Needing an Autism Jackpot
I have been doing a lot of thinking lately. Megan regressed into illness and then received an Autism diagnosis 18 years ago this coming September. The memories of her infancy, vaccines, chronic infections, and then the DSM Autism diagnosis, play over and over in my mind ---- and in my heart. Back then, I was mostly alone. A marriage teetering and hidden family. Nobody had a clue on how to help or what was really happening. It was hell. I didn't know all that I know now.
Things are quite different today as Autism is epidemic, yet still many people don't know how to help. I thought of that while driving recently on a 7 hour trip to Wisconsin and back in one day. More on that trip another time but nothing like blue skies, puffy white clouds and meandering cows to relax me. But then there it was! A black SUV with the bumper sticker - "AUTISM AWARENESS." I began driving directly behind it for miles and kept thinking how the heck could no one be aware? I decided to pass that SUV and let them see my bumper stickers -- "Think Autism, Think Cure", "Age of Supporter," "Callous Disregard-I Support Dr. Wakefield," and "The Canary Party." -- hoping for a toot or a friendly wave. All I saw was a man and woman-- tired and barely talking. There was no toot and it made me sad that they maybe were just starting this journey, with little knowledge and maybe little hope. They exited off the highway, on to a different destination than me.
I am astonished that parents are still looking for AWARENESS and ACCEPTANCE when they could be looking for HOPE and TREATMENTS. My solution -- I try to educate them, their families, friends, neighbors, at the store, at the park, through a mutual friend, etc. and especially here, at Age of Autism. The truth is, I have been having a fantasy about this for awhile, that I need to share. Maybe many of you have had it? I want to win the lottery and I mean BIG! Actually I need to win the lottery and here's why.
I need to win millions of dollars. It's not for me, no,no-- though I would use it for the care of my daughters. The fantasy is, I would quit my job for starters so I could take this money and really make an impact on this epidemic.
I would open hospitals, MEDICAL hospitals, not mental, to treat Autism and also PANDAS/PANS, as they are so related. Immune treatments, diet, pain management, etc. Too many of those diagnosed live daily in pain. Meg has been one and I so empathize with other parents. Our kids are very ill.
Next, adult housing, for ALL symptoms and levels of functioning. No more just for those who are able to work, in a city environment. How about beautiful, in the country condos too, with organic farming and stores? Post- age 21 classes on all different courses - all abilities. Day programs and residential communities that are safe havens and where parents can retire as well? If you are ill in bed with arthritis pain or mitochondrial exhaustion and seizures, you are cared for and not dumped because you are not working up to capacity. No fear. No abuse.
Prevention of Autism -- a must! Studies on why and how a body diagnosed with autism is different than a healthy peer. Immune, neurological, gastrointestinal, mitochondrial injuries to be explored and how vaccination and environmental insults would cause them. Dr. Andrew Wakefield to head the teams.
Treatments for those injured and affected. MAPS doctors would multiply as fear and litigation becomes a thing of the past. Compounding pharmacies could open in all cities. Classes would be held for continuing education for doctors on treatments for Autism. Research and studies on safe foods - non-gmo, pesticide free, organic - would be welcomed. I would make sure that TACA and The Autism Team had money to travel extensively and help people around the globe. Medical Schools would add classes in specializing on acute care for Autism -- and then long-term help so that severely affected children or adults in pain, like Alex Spourdalakis, have a treatment facility to aid them and their families. Social workers would be on call 24/7 to help anguished parents and guide them to one of our medical care units. Suicides and homicides in families would become extinct.
An institute on vaccine research. REAL research to see if all of these vaccines are necessary. Could we go back to the 1970's when autism was rare, and use that vaccine schedule -- or do we need to go back to the start .....before 1938 and Kanner's first glimpse? On top of that, how much mercury in the environment plays into an autism diagnosis and how can that be stopped?
The research would continue to come in showing that Autism is not a genetic glitch but for most, an assault on a vulnerable immune system. Vaccines, invented to prevent death were found to cause damage to so many children. Those never vaccinated would be found to have more robust immune systems and much less chronic health conditions -- especially Autism -- than those vaccinated. Honest people, moral and right judges, and a government for the people and by the people, could then transform our world.
I'm buying my lottery tickets with that hope -- and -- that we can finally get rid of every damn "Autism Awareness" bumper sticker!
Teresa, there are so many of us with that common vision. There have to be ways to bring our voices and resources together. My husband and I hope to open an outdoor school for children with ASDs which hosts intensives in autism recovery for families, and in autistic symptom amelioration (NOT suppression) for educators. We also intend to create best-practices assisted living for adults with ASDs; when you're an adult, repairs can take a long time, as I well know from personal experience.
I hope you win your lottery, but in the meantime, take a look at the JAK Bank model in the success stories database at -- we need better economic options for making investment in our best futures much easier. Best Wishes to you,
Jackie McMillan, Thrive With Autism
Posted by: Jackie McMillan | August 09, 2013 at 09:19 PM
I buy those lottery tickets every single week. I need millions to see that our boy is well taken care of forever.
