Dachel Media Update: China Bribery, Employment, Whooping Cough
July 21, 2013, Minneapolis Star Tribune: Mentally troubled students overwhelm schools
July 20, 2013, UK Telegraph: A bitter pill for Glaxo in China--Sir Andrew Witty is preparing to admit failings following bribery allegations against GSK
July 19, 2013, UK Telegraph: GSK chief Andrew Witty set to admit China 'scam'
July 19, 2013, Wall Street Journal: Fifteen Years After Autism Panic, a Plague of Measles Erupts
July 19, 2013, Forbes: Autistic People More Likely To Keep Jobs When ...
July 19, 2013, St. Louis Dispatch: Editorial: As whooping cough returns, trust science, not opinion
Minneapolis Star Tribune
"Gianni looks like a normal teenager, but he is not. Over the years he has been diagnosed with psychotic disorder, bipolar disorder and pervasive development disorder. He and his 4-year-old brother both have autism."
"Superintendent Connie Hayes said the problem has reached 'crisis' proportions even at schools such as hers in Intermediate District 916 in the northeast metro that are designed to handle children with the worst behavioral problems. A decade ago, she said, students with mental illness were rare. Now 75 percent of her students have mental health issues...."
You'll notice that no one is asking why this is happening. This is the future and I guess we'll all just be living with it--no questions asked.
UK Telegraph
"Now there is little doubt GlaxoSmithKline is embroiled in one of the biggest criminal inquiries into bribery ever conducted in China and its executives in the UK capital are poring over the details.
Like any approaching tidal wave, it started with just a few ripples. The first came in February, when Chinese authorities called around the world's drug giants demanding information about their pricing practices in the country.
At the same time, GSK was dealing with a separate investigation prompted by whistle-blower claims that sales executives were plying Chinese doctors with extravagant gifts in return for prescribing its products.
UK Telegraph
"The chief executive of GlaxoSmithKline, Sir Andrew Witty, is to admit major failings in the pharmaceutical giant's Chinese operations following allegations by the country's security ministry that the company took kickbacks and paid bribes to government officials."
Wall Street Journal
"The Lancet retracted Dr. Wakefield's paper in 2010 after the U.K.'s General Medical Council concluded that his work was "irresponsible and dishonest." The council that year stripped him of his medical license, saying in a report that he had engaged in "serious professional misconduct."
"Dr. Wakefield says he questioned MMR's safety but strongly urged parents to continue with a measles-only vaccine. 'MMR doesn't protect against measles,' he says. 'Measles vaccine protects against measles.' He says he stands by his work despite contrary conclusions by other scientists. He didn't respond to subsequent requests for comment on his license revocation...."
As I remember it, Andrew Wakefield has talked to people lots of times about the GMC ruling. No matter, the WSJ is out to destroy his reputation.
"The study authors suggest that autistic people might benefit from career supports and career counseling. Because these authors didn't write about vaccines or genes or air pollution and autism, unfortunately, the possibility that anyone will heed these suggestions is relatively limited. And that's too bad because autistic people are underemployed or unemployed at rates much higher than the general population, yet increasingly, research suggests that autism can bring with it many desirable traits in an employee. When we ignore this potential and siphon money away from better understanding and supporting autistic people for the sake of research red herrings, everyone loses."
Could someone explain how group homes make autistic people LESS EMPLOYABLE?
What a fraud this is. Willingham writes like there are thousands of autistic adults out there. They're living independently, with their parents or in group homes. NOT A WORD ABOUT THE LARGE NUMBER OF AUTISTIC ADULTS WHO WILL NEVER BE EMPLOYABLE. MOSTLY EMILY WILLINGHAM LAMENTS THE FACT THAT WE'RE NOT DOING ENOUGH FOR ADULTS BECAUSE WE'RE WASTING OUR TIME AND MONEY LOOKING AT VACCINES. I'm sure she'll shortly be telling I'm a terrible person.
I posted comments.
St. Louis Dispatch
"Make no mistake: Those who advise against vaccinations to prevent the spread of diseases and illnesses would hurt you and your children and don't care that they are creating a public health menace.
