mom came over and told me she had found Jay that morning. He was standing just within the unlocked entrance gate all by himself. School had started a while earlier, she managed to take him to the office. It took awhile for that to settle into my mind. What if he had left the school grounds? What if he got lost? I was accustomed to worry about him academically, socially, behaviorally but to worry about his safety felt unsettling. I was not sure how I could protect him.
How It Works:

    Become a member

    Input contact info, This can be changed in real time when needed

    Have special person wear the shirt or pin with code on it

    When lost, the code can be scanned by a smartphone/tablet or the number associated with the code can be entered manually into the home page of QR Code iD to access the contact

    Password protected secure site can be used to keep important information



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