I visualize a special needs complex with a zero entry pool, therapeutic gym, stables for riding, a library with educators available, a music room filled with instruments. A garden with a farmers market. A product line to support all of these things. A distribution center for tons of employment. And people who love our children, adore our children, care for our children, find joy in our children. Keep our children safe from harm.
Posted by: KFuller | August 03, 2013 at 01:36 PM
With you, Theresa! Autism is medical.
Posted by: MotherofPossibility | August 01, 2013 at 02:21 AM
"I just feel sad when I think about Bill and Melinda Gates. I am willing to believe that they have good intentions ,,,"
I am not!
One of the "smartest men in the world" cannot be ignorant beyond belief. The same goes for HHS, CDC, AAP, doc proffit and all the other "vaccination" shills.
All these depopulation agenda pushers do not give a damn for us or our children. IMO the sooner we accept this as a rock solid axiom the sooner we stop having autistic children delivered back to us, when what we delivered to the gang "vaccine" r... centers was a healthy child.
Posted by: Lou | July 31, 2013 at 08:50 PM
You should speak to Eyal Aronoff. He is working so hard to find a practical solution. I am the beneficiary of his mentorship. He helped a university get funds to look at a brand new category of therapy for autism: Sensory Enrichment. And the results are looking really good. He funds Mendability, an online tool to help parents do the therapy cost-effectively in their homes.
There is Lisa Ackerman of Talk About Curing Autism.
It's getting there. I am optimistic
Posted by: Kim | July 31, 2013 at 12:29 PM
At the very least doctors should pay more attention when a pregnant mother says she has an autoimmune disease. My daughter told her doctor that her baby can't have any vaccines because of her autoimmune disease and she said the doctor's eyes glazed over---yeah, sure, sure. They don't believe a word of it. But the fact is that certain people are more vulnerable, which fits into their category of genetically caused disease. Only it's possible that far too many people fit into that category one way or the other. Big pharm doesn't want to look at the numbers and insurance companies don't want to pay for the extra effort to identify those who are vulnerable. So, nothing changes. Everyone is vaccinated the same including preemies, including babies of mother's with diagnosed autoimmune disease, and everyone else just feels lucky that they aren't one of those people with all those problems.
Some people can live off junk food, smoke cigarretts, and drink beer for dinner--do all their shopping at the convenience store--and still live to a good old age--lucky people. Still does that mean they have a good diet and healthy habits because they consume what might kill someone else? I am one of the lucky ones when it comes to vaccines but I wouldn't take another vaccine (any vaccine) under any circumstnace because I have seen what it does to the more vulnerable, and I have a good diet as well. The most vulnerable among us really are the canaries in the coal mine.
Posted by: Kapoore | July 31, 2013 at 12:13 PM
Yep - (1) win Powerball (2) indulge in huge bender / party (3) hire staff to work with my son (4) create foundation to fund the things Teresa talks about (5) hire people like Teresa to manage it all (6) start turning over a lot of rocks, watching things squirm out from under, maybe stomping on a few in the process - "Hunting down Dracula", to borrow a concept from Autistic Living in a recent post...
Posted by: Shiny Happy Person | July 30, 2013 at 04:57 PM
I just feel sad when I think about Bill and Melinda Gates. I am willing to believe that they have good intentions, but I imagine that they just have no idea how difficult it is to translate good intentions into good deeds in places like India, where I live. No doubt they would favour hepatitis B vaccine at birth. So how do you prevent the nurse from filling a syringe with six doses, going from baby to baby with the same syringe, thereby spreading AIDS. ? Doesn't matter what you think- It is going to happen. Oh, youre going to make sure they have lots of syringes? Well, then, go figure how to ensure that no one in the long chain from director to nurse takes most of the syringes home for resale. So lets assume a baby survives his birth dose of Hep B, Now he goes home and his mom cant get him to breastfeed because the Hep B vaccine has 25 micrograms of ethylmercury in it. So she gives him powdered milk, prepared unhygeniquely . Sorry, Bill ; she didn't take microbiology 101 . In fact, she is unable to read.
Once or twice a year the stories come in the newspaper- Twenty babies dead in one day in a Calcutta hospital. No mention of fevers- so these are likely to be vaccine deaths. Probably the many hospitals that have just 5 or 6 deaths in a day wont earn a place in the media.
I don't believe that we should give up and do nothing, but I do believe that it may be best to support poor women in delivering at home, The women will suffer less maltreatment and they can avoid the ill-conceived and harmful vaccines . It is quite common to meet poor women who do this very thing confidently and proudly.
Im really quite sad for Bill and Melinda. For all that they have achieved in life, they may ultimately be remembered for being facilatators of the Worldwide Mercury Holocaust. Disclaimer: Im a Seattleite and really cant easily believe that a Seattleite would be ready to harm children in this way. Please Bill- Go back to the U of W and take that Mercury 101 course.
Posted by: cherry sperlin misra | July 30, 2013 at 03:21 PM
Pharma has won the lottery they have created, millions of sick children on drugs for life.