"People who listen to bogus science and deny facts from legitimate scientific studies are pushing an agenda that a wise parent should back away from. In fact, backing away is too slow. Turn and run."
Editorial writers like this are a disgrace to their profession. Defending vaccines without looking into the issue, is sloppy journalism. I'm am going to ask each person who does this why they're not writing editorials demanding a vaxed/non-vaxed study to settle this issue once and for all. If children are dying because of a false claim of a link between vaccines and autism........let's prove it's false. I'm going to do it over and over. I posted 11 comments.
Actually, Anne, Emily Willingham is correct that there are thousands of adults out there with autism. The problem is that there are TENS OF THOUSANDS of children out there with autism. There are not nearly enough programs - vocational, living, etc. - for the adults with autism who are out there now. There will need to be many more options available to accommodate all the children now growing up with autism as well as the adults already seeking services.
Posted by: Vicki Hill | July 23, 2013 at 05:36 PM
To see the marketing plan for vaccination of all humans go to the "Healthy People 2020" website.
Our government is coming after all of us. Vaccine safety is not the issue. The rate of vaccination is.
Posted by: John Skurnowicz | July 23, 2013 at 12:26 PM
re Mefloquine -immediately after the Bales massacre, independent journalists were pointing to this drug. A few years before there was also some speculation going around that mefloquine was also responsible for some of the prisoner suicides at Guantanamo, it looks like they were being given experimentally HIGH doses, for whatever reason.
So Dan didn't report on it first, but he did write about it eventually, and he is one out of only a handful of real journalists who did.
Posted by: Joy B | July 23, 2013 at 11:54 AM
RE: SV40- this is a book review of Dr. Mary's Monkey,author Stuart Bramhall, discusses SV40 and soft tissue cancer:
Posted by: Ottoschnaut | July 23, 2013 at 09:19 AM
It is really preposterous how immediately after the news that China is prosecuting the Glaxo criminals hit the media (because they could not hide it), the media also started a fear mongering campaign “of plagues” of infectious diseases such as measles and whooping cough, which were never eliminated by vaccines and from which practically nobody died in the past years in developed world. These diseases are benign now and probably beneficial in the long run , as they give a person a life-long natural immunity.
Posted by: no-vac | July 23, 2013 at 02:04 AM
I am so glad that China is taking a lead in prosecuting the pharma criminals, who not only rob the world on a mega scale, but also have killed and maimed millions of innocent children and older people with their toxic drugs. The west is totally morally corrupted that allows these criminals to go unpunished. China may eventually save the US children from vaccine genocide.
Posted by: no-vac | July 23, 2013 at 01:39 AM
Thanks Ann for the updates and posting your comments.
My daughter says it is going to soon be hard to impossible to refuse the DTaP shot for all health workers.
Lowly nurses are in great danger.
The doctors - I think are pretending they are getting them.
That was what one doctor told me -- he did when he went over to serve in Desert Storm. He told the orderly that when it came his turn to be given the anthrax vaccine - the orderly was suppose to shot it into the ground and he yelled out ouch and went on his merry way.
Something is morally wrong there -- But then I suppose the doctor could not save anyone but himself.
Posted by: Benedetta | July 22, 2013 at 11:01 PM
Rae N
Sorry but your link leads me to a page that says it has been removed and then switches me to the typical CDC vaccines are safe page.
Posted by: Benedetta | July 22, 2013 at 10:57 PM
Dan said it first:
Malaria drug linked to massacre in Afghanistan:
Posted by: healthforchildren | July 22, 2013 at 09:29 PM
This site has a web cache link, also below, for the CDC SV40 virus info:
Posted by: Jeannette Bishop | July 22, 2013 at 08:59 PM
Between 1960 and 1963, 10-30 million Americans received polio vaccine contaminated with a monkey cancer virus (SV40), and SV40 has been identified in many cancer patients since then, up through the present.
The CDC actually posted this amazing information on their website two years ago, then quickly removed it last week after alternative media like the Power Hour radio show began talking about it. But if you take the Wayback Machine to March 7, 2011, you can still read it with your own eyes.
Posted by: Rae N. | July 22, 2013 at 07:18 PM