Posted by: cmo | July 30, 2013 at 01:54 PM
We've got to go back to pre-vaccine times. The 1983 schedule wasn't good either. My brother and I both had encephalitic reactions to the DPT as infants, and have Asperger's now. I'm reading Heather Fraser's The Peanut Allergy Epidemic now, it's a stunning book that I'm surprised isn't better known. Peanut allergies tripled in the US in three years, 1993-1996, in tandem with the increased vaccine schedule which also created the autism epidemic. Same exponential rise in all First World countries which also jumped on the vaccine bandwagon. Still close to zero peanut allergies in Third World countries. Close to zero peanut allergies in Israel, where peanut oil is not used to adjuvant vaccines, but rather sesame oil, and so they have a lot of sesame allergies. She explains very cogently the mechanisms by which peanut oil in vaccines sensitizes to peanut protein and causes peanut allergies in some.
Dr. Sears doesn't think it's necessary to get the polio vaccine, as there has been no polio here in many decades, even with international travel etc. etc. When you read about the tens of thousands of Indian children getting paralyzed AFTER the polio vaccine, and nearly all those getting polio now have received the polio vaccine several times, it makes you wonder if the vaccine is effective at all, or if it's just that polio is not virulent in our envirnonment at this time. Over 90% of those who got polio didn't get sick at all, and most of the remaining 10% only had temporary flu-like symptoms, It was less than 1% who progressed to paralysis, due, they think, to an anatomical susceptibility. It would be better to just focus on identifying the most vulnerable population, testing the vax to see if it's effective enough to bother with, and then only vaxing those with the susceptibility.
The MMR vaccine is just as criminal as the hep-B vax which caused my daughter to react with encephalitis and autism. Measles is not a killer disease in well-nourished children, having a death rate of only 1 to 2 in every 10,000. I looked at Bonnie Offit's office website last night. I wasn't surprised to see that she gave a greatly inflated figure of four million a year used to get measles, and was equally surprised to see that she said that among those four million there were 500 deaths a year, which works out to be the same very modest number. Vitamin A and avoidance of fever reducers would decrease the modest death rate even more.
Mumps is nearly always a harmless disease, though it may cause usually one-sided sterility in males who get the disease past puberty. Rubella is harmless in children, fetuses in the first months of development being the only group at risk. Ideally all girls would get rubella before they were old enough to get pregnant, to acquire natural immunity. The vaccines all cause a large number of problems, including, of course, autism, allergies, arthritis, and death.
Pertussis is not a dangerous disease except to some newborns. The vaccine is ineffective and dangerous, and parents must be taught the importance of quarantining newborns at home for the first three or four months. Diphtheria has not been present in the US for many decades, and the vaccine is dangerous. Tetanus is uncommon, good wound hygiene will usually prevent it, and high-dose vitamin C therapy will effectively treat both pertussis in newborns and tetanus.
Is it a good idea to try to go back to just a small number of kids rendered autistic or anaphylactic by vaccines? Or would it be better to protect all children from vaccine damage and promote the use of naturopathic and homeopathic treatment for the vaccine-preventable diseases when they occur? Going through the childhood diseases educate the immune system and make it stronger, and prevent several chronic diseases and cancers in adults who had the diseases.
Posted by: cia parker | July 30, 2013 at 12:44 PM
Teresa I have the SAME day dreams. I hope one of us wins soon. Love your posts and hope you are having a good summer.
Posted by: Molly C. | July 30, 2013 at 09:33 AM
Me, too, Theresa. I'd never played the lottery before, but I'd been thinking of an old joke about the man who layed in bed and prayed to God incessantly to win the lottery. Every day he'd wake up and hadn't won the lottery yet. Finally, one night God has had enough, and the man hears the voice of God reverberate "I can't help you if you won't buy a ticket!"
When that big lottery came up a couple months back, I walked into a gas station and asked "how much does one of those tickets for that big one cost . . . "
The thoughts of what could be done. Aside from those you already mention, actually you were on my list of who I would give a big chunk to. Good stewards of God's money, as I heard one woman say in a different context once.
Posted by: Jenny | July 30, 2013 at 08:55 AM
Theresa .. I share the very same fantasy of winning millions in the lottery .. allowing me the opportunity to establish a "foundation" .. similar to the Gates Foundation .. .which will be dedicated to identifying the "environmental trigger" that EVERYONE agrees is responsible for the epidemic of autism.
Last Sunday .. "60 Minutes" had a glowing tribute to Bill and Melinda Gates .. wherein they were lauded for their extraordinary altruistic effort to fund efforts to create "new inventions" that will provide "sanitation and clean water" in undeveloped third world countries .. while at the very same time .. continuing their primary goal of eliminating disease through mass vaccination programs.
In fact, one of their new inventions is a "cooler" that will maintain vaccines at a proper temperature throughout the weeks spent traveling among remote villages. Wonder how they coped with that problem before this "new cooler" was invented?
In any event, I thought it odd that "60 Minutes" did not mention Bill's highest priority ... which as far as I know .. has been and remains .. "population control" .. especially in those very same undeveloped third world countries.
Somehow .. population control does not seem very altruistic to me. In fact, it seems quite the opposite.
Posted by: Bob Moffitt | July 30, 2013 at 06:35 